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Search results for: MEPS
Publication3D visualization is a key element of research and analysis and as the source used by experts in various fields e.g.: experts from water and sewage systems. The aim of this study was to visualize in three-dimensional space model of water supply network with relief. The path of technological development of GESUT data (Geodezyjna Ewidencja Sieci Uzbrojenia Terenu – geodetic records of public utilities) for water supply and measurement...
PublicationAutomatic classification methods, such as artificial neural networks (ANNs), the k-nearest neighbor (kNN) and selforganizing maps (SOMs), are applied to allophone analysis based on recorded speech. A list of 650 words was created for that purpose, containing positionally and/or contextually conditioned allophones. For each word, a group of 16 native and non-native speakers were audio-video recorded, from which seven native speakers’...
Assessment of the Current Potential of Hydropower for Water Damming in Poland in the Context of Energy Transformation
PublicationThe present paper indicates that hydropower, including small hydropower plants (SHPs), may play a very important role in Poland’s energy transformation in the near future. The development of SHPs may also increase water resources in the steppe Poland. Additionally, the aim of the present research is to conduct the PEST analysis of SHPs in Poland, taking into account the SHP potential. For the first time, maps showing the power...
Rigorous numerics for critical orbits in the quadratic family
PublicationWe develop algorithms and techniques to compute rigorous bounds for finite pieces of orbits of the critical points, for intervals of parameter values, in the quadratic family of one-dimensional maps fa(x)=a−x2. We illustrate the effectiveness of our approach by constructing a dynamically defined partition P of the parameter interval Ω=[1.4,2] into almost 4 million subintervals, for each of which we compute to high precision the...
Limiting distribution of the three-state semi-Markov model of technical state transitions of ship power plant machines and its applicability in operational decision-making.
PublicationThe article presents the three-state semi-Markov model of the process {W(t): t 0} of state transitions of a ship power plant machine, with the following interpretation of these states: s1 – state of full serviceability, s2 – state of partial serviceability, and s3 – state of unserviceability. These states are precisely defined for the ship main engine (ME). A hypothesis is proposed which explains the possibility of application...
Flooding Extent Mapping for Synthetic Aperture Radar Time Series Using River Gauge Observations
PublicationThe flooding extent area in a river valley is related to river gauge observations such as discharge and water elevations. The higher the water elevations, or discharge, the larger the flooding area. Flooding extent maps are often derived from synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images using thresholding methods. The thresholding methods vary in complexity and number of required parameters. We proposed a simple thresholding method that...
Platelet RNA Sequencing Data Through the Lens of Machine Learning
PublicationLiquid biopsies offer minimally invasive diagnosis and monitoring of cancer disease. This biosource is often analyzed using sequencing, which generates highly complex data that can be used using machine learning tools. Nevertheless, validating the clinical applications of such methods is challenging. It requires: (a) using data from many patients; (b) verifying potential bias concerning sample collection; and (c) adding interpretability...
Reliability Analysis of Data Storage Using Survival Signature and Logic Differential Calculus
PublicationThe Data storage system is an important part of any information system. All the necessary data that must be available for the successful operation of the information system are stored here. Therefore, it is advisable to think about the reliability of such a data storage system. As part of reliability engineering, it is possible to perform a reliability analysis of any system. Therefore, the data storage system can be analyzed as...
PublicationW rozprawie określono pojęcie oraz miejsce inwestycji alternatywnych na rynku inwestycyjnym. Wskazane zostały atrybuty tych inwestycji. Zbudowano klasyfikację inwestycji alternatywnych w podziale na kategorie oraz typy wraz ze wskazaniem powiązań pomiędzy poszczególnymi produktami. Dokonano autorskiego podziału analizowanych inwestycji na aktywne i pasywne. Zbadano stopę zwrotu i ryzyko pięćdziesięciu inwestycji alternatywnych,...
