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Search results for: INDEPENDENT SET
Influence of nonlinearities on the efficiency and accuracy of FEM calculations on the example of a steel build-up thin-walled column
PublicationDue to the increase of computing capabilities of standard processing units, it is possible to perform complex analyses, considering a number of nonlinearities, such as geometric, material and boundary (contact) even on personal computers. In the paper, the authors have analysed the efficiency and accuracy of standard PC’s FEM calculations performed in Abaqus CAE 2017 software on the example of a critical load assessment of a thin-walled...
Improving Output Performance of the Ultrasonic Multicell Piezoelectric Motor by Development the Multi-Rotor Structure
PublicationIn recent years, many researches have been carried out on piezoelectric multi-rotor structures. This paper describes the analysis, development and experimental process of an ultrasonic multi-cell piezoelectric motor using a multi-rotor structure. In this design, three independent cells have been integrated into a mechatronic system. Analytical model and finite element method are used for modal and dynamic analysis of the proposed...
Microfluidic SIW-Based Tunable Self-Diplexing Antenna for Sub-6 GHz Band Applications
PublicationThis work introduces a novel frequency tunable self-diplexing antenna (SDA) design based on substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) technology. A modified A-shaped slot is employed on the cavity’s top plane, which is excited by two independent 50 Ω microstrip feed lines to operate at each resonant frequency. The frequency flexibility of the proposed antenna allows for fine-tuning at each resonance frequency. The frequency flexibility...
Miniaturized, green salting-out liquid–liquid microextraction coupled with GC–MS used to evaluate biogenic amines in wine samples
PublicationMonitoring of the biogenic amines (BAs) content in food products, including wine, is important due to the health and safety of consumers and from the quality control point of view. In a given study, simultaneous derivatization and salting-out liquid–liquid microextraction (SALLME) coupled with GC–MS for BAs determination from wine samples was developed. For the optimization the Box-Behnken design was applied, where three independent...
Periodic and chaotic dynamics in a map‐based neuron model
PublicationMap-based neuron models are an important tool in modeling neural dynamics and sometimes can be considered as an alternative to usually computationally costlier models based on continuous or hybrid dynamical systems. However, due to their discrete nature, rigorous mathematical analysis might be challenging. We study a discrete model of neuronal dynamics introduced by Chialvo in 1995. In particular, we show that its reduced one-dimensional...
Pursuing the Deep-Learning-Based Classification of Exposed and Imagined Colors from EEG
PublicationEEG-based brain-computer interfaces are systems aiming to integrate disabled people into their environments. Nevertheless, their control could not be intuitive or depend on an active external stimulator to generate the responses for interacting with it. Targeting the second issue, a novel paradigm is explored in this paper, which depends on a passive stimulus by measuring the EEG responses of a subject to the primary colors (red,...
Shielded HMSIW-Based Self-Triplexing Antenna With High Isolation for WiFi/WLAN/ISM Band
PublicationThis article presents a novel design of a miniaturized self-triplexing antenna (STA) based on the shielded half-mode substrate integrated waveguide (S-HMSIW) for WiFi/WLAN/ISM-band applications. The S-HMSIW is constructed by assembling one row of vias and an open slot at the open-ended side of the conventional HMSIW. This configuration increases the quality factor and minimizes unwanted radiation loss, which allows for achieving...
Nowe metody zarządzania procesowego w ochronie zdrowia.
PublicationHealthcare is increasingly drawing on modern management methods and tools with the aim of raising the effectiveness of the performed therapeutic processes, as well as optimizing their costs, duration, and resources. The aim of this article is to demonstrate the possibilities resulting from of using business process management tools, as well as the advantages that such tools provide in the practical management of healthcare centers....
Triple correlation states between in-situ tested soil parameters
PublicationWhen testing soil parameters, the measured parameter values are only approximations of the true values. The measurand is determined based on metrological uncertainties or using statistical models for analysing data. Some parameters of the soil state present strong correlations, but others do not always provide simple correspondences. Multiple correlations between geotechnical parameters can provide a new perspective regarding the...
Evaluating the effectiveness of Doppler frequency shift determination using pilots in broadband transmission
PublicationIn underwater communications, reciprocal motion between transmitter and receiver has a significant impact on reception quality. In orthogonal broadband systems that provide high bit rates, this problem becomes more important, especially in the higher frequency range, where the absolute Doppler shift is the greatest. Due to the low propagation speed of acoustic wave underwater, a substantial difference exists between the Doppler...
