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Road Safety Trends at National Level in Europe: A Review of Time-series Analysis Performed during the Period 2000–12
PublicationThis paper presents a review of time-series analysis of road safety trends, aggregatedat a national level, which has been performed in the period 2000 – 12 and applied to Europeannational data sets covering long time periods. It provides a guideline and set of best practices inthe area of time-series modelling and identifies the latest methods and applications of nationalroad safety trend analysis...
Case Study of Old Steel Riveted Railway Truss Bridge: From Material Characterization to Structural Analysis
PublicationThe structural analysis of an old steel riveted railway truss bridge located over the Maruska River on the Działdowo – Olsztyn, Poland railway line is performed in this paper to check its behaviour under today’s railway loads. The mechanical properties of construction steel extracted from the old steel bridge are investigated by tensile tests, impact tests through the Charpy pendulum impact V-notch, and an optical emission spectrometer....
Robot Eye Perspective in Perceiving Facial Expressions in Interaction with Children with Autism
PublicationThe paper concerns automatic facial expression analysis applied in a study of natural “in the wild” interaction between children with autism and a social robot. The paper reports a study that analyzed the recordings captured via a camera located in the eye of a robot. Children with autism exhibit a diverse level of deficits, including ones in social interaction and emotional expression. The aim of the study was to explore the possibility...
Labyrynths generators, their properties and practical application in computer games
Publicationthis paper presents three basic algorithms for generation of mazes, and many of their modifications and examples showing their practical application in creating random structures that resembles those from the real world. the paper highlights the difference in the labyrinths classes generated by listed algorithms and describes a specific and highly likely to occur shapes that occur in generated mazes. particular attention was paid...
The influence of PET mechanical properties on Stretch Blow Molding (SBM) process
PublicationIn the paper it is said about the influence of PET mechanical properties on SBM process parameters changes. The below paper mentions also about the influence of PET orientation and crystallization processes which have a very big influence on mechanical and thermal properties of PET material during SBM process. All mechanical data of PET material and SBM process parameters change in time are been got from collected literature which...
Exploring the role of social networks among entrepreneurial Polish immigrants
PublicationThe paper reports on the explanatory case study among seven Polish enterprising migrants from Aberdeen Scotland. The aim of the paper is to examine role of social support structure and social networks for enterprising Poles. It also attempts to extend of Waldinger et al (2000) ethnic business development model in the context of entrepreneurial strategies taken from by immigrants from their country of origin, claiming that transition...
Metrological analysis of an computerized system of protection against electric shock in circuits with variable speed drives
PublicationDrive systems, that can be operated at variable speed, are equipped with power electronics converters. This causes distortion of the earth current, and consequently the need to take into account the use of proper protective devices in relation to earth current harmonics. This paper presents a system for protection against electric shock in circuits with power electronics converters and metrological analysis indicating the requirements...
Uncertainty analysis of measuring system for instantaneous power research
PublicationThe paper presents a metrological analysis of the measurement system used for diagnosis of induction motor bearings, based on the analysis of the instantaneous power. This system was implemented as a set of devices with dedicated software installed on a PC. A number of measurements for uncertainty estimation was carried out. The results of the measurements are presented in the paper. The results of the aforementioned analysis helped...
Compensation of Dead Time Effects for Shunt Active Power Filters
PublicationThe paper presents a comprehensive approach to the compensation of the grid current distortion for shunt active power filter systems. Four different sources of current distortion are addressed: imperfect grid synchronization caused by the distortion in the grid voltages, time delays in the estimation of compensating currents and grid voltages, fluctuations of the dc bus voltage, and the distortion of inverter output voltages due...
For Your Eyes Only – Biometric Protection of PDF Documents
PublicationThe paper introduces a concept of a digital document content encryption/decryption with facial biometric data coming from a legitimate user. Access to the document content is simple and straightforward, especially during collaborative work with mobile devices equipped with cameras. Various contexts of document exchange are presented with regard to the next generation pro-active digital documents proposed by authors. An important...
