Search results for: elimination of impulsive disturbances
Two-spinors, oscillator algebras, and qubits: aspects of manifestly covariant approach to relativistic quantum information
PublicationThe first part of the paper reviews applications of 2-spinor methods to relativistic qubits (analogies between tetrads in Minkowski space and 2-qubit states, qubits defined by means of null directions and their role for elimination of the Peres-Scudo-Terno phenomenon, advantages and disadvantages of relativistic polarization operators defined by the Pauli-Lubanski vector, manifestly covariant approach to unitary representations...
The possibility of estimating the height of the ionospheric inhomogeneities based on TEC variations maps obtained from dense GPS network
PublicationA state of the ionosphere can be effectively studied using electromagnetic signals received from global navigation satellite systems (GNSS). Utilization of the dual frequency observations allows estimating values of the total electron content (TEC). They can be used for a number of scientific studies such as detection and monitoring of traveling ionospheric disturbances or plasma bubbles. Moreover, maps of TEC variations allow...
Suppression of Supply Current Harmonics of 18-Pulse Diode Rectifier by Series Active Power Filter with LC Coupling
PublicationThe reported research aims at improving the quality of three-phase rectifier supply currents. An effective method consists of adding properly formed booster voltages to the fundamental supply voltages using a series active filter. In the proposed solution, the booster voltages are generated by three single-phase systems consisting of inverters, LC filters, and single-phase transformers. The application of LC couplings ensures low...
Cooperative control in production and logistics
PublicationClassical applications of control engineering and information and communication technology (ICT) in production and logistics are often done in a rigid, centralized and hierarchical way. These inflexible approaches are typically not able to cope with the complexities of the manufacturing environment, such as the instabilities, uncertainties and abrupt changes caused by internal and external disturbances, or a large number and variety...
Exhaust gas temperature measurements in diagnostics of turbocharged marine internal combustion engines. Part I. Standard measurements.
PublicationThe article discusses the problem of diagnostic informativeness of exhaust gas temperature measurements in turbocharged marine internal combustion engines. Theoretical principles of the process of exhaust gas flow in turbocharger inlet channels are analysed in its dynamic and energetic aspects. Diagnostic parameters are defined which enable to formulate general evaluation of technical condition of the engine based on standard...
Multivariate Statistical Approach for Nephrines in Womenwith Obesity
PublicationCatecholamines are physiological regulators of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism during stress, but their chronic influence on metabolic changes in obese patients is still not clarified. The present study aimed to establish the associations between the catecholamine metabolites and metabolic syndrome (MS) components in obese women as well as to reveal the possible hidden subgroups of patients through hierarchical cluster analysis...
First evaluation of wastewater discharge influence on marine water contamination in the vicinity of Arctowski Station (Maritime Antarctica)
PublicationIn Antarctica,waste is generatedmainly during scientific research programmes and related logistics. In this study, the impact ofwastewater on the western shore of Admiralty Baywas investigated during austral summer in 2017 and 2019. A range of physicochemical parameters and the presence of selected trace metals, formaldehyde and different groups of surfactants were determined in wastewater coming from Arctowski Station and in nearby coastal...
Survey on fuzzy logic methods in control systems of electromechanical plants
PublicationРассмотрены алгоритмы управления электромеханическими системами с использованием теории нечеткой логики, приводятся основные положения их синтеза, рассматриваются методы анализа их устойчивости на основе нечетких функций Ляпунова. Эти алгоритмы чаще всего реализуются в виде различных регуляторов, применение которых целесообразно в системах, математическая модель которых не известна, не детерминирована или является строго нелинейной,...
Wykorzystanie systemu komputerowego ALEP-PL w planowaniu rozwoju lokalnych systemów energetycznych
PublicationZaprezentowano autorski system komputerowy ALEP-PL, który wspomaga proces planowania rozwoju lokalnych systemów energetycznych. Narzędzie zostało przygotowane z uwzględnieniem metodyki planowania zaawansowanego. System składa się z serwisu internetowego, bazy danych i modułów logiki biznesowej. Serwis internetowy został stworzony w technologii ASP.NET z użyciem środowiska Visual Studio 2010 i serwera baz danych MS SQL Server 2008...