Nieliniowa analiza stanów przedawaryjnych konstrukcji prętowo – cięgnowych w ujęciu metody elementów skończonych
PublicationDysertacja zawiera kilka zróżnicowanych, lecz wzajemnie z siebie wynikających, wątków. Można wyróżnić dwie podstawowe części: teoretyczno – numeryczną oraz aplikacyjną. Część pierwsza ujmuje sformułowanie podstaw nieliniowej teorii prętów, algorytmy nume-ryczne oraz stworzenie kodu autorskiego programu komputerowego (MES) wraz z jego testami. W części tej podano prawa mechaniki zakrzywionych przestrzennie prętów, zapisano ich dynamikę...
Efficient algorithm for blinking LED detection dedicated to embedded systems equipped with high performance cameras
PublicationThis paper presents the concept and implementation of an efficient algorithm for detection of blinking LED or similar signal sources. Algorithm is designed for embedded devices equipped with high performance cameras being a part of an indoor positioning embedded system. An algorithm to be implemented in such a system should be efficient in terms of computational power what is hard to be achieved when large amount of data from camera...
Jak wykraść złoto smokowi? - uczenie ze wzmocnieniem w świecie Wumpusa
PublicationNiniejszy rozdział zawiera łagodne wprowadzenie do problematyki uczenia ze wzmocnieniem, w którym podstawy teoretyczne wyjaśniane są na przykładzie przewodnim, jakim jest zagadnienie nauczenia agenta poruszania się w świecie potwora o imieniu Wumpus (ang. Wumpus world), klasycznym środowisku do testowania logicznego rozumowania agentów (problem nietrywialny dla algorytmów uczenia ze wzmocnieniem). Przedstawiona jest główna idea...
PublicationSpatial and town planning is a complex process caused by the interaction between natural and social systems at different temporal and spatial scales. That is the reason, why it is difficult to introduce this subject to students studying disciplines other than spatial or urban planning. The main problem is to define goals, the scope and expected educational effects. The second step is to choose the appropriate teaching and assessment...
Application of the finite element methods in long-term simulation of the multi-physics systems with large transient response differences
PublicationApplication of the Finite Element Method (FEM) and the Multibody Dynamics Method allows analyzing of complex physical systems. Complexity of the system could be related both to the geometry and the physical description of phenomenon. The metod is the excellent tool for analyzing statics or dynamics of the mechanical systems, and permits tracking of Multi Body System (MBS) transient response for the long-term simulations and application...
Is It Right To Predict Cutting Forces On The Basis Of Wood Density?
PublicationSeveral properties of wood can be correlated to wood density. It is widely accepted that the cutting power requirements are following this general assumption. Therefore, according to classic literature sources available for determination of the cutting power for both band- and circular- sawing machines, the cutting power requirements (and/or cutting forces) are computed as a function of the wood specific gravity SG. It was shown...
RMS-based damage identification in adhesive joint between concrete beam and steel plate using ultrasonic guided waves
PublicationAdhesive joints have numerous applications in many branches of industry, such as civil engineering, automotive, aerospace and shipbuilding. As with most structural elements, adhesive joints can experience any damage mechanism, which induces the need for diagnostic testing. Ultrasonic waves are widely used for non-destructive inspection of many structures and their elements, including adhesive joints. Guided wave propagation method...
PublicationAim of the study This study analyses the efficiency of flood protection in a small urban catchment, based on a system of small reservoirs. Material and methods To assess the flood routing and surge reduction, a mathematical model of the river catchment was implemented. This was a lumped hydrological model, based on the SCS-CN method. Channel routing was performed, using kinematic wave equation. The sub-catchments have been determined...
PublicationSnow samples were collected during winter 2011/2012 in three posts in the Western Sudety Mountains (Poland) in 3 consecutive phases of snow cover development, i.e. stabilisation (Feb 1st), growth (Mar 15th) and its ablation (Mar 27th). To maintain a fixed number of samples, each snow profile has been divided into six layers, but hydrochemical indications were made for each 10 cm section of core. The complete data set was subjected...