Talents, Competencies and Techniques of Business Analyst: A Balanced Professional Development Program
PublicationThis paper presents preliminary results of action research in which we search for fundamentals of an universal theory of balanced approaches to software process. It is developed on the basis of balanced approach for professional development program for business analysts which integrates approaches oriented on talents, competencies and techniques. This paper includes the description of key concepts in background approaches, components...
PublicationThis paper discusses the characteristics of pollution and legal regulations governing investment projects affecting the environment. It describes a combined system of a compression ignition engine and a steam turbine, whose aim, when placed on a floating platform, is to produce electric energy in a so-called distributed generation system. Such a system involves a reciprocating internal combustion engine and a connected steam turbine...
TDOA Navigation Using CDMA2000 Signals – Experimental Results
PublicationThis paper presents results of an experiments on the possibility to estimate position of a CDMA2000 receiver on the basis of TDOA measurements. The hardware and software structure of a navigation receiver used during investigation is briefly described with focus on drawbacks and limitations. The main part of this paper contains basic information about CDMA2000 network in northern Poland, which signals were recorded during tests...
Assessment of technical condition and repair of steel structure elements on the example of fire damage in a warehouse building
PublicationThe paper analyses a case study on the structural assessment of warehouse building partially damaged by fire caused by external source (fire of lorries close to the building). The authors focus on the site investigations and laboratory test results prior to assessing actual condition of the structural elements. Both strengthening concept and repair procedure of a steel column are addressed here. A short literature survey in the...
Geometry of cycling track
PublicationThe paper describes the problems related to shaping of the geometry of the cycling track. The method of selection of the angle at the track curve is presented. Issues related to the selection of the appropriate transition curve and the superelevation section along the transition curve are presented. Reference to the recommendations presented in the literature and scientific papers has been made. Special attention...
Community Road Safety Strategies in the Context of Sustainable Mobility
PublicationThe paper presents an overview on the road safety strategies and action plans implemented in the framework of the “SOL - Save our lives: Comprehensive road safety strategy for Central Europe” project. It contains summarization of learned knowledge regarding the efficiency of measures applied and highlights examples of good practices. The purpose of the paper is to provide recommendations for effective and successful planning, formulation...
Towards facts extraction from text in Polish language
PublicationNatural Language Processing (NLP) finds many usages in different fields of endeavor. Many tools exists allowing analysis of English language. For Polish language the situation is different as the language itself is more complicated. In this paper we show differences between NLP of Polish and English language. Existing solutions are presented and TEAMS software for facts extraction is described. The paper shows also evaluation of...
Simulation of the switched reluctance drive system
PublicationSwitched reluctance motors (SRM), unlike other types of motors, for their application require a control system and the supply from a power electronic converter. A method of modelling and mathematical model of an SRM in a switched reluctance drive (SRD) system is presented in the paper. Modelling is based on Lagrange's energy method. Coefficients of the Lagrange's equation have been calculated using the finite element method (FEM)....
Research and Development at the Department of Energy and Industrial Apparatus of Gdansk University of Technology
PublicationIn the paper presented are the research and development activities at the Department of Energy and Industrial Apparatus of Gdansk University of Technology
À la recherche de l’industrie perdue. La désindustrialisation en Italie entre débat public, réalité économique et fragilités structurelles du pays
PublicationThe paper outilines the main aspects of the public debate about Italian deindustrialization in the last 30 years
Genetic Hybrid Predictive Controller for Optimized Dissolved-Oxygen Tracking at Lower Control Level
PublicationA hierarchical two-level controller for dissolvedoxygenreference trajectory tracking in activated sludge processeshas been recently developed and successfully validated on a realwastewater treatment plant. The upper level control unit generatestrajectories of the desired airflows to be delivered by theaeration system to the aerobic zones of the biological reactor. Anonlinear model predictive control algorithm is applied to designthis...