Partially Isolated Multi-Active Bridge DC-DC Converter with Bidirectional EV Charging Ports
PublicationThere is a growing interest in multiport converters due to their ability to interconnect various energy sources and loads using reduced number of components. Regarding electric vehicle (EV) chargers connection, existing multiport solutions either lack scalability, featuring only one isolated charging port or the operation of ports depend on each other, complicating the converter control algorithm. This article proposes a partially...
Sea bottom structure investigation by means of acoustic methods
PublicationThe main aim of the paper is the result of experimental investigations of the seabed in the Gulf of Gdańsk arried out using parametric echosounder as a main measuring tool. Examination of the surface's upper layer of the seabed, especially is acoustic properties, reflecting most often transsmision and reflection properties of the incident elastic wave, could be a valuable material for determination of the stratification, and the...
Two-particle entropy and structural ordering in liquid water
PublicationEntropies of simple point charge (SPC) water were calculated over the temperature range 278-363 K using the two-particle correlation function approximation. Then, the total two-particle contribution to the entropy of the system was divided into three parts, which we call translational, configurational, and orientational. The configurational term describes the contribution to entropy, which originates from spatial distribution of...
How to fund an additional secular function in the monumental church?
PublicationThe implementation of a new public function into the non-used church spaces like attics or cellars in context of revitalizing a lawfully protected historical city areas have diversified aspects. The article describes the financial aspect of adaptation of omitted spaces of monumental sacral buildings by presenting funding possibilities in the European Union countries available in period of 2017-2018 and the funds planned for the...
Determination of ionic conductivity in the Bi-Si-O and Pb-Si-O glasses
PublicationImpedance spectroscopy measurements in various gas atmospheres were carried out in order to explain the doubts about the type of carriers and the mechanism of electrical conductivity in Bi-Si-O and Pb-Si-O glasses. In bismuth silicate glass, a typical ionic conductivity with oxygen ions as charge carriers was observed. The level of electrical conductivity of the glass at 400 °C was 5 × 10−8 S·cm−1 , with the activation energy of...
A Review of Standards with Cybersecurity Requirements for Smart Grid
PublicationAssuring cybersecurity of the smart grid is indispensable for the reliable operation of this new form of the electricity network. Experts agree that standardised solutions and practices should be applied in the first place. In recent years many new standards for smart grids have been published, which paradoxically results in the difficulty of finding a relevant publication in this plethora of literature. This paper presents results...
Application of electronic nose based on fast GC for comparison of aroma profiles of homemade cherry "Nalewka" made with addition of different amount of sugar
PublicationNalewka is a traditional Polish homemade spirit beverage and there are many different recepies for the production of nalewkas. However, it is not knownwhat amount of sugar can have influence of their aroma profiles. There is little information on the comparison of aroma profiles of Polish cherry nalewkas made with addition of different amount of sugar. For this purpose electronic nose based on fast GC has been used. Electronic...
Application of electronic nose based on fast GC for comparison of aroma profiles of homemade cherry "Nalewka" made with addition of different amount of sugar
PublicationNalewka is a traditional Polish homemade spirit beverage and there are many different recepies for the production of nalewkas. However, it is not knownwhat amount of sugar can have influence of their aroma profiles. There is little information on the comparison of aroma profiles of Polish cherry nalewkas made with addition of different amount of sugar. For this purpose electronic nose based on fast GC has been used. Electronic...
Differentiation Between Spirits According to Their Botanical Origin
PublicationAgricultural distillates are used for the production of spirit beverages. As more and more products with a specific botanical composition specified on the label are produced (e.g. rye vodkas, wheat vodkas and Polish Vodka, which cannot be produced with the addition of maize distillate), it is necessary to look for quicker and more accurate methods allowing the determination of botanical origin of alcoholic beverages and materials...
Distributed correlations and information flows within a hybrid multipartite quantum-classical system
PublicationUnderstanding the non-Markovian mechanisms underlying the revivals of quantum entanglement in the presence of classical environments is central in the theory of quantum information. Tentative interpretations have been given by either the role of the environment as a control device or the concept of hidden entanglement. We address this issue from an information-theoretic point of view. To this aim, we consider a paradigmatic tripartite...
