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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: dynamic time warping

  • Zastosowanie trendów przełącznikowych w analizie płac realnych w Polsce

    Streszczenie W początkowej części artykułu zostały przedstawione i omówione informacje o poziomie miesięcznych nominalnych płac (WN) oraz indeksie cen dóbr konsumpcyjnych (ICK) w gospodarce polskiej w latach 1995-2015. Następnie opisano poziomy realnych płac (W) wyrażone w cenach roku 2015. Na bazie tych informacji przedstawiono i przedyskutowano zagadnienia dotyczące rocznych przyrostów płac realnych oraz ich rocznych stóp wzrostu....

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  • Adaptive dynamic control allocation for dynamic positioning of marine vessel based on backstepping method and sequential quadratic programming

    It is generally assumed in dynamic positioning of over-actuated marine vessels that the control effectiveness matrix (input matrix) is known and constant, or, in case of fault information, it is estimated by the fault detection and diagnosis system. The purpose of the study is to develop the adaptive dynamic positioning control system for an over-actuated marine vessel in the presence of uncertainties and with emphasis on limited...

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  • Dynamic F-free Coloring of Graphs



    A problem of graph F-free coloring consists in partitioning the vertex set of a graph such that none of the resulting sets induces a graph containing a fixed graph F as an induced subgraph. In this paper we consider dynamic F-free coloring in which, similarly as in online coloring, the graph to be colored is not known in advance; it is gradually revealed to the coloring algorithm that has to color each vertex upon request as well...

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  • Dynamic Tests and Technical Monitoring of a Novel Sandwich Footbridge

    A novel sandwich composite footbridge is described in this paper, for the first time after it has been put into operation over the Radunia River in the Pruszcz Gdański municipality. This paper presents results of dynamic tests and describes technical monitoring of the footbridge. The dynamic tests were conducted to estimate pedestrian comfort and were compared with the ones from numerical simulations made in the environment of...

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  • Parallel implementation of background subtraction algorithms for real-time video processing on a supercomputer platform

    Results of evaluation of the background subtraction algorithms implemented on a supercomputer platform in a parallel manner are presented in the paper. The aim of the work is to chose an algorithm, a number of threads and a task scheduling method, that together provide satisfactory accuracy and efficiency of a real-time processing of high resolution camera images, maintaining the cost of resources usage at a reasonable level. Two...

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  • Dynamic charging of electric buses


    - Rok 2018

    Despite the continuous development of electrochemical battery technology and the multitude of electric buses on offer, it is still not possible to exploit electric buses in urban transport on an all-day basis without the necessity of charging them. It is therefore necessary to build point-to-point contact charging stations or induction charging stations at the terminals. This results in substantial financial outlays connected with...

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  • Nanotechnologia w architekturze – korzyści i problemy wynikające z zastosowania nanotechnologii w aspekcie cyklu życia budynku


    - Rok 2014

    Dynamiczny rozwój technologii zawsze odgrywał ważną rolę w procesie kształtowania architektury. Postęp w dziedzinie inżynierii materiałowej już od Rewolucji Przemysłowej pozwalał na osiąganie co raz bardziej skomplikowanych i jednocześnie wytrzymałych konstrukcji budynków. Obecnie, w dziedzinie architektury, zaczyna pojawiać się pojęcie nanotechnologii, która pozwala zmieniać stosowane materiały w bardziej wydajne i odporne....

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  • Estimating and Forecasting GDP in Poland with Dynamic Factor Model


  • Differential-algebraic systems with initial time difference

    O funkcjach występujących w zagadnieniu zakładano m.in. warunek typu Perrona uzyskując pewne wyniki porównawcze dla zagadnień różniczkowo-algebraicznych startujących z różnych punktów początkowych. Wyniki porównawcze uzyskano również wykorzystując odpowiednią funkcję typu Lapunova. Sformułowane zostały warunki dostateczne na to aby rozwiązanie było stabilne.