Tailoring the optical parameters of optical fiber interferometer with dedicated boron-doped nanocrystalline diamond thin film
PublicationOptical fiber interferometer using nanocrystalline boron-doped diamond film was investigated. The diamond films were deposited on glass plates using a Microwave Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapour Deposition (μPE CVD) sys-tem. The growth time was 3h, with boron doping level of 10 000 ppm producing films (B-NCD-10) of thickness ~ 200 nm. The presence of boron atoms in the diamond film is evident in Raman spectrum as peaks at 1212 cm-1...
The application of non-destructive methods in the diagnostics of the approach pavement at the bridges
PublicationThe article presents the possibility of using non-destructive methods of road pavement diagnostics as an alternative to traditional means to assess the reasons for premature cracks adjacent to bridge objects. Two scanning methods were used: laser scanning to measure geometric surface deformation and ground penetrating radar (GPR) inspection to assess the road pavement condition. With the use of a laser scanner, an effective tool...
Electron attachment to representative cations composing ionic liquids
PublicationUsing ab initio electronic structure methods with flexible atomic orbital basis sets, we investigated the electronic structure and stability of reduction products of selected representative cations (C+) constituting ionic liquids. We found that an electron attachment to such cations leads to the neutral radicals, whereas a subsequent attachment of another (i.e., excess) electron leads to adiabatically stable anions only in two...
Chemical analysis of low carbon content coals and their applications as dye adsorbent
PublicationCoal is primarily a fuel material but lately it has been utilized as an adsorbent for removing toxic metal ions. However, its usage for removing organic pollutants is not well studied. We report here a systematic study on the use of coal samples of varying carbon contents as adsorbents for removing Basic Blue 41 as a model cationic dye. The coal samples were collected from coal mines and were thoroughly characterized. The concentrations...
Qualitative analysis of phospholipids and their oxidised derivatives – used techniques and examples of their applications related to lipidomic research and food analysis
PublicationPhospholipids (PLs) are important biomolecules that not only constitute structural building blocks and scaffolds of cell and organelle membranes, but also play a vital role in cell biochemistry and physiology. Moreover, dietary exogenous PLs are characterized by high nutritional value and other beneficial health effects, which are confirmed by numerous epidemiological studies. For this reason, PLs are of high interest in lipidomics...
Electromagnetic Field Associated With Dermoscope Magnets May Affect the Safety of Cardiac Implanted Electronic Devices Patients
PublicationDermoscopy is currently used as an auxiliary tool in general dermatology. Since some commercially available dermoscopes have built-in magnets, electromagnetic interference (EMI) may occur when examining cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIED) patients. The aim of the study was to create maps of electromagnetic fields defining a safe distance in terms of EMI. The study was performed in laboratory conditions using measuring...
Informal Settlements and International Migrants: The city of Rome (Italy) as Case Study
PublicationToday, urbanization is happening at an unprecedentedly rapid rate, owing heavily to the influx of migrants. Empirical evidence shows the development of informal settlements in cities as a result of migration, including Rome. Furthermore, information on informal settlements is either insufficient or inadequate, which makes it challenging for architects, urban planners, and policymakers to form viable solutions to deal with the situations...
Attention-Based Deep Learning System for Classification of Breast Lesions—Multimodal, Weakly Supervised Approach
PublicationBreast cancer is the most frequent female cancer, with a considerable disease burden and high mortality. Early diagnosis with screening mammography might be facilitated by automated systems supported by deep learning artificial intelligence. We propose a model based on a weakly supervised Clustering-constrained Attention Multiple Instance Learning (CLAM) classifier able to train under data scarcity effectively. We used a private...
GIS-based hydrodynamic modeling for urban flood mitigation in fast-growing regions: a case study of Erbil, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
PublicationFloods threaten urban infrastructure, especially in residential neighborhoods and fast-growing regions. Flood hydrodynamic modeling helps identify flood-prone locations and improve mitigation plans' resilience. Urban floods pose special issues due to changing land cover and a lack of raw data. Using a GIS-based modeling interface, input files for the hydrodynamic model were developed. The physical basin's properties were identified...