PublicationThe producers of panel saws tend to improve sawing accuracy and minimise a level of vibrations, to increase their competitiveness at the market. Mechanical vibrations in the main saw driving system, which level depend on a plethora independent factors, may really affect sawing accuracy and general machine tool vibrations. The objective of the research was to explore vibrations signals of the main spindle system, and to extract...
Multiple output CMOS current amplifier
PublicationIn this paper the multiple output current amplifier basic cell is proposed. The triple output current mirror and current follower circuit are described in detail. The cell consists of a split nMOS differential pair and accompanying biasing current sources. It is suitable for low voltage operation and exhibits highly linear DC response. Through cell devices scaling, not only unity, but also any current gains are achievable. As...
A structure and design optimization of novel compact microscrip dual-band rat-race coupler with enhanced bandwidth
PublicationIn the letter, a topology of a novel compact wideband dual-band rat-race coupler has been presented along with its computationally efficient design optimization procedure. Reduction of the circuit size has been achieved by meandering transmission lines of the conventional circuit. At the same time, the number of independent geometry parameters has been increased so as to secure sufficient flexibility of the circuit, necessary in...
Experimental investigation of Steel–Concrete–Polymer composite barrier for the ship internal tank construction
PublicationTransportation of dangerous cargo by ships demands ensuring an appropriate protection level in case of an accident. Two of the most dangerous accident types resulting in an oil spill are grounding and ship to ship collision. The article presents results of research on a new composite construction for a ship hull that increases structural safety during collision. The concept of semi-elastic Steel–Concrete–Polymer structure is presented....
Minichannel and minigap classification criteria based on the aspect ratio of the minigeometry: A numerical study
PublicationA detailed numerical investigation has been carried out to analyze the diabatic flow distribution and velocity profile in 18 minigeometries with various aspect ratios for V-type and I-type flow configurations (for 36 cases) assuming ethanol as a working fluid. The aim of the study is to distinguish the value of the aspect ratio for which the flow in minigeometry starts to be two-dimensional (minigap). Cases with a constant Reynolds...
Determination of the tram track axis using a multi receiver GNSS measurement system
PublicationThis article refers to research, that has been conducted by an interdisciplinary research team from the Gdańsk University of Technology and the Maritime University in Gdynia since 2009. These investigation concerns the determination of a railway track axis using the mobile satellite measurement technique. Following the dynamic development of GNSS techniques, that could be seen in the last decade, the team carried out further experiments...
An application of multi-agent system for ship’s power systems design
PublicationDesign process of transport ship power system consists of structure (topology) and component elements selection. Compliance with the requirements for static components does not guarantee optimal dynamic characteristics of entire power system. Design steps are difficult to formalize and as a consequence to this reason expert and multi-agent systems are used for solving selected design issues. In the paper distributed multi-agent...
Simple Measurement Method for Resistive Sensors Based on ADCs of Microcontrollers
PublicationA new, complete measurement method for resistance measurement of resistive sensors for systems based on microcontrollers equipped with analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) is proposed. The interface circuit consists of only four resistors, including a resistive sensor and a reference resistor, connected directly to the microcontroller pins. It is activated only during measurements, which significantly reduces power consumption....
Modelling reinforced concrete beams under mixed shear-tension failure with different continuous FE approaches
PublicationThe paper presents quasi-static numerical simulations of the behaviour of short reinforced concrete beams without shear reinforcement under mixed shear-tension failure using the FEM and four various constitutive continuum models for concrete. First, an isotropic elasto-plastic model with a Drucker-Prager criterion defined in compression and with a Rankine criterion defined in tension was used. Next, an anisotropic smeared crack...
Non-linear impedance of V2O5 nanorods obtained at 923K
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the non-linear electrical properties of V2O5 nanorods which were measured by the impedance spectroscopy method. V2O5 nanorods were obtained by the sol-gel method. The information about xerogel powder synthesis is described in the Journal of Nanomaterials. The precursor powder was pressed into the disk-shaped pellets (12mm in diameter...
Nonlinear impedance of Bi2VO5.5 glass-ceramic heat-treated at 913 K was measured with impedance spectroscopy method at high temperature region
Open Research DataThe nonlinear electrical properties of Bi2VO5.5 glass-ceramic heat-treated at 913 K was measured by impedance spectroscopy method.