Klimatyzacja i wentylacja szpitalnych zespołów operacyjnych
PublicationUtrzymywanie czystości i higieny w obiektach ochrony zdrowia jest nieodłącznym elementem troski o zdrowie pacjentów i personelu medycznego. W szpitalu codziennie nawet kilkudziesięciu pacjentów może być poddawanych zabiegom operacyjnym, czasem skomplikowanym, trwającym długo i wymagającym dużego wysiłku od personelu medycznego i lekarzy operatorów. Podczas zabiegów inwazyjnych – szczególnie trudnych i długotrwałych – poziom emisji...
Solvent Impact on the Diversity of Products in the Reaction of Lithium Diphenylphosphide and a Ti(III) Complex Supported by a tBu2P–P(SiMe3) Ligand
PublicationWe present two important trends in the reactivity ofthe titanium complex [MeNacNacTi(Cl){η2-P(SiMe3)-PtBu2}](MeNacNac− = [Ar]NC(Me)CHC(Me)N[Ar]; Ar = 2,6-iPr2Ph)with nucleophilic reagents RLi (R = Ph2P,tBuO, (Me3Si)2N, andtBu2N) depending on the reaction medium. Reaction in nonpolarsolvent (toluene) leads to three main products: via an autoredoxprocess and nucleophilic substitution at the Ti-atom to afford theTi(IV) complex [MeNacNacTi(R){η2-P-PtBu2}]...
Bi-GRU-APSO: Bi-Directional Gated Recurrent Unit with Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Sales Forecasting in Multi-Channel Retail
PublicationIn the present scenario, retail sales forecasting has a great significance in E-commerce companies. The precise retail sales forecasting enhances the business decision making, storage management, and product sales. Inaccurate retail sales forecasting can decrease customer satisfaction, inventory shortages, product backlog, and unsatisfied customer demands. In order to obtain a better retail sales forecasting, deep learning models...
Fungal co-culture improves the biodegradation of hydrophobic VOCs gas mixtures in conventional biofilters and biotrickling filters
PublicationThe present study systematically evaluated the potential of Candida subhashii, Fusarium solani and their consortium for the abatement of n-hexane, trichloroethylene (TCE), toluene and α-pinene in biofilters (BFs) and biotrickling filters (BTFs). Three 3.2 L BFs packed with polyurethane foam and operated at a gas residence time of 77 s with an air mixture of hydrophobic volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were inoculated with C. subhashii,...
Process control of air stream deodorization from vapors of VOCs using a gas sensor matrix conducted in the biotrickling filter (BTF)
PublicationThis article presents the validity, advisability and purposefulness of using a gas sensor matrix to monitor air deodorization processes carried out in a peat-perlite-polyurethane foam-packed biotrickling filter. The aim of the conducted research was to control the effectiveness of air stream purification from vapors of hydrophobic compounds, i.e., n-hexane and cyclohexane. The effectiveness of hydrophobic n-hexane and cyclohexane...
Chitosan-based nanomaterials for removal of water pollutants
PublicationThe rise of micropollutants presents a significant threat to both the environment and human well-being, requiring effective strategies for their mitigation. Chitin serves as the precursor for chitosan, composed of two monomers featuring acetamido and amino groups. Chitosan possesses several noteworthy attributes, including its ability to bind water and fat, humidity content, solubility, consistent molecular weight, and various...
Point cloud unification with optimization algorithm
PublicationTerrestrial laser scanning is a technology that enables to obtain three-dimensional data – an accurate representation of reality. During scanning not only desired objects are measured, but also a lot of additional elements. Therefore, unnecessary data is being removed, what has an impact on efficiency of point cloud processing. It can happen while single point clouds are displayed – user decides what he wants...