  • Metoda i algorytmy sterowania procesami miksowania dźwięku za pomocą gestów w oparciu o analizę obrazu wizyjnego


    - Rok 2013

    Głównym celem rozprawy było opracowanie systemu miksowania dźwięku za pomocą gestów rąk wykonywanych w powietrzu oraz zbadanie możliwości oferowanych przez takie rozwiązanie w porównaniu ze współczesną metodą miksowania sygnałów fonicznych, wykorzystującą środowisko komputera. Opracowany system rozpoznaje zarówno dynamiczne jak i statyczne gesty rąk. Rozpoznawanie gestów dynamicznych zrealizowano w oparciu o metody logiki rozmytej...

  • Swapping Space for Time: An Alternative to Time-Domain Interferometry


    Young's double-slit experiment [1] requires two waves produced simultaneously at two different points in space. In quantum mechanics the waves correspond to a single quantum object, even as complex as a big molecule. An interference is present as long as one cannot tell for sure which slit is chosen by the object. The more we know about the path, the worse the interference. In the paper we show that quantum mechanics allows for...

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  • Economic benefits of dynamic charging of electric buses


    - Rok 2021

    Diesel engines buses are still the most used type of buses. Electric buses provide promising green alternatives and a lot of advantages, but their main disadvantages are limited travel range and long charging time. This article is a presentation of innovative solution for charging of electric busses - Dynamic Charging (IMC). The modern IMC system in Solingen was presented. At the end of the article, a proposal was made to introduce...

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  • Modeling and analysis of the effectiveness of the guard systemswith dynamic graphs


    - Rok 2011

    In the following paper it will be presented a new model for analysis (in polynomial time) of the effectiveness of the guard systems. Therewill be presented its practical applications in problems such as searching for the weakest points of the system, planning guards' paths or cameras deployment, switching image from multiple cameras on several monitors, or interception of the intruder. This model is based on describing the guarded...

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  • Contribution of dynamic vehicle loads to pavement failure


    - Rok 2022

    Pavement surfaces are not ideally even, which causes dynamic loads of vehicle axles. Distribution of dynamic loads of a given axle is similar to normal distribution and can be described by static load and dynamic load coefficient. The dynamic load coefficient depends on road profile, vehicle speed, properties of suspensions and static load of axle. While for a given road section road profile remains constant, vehicle speed and...

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  • Dynamic Positioning Capability Assessment for Ship Design Purposes


    The article focuses on solving a problem of optimal thrust distribution over the actuators in a ship Dynamic Positioning, according to DNV-ST-0111 standard, Level 1. The classic Quadratic Programming approach is combined with the numerical solusion used to handle the propeller with the rudder constraints in the optimization task and the influence between thrusters and skeg. It is presented as an efficient method of minimizing the...

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  • Dynamic Content Internationalization in Web Applications


    - Rok 2013

    This paper shows a concept for providing dynamic internationalization to web applications. Presented work is based on the Java Web Platform but described concepts can be successfully implemented on other platforms. It shows how textual data being part of web pages static and dynamic content can be localized dynamically during application runtime. All concepts presented were or are still being developed in an existing conference...

  • Dynamic unattended measurement based routing algorithm for diffServ architecture


    - Rok 2010

    Dynamic routing is very important in terms of assuring QoS in today's packet networks especially for streaming and elastic services. Existing solutions dedicated to dynamic routing are often too complicated and seem to be not usable in real time traffic scenarios where transferred traffic may vary significantly. This was the main reason for research and new routing mechanism proposal which should apply to today's packet networks....

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  • Dynamic Research of Masonry Vault in a Technical Scale


    The paper presents preliminary results of dynamic tests of the masonry barrel vault in a technical scale. Experimental studies are intended to identify material properties of homogenized masonry vaults under dynamic loads. The aim of the work is to create numerical models to analyse vault’s dynamic response to dynamic loads in a simplest and accurate way. The process of building the vault in a technical scale is presented in the...

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  • Chirp-rate estimation of FM signals in the time-frequency domain


    Novel dynamic representations of a complex signal in the time-frequency domain including: a channelized instantaneous complex frequency (CICF), a complex local group delay (CLGD) and a channelized instantaneous chirp-rate (CICR) are introduced. The proposed approach is based on the use of the gradient of the short-time Fourier transform complex phase. An interpretation of the newly-introduced distributions especially of the CICR...

