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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: SEMICONDUCTING WAFERS

  • Water hammer analysis in pipe networks by the method of characteristics (MOC).


    - Rok 2003

    Zastosowano w pracy metodę charakterystyk do analizy zjawiska uderzenia hydraulicznego w sieci wodociągowej pierścieniowej.

  • Some aspects of physical and numerical modeling of water hammer in pipelines


    - Rok 2005

    Charakterystyki ciśnieniowe otrzymywane w wyniku symulacji numerycznych uderzenia hydraulicznego różnią się zasadniczo od charakterystyk obserwowanych na drodze doświadczalnej. Stosowane zabiegi matematyczne i numeryczne pozwalające na poprawę zgodności między obliczeniami a pomiarami okazują się skuteczne tylko w przypadku prostych rurociągów o stałej średnicy. Dla bardziej skomplikowanych przypadków prawidłowe odwzorowanie zjawiska...

  • Chemometrics in monitoring spatial and temporal variations in drinking water quality


    - WATER RESEARCH - Rok 2006

    Opracowanie przedstawia wyniki zastosowania wybranych technik chemometrycznych w monitoringu okresowych i powierzchniowych zmian jakości wody pitnej na podstawie wyników oznaczeń chloro i bromopochodnych produktów dezynfekcji wody w 12 dzielnicach w Gdańsku w okresie 1993-2000. Na podstawie wyników analizy podobieństwa lokalizacje podzielono na dwie grupy dzielnic różniących się jakością wody pitnej spowodowanej różnicami wynikającymi...

  • Pressure distribution for different types of the finite amplitude waves sources


    - Rok 2005

    Przedstawiono model matematyczny i przykładowe wyniki badań numerycznych zjawiska oddziaływań fal o skończonej amplitudzie w wodzie. Model matematyczny zbudowano w oparciu o równanie KZK. Zagadnienie różniczkowe rozwiązano stosując metodę różnic skończonych. Rozważono różne rozkłady ciśnienia na źródle kołowym i bez osiowej symetrii.

  • Application of a fuzzy neural network for river water quality prediction



    Monitoring i modelowanie zmian w jakości wód powierzchniowych stanowią jeden z kluczowych elementów monitoringu i zarządzania ochroną środowiska na skalę globalną. Kontrolowanie tak złożonych i nieliniowych w swojej charakterystyce obiektów, jakimi są rzeki, jest trudnym zadaniem. Zazwyczaj do tego celu wykorzystuje się modele matematyczne, jednak czasem wymagają one bardzo dużej ilości danych, lub czas oczekiwania na odpowiedź...

  • Molecular modelling of amphotericin B-ergosterol primary complex in water



    Badano właściwości pierwotnego kompleksu amfoterycyny B z ergosterolem przy pomocy symulacji dynamiki molekularnej. Otrzymane w wyniku naszych symulacji rezultaty słabo odpowiadają postulowanym przez innych autorów modelom kompleksu antybiotyk-sterol. Z drugiej strony uzyskane geometrie nie są sprzeczne z wynikami eksperymentów biofizycznych dotyczących powstawania kompleksów w wodzie i w środowisku wodno-alkoholowym.

  • Hydrogen degradation of high-strength weldable steels in sea-water


    - Rok 2003

    W artykule przedstawiono ocenę podatności stali o wysokiej wytrzymałości oraz ich złączy spawanych na kruchość wodorową. Wykonano próby powolnego rozciągania na stalach gatunku 17HMBVA i 14HNMBCu oraz ich złączach spawanych, w środowisku wody morskiej, przy polaryzacji katodowej. Wykonano badania elektrochemiczne przenikania wodoru przez membrany pobrane z rożnych obszarów złączy spawanych.

  • Protection of surface water against contamination by wetland systems in Poland



    Opisano systemy hydrofitowe stosowane do usuwania zanieczyszczeń z wód powierzchniowych zasilanych wodami opadowymi. Po wprowadzeniu systemów stwierdzono znaczną poprawę jakości wód analizowanych cieków.

  • Amyloid fibril formation in the presence of water structure-affecting solutes

    The impact of the differently hydrated non-electrolytes (protein structure destabilizers) on the fibrillation of hen egg white lysozyme (HEWL) was investigated. Two isomeric urea derivatives i.e. butylurea (BU) and N,N,N′,N′-tetramethylurea (TMU) were chosen as a tested compounds. The obtained results show that butylurea exerts greater impact on HEWL and its fibrillation than tetramethylurea. Both substances decrease the time of...