Docking simulations, Molecular properties and ADMET studies of novel Chromane6,7diol analogues as potential inhibitors of Mushroom tyrosinase
PublicationResearch on inhibition of tyrosinase enzyme has attained significant value, because tyrosinase inhibitors have potential applications in medicine, cosmetics (as whitening agents) and in agriculture (as bioinsecticides). Determination and elucidation of new tyrosinase inhibitors are not only beneficial for medical purposes, but their promising applications in improving food quality and nutritional...
Removal of indicator bacteria from treated wastewater using physical and chemical methods. Pilot plant study.
PublicationEven after highly efficient biological processes the effluents from wastewater treatment plants may contain significant number of fecal bacteria, from 104 to 106 CFU/100 mL. Since no standards are set on the bacteriological quality of treated wastewater in Poland the elimination of bacterial contaminants is not a priority in wastewater treatment policy. Thus microbiological hazards become particularly significant in the situation...
A New Adaptive Method for the Extraction of Steel Design Structures from an Integrated Point Cloud
PublicationThe continuous and intensive development of measurement technologies for reality modelling with appropriate data processing algorithms is currently being observed. The most popular methods include remote sensing techniques based on reflected-light digital cameras, and on active methods in which the device emits a beam. This research paper presents the process of data integration from terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) and image data...
PublicationIn this paper, attention was paid to the problem of low controllability of marine medium- and high-speed engines during operation, which significantly limits the parametric diagnosis. The measurement of quickly changing temperature of engine exhaust gas was proposed, the courses of which can be a source of diagnostic information. The F statistic of the Fisher-Snedecor distribution was chosen as a statistical tool. Laboratory tests...
Analysis of the relationship between cutting forces and local structural properties of Scots pine wood aided by computed tomography
PublicationX-ray computed tomography (CT) is utilised in some sawmills today, primarily for enhancing value yield and for process automation, which includes log sorting and sawing optimisation. Nevertheless, there is a scarcity of recent research utilising CT to assess the local cutting process. As a preliminary study, this paper addresses this gap by using CT to investigate the connections between local cutting force and local wood properties...
Enhancing rheological muscle models with stochastic processes
PublicationPurpose: Biological musculoskeletal systems operate under variable conditions. Muscle stiffness, activation signals, and loads change during each movement. The presence of noise and different harmonic components in force production significantly influences the behaviour of the muscular system. Therefore, it is essential to consider these factors in numerical simulations. Methods: This study aims to develop a rheological mathematical...
Glucose metabolism disorders in patients with non-functioning adrenal adenomas — single-centre experience
PublicationIntroduction: The presence of glucose metabolism disorders and their possible correlation with degree of cortisol secretion were evaluated in patients with non-functioning adrenal incidentalomas (NFAIs). Material and methods: The study group consisted of 131 patients with hormonally inactive adrenal incidentalomas....
Portable raman spectrometer for maritime security applications
PublicationThe fast identification of explosives, narcotics and other chemicals carried on board of ships or transported in containers to the harbors is an important problem of maritime security. Raman spectroscopy is widely used for fast identification of various chemicals. Continuous progress in the field of photonics has resulted in commercial availability of low-power compact Raman spectrometers which can be integrated into portable systems....
The radiated immunity test of an astable multivibrator in the frequency range from 100 MHz to 300 MHz
Open Research DataThe dataset presents a result of measurements that are a part of electromagnetic field immunity tests. The radiated, radio frequency, immunity tests were carried out for a typical astable electronic multivibrator. Tests of immunity of electronic systems to radiated radio frequency (RF) disturbances in the frequency range from 100 MHz to 300 MHz were...
The standard radiated immunity test of an astable multivibrator at a normative field strength
Open Research DataThe dataset presents a result of measurements that are a part of electromagnetic field immunity tests. The radiated, radio frequency, immunity tests were carried out for a typical astable electronic multivibrator. Tests of immunity of electronic systems to radiated radio frequency (RF) disturbances in the frequency range from 80 MHz to 1 GHz are performed...