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  • Dynamic ranking of cloud providers


    - Rok 2012

    The paper focuses on how to create an effective dynamic ranking service for IaaS,PaaS and SaaS cloud providers. It considers building of a quality model for thispurpose along with definition of quality measurement procedures. The paper discussesseveral techniques known from already existing price comparison engines that couldbe modified and adopted for comparison of cloud providers. Furthermore, a tech-nique for filtering measured...

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  • The dynamic signature verification using population-based vertical partitioning


    - Rok 2020

    The dynamic signature is an attribute used in behavioral biometrics for verifying the identity of an individual. This attribute, apart from the shape of the signature, also contains information about the dynamics of the signing process described by the signals which tend to change over time. It is possible to process those signals in order to obtain descriptors of the signature characteristic of an individual user. One of the methods...

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  • Dynamic Response of the Suspended on a Single Cable Footbridge


    The article presents numerical simulations, dynamic in situ load tests and a structural health monitoring (SHM) system installed in a suspended on a single cable footbridge. Numerical simulations performed prior to construction indicated the possibility of structural dynamics problems, finally confirmed in the course of dynamic test loading. In the dynamic load course the bridge deck developed vibrations displaying accelerations...

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    - Rok 2015

    This paper introduces a time-domain, causality-inspired description of a vector-source acoustic wavefield of arbitrary time evolution, where a sphere is a practical realisation of quasi-point contact surface without which a point force would not be able to exert an impact onto non-viscous fluid. At every space location, the resulting acoustic field is described by a pair of physical variables characterising the time evolution of...

  • Dynamic Semantic Visual Information Management


    - Rok 2010

    Dominant Internet search engines use keywords and therefore are not suited for exploration of new domains of knowledge, when the user does not know specific vocabulary. Browsing through articles in a large encyclopedia, each presenting a small fragment of knowledge, it is hard to map the whole domain, see relevant concepts and their relations. In Wikipedia for example some highly relevant articles are not linked with each other....

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  • A non-uniform real-time speech time-scale stretching method


    An algorithm for non-uniform real-time speech stretching is presented. It provides a combination of typical SOLA algorithm (Synchronous Overlap and Add ) with the vowels, consonants and silence detectors. Based on the information about the content and the estimated value of the rate of speech (ROS), the algorithm adapts the scaling factor value. The ability of real-time speech stretching and the resultant quality of voice were...

  • Wyzwania bezpieczeństwa nowoczesnych platform nauczania zdalnego

    W artykule zaprezentowano aspekty bezpieczeństwa nowoczesnych platform nauczania zdalnego. Przedstawiono ich charakterystykę i wyzwania technologiczne. Zdefiniowano bezpieczeństwo i istniejące w tym obszarze zagrożenia. Przybliżono metody oceny poziomu bezpieczeństwa. Na bazie wdrożonej na Politechnice Gdańskiej platformy eNauczanie PG omówiono sposoby zapewniania zakładanego poziomu bezpieczeństwa takich systemów.

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  • Quantum entanglement in time


    In this paper we present a concept of quantum entanglement in time in a context of entangled consistent histories. These considerations are supported by presentation of necessary tools closely related to those acting on a space of spatial multipartite quantum states. We show that in similarity to monogamy of quantum entanglement in space, quantum entanglement in time is also endowed with this property for a particular history....

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  • Aerodynamic Shape Optimization for Delaying Dynamic Stall of Airfoils by Regression Kriging


    - Rok 2020

    The phenomenon of dynamic stall produce adverse aerodynamic loading which can adversely affect the structural strength and life of aerodynamic systems. Aerodynamic shape optimization (ASO) provides an effective approach for delaying and mitigating dynamic stall characteristics without the addition of auxiliary system. ASO, however, requires multiple evaluations time-consuming computational fluid dynamics models. Metamodel-based...

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  • A FPTAS for minimizing total completion time in a single machine time-dependent scheduling problem

    In this paper a single machine time-dependent scheduling problem with total completion time criterion is considered. There are given n jobs J1,…,Jn and the processing time pi of the ith job is given by pi=a+bisi, where si is the starting time of the ith job (i=1,…,n),bi is its deterioration rate and a is the common base processing time. If all jobs have deterioration rates different and not smaller than a certain constant u>0,...