Nonlinear impedance of Bi2VO5.5 glass-ceramic annealed at 423 K was measured with impedance spectroscopy method at high temperature region
Open Research DataThe nonlinear electrical properties of Bi2VO5.5 glass-ceramic annealed at 423 K was measured by impedance spectroscopy method.
Nonlinear impedance of Bi2VO5.5 glass-ceramic heat-treated at 913 K was measured with impedance spectroscopy method at low temperature region
Open Research DataThe nonlinear electrical properties of Bi2VO5.5 glass-ceramic heat-treated at 913 K was measured by impedance spectroscopy method.
Nonlinear impedance of vanadate glasses containing BaTiO3
Open Research DataThe nonlinear impedance of vanadate glasses doped with BaTiO3 was measured. Samples of the composition of x[BaO,TiO2]–(80 − x)V2O5–20Bi2O3 where x = 5, 10 and 15 in mol% were prepared by a conventional melt quenching technique. The melting was performed in alumina crucibles at the temperature of 1273 K–1373 K. The melts were poured on a preheated (573...
Coarse-grained simulation - an efficient approach for studying motions of large proteins
PublicationOne of the most important challenges in performing Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations of large protein complexes is to accommodate the model accuracy and the simulation timescale. Hitherto, for the most relevant dynamics of protein aggregates in an explicit aqueous environment, the timescale reachable for the all-atoms simulations is of hundreds of nanoseconds. This range is four to six orders of magnitude smaller than processes...
Enhanced Toxicity of Bisphenols Together with UV Filters in Water: Identification of Synergy and Antagonism in Three-Component Mixtures
PublicationContaminants of emerging concern (CEC) localize in the biome in variable combinations of complex mixtures that are often environmentally persistent, bioaccumulate and biomagnify, prompting a need for extensive monitoring. Many cosmetics include UV filters that are listed as CECs, such as benzophenone derivatives (oxybenzone, OXYB), cinnamates (2-ethylhexyl 4-methoxycinnamate, EMC) and camphor derivatives (4-methylbenzylidene-camphor,...
Analysis of the impact of AOP on source code quality: Paradox of aspect-oriented separation of concerns
PublicationAlmost four decades ago, Parnas advocated modularity for the sake of changeability, independent development, and comprehensibility. The recipe for modularization is to define a clean interface, hide an implementation detail, keep low coupling and high cohesion. Although modules have taken many forms over the years from functions and procedures to classes, no form has been capable of expressing so-called crosscutting concerns in...
Constructing a map of an anonymous graph: applications of universal sequences
PublicationWe study the problem of mapping an unknown environmentrepresented as an unlabelled undirected graph. A robot (or automaton)starting at a single vertex of the graph G has to traverse the graph and return to its starting point building a map of the graph in the process. We are interested in the cost of achieving this task (whenever possible) in terms of the number of edge traversal made by the robot. Another optimization criteria...
Size effect in concrete beams under bending – influence of the boundary layer and the numerical description of cracks
PublicationIn the paper the size effect phenomenon in concrete is analysed. The results of numerical simulations of using FEM on geometrically similar un-notched and notched concrete beams under bending are presented. Concrete beams of four different sizes and five different notch heights under three-point bending test were simulated. In total 18 beams were analysed. Two approaches were used to describe cracks in concrete. First, eXtended...
Infiltration in a double-porosity medium: Experiments and comparison with a theoretical model
PublicationThis paper presents experimental verification of the mathematical model of unsaturated flow in double‐porosity soils developed by the asymptotic homogenization method. A series of one‐dimensional infiltration experiments was carried out in a column filled with a double‐porosity medium composed of a mixture of sand and sintered clayey spheres arranged in a periodic manner. The unsaturated hydraulic properties of each porous material...
Automatic Watercraft Recognition and Identification on Water Areas Covered by Video Monitoring as Extension for Sea and River Traffic Supervision Systems
PublicationThe article presents the watercraft recognition and identification system as an extension for the presently used visual water area monitoring systems, such as VTS (Vessel Traffic Service) or RIS (River Information Service). The watercraft identification systems (AIS - Automatic Identification Systems) which are presently used in both sea and inland navigation require purchase and installation of relatively expensive transceivers...