The radiated immunity test of an astable multivibrator for various supply voltages
Open Research DataThe dataset presents a result of measurements that are a part of electromagnetic field immunity tests. The radiated, radio frequency, immunity tests were carried out for a typical astable electronic multivibrator supplied from a power supply with an output voltage of 6V and 7.5 V. Tests of immunity of electronic systems to radiated radio frequency (RF)...
Wyróżniki modelu biznesu przedsiębiorstwa inteligentnego
PublicationBurzliwa zmiana środowiska biznesowego wpływa na ludzi tak, że generują oczekiwania na wyroby i usługi zaspokajające ich dotychczasowe i nowe potrzeby w coraz większym stopniu. W ten sposób przed menedżerami powstają wciąż nowe, bardziej skomplikowane i wysublimowane wymagania. W takich uwarunkowaniach prowadzenia biznesu sukces osiąga to przedsiębiorstwo, które jest inteligentne. W takiej perspektywie celem badań było wyłonienie...
Badania stabilności biologicznej wody w wybranych systemach wodociągowych
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań mikrobiologicznych wody powierzchniowej i wód podziemnych z rejonu Trójmiasta, które zasilają systemy dystrybucji charakteryzujące się nikim stosunkiem powierzchni kontaktu do objętości przesyłanej wody (≈0,65) w aspekcie ich stabilności biologicznej. Dokonano oceny skuteczności zastosowanych procesów uzdatniania w usuwaniu ogólnej liczby bakterii (OLB), a w badaniach laboratoryjnych określono...
Technologie prośrodowiskowe dla budynków miejskich
PublicationWspółczesne duże miasta na całym świecie charakteryzują się dużą i wciąż rosnącą intensywnością zabudowy. Jest to tendencja utrwalona, którą pogłębia idea „miasta zwartego” jako rozwiązania dla problemu nadmiernego rozrastania terytorialnego i rozpraszania się struktury terenów miejskich. Jednocześnie realną potrzebą współczesnych miast jest poprawa jakości ich środowiska (eliminacja zanieczyszczeń, minimalizacja zjawiska miejskiej...
Occurrence and seasonal variations of 25 pharmaceutical residues in wastewater and drinking water treatment plants
PublicationThousands of tons of pharmaceuticals are introduced into the aqueous environment due to their incomplete elimination during treatment process in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and water treat- ment plants (WTPs). The presence of pharmacologically active compounds in the environment is of a great interest because of their potential to cause negative effects. Furthermore, drugs can undergo different pro- cesses leading to the...
Influence of the boron doping level on the electrochemical oxidation of raw landfill leachates: advanced pre-treatment prior to the biological nitrogen removal
PublicationThe electrochemical oxidative treatment of landfill leachates (LLs) containing high amounts of ammonia nitrogen and organic matter was used as a promising method, prior to biological processes, to achieve the final effluent quality that would be acceptable by current regulations. The deposited boron-doped diamond electrodes (BDDs) with different boron doping concentrations (10000, 5000 and 500 ppm of B) were applied as anodes....
Design and material selection for a patient transport device in field hospitals
PublicationACKGROUND: A major cause of patient and hospital worker injuries occurs transferring patients between two planes. The main aim of this paper was to propose a design of patient’s lift and transfer apparatus for use in field hospitals. The assumption was to design lightweight, durable and ergonomic device using innovative material. The authors concentrated on partial elimination of manual lifting in order to device could work both...
Cytocompatibility, antibacterial, and corrosion properties of chitosan/polymethacrylates and chitosan/poly(4‐vinylpyridine) smart coatings, electrophoretically deposited on nanosilver‐decorated titania nanotubes
PublicationThe development of novel implants subjected to surface modification to achieve high osteointegration properties at simultaneous antimicrobial activity is a highly current problem. This study involved different surface treatments of titanium surface, mainly by electrochemical oxidation to produce a nanotubular oxide layer (TNTs), a subsequent electrochemical reduction of silver nitrate and decoration of a nanotubular surface with...