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  • Shallow-Water Acoustic Communications in Strong Multipath Propagation Conditions


    A phenomenon that has a strong impact on signal transmission conditions in Underwater Acoustic Communication (UAC) systems is multipath propagation. As a result of multipath propagation, the transmitted signal undergoes time dispersion which results in inter-symbol interference observed on the receiving side. Time dispersion is large, especially in horizontal channels in shallow waters which significantly limits the transmission...

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  • Excitation of Waves in a Dispersive Medium. Example of Flow of a Bubbly Liquid


    The excitation of wave motion by an external source and the interaction of modes inherent to a ow in a dispersive medium are considered. Dispersion is caused by the presence of gaseous bubbles in a liquid. A large variety of steady excited waveforms is possible when the exciting wave is also steady and propagates at a constant velocity. The velocities of the exciter and forced waves may be dierent. This leads to a variety of non-stationary...

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  • High-performance activation of ozone by sonocavitation for BTEX degradation in water


    This work presents a novel advanced oxidation process (AOP) for degradation of emerging organic pollutants – benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BTEXs) in water. A comparative study was performed for sonocavitation assisted ozonation under 40–120 kHz and 80–200 kHz dual frequency ultrasounds (DFUS). Based on the obtained results, the combination of 40–120 kHz i.e., low-frequency US (LFDUS) with O3 exhibited excellent oxidation...

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  • Robust estimation of variables and parameters in dynamic water distribution systems


    Przedstawiono estymację metodą ''set membership'' zmiennych i parametrów systemu dystrybucji wody pitnej. Zmienne odnoszą się do ilości i jakości wody, natomiast parametry odnoszą się do modelu matematycznego hydrauliki. Problemten jest wysoce nieliniowy. Algorytm estymacji jest oparty na wcześniejszychpracach i wykorzystuje również algorytm dynamicznej linearyzacji odcinkami.

  • Perturbation analysis of electric field around objects in sea water

    The paper presents an analytical approach to the perturbation analysis of electric field distribution caused by a sphere and an ellipsoid placed in a uniform electric field.

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  • Testing OFDM Transmission Schemes for Shallow Water Acoustic Communications


    Large variability of communication properties of underwater acoustic channels, and especially strongly varying instantaneous conditions in shallow waters, is a tough challenge for the designers of underwater acoustics communication (UAC system. There is a need for developing adaptive signaling schemes that would dynamically optimize signal parameters in both physical and link layers of communication protocols. The orthogonal frequency...

  • Shipping Low Frequency Noise and Its Propagation in Shallow Water

    One of the most significant factor influencing acoustical climate of the sea is underwater noise generated by moving ships. If the considered sea area has features of the shallow water, namely the wave frequency fulfils relation f < 10c/h, where c denotes phase speed of sound, and h is depths of the sea, then in certain distance from the wave source specific image of sound pressure distribution in the mean of wave modes appears....

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  • Damage detection strategies based on propagation of guided elastic waves



    W pracy przedstawiono wyniki symulacji numerycznych oraz badań eksperymentalnych nad wykorzystaniemprowadzonych falsprężystych do wykrywania ilokalizacji uszkodzeń w dwu i trójwymiarowych elementach konstrukcyjnych wykonanych z materiałów izotropowych i kompozytowych.

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  • Experimental Investigation of Prototype Water-Lubricated Compliant Foil Bearings


    - Key Engineering Materials - Rok 2012

    Praca zawiera wyniki badań doświadczalnych prototypowego łożyska foliowego smarowanego wodą. Łożyska tego typu mogą mieć zastosowanie w węzłach, od których wymaga się ekologicznego środka smarowego, np. pompy wodne czy turbiny wodne. W opracowaniu zademonstrowano wyniki badań trzech prototypowych poprzecznych łożysk foliowych. Opisano napotkane problemy badań oraz wprowadzonych do konstrukcji łożyska zmian, których celem była poprawa...

  • total number and biomass of bacteria in drinking water distribution systems.


    In the vast water supply network using traditional methods of treatment it is often impossible to maintain a constant and acceptable microbiological quality of water. In Poland the main reason of bacterial re-growth is presence of organic matter and nutrients in the circulating water and prolonged water retention in the network systems due to the decrease of water consumption, which has been observed for the last 20 years. In the...