A white phosphor based on oxyfluoride nano-glass-ceramics co-doped with Eu3+ and Tb3+: Energy transfer study
PublicationStrontium fluoride nanocrystals doped separately with Ln3+ = Eu3+ or Tb3+ ions (95SrF2·5LnF2), as well as co-doped with both the ions (95SrF2·Eu4Tb) were synthesized for comparison. Then, glass-ceramics consisting of the mono-doped or di-doped SrF2 nanocrystals incorporated into amorphous silica (90SiO2·9.5SrF2·0.5Ln or 90SiO2·9.5SrF2·0.1EuF3·0.4Tb) were prepared by sol-gel procedure. The studied materials were characterized by...
Impact of selected drugs and their binary mixtures on the germination of Sorghum bicolor (sorgo) seeds
PublicationThe aim of this study was to assess the toxicological potential of binary drug mixtures and individual drugs under different pH conditions with different inorganic ion additions on the germination of Sorghum bicolor (sorgo) seeds. To assess whether the given drug mixtures were more phytotoxic than the individual compounds, concentration addition (CA) and independent action (IA) approaches were applied to estimate the predicted...
Structure and paramagnetism in weakly correlated Y8Co5
PublicationWe report the basic physical properties of monoclinic Y8Co5 determined by means of magnetic susceptibility, electrical resistivity, and specific heat measurements. The crystal structure of Y8Co5 is monoclinic (P21/c) with lattice parameters a = 7.0582(6) Å, b = 7.2894(6) Å, c = 24.2234(19) Å, and β = 102.112(6)° as refined by using synchrotron powder x-ray diffraction data. The compound shows temperature independent paramagnetism...
Quality Modeling in Grid and Volunteer-Computing Systems
PublicationA model of computational quality in large-scale computing systems was presented in the previous chapter of this book. This model describes three quality attributes: performance, reliability and energy efficiency. We assumed that all processes in the system are incessantly ready to perform calculations and that communication between the processes occurs immediately. These assumptions are not true for grid and volunteer computing...
Comparison of simplified sum-over-state expressions to calculate resonance Raman intensities including Franck-Condon and Herzberg-Teller effects
PublicationSum-over-state (SOS) expressions to simulate absorption spectroscopy and resonance Raman (RR) scattering including Franck-Condon (FC) and Herzberg-Teller (HT) effects are described. Starting from the general SOS method, several simplified SOS formulae are derived. In particular, within the so-called independent mode displaced harmonic oscillator model, it is shown that including the vibronic structure in the absorption and RR spectra...
Qualitative characteristics and comparison of volatile fraction of vodkas made from different botanical materials by comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography and the electronic nose based on the technology of ultra-fast gas chromatography
PublicationBACKGROUND Vodka is a spirit-based beverage made from ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin. At present, increasingly more vodka brands have labels that specify the botanical origin of the product. Until now, the techniques for distinguishing between vodkas of different botanical origin have been costly, time-consuming and insufficient for making a distinction between vodka produced from similar raw materials. Therefore, it is...
Studies on formation and percolation in ionic liquids/TX-100/water microemulsions
PublicationTernary microemulsion systems of H2O/Triton X-100/[BMIM][Tf2N], and H2O/Triton X-100/[BMIM][PF6] were prepared, compared and characterized for phase behavior for different water/surfactant ratios, at 25 °C. It was found that a change of an anion structure in the ionic liquids determines the total monophasic area of the systems. A liquid crystalline mesophase was detected in H2O/Triton X-100/[BMIM][PF6]. The microemulsion domains...
Tacit Knowledge Sharing and Project Performance. Does the Knowledge Workers' Personal Branding Matter?
PublicationTacit knowledge sharing is the real challenge for knowledge management today. Network economy has completely changed the role of knowledge workers who now become independent tacit knowledge producers. Bearing this fact in mind, the author studied how tacit knowledge sharing affects the process of building a personal brand and project performance. For this purpose, the authors conducted a study among Polish professionals with different...
Experience oriented enhancement of smartness for Internet of Things
PublicationIn this paper, we propose a novel approach, the Experience-Oriented Smart Things that allows experiential knowledge discovery, storage, involving, and sharing for Internet of Things. The main features, architecture, and initial experiments of this approach are introduced. Rather than take all the data produced by Internet of Things, this approach focuses on acquiring only interesting data for its knowledge discovery process. By...