Removal of selected sulfonamides and sulfonamide resistance genes from wastewater in full-scale constructed wetlands
PublicationSulfonamides are high-consumption antibiotics that reach the aquatic environment. The threat related to their presence in wastewater and the environment is not only associated with their antibacterial properties, but also with risk of the spread of drug resistance in bacteria. Therefore, the aim of this work was to evaluate the occurrence of eight commonly used sulfonamides, sulfonamide resistance genes (sul1–3) and integrase genes...
Lignocellulosic waste biosorbents infused with deep eutectic solvents for biogas desulfurization
PublicationThis paper introduces an innovative method for treating biogas streams, employing lignocellulosic biosorbents infused with environmentally friendly solvents known as deep eutectic solvents (DES). The primary focus of this study was the elimination of volatile organosulfur compounds (VSCs) from model biogas. Biosorbents, including energetic poplar wood, antipka tree, corncobs, and beech wood, were used, each with varying levels...
Diagnostic Analysis of Exhaust Gas with A Quick-Changing Temperature from a Marine Diesel Engine Part II / Two Factor Analysis
PublicationThe article presents a continuation of research carried out to determine the effect of input parameters (changes in engine structure parameters) on selected output parameters (diagnostic measures), based on quickly changing exhaust gas temperature. A method of determining the simultaneous influence of two input factors (the structure parameter and the engine load) on one output factor was presented, as well as an evaluation...
Diminshed toxicity of C-1748, 4-methyl-9-hydroxyethylamino-1-nitroacridine, compared with its demethyl analog, C-857, corresponds to its resistance to metabolism in HepG2 cells
PublicationThe narrow "therapeutic window" of anti-tumour therapy may be the result of drug metabolism leading to the activation or detoxification of antitumour agents. The aim of this work is to examine (i) whether the diminished toxicity of a potent antitumour drug, C-1748, 9-(2'-hydroxyethylamino)-4-methyl-1-nitroacridine, compared with its 4-demethyl analogue, C-857, results from the differences between the metabolic pathways for the...
Troubleshooting of the determination of bisphenol A at ultra-trace levels by liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry
PublicationDetermination of trace amounts of bisphenol A (BPA) may cause problems mainly related to the presence of BPA in solvents (even in LC-MS grade), laboratory vessels, and plastic equipment used for sample preparation. Variable and sometimes significant amounts of BPA present in the background cause problems in obtaining good repeatability of measurements at the ultra-trace levels. Such observations (i.e., poor repeatability of results)...
The efficiency and reliability of pollutant removal in a hybrid constructed wetland with giant miscanthus and Jerusalem artichoke in Poland
PublicationIn this paper, we analysed the pollutant removal efficiency and reliability of a vertical and horizontal flow hybrid constructed wetland (CW) planted with giant miscanthus and Jerusalem artichoke. The wastewater treatment plant, located in south-eastern Poland, treated domestic sewage at an average flow rate of 1.2m3·d−1. The tests were carried out during. 5-years of operation of the sewage treatment plant (2011–2016). During this...
Combination of hydrodynamic cavitation and SR-AOPs for simultaneous degradation of BTEX in water
PublicationHydrodynamic cavitation (HC) is an emerging technology gaining interest in water treatment for use in elimination of a wide range of organic pollutants. The energy released during cavitation phenomenon has number of applications and, particularly, it can be utilized for activation of persulfate (PS) and peroxymonosulfate (PMS). In the present study, hybrid techniques: HC combined with persulfates – HC-PS and HC-PMS were tested...
Solvothermal growth of {0 0 1} exposed anatase nanosheets and their ability to mineralize organic pollutants. The effect of alcohol type and content on the nucleation and growth of TiO2 nanostructures
PublicationHerein, the series of {0 0 1} exposed anatase nanosheets from HF-assisted solvothermal growth synthesis were obtained. The two-dimensional TiO2 were characterized, including both bulk (XRD, DR-UV–Vis, Mott-Schottky) and surface characteristics (N2 sorption, XPS, SEM) with experimental results compiled with Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations. The effect of alcohol amount and type was studied, demonstrating the crucial...