  • Pool boiling of water-Cu nanofluid on porous coated tube


    Przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów współczynnika przejmowania ciepła podczas wrzenia nanocieczy woda-Cu na poziomej rurce pokrytej aluminiową powłoka porowatą o grubości 0.15 mm i porowatości ok. 40%. Koncentracja nanocząstek wynosiła 0.01%, 0.1% oraz 1%. Badania wykonano dla trzech wartości ciśnienia wrzenia: 200 kPa, 100 kPa oraz 10 kPa.

  • Distribution of volatile organohalogen compounds in petrochemical plant water streams

    The study assesses halogenated volatile organic compound concentrations in the water and wastewaterstreams of a petrochemical plant. Water samples were collected at 11 sampling points during 5 samplingcampaigns. The samples were collected from the oil dewaxing unit and in the wastewater treatmentplant. Dichloromethane and 1,2-dichloroethane were the most frequently determined compounds. Tetrachloroethenewas also detected at the...

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  • Dynamic state assessment of the water turbine with the power of 600 kW


    - Diagnostyka - Rok 2013

    The article discusses the results of experimental studies to assess the dynamic state of the turbine set with the Kaplan turbine. The dynamic assessment was made on the basis of appropriate standards, based on the measurement results of selected parameters of vibration, which have been measured for several states of the machine load. In addition, we attempted to identify the causes of the increased vibration levels based on the...

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  • Water need of energy crops - one of the environmental problems in Poland


    - Rok 2010

    Praca przedstawia politykę państwa polskiego dotyczącą energetyki odnawialnej, wraz z instrumentami prawnymi i finansowymi. Polityka energetyczna musi być skoordynowana z gospodarką wodną. Potrzeby wodne roślin energetycznych są wprawdzie 2-3 krotnie niższe niż w Europie Południowej, tym niemniej co najmniej 600 mm w sezonie wegetacyjnym jest wymagane do wzrostu i plonowania roślin energetycznych, a więc zasilanie z opadów atmosferycznych...

  • Vibrational spectroscopy of semiheavy water (HDO) as a probe of solute hydration

    Spektroskopia oscylacyjna jest idealną metodą w badaniach zjawisk hydratacyjnych. Przy zastosowaniu techniki rozcieńczenia izotopowego, gdy mała ilość D2O zostaje wprowadzona do H2O lub vice versa i powstaje woda półciężka (HDO), ominąć można wiele problemów technicznych i interpretacyjnych związanych z pomiarem widm w podczerwieni wody ciekłej. Zwłaszcza izotopowe rozprzężenie drgań rozciągających ułatwia interpretację widm. Systematycznie...

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  • Effect of lipid phase composition on autoxidation of water - in - oil emulsion


    - Rok 2010

    W pracy przedstawiono ocenę procesu autooksydacji emulsji W/O ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem składu fazy olejowej emulsji na postęp reakcji. Zbadano również wpływ wybranych antyoksydantów i emulgatorów na stabilność sporządzonych układów emulsyjnych.

  • Water and chemical properties of hydrometeors over central european mountains

    Atmospheric pollutants are transferred to the groundby the contribution of various types of hydrometeors. Because ofthe different techniques of measurement, comparative analysesbetween them are often neglected. Hence, the main goal is tocompare water volume and chemistry of different types ofhydrometeors and their role in both: water balance and pollutantsdeposition. The results of water input and atmospheric depositschemistry...

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  • Performance of a plate heat exchanger operated with water-Al2O3 nanofluid

    This study is focused on experimental investigation of a selected type of brazed plate heat exchanger (PHEx). The main aim of the paper was to experimentally check the ability of nanofluids to enhance the performance of PHEx. A typical water-Al2O3 nanofluid was tested and compared to that of the base fluid, i.e. water. Nanoparticles were tested at the concentration of 0.1% and 1% by weight. Impact of the 1 day and 3 days break...

  • Performance of the PVT solar collector operated with water-Al2O3 nanofluid


    An experimental investigation of the hybrid module photovoltaic panel -solar collector (PVT) cooled by water-Al2O3 nanofluids has been conducted. The weight fractions of the nanoparticles were 1% and 3%. Thermal efficiency, power efficiency and overall efficiency have been determined for artificial source of light and sunlight. No noticeable effect of the nanoparticle concentration on the overall efficiency of the PVT module has...

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  • Durability of Asphalt Concrete Subjected to Deteriorating Effects of Water and Frost

    The paper presents testing of the detrimental effects of water and frost on asphalt pavements. It included laboratory testing of 5 fatigue life of asphalt concrete that was subjected to action of water and frost and field testing of damages caused by water and frost on 6 existing asphalt pavements, such as stripping, raveling, and potholes. Laboratory simulation of water and frost action was based on the 7 original AASHTO T283...

