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Pressure drop of HFE7000 and HFE7100 during flow condensation in minichannels
PublicationAttention is focused on the issues of flow resistance and pressure drop of perspective refrigeration fluids during condensation in the two-phase flow in minichannels. The case of the flow through a cylindrical single channel of 2.3 mm inner diameter was carefully analyzed. Pressure drop tests have been performed in diabatic flow conditions. The effect of heat flux, mass flux, vapour quality and saturation temperature on the two-phase...
The application of neural networks in forecasting the influence of traffic-induced vibrations on residential buildings
PublicationTraffic-induced vibrations may cause the cracking of plaster, damage to structural elements and, in extreme cases, may even lead to the structural collapse of residential buildings. The aim of this article is to analyse the effectiveness of a method of forecasting the impact of vibrations on residential buildings using the concept of artificial intelligence. The article presents several alternative forecasting systems for which...
PublicationThis article characterises the methodology for the endoscopic testing of a laboratory diesel engine used for testing marine fuels. The ‘Shadow’ measurement method used in the XLG3 type EVEREST digital endoscope, for quantitative and qualitative identification of detected surface defects, was approximated. Representative endoscopic images of the elements limiting the working space of the research engine are demonstrated, having...
Towards Audio Signal Equalization Based on Spectral Characteristics of a Listening Room and Music Content Reproduced
PublicationThis study presents investigations of the influence of the room acoustics on the frequency characteristic of the audio signal playback. First, the concept of a novel spectral equalization method of the room acoustic conditions is introduced. On the basis of the room spectral response, a system for room acoustics compensation based on an equalizer designed is proposed. The system settings depend on music genre recognized automatically....
Wavelet Transform Analysis of Temperature Modulated Gas Sensor Response
PublicationThe aim of the study was to evaluate whether it is possible to extract the information about the gas concentration despite the influence of humidity. Commercial semiconductor sensor response was examined under the application of a periodic temperature change. The data was collected using measurement protocol for different concentrations of ammonia at specified levels of relative humidity. In this work we focused on the evaluation...
Determination of the theoretical and actual working volume of a hydraulic motor
PublicationA new methodology of determination of the theoretical and actual working volume of a hydraulic motor based on the characteristics of the delivered flow rate into hydraulic motor vs. the rotational speed at a constant pressure drop in the working chambers is described in this paper. A new method of describing the delivered flow rate into a motor per one shaft revolution as a nonlinear function of the pressure drop in the motor working...
Analysis of the possibility of determining the general characteristics using the operational data of a vehicle engine
PublicationThe paper presents an analysis of the possibility of determining the general characteristics using the operational data of an engine of refuse collection vehicle. Data acquisition was done by reading information from the CAN network using FMS standard (Fleet Management System), which is widely used in heavy duty vehicles since year 2002. The paper presents the analysis of the expected measurement uncertainties resulting from the...
Noise effect on parameters of quiet sonar with code modulation
PublicationEarlier publications of the paper authors have shown that the use of code keying mixed with the CW FM sound signal allows the significant reduction in the distance measurement error, compared to classic silent CW FM sonar. In addition to the code modulation parameters, the magnitude of this error is influenced by the received input acoustic noise. The article shows the dependence of the input signal-to-noise ratio and the sound...
A Comprehensive Analysis of Impedance of the Electrochemical Cell
PublicationA comprehensive impedance characteristics of two electrodes electrochemical cell has been pre sented. In this method a multisinusoidal current excitation signal is used. The change of potential of both the electrodes are all registered as a function of time. The proposed method gives the possibility of determining the impedance of both electrodes individually as well as the impedance of a twoelectrode system. Additional application...
Non-Least Square GNSS Positioning Algorithm for Densely Urbanized Areas
PublicationThe paper introduces an essentially new algorithm for calculating the GNSS position as an alternative to the least-square method. The proposed approach can be widely applied to any positioning method that uses multiple position lines for position calculation and is an example ofhow using a numerical solution can improve position accuracy without access to historical data. In essence, the method is based on the adaptation of the...
The method of analysis of damage reinforced concrete beams using terrestial laser scanning
PublicationThe authors present an analysis of the possibility to assess deformations and mechanisms of destructing bent reinforced concrete beams using the terrestrial laser scanning. As part of the experiments carried out at the Regional Laboratory of Construction of the Concrete Structures Division of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Faculty at Gdansk University of Technology, the reinforced concrete beams were subjected to destruction...