Engineering boron and nitrogen codoped carbon nanoarchitectures to tailor molecularly imprinted polymers for PFOS determination
PublicationPer- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) have gained significant attention as emerging contaminants due to their persistence, abundance, and adverse health effects. Consequently, the urgent need for ubiquitous and effective sensors capable of detecting and quantifying PFAS in complex environmental samples has become a priority. In this study, we present the development of an ultrasensitive molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP)...
Interpretable deep learning approach for classification of breast cancer - a comparative analysis of multiple instance learning models
PublicationBreast cancer is the most frequent female cancer. Its early diagnosis increases the chances of a complete cure for the patient. Suitably designed deep learning algorithms can be an excellent tool for quick screening analysis and support radiologists and oncologists in diagnosing breast cancer.The design of a deep learning-based system for automated breast cancer diagnosis is not easy due to the lack of annotated data, especially...
Wiadukty łukowe Gdańska - analizy i badania
PublicationNowe powstałe obiekty mostowe muszą spełniać nie tylko wymagania konstrukcyjne, ale również harmonijnie wpisywać się w krajobraz urbanistyczny miasta. Nowe inwestycje, zrealizowane i realizowane w ostatnich latach na terenie miasta Gdańska przyczyniły się do powstania wielu nowych, spektakularnych obiektów inżynierskich tak jak most extradosed przez Martwą Wisłę, czy tunel pod Martwą Wisłą. Pośród nich nie mniej reprezentacyjną...
Kontrola parametrów obwodu wymuszającego w quasi-statycznych magnetycznych badaniach nieniszczących stali, cz. I: Model analityczny i 2D
PublicationW artykule zaprezentowane zostało dwuwymiarowe modelowanie Metodą Elementów Skończonych (MES) układu do badań nieniszczących (ang. non-destructive testing, w skrócie NDT), składającego się z elektromagnesu jarzmowego i płyty ferromagnetycznej magnesowanej w sposób quasi-statyczny. Wykazane zostały ograniczenia stosowalności opartych na równaniach Maxwella obliczeń analitycznych 1D, które przynoszą zadowalające wyniki jedynie w...
Statyka i dynamika powłok wielopłatowych. Nieliniowa teoria i metoda elementów skończonych.
PublicationW części teoretycznej monografii sformułowano ścisłe 2D powierzchniowe zasady dynamiki powłok jako wynik całkowania po grubości odpowiednich 3D zasad dynamiki ośrodka ciągłego. Odpowiadająca im 2D kinematyka powłoki jest konstruowana również ściśle na poziomie dwuwymiarowym. Przybliżenia są wprowadzane jedynie do równań konstytutywnych, które są z definicji zależnościami przybliżonymi, opartymi o badania eksperymentalne. Konsekwencją...
Biowaste chicken eggshell powder as a potential cure modifier for epoxy/anhydride systems: competitiveness with terpolymer-modified calcium carbonate at low loading levels
PublicationBiowaste chicken eggshell (ES) powder was applied as a potential cure modifier in epoxy/anhydride systems. Cure behaviour and kinetics of composites filled with very low content (0.1 wt% based on epoxy resin) of ES, calcium carbonate (CaCO3), and terpolymer-modified fillers, mES and mCaCO3, were discussed comparatively. Surface analysis was performed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Cure kinetics was investigated by differential...
Analiza przyczepności prętów żebrowanych w betonie metodą pull-out na próbkach centrycznych i mimośrodowych
PublicationArtykuł dotyczy analizy przyczepności żebrowanego stalowego pręta zbrojeniowego w betonie. Celem pracy była ocena wpływu położenia pręta w betonowym bloku na lokalną zależność naprężenie przyczepności-poślizg. Podjęto także próbę numerycznej symulacji przeprowadzonych eksperymentów w programie ABAQUS. Analizę doświadczalną przeprowadzono za pomocą testu pull-out na dwóch rodzajach próbek – centrycznych i mimośrodowych w dwóch wariantach,...