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  • Standing Waves in a Rectangular Resonator Containing Acoustically Active Gases


    The distribution of perturbations of pressure and velocity in a rectangular resonator is considered. A resonator contains a gas where thermodynamic processes take place, such as exothermic chemical reaction or excitation of vibrational degrees of a molecule’s freedom. These processes make the gas acoustically active under some conditions. We conclude that the incident and reflected compounds of a sound beam do not interact in the...

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  • Analysis of hydrodynamic pressure fields of motorboats and pontoons in shallow water


    The article presents the results of calculations of the pressure fields generated by a motorboat at the bottom of a shallow sea. Calculations were made using the boundary elements method (BEM), arranged on the surface of the boat and the bottom of the sea. This method is described in [3], and applied on a free surface linearized boundary condition. Results for four different lengths of motorboats, from 2.85 m to 9.5 m, sea depth...

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  • Research into the Movements of Surface Water Masses in the Basins Adjacent to the Port


    - Rok 2016

    This paper presents the results of the practical and simulation research into determining the routes of movement of small objects moving together with surface water masses in basins adjacent to the port. The results of this research were referenced against the modelling of routes of small objects in port channel basins. The results of practical research concerning the movement of small objects in basins adjacent to the port were...

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  • Bioaugmentation of a sequencing batch reactor with Archaea for the treatment of reject water


    - Journal of Water Chemistry and Technology - Rok 2016

    In this study, the bioaugmentation of a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) for the treatment of reject water from wastewater treatment plant was evaluated. For the bioaugmentation step a product containing an enrichment of microorganisms from the Archaea domain was used to enhance the performance of the reactor for treating reject water. The experiment was carried out in two parallel lab-scale sequencing batch reactors. The first one...

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  • Temper bead welding of S420G2+M steel in water environment

    The article presents the idea of the use of Temper Bead Welding (TBW) technique to improve the weldability of high strength steel at underwater wet welding conditions. Wet welding method with the use of covered electrodes is described. This work shows results of metallographic examinations and hardness measurements of samples of S420G2+M steel with weld beads performed under water. It has been shown that Temper Bead Welding technique...

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  • Correlated Particle Motion and THz Spectral Response of Supercritical Water



    Molecular dynamics simulations of supercritical water reveal distinctly different distance-dependent modulations of dipolar response and correlations in particle motion compared to ambient conditions. The strongly perturbed H-bond network of water at supercritical conditions allows for considerable translationaland rotational freedom of individual molecules. These changes give rise to substantially different infrared spectra and...

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  • Numerical Simulations of Hydrodynamic Open-Water Characteristics of a Ship Propeller


    - Polish Maritime Research - Rok 2016

    The paper presents the results of numerical simulations of ship propeller operation bearing the name of Propeller Open Water (POW) Tests. The object of tests was a sample ship propeller (PPTC1), the geometrical and kinematic data of which are available, along with the results of model tests, on the official page of the research centre involved in the measurements. The research aimed at verifying the correctness of results of numerical...

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  • Damage detection in a bolted lap joint using guided waves


    The paper presents the experimental investigation of guided waves application to the condition assessment of prestressed bolted connections and a concept of new quantitative indicator. The main goal of the research was the analysis of the influence of the contact conditions changes to the characteristics of a propagating disturbance. The experimental tests were carried out for a single bolted lap joint. The excitation and acquisition...

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    The article analyses properties of magnetic fluid seals installed in rotary sealing no des which operate in the utility water environment. Seals of this type have been examined as a possible solution to the problem with ship manoeuvring propulsion sealing. The present analysis bases on laboratory durability tests of magnetic fluid seals expo sed to long - term utility water loads, at different water pressures and shaft revolutions....

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    - Rok 2017

    Since the beginning of widespread use of plastic its consumption and production has been constantly increasing. As a result of human activity part of waste ends up in our environment and is deposited in each of the elements of the biosphere. These impurities can be in the form of large elements, small particles fragmented to macroscopic level (pellets, facial scrub grains) and the microparticles visible under a microscope. Particularly...

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  • Application of guided waves in the evaluation of steel-concrete adhesive connection


    - Rok 2018

    The aim of the paper is the application of guided waves in the evaluation of a condition state of adhesive connection between steel and concrete. The study concerns a push-out specimen consisting of two steel plates glued to opposite faces of a concrete cube with the use of structural adhesive. Wave propagation in the specimen without external load is investigated both experimentally and numerically. The second stage of the investigation...