A New Critical Risk on the Block: Cyber Risks as an Example of Technical Knowledge Risks in Organizations
PublicationThe breakout of the COVID-19 pandemic has intensified the appearance of many additional technical knowledge risks in organizations. Cyber risks in particular are becoming a great challenge for organizations. At the same time, academic research on cyber risks, their costs, consequences and ability of overcoming them is still scarce and fragmented. In order to fill this gap, the paper is aimed to identify different types of cyber...
Pressure pulsations in turbine blade seal clearance
PublicationThe paper presents the results of numerical and experimental investigations into pressure forces generated in a turbine labyrinth seal. The experiments were performed on a single-stage air model turbine of the impulse type, while the numerical results were obtained by means of CFD Fluent Code. The performed experimental research and numerical calculations prove that in a shroud clearance the pressure pulsates and the effects of...
The role and concept of sub-models in the smart fuzzy model of the internet mortgage market
PublicationThe paper introduces some challenges of the fast growing mortgage market in Poland. One of these challenges is the need for a model development that could be used for various predictions related to this market. At the current stage of the model evelopment process our main goal is to propose and introduce sub-models the role of which would be to describe three different economic environments: stable, fast growing, and recession....
Proposal of a method for effective tasks distribution in the execution of compolex problems
PublicationAn access to a great number of various services allows for decomposition of complex problems into smaller and less complex tasks. Those tasks can be presented in a form of a dependency graph. This paper shows an idea of executing such a problem using cooperating autonomous agents. Main focus of this work is cooperation covering effective tasks distribution among executors. This paper presents an algorithm for dynamic executor selection...
New approach to railway noise modeling employing Genetic Algorithms
PublicationMain goal of this paper was to describe an innovative method of noise prediction based on Genetic Algorithms. First part of the paper addresses the problem of growing noise, mainly in the context of a unified method for measuring noise. Further, Genetic Algorithms are described with regards to their fundamental features. Further a description is provided as to how Genetic Algorithms were used in the area of noise modeling. Next...
Locating and Identifying Ferromagnetic Objects
PublicationThe new non-iterative method of determining the dipole moment and location is presented in this paper. The algorithm of an object's localization and identification was achieved by using numerical calculations and approximation method. The arbitrary shapes of an object were assumed in the identification algorithm - axially symmetric spheroid (a prolate and an oblate). Several examples of localization and identification of an object's...
Foreign visitors from Visegrad countries with regard to road safety in Poland
PublicationIn the paper the authors present road safety situation in the Polish regions mostly visited by Czech, Slovakian and Hungarian tourists. These regions include Mazowieckie, Dolnoslaskie, Slaskie and Malopolskie voivodeships. After description of the regions and main touristic destinations for foreigners from Visegrad countries, a detailed road safety analysis performed for the period 2007-2012 is given. The paper ends with conclusions in...
Selecting the optimum location for logistics facilities using Solver
PublicationSiting logistics facilities strategically in the most costeffective geographic location is one of the key decisions a contemporary company will make. The aim of the paper is to present a solution to this problem using the Solver add-on. In the case study discussed in the paper, the company’s central warehouse location was selected based on the classic location theory, which addresses the need to minimize the cost of transport....
New trends in a development of the contemporary lighting forms within the urban environment
PublicationThis paper presents selected issues on the design of urban lighting forms including street luminaires within the urban environment. The purpose of this paper is to show the evolution of urban lighting forms, in terms of their performance, character, and in the context of the progression of new lighting technologies. The authors discuss chosen aspects related to the development of lighting forms and the changing role of lighting...
Information technology assessment using a functional prototype of the agent based system
PublicationIn the paper authors present the progress of works related with the agent-based system serving the purpose of information technology assessment. Currently this is a prototype including agents, the knowledge base and the ontology; the domain incorporated by the assessment-enterprise managing technologies with special attention paid to technologies directed to IT projects. In this paper, besides indication of expected functionalities...