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  • Time variable gain for long range sonar with chirp sounding signal

    The main purpose of applaying Time Variable Gain (TVG) in active sonars with digital signal processing is to reduce dynamic range of echo signal and adapt it to the dynamic range of the analogue to digital conversion. With high transmission losses level, the dynamic range of the input signal in long range sonars can be very high and even exceed 200dB. When chirp sounding signals with matched filtration are used, sonars can raech...

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  • Modelling the loss of time caused by traffic incidents on motorways


    For each road incident important factors like location, capacity reduction, traffic management, duration of road incidents and amount of traffic should be defined. All performer operations and effects of incidents affect the capacity of the road, average speed, time loss, vehicle queues and traffic jams. In the article road incidents were divided into planned and unexpected. Statistical analysis prepared using the database of traffic...

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    One of the most popular types of foundations in layered subsoil with very differentiated soil shear strengths are precast piles. One of the reasons is a fact that we can well control the driving process during the installation of these piles. The principles of the assessment of bearing capacity and settlements of the piles given by Eurocode 7, concentrate on two main methods, i.e. Static Pile Load Tests (SPLT) and Dynamic Driving...

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    In the present elaboration, problems connected with measurements of high variable temperatures of gases are introduced and the impact of dynamic properties of different construction solutions of thermoelements on the accuracy of the measurements is considered. A laboratory stand built within research under doctoral thesis, destined for analysis of dynamic properties of thermocouples is also described. Results of numerical simulation...

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    A complete – system of Maxwell equations is splitting into independent subsystems by means of a special dynamic projecting technique. The technique relies upon a direct link between field components that determine correspondent subspaces. The explicit form of links and corresponding subspace evolution equations are obtained in conditions of certain symmetry, it is illustrated by examples of spherical and quasi-one-dimensional waves.

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  • Novel analysis methods of dynamic properties for vehicle pantographs


    - Rok 2018

    Transmission of electrical energy from a catenary system to traction units must be safe and reliable especially for high speed trains. Modern pantographs have to meet these requirements. Pantographs are subjected to several forces acting on their structural elements. These forces come from pantograph drive, inertia forces, aerodynamic effects, vibration of traction units etc. Modern approach to static and dynamic analysis should...

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  • Validation of dynamic electrochemical impedance spectrograms using autocorrelation function

    Validation of impedance data is essential for checking the reliability of experimental data. Kramers – Kronig transformation is used to verify data obtained from classical Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) measurements. Data obtained from Dynamic Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (DEIS) could be validated in the same way, but in this case, there is no information about internal consistency between every single spectrum...

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  • Badanie i analiza efektywności alokacji strumieni danych w heterogenicznej sieci WBAN


    - Rok 2017

    W niniejszej dysertacji doktorskiej poddano dyskusji efektywność alokacji strumieni danych w heterogenicznej radiowej sieci WBAN (Wireless Body Area Networks). Biorąc pod uwagę dynamiczny rozwój nowoczesnych sieci radiokomunikacyjnych piątej generacji (5G), którego część stanowią radiowe sieci działające w obrębie ciała człowieka, bardzo ważnym aspektem są metody maksymalizujące wykorzystanie dostępnych zasobów czasowo –częstotliwościowych...

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  • Visual perception of vowels from static and dynamic cues

    The purpose of the study was to analyse human identification of Polish vowels from static and dynamic durationally slowed visual cues. A total of 152 participants identified 6 Polish vowels produced by 4 speakers from static (still images) and dynamic (videos) cues. The results show that 59% of static vowels and 63% of dynamic vowels were successfully identified. There was a strong confusion between vowels within front, central,...

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  • Dynamic effect of the vehicle passing under lightweight footbridge.


    - Rok 2004

    The paper describes a numerical study of dynamic response of cable-stayed steel footbridge for a big lorry passing underneath. The footbridge is an existing object crossing Wolska street in Warsaw. The structural model of footbridge was verified by dynamic test loading. A numerical study of a vehicle passing under footbridge is presented. 2D and 3D incompressible flow fields are modeled using sliding mesh in transient CFD computation....

  • Novel application of dynamic electrochemical impedance monitoring to a cataphoretic coating process

    The paper presents a novel method of on-line impedance monitoring of cataphoretic coating application process. Utilization of dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (DEIS) overcame the fundamental problem connected with non-stationarity of the aforementioned coating deposition process, which eliminates classical impedance spectroscopy technique from a real-time description of cataphoresis. The paper illustrates selected examples...