Investigation of environmental influences to the precise GNNS solutions
PublicationThe results presented in this paper concern investigation of environmental influences to GNNS coordinates on the example of ASG-EUPOS network. The problem of the impact of environmental effects is crucial for observing gravity. Satellite systems are not as susceptible to changes in local hydrology or atmospheric effects, although significant influences are clearly visible in the change of coordinates. The authors analyzed daily...
Laser-textured cross-hatched surface topography analysis with evaluation of high-frequency measurement noise
PublicationThe precision of surface roughness determination using ISO 25178 parameters relies on various factors that directly impact the measurement process. In industry applications, the contactless roughness measurement reduces data collection time. However, it introduces several potential errors, including those stemming from the environment. One of the main types of errors encountered during topography analysis is measurement noise,...
Influence of the local building tradition on Renaissance architecture in Royal Prussia
PublicationContrary to the southern Europe the first signs of Renaissance in northern parts of the Holy Roman Empire as well as in Poland and Lithuania might be observed only at the beginning of the 16th century. Initially, they were created by Italian teams which came from Florence, Rome and the region of Como. One of the most recognizable marks of that process was the transfer of the Italian craftsmen and architectural solutions, e.g....
Experimental Study of the Influence of Noise Level on the Uncertainty Value in a Measurement System Containing an Analog-to-Digital Converter
Open Research DataFor newly developed measuring systems it is easy to estimate type B uncertainties based on the technical data of the measuring modules applied. However, it is difficult to estimate A type un-certainties due to the unknown type and level of interferences infiltrating into the measuring sys-tem. This is a particularly important problem for measurements...
PublicationKażdego roku w wypadkach drogowych na świecie życie traci prawie 1,3 mln osób, co oznacza prawie niemal 3 tys. ofiar dziennie,. Tyle samo zabitych w ruchu drogowym odnotowujemy rocznie w Polsce. Ekonomiczne straty w wyniku tych wypadków wynoszą ok. 2% światowego PKB. W roku 2010 Organizacja Narodów Zjednoczonych (ONZ) przyjęła rezolucję pt. „Dekada działań na rzecz bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowego na lata 2011 – 2020” rozpoczynającą...
Analiza spostrzeżeń podczas audytów w przedsiębiorstwach z branży spożywczej
PublicationAnalizowano dane z 54 przedsiębiorstw potwierdzających zgodność z wdrożonym systemem ISO 22000 w latach 2005–2013 przez jednostkę certyfikującą DNV GL–BA. Przedstawiono najczęściej spotykane kategorie niezgodności stwierdzane podczas audytów certyfikujących w przedsiębiorstwach należących do łańcucha żywnościowego. Przeanalizowano występujące problemy wpływające na bezpieczeństwo żywności podczas procesu produkcyjnego. Obliczono...
Removal of VOCs from air and assessment of dominant species in a peat-perlite biotrickling filter
PublicationAir pollution has become a major concern because it is inevitably connected with the rapid development of both industrial and residential areas. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are emitted from various anthropogenic sources e.g. transportation, factories or landfills as well as recycling factories. It is problematic not only because of the direct impact on humans and environment but also from economy viewpoint as it increases...
A dissimilar welded joint of grade 92 steel and AISI 304L steel obtained using IN82 buttering and IN617 fller: relationship of microstructure and mechanical properties
PublicationUnfavourable operating conditions of equipment in the energy industry resulting from high-temperature loads determine the need to use special materials and technological solutions, including welding procedures. In this article, buttering using IN82 (ERNiCr-3) consumables was proposed as a method to improve the weldability of grade 92 steel joined by the gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) process with AISI 304L (IN617 fller). The...