A new approach to active noise and vibration control - [Part II: unknown frequency case]
PublicationThis paper presents a new approach to rejection of complex-valued sinusoidal disturbances acting at the output of a discrete-time stable linear plant with unknown and possibly timevarying dynamics. It is assumed that both the instantaneous frequency of the sinusoidal disturbance and its amplitude may be slowly varying with time and that the output signal is contaminated with wideband measurement noise. It is not assumed that a...
A system automating repairs of IT systems
PublicationThis paper presents two problems that are important nowadays: the problem of IT systems monitoring and the problem of repairing them. It shows the developed solution, aimed to automate the existing industrial repair process and to integrate it with the existing monitoring solutions and mechanisms. Described solution is a part of a bigger whole, called the Repair Management Framework (RMF). This paper presents also briefly a case...
Musical Instrument Separation Applied to Music Genre Classification . Separacja instrumentów muzycznych w zastosowaniu do rozpoznawania gatunków muzycznych
PublicationThis paper outlines first issues related to music genre classification and a short description of algorithms used for musical instrument separation. Also, the paper presents proposed optimization of the feature vectors used for music genre recognition. Then, the ability of decision algorithms to properly recognize music genres is discussed based on two databases. In addition, results are cited for another database with regard to...
Small rov to detection and identification of dangerous underwater objects
PublicationA small unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) to inspection of an undersea space is presented in the paper. Its behavior is controlled by a trained pilot. Correct detection and identification of targets depends on vehicle'sprecise displacement along a predefined route. Nowadays, the UUVs are equipped with an automatic control system to execute some basic maneuvers without constant human interventions. Hence, in the paper, an autopilot...
Experimental investigations on condensation in flow of HFE-7100 in small diameter channels
PublicationIn the paper the authors present investigations of flow condensation with the use of the HFE-7100 as a working fluid. The original and new approach to removing the heat from the channel was applied. The research was carried out using a wide-range real time observations, e.g. using infrared camera and stroboscope microphotography. This paper presents the details of experiment as well as the influence of heat and flow parameters...
Modeling of Human Tissue for Medical Purposes
PublicationThe paper describes the possibilities offered for medicine by modeling of human tissue using virtual and augmented reality. It also presents three proposals of breast modeling for the use in clinical practice. These proposals are the result of arrangements of medical and computer scientists team (the authors) and will be pursued and implemented in the near future. There is included also a brief description of the most popular methods...
A Review of Antennas for Indoor Positioning Systems
PublicationThis paper provides a review of antennas applied for indoor positioning or localization systems. The desired requirements of thoseantennas when integrated in anchor nodes (reference nodes) are discussed, according to different localization techniques and theirperformance. The described antennas will be subdivided into the following sections according to the nature of measurements:received signal strength (RSS), time of flight (ToF),...
Locating and Identifying Ferromagnetic Objects
PublicationThe new non-iterative method of determining the dipole moment and location is presented in this paper. The algorithm of an object's localization and identification was achieved by using numerical calculations and approximation method. The arbitrary shapes of an object were assumed in the identification algorithm - axially symmetric spheroid (a prolate and an oblate). Several examples of localization and identification of an object's...
Determination of causes of accelerated local corrosion of austenitic steels in water supply systems
PublicationThis paper concerns an inspection of a water supply system, made of AISI 304 steel, which showed signs of local corrosion at the weld. Such corrosion caused material perforation after very short periods of operation. It was revealed that steel was sensitised during the welding process. It was also proven that chromium micro-segregation occurred in the alloy leading to galvanic cell formation which initialised the process of pitting...
Learning and memory processes in autonomous agents using an intelligent system of decision-making
PublicationThis paper analyzes functions and structures of the memory that is an indispensable part of an Intelligent System of Decision-making (ISD), developed as a universal engine for autonomous robotics. A simplified way of processing and coding information in human cognitive processes is modelled and adopted for the use in autonomous systems. Based on such a knowledge structure, an artificial model of reality representation and a model...