Badania eksperymentalne i numeryczne zachowania się zbiorników stalowych poddanych wstrząsom górniczym i sejsmicznym
PublicationW niniejszej dysertacji opisano wyniki kompleksowych badań zachowania się zbiorników stalowych poddanych wstrząsom górniczym i umiarkowanym trzęsieniom ziemi. Badania prowadzono dla dwóch zbiorników rzeczywistych zlokalizowanych na terenie Polski. W pierwszym etapie badań przeprowadzono badania eksperymentalne na specjalnym stanowisku laboratoryjnym dla modeli doświadczalnych zbiorników. Badania prowadzono dla różnego poziomu wypełnienia...
Modelling of size effects in concrete using elasto-plascity with non-local softening
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia numeryczne symulacje MES efektów skali w materiałach kruchych takich jak beton , wykonane w warunkach płaskiego stanu odkształceń. Materiał był modelowany w ramach sprężysto-plastyczności z izotropowym wzmocnieniem i osłabieniem. W obszarze ściskania przyjęto liniowe kryterium Druckera-Pragera z niestowarzyszonym prawem płynięcia a w obszarze rozciągania liniowe kryterium Rankina ze stowarzyszonym prawem płynięcia....
User experience and user interface (UX/UI) design of Greencoin mobile application.
PublicationThe aim of the Greencoin mobile application is to encourage its users to change their behavior and to act pro-ecologically. The pilot version of the application will operate within the city of Gdańsk. To keep the app’s user base as large as possible, the graphical user interface should be attractive to the broadest possible audience, and the application itself should be easy and fun to use. This work is a continuation of studies...
Retained features of embryonic metabolism in the adult MRL mouse
PublicationThe MRL mouse is an inbred laboratory strain that was derived by selective breeding in 1960 from the rapidly growing LG/J (Large) strain. MRL mice grow to nearly twice the size of other commonly used mouse strains, display uncommonly robust healing and regeneration properties, and express later onset autoimmune traits similar to Systemic Lupus Erythematosis. The regeneration trait (heal) in the MRL mouse maps to 14-20 quantitative...
Modeling of TEC Variations Based on Signals from Near Zenith GNSS Satellite Observed by Dense Regional Network
PublicationCurrently the substantial successes in high-resolution ionospheric mapping is declared in many publications. Nevertheless, up to now there are no examples of dynamic visualization of TEC disturbances on regional scale with as high resolution as tropospheric models. Over the years, ionosphere has been modeling basing on the simple assumption, that it is a thin layer, which surrounds the Earth at some arbitrary height. However, the...
Współczesne zmiany klimatyczne i ich wpływ na funkcjonowanie systemów miejskich (na przykładzie miast strefy nadmorskiej Polski)
PublicationThe purpose of this article is to present contemporary climatic changes in their actual scale, and to assess their impact on functioning of urban areas situated on the Polish coast. The results of the analysis of variability of hydro-climatic conditions that occurred in the last 65 years (1951-2015) in the area of the Polish coast suggest that important changes were concerning: (1) temperature of the air, and thickness and length...
PublicationKacza river is located in northern Poland in the neighborhood of the Gulf of Gdansk and the Baltic Sea. A Kacza having length of 15 km and catchment area of 53 km2 collects the water into the Gulf mostly from inhabited and forested areas within the administrative boundaries of the city of Gdynia. On the 14th and 15th of July 2016 in northern Poland on the large area of Tri-City agglomeration (Gdynia, Gdansk and Sopot) total daily...
Acid-aided epoxy-amine curing reaction as reflected in epoxy/Fe3O4 nanocomposites: Chemistry, mechanism, and fracture behavior
PublicationThis work seeks to answer the question whether or not the presence of acid functional groups accelerate epoxyamine curing reaction. Epoxy/Fe3O4 nanocomposite was considered as a case, where discussions are based on chemistry, mechanism behind curing reactions and fracture behavior influenced by acid assistance to crosslinking. Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) with nanosilica decorative layer (B-MNP) were synthesized and subsequently...