  • Experiencing historic waterways and water landscapes of the Vistula River Delta


    - Rok 2017

    The paper gives insights into the characteristics of Vistula River Delta water landscapes, referring to the process of creating land out of water by Polish, Dutch and German settlers. Based on this, the paper presents an integrated strategy formed upon studies in cultural geography and aesthetics, and focused on enhancing the unique characteristics of the region and its rediscovery by tourism. The long process of constructing Vistula...

  • Potential Toxic Effects of Airport Runoff Water Samples on the Environment


    - Sustainability - Rok 2021

    Despite the positive aspects of the intensive development of aviation, airports are considered large-scale polluters. Pollution caused by runoff water (stormwater) is one of the major problems related to airport operations. The aim of this study was to characterize the potential toxic impact on aquatic life from runoff water discharges from four international airports in Europe. Samples of stormwater were collected at airports...

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  • Review of Selected Methods for Prediction of Added Resistance in Following Waves


    The added resistance in waves is a mean value of non-linear, second order reaction of a ship to incoming waves. In the beginning of the 20th century, the experimental methods for investigation of ship hydrodynamics at model scale were developed. They allowed the evaluation of added resistance by measurements in irregular waves (directly) or by measurements in regular waves (in-direct method). The main goal was to find more precise...

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  • The Influence of Water and Mineral Oil on Pressure Losses in Hydraulic Motor


    In this paper, pressure losses in hydraulic motor supplied with water and mineral oil (two liquids that have significantly different viscosity and lubricating properties) are described and compared. The experimental tests were conducted using a hydraulic satellite motor that is dedicated to working with different liquids, including water. The methodology of measuring the pressure drop in internal channels of this motor is also...

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    The use of biomass, especially waste biomass, as an alternative energy source is a very important issue today. Pyrolysis is a process of thermal degradation of raw material and one of its products is biochar. This product is mainly distinguished by its high carbon content, and by improving its quality through activation, it can be more widely used. Activated biocarbon has a strongly developed surface and porous structure, and as...

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  • Nanostructure of the laser-modified transition metal nanocomposites for water splitting


    Although hydrogen is considered by many to be the green fuel of the future, nowadays it is primarily produced through steam reforming, which is a process far from ecological. Therefore, emphasis is being put on the development of electrodes capable of the efficient production of hydrogen and oxygen from water. To make the green alternative possible, the solution should be cost-efficient and well processable, generating less waste...

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  • Nitrofurazone Removal from Water Enhanced by Coupling Photocatalysis and Biodegradation



    (1) Background: Environmental contamination with antibiotics is particularly serious because the usual methods used in wastewater treatment plants turn out to be insufficient or ineffective. An interesting idea is to support natural biodegradation processes with physicochemical methods as well as with bioaugmentation with efficient microbial degraders. Hence, the aim of our study is evaluation of the effectiveness of different...

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  • Sodium nitrite as a corrosion inhibitor of copper in simulated cooling water

    • M. Rizvi
    • H. Gerengi
    • S. Kaya
    • I. Uygur
    • M. Yıldız
    • I. Sarıoglu
    • Z. Cingiz
    • M. Mielniczek
    • B. El Ibrahimi

    - Scientific Reports - Rok 2021

    The corrosion inhibition behavior of sodium nitrite (NaNO2) towards pure copper (99.95%) in simulated cooling water (SCW) was investigated by means of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (DEIS). NaNO2 interferes with metal dissolution and reduce the corrosion rate through the formation or maintenance of inhibitive film on the metal surface. Surface morphologies illustrated...

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  • On the problem of optimised allocation of water quality sensors and actuators in DWDS


    The problems of water quality sensors and actuators placement in drinking water distribution systems (DWDSs) are addressed as separate, primarily. However, against the background of control systems theory, the nature of DWDSs dynamics indicates that these both problems are interdependent and impact the design of related water quality monitoring and control structures and algorithms. The research work presented in this paper is...

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  • Numerical modal analysis of a vertical rising steel water gate


    Vertical rising steel water gates are very common not only in Poland and Germany but also in other countries of the world. Their popularity is mainly attributed to their simplicity of construction, which makes their production process cheaper and faster when compared to other solutions. The aim of this paper is to conduct a numerical modal analysis to examine the eigenvalues and eigenmodes of a vertical rising steel gate. Two cases...