Comprehensive compensation of grid current distortion by shunt active power filters
PublicationThe paper presents a comprehensive approach to the compensation of grid current distortion in shunt active power filter systems. Four sources of current distortion are addressed: imperfect grid synchronization caused by the distortion in the grid voltages, time delays in the evaluation of grid voltages and computation of compensating currents, fluctuations of the dc bus voltage, and the distortion of inverter output voltages due...
Experimental tests for the determination of mechanical properties of PVC foil
PublicationThe paper presents an application of the PVC film in civil engineering. Mechanical behaviour of the PVC film applied for suspended ceilings, in the form of a stretch ceiling is investigated under uniaxial and biaxial tensile tests. The study is focused on the determination of mechanical properties from experimental data (uniaxial and biaxial tensile tests). The uniaxial cyclic tests are performed in order to observe a variation...
Learning and memory processes in autonomous agents using an intelligent system of decision-making
PublicationThis paper analyzes functions and structures of the memory that is an indispensable part of an Intelligent System of Decision-making (ISD), developed as a universal engine for autonomous robotics. A simplified way of processing and coding information in human cognitive processes is modelled and adopted for the use in autonomous systems. Based on such a knowledge structure, an artificial model of reality representation and a model...
New Tool for Examining QoS in the VToIP Service
PublicationThis paper is dedicated to the subject of measuring QoS in the Video Telephony over IP (VToIP) service. QoS measurement models in general and then models designed specifically for measuring QoS in the VToIP service are presented. A new numerical tool for examining the quality of VToIP video streams VToIP is described. The tool’s functionality is then put to the test in a number of analysis scenarios. The results and insights gained...
Experimental tests of steel double-type balcony connections
PublicationThe paper presents analysis and results of experimental tests of full scale prefabricated balcony sets with dimensions (width × length × height): 2.0 m × 2.78 m × 0.186 m (in slope to 0.17 m). The sets consists of reinforced concrete slabs (balcony and ceiling) connected with each other by double-type balcony connections. The paper analyses the impact of variable parameters on the load carry capacity of elements. Additionally...
System of wireless magnetic sensors for detection and identification of ferromagnetic vehicles
PublicationThe paper presents the results of deformation of the Earth's magnetic field by land vehicles. Basing on the analysis of the shape of the magnetic field deformation, it is possible to detect and identify a vehicle. In order to eliminate the interference of the Earth's magnetic field by the environment, the measurements were performed in a differential configuration. Under a development project a wireless system of magnetic sensors...
Experimental Verification of Storm Sewer Transient Flow Simulation
PublicationThe paper focuses mainly on laboratory investigations of transient and transcritical flow in a single pipe of a sewer system. The aim of this paper is to present a comparison between pressure values calculated by an improved McCormack scheme and those measured at the hydraulic laboratory of the Gdansk University of Technology, which were observed inside a pipe in an experiment for water flow with pressurization. The analysis proves...
Selected problems of sensitivity and reliability of a jack-up platform
PublicationThe paper deals with sensitivity and reliability applications to numerical studies of an off-shore platform model. Structural parameters and sea conditions are referred to the Baltic jack-up drilling platform. The study aims at the influence of particular basic variables on static and dynamic response as well as the probability of failure due to water waves and wind loads. The paper presents the sensitivity approach to a generalized...
Control strategies and comparison of the Dynamic Voltage Restorer
PublicationThis paper focuses on a selection problems of mitigation of the voltage disturbance by of the Dynamic Voltage Restorers (DVR’s). In short form presented and discussed are the basis of different control strategies of the DVR. The main emphasis is placed on application of modern power electronic devices. Authors of this paper in particular occupy oneself with analysis of the power rating of the typically DVR topologies. These problems...