Nondestructive methods complemented by FEM calculations in diagnostics of cracks in bridge approach pavement
PublicationNondestructive methods of road pavement diagnostics are an alternative to traditional approach to pavement failure investigation. The article presents a detailed multidisciplinary inspection carried out using ground-penetrating radar (GPR), laser scanning technology and finite element method (FEM) calculations. It was done in order to assess the factors that contributed to occurrence of premature cracks of a bridge approach pavement....
Flood Modelling and Risk Analysis of Cinan Feizuo Flood Protection Area, Huaihe River Basin
PublicationThis study evaluated multiple aspects of flood risks and effects on the Cinan Feizuo flood protection area in the Huaihe River basin. Flooding remains a leading problem for infrastructure, especially in urban, residential areas of the region. Effective flood modeling for urbanized floodplains is challenging, but MIKE (ID-2D) is paramount for analyzing and quantifying the risk in the vulnerable region. The Saint-Venant equation...
The image of the City on social media: A comparative study using “Big Data” and “Small Data” methods in the Tri-City Region in Poland
Publication“The Image of the City” by Kevin Lynch is a landmark planning theory of lasting influence; its scientific rigor and relevance in the digital age were in dispute. The rise of social media and other digital technologies offers new opportunities to study the perception of urban environments. Questions remain as to whether social media analytics can provide a reliable measure of perceived city images? If yes, what implication does...
Comparative study of bisphenols in e-cigarette liquids: evaluating fabric phase sorptive extraction, ultrasound-assisted membrane extraction, and solid phase extraction techniques
PublicationTo address the under-researched risk of bisphenols (BPs) in e-cigarette liquids, comprehensive studies have been conducted to propose optimum sample preparation and analysis methods. To determine twelve BPs in refill liquids for e-cigarettes, three sample preparation methods based on distinct operational and working principles were employed. These included fabric phase sorptive extraction (FPSE), ultrasound-assisted solvent extraction...
Analiza zachowania się słupa budynku stalowego poddanego uderzeniu wózka widłowego
PublicationProblem zderzeń jest bardzo istotnym czynnikiem w kontekście stateczności oraz bezpieczeństwa konstrukcji budowlanych. Wiele elementów konstrukcji stalowych jest narażonych na tego typu obciążenia. Słupy budynków, które są usytuowane blisko drogi, wewnętrzne słupy w magazynach oraz innych pomieszczeniach przemysłowych, słupy na podziemnych parkingach mogą być narażone na uderzenia poruszających się pojazdów. Celem niniejszej pracy...
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono model układu hybrydowego energoelektronicznego układu zasilania wielosystemowych zespołów trakcyjnych - EZT. Istota proponowanego rozwiązania zawiera się w zastosowaniu do obniżenia napięcia sieci trakcyjnej, zamiast tradycyjnego ciężkiego transformatora trakcyjnego (chłodzonego olejem) - suchego autotransformatora pracującego z częstotliwością sieci kolejowej oraz izolacji galwanicznej od sieci trakcyjnej....
Environmental impacts of food waste management technologies: A critical review of life cycle assessment (LCA) studies
PublicationFood waste is a serious global problem. Therefore, it is essential to reduce food waste and adopt recycling strategies to minimize its environmental impacts. However, conventional waste disposal methods emit harmful gases such as dioxin, CH4, N2O, and NH3, which contaminate the air and water resources. This work reviews the environmental consequences of food waste based on lifecycle assessment (LCA) techniques using methods such...
Dystorsyjna postać niestateczności osiowo ściskanych kształtowników giętych z usztywnionymi stopkami
PublicationW powyższym artykule przedstawiono przegląd form utraty stateczności kształtowników zimnogiętych o przekroju otwartym z zagięciami. Szczególną uwagę poświęcono dystorsyjnej postaci wyboczeniowej. Za pomocą krzywej wyboczeniowej zobrazowano, w jakim przedziale półfal wyboczeniowych występuje ta postać. Zwrócono uwagę na możliwość wystąpienia niekorzystnego zjawiska, w którym naprężenia krytyczne dla niestateczności dystorsyjnej...