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  • Dynamic model of nuclear power plant turbine

    The paper presents the dynamic multivariable model of Nuclear Power Plant steam turbine. Nature of the processes occurring in a steam turbine causes a task of modeling it very difficult, especially when this model is intended to be used for on-line optimal process control (model based) over wide range of operating conditions caused by changing power demand. Particular property of developed model is that it enables calculations...

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  • Local electrochemical impedance spectroscopy in dynamic mode of galvanic coupling


    A novel method that combines local electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and mapping in dynamicmode is proposed. Method was validated over two galvanic couplings, namely zinc/copper and cad-mium/copper. Impedance spectrum response for all measuring points was obtained by means ofsimultaneous implementation of selected range of frequencies. Proposed method allows the measure-ment in a more time-efficient manner, at the same time...

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  • Analysis of the dynamic influences on the Lowland Gate in Gdańsk


    The Lowland Gate has been built in 1626. It is one of the best-preserved historical buildings in Gdansk. The structure is still of the city's infrastructural importance as through it goes a road connecting two districts. The Gate is now so neglected that it is hard to appreciate its value. The main purpose of the investigation carried out was to determine the harmfulness of the traffic on the structure as well as the reasons of...

  • Differential analysis of dynamic immittance spectra

    This work presents a new approach to the analysis of immittance spectrograms of systems characterised by non-stationarity. The possibility of linking the evolution of the immittance response with changes in the parameters describing the system is achieved by introducing a spectrum in differential form. By using the above procedure, it becomes possible to separate elements with a dependence (or lack thereof) from an independent...

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  • Tracing of dynamic objects in distributed interactive simulation systems


    - Rok 2003

    Distributed interactive simulation systems require integration of several areas of computer science and applied mathematics to enable each individual simulation object to visualize effectively dynamic states of other objects. Objects are unpredictable,i.e., controlled by their local operators, and are remote, i.e., must rely on some transmission media to visualize dynamic scene from their local perspectives. The paper...

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  • Problems of Active Dynamic Thermography Measurement Standardization in Medicine

    Reliability of thermographic diagnostics in medicine is an important practical problem. In the field of static thermography, a great deal of effort has been made to define the conditions for thermographic measurements, which is now the golden standard for such research. In recent years, there are more and more reports on dynamic tests with external stimulation, such as Active Dynamic Thermography, Thermographic Signal Reconstruction...

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  • Simulation model for evaluation of QOS dynamic routing


    - Rok 2009

    Current informational networks use a large variety of technologies to support data exchange. Most of them are focused on IP protocol and include mechanisms which by definition should supply demanded QoS. One of those mechanisms is efficient path calculation - routing. Traffic offered to the network can change very rapidly in short term. Routing should support such traffic changes and all the time calculate valid paths in terms...

  • Knowledge Sharing and Dynamic Capabilities: Does Gender Matter?


    Knowledge sharing in organizations is a focal process leading to organizational adaptability and sustainable growth. Dynamic capabilities development is critical for this. Diversity, inclusive culture, and gender balance are seen as factors that also support organizations' development. The question of the role of gender in sharing and using knowledge to initiate change in organizations remains open. This study aims to fill this...

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  • Dynamic load tests of piles in non-cohesive soils.


    The results of investigations of various types of piles, the analysis of dynamic tests carried out recently in Poland and the correlations between the results of dynamic and static tests of piles are presented. Przedstawiono wyniki badań nośności różnych rodzajów pali, analizę badań dynamicznych wykonanych w Polsce w ostatnich latach oraz korelacje pomiędzy wynikami badań statycznych i dynamicznych.

  • Real-Time Volatilomics: A Novel Approach for Analyzing Biological Samples

    The use of the ‘omics techniques in environmental research has become common-place. The most widely implemented of these include metabolomics, proteomics, genomics, and transcriptomics. In recent years, a similar approach has also been taken with the analysis of volatiles from biological samples, giving rise to the so-called ‘volatilomics’ in plant analysis. Developments in direct infusion mass spectrometry (DI-MS) techniques have...

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