A pilot study to assess manufacturing processes using selected point measures of vibroacoustic signals generated on a multitasking machine
PublicationThe article presents the method for the evaluation of selected manufacturing processes using the analysis of vibration and sound signals. This method is based on the use of sensors installed outside the machining zone, allowing to be used quickly and reliably in real production conditions. The article contains a developed measurement methodology based on the specific location of microphones and vibration transducers mounted on...
Optical properties of the chemotherapy drugs used in the central nervous system lymphoma therapy: monitoring drug delivery
PublicationOur aim is to optically monitor the delivery of the chemotherapy drugs for brain tumours, particularly used in the central nervous system (CNS) lymphoma therapy. In vivo monitoring would help to optimize the treatment and avoiding unnecessary medications. Moreover, it would be beneficial to be able to measure which of the multi-regimen drugs actually do penetrate and how well into the brain tissue. There exist several potential...
Multimedia System for Environmental Noise Monitoring. [Multimedialny System Monitorowania Hałasu Środowiskowego]
PublicationIntroductionNumerous reports relating to noise threats in Poland indicate that they occur commonly. The noise has an enormous impact on the health and life quality of the human beings. Noise pollution in Poland is greater than in others UE countries, moreover it has been increased recently. Taking into account 2002/49/WE directive related to the control and assessment of environmental noise a necessity of monitoring these threats...
The innovative approach for using pavement as a fire prevention measure in tunnels
PublicationThe paper consists of two main parts: first presents study regarding the typically used pavement structures in tunnels and the second part: the first fire trials of the poroelastic SEPOR (Safe, Eco-friendly POroelastic Road Surface) mixture which was designed to be used among other uses in tunnels. In the first part of the paper different pavement materials, such as cement concrete, asphalt concrete, stone mastic asphalt and porous...
Mass Spectrometry-Based Direct Analytical Techniques
PublicationDirect analysis of samples is considered as one of the most environmentally sustainable solutions in analytical chemistry. In the ideal case, such solutions do not require sample preparation and analytes separation steps, therefore do not consumpt harmful substances (or consumpt only minimum amounts of them) and do not generate hazardous waste. Technical solutions for direct analysis also offer miniaturized and field-portable analyzers...
PublicationPoroelastic road surfaces are characterized by low noise of tires running on them.Road pavements of this type are promising solution to problems related to traffic noise in cities and on rural roads. Some technical problems still have to be solved, in particular regarding durability and skid resistance on wet surface. Ongoing and planned works are to contribute to create a quiet, durable and safe road surface, which will become...
Customization of UWB 3D-RTLS Based on the New Uncertainty Model of the AoA Ranging Technique
PublicationThe increased potential and effectiveness of Real-time Locating Systems (RTLSs) substantially influence their application spectrum. They are widely used, inter alia, in the industrial sector, healthcare, home care, and in logistic and security applications. The research aims to develop an analytical method to customize UWB-based RTLS, in order to improve their localization performance in terms of accuracy and precision. The analytical...
PublicationSince 2012 all new tires in Europe must be labeled. The label contains general information about tire performance concerning rolling resistance (that corresponds to fuel economy), noise emission and wet grip (only for passenger car tires). Measurements of noise performance of tires must be performed according to the Annex 3 of the Regulation No 117 of the Economic Commission for Europe of the United Nations. The regulation specifies...
Full scattering profile of circular optical phantoms mimicking biological tissue
PublicationHuman tissue is one of the most complex optical media since it is turbid and nonhomogeneous. In our poster, we suggest a new type of skin phantom and an optical method for sensing physiological tissue condition, basing on the collection of the ejected light at all exit angles, to receive the full scattering profile. Conducted experiments were carried out on an unique set-up for noninvasive encircled measurement. Set-up consisted...
The study of Arduino Uno feasibility for DAQ purposes
PublicationUsing microcontroller systems becomes a routine in various measurement and control tasks. Their wide availability together with a huge potential of extending their functionality by additional modules allows developing advanced measuring and monitoring systems by non-specialists. However, using popular example codes often leads the user to pass over or not to be aware of the limitations of the system and drawing too far-reaching...
Current based Normalized Triple Covariance as a bearings diagnostic feature in induction motor
PublicationDiagnosis of induction motors, conducted remotely by measuring and analyzing the supply current is attractive with the lack of access to the engine. So far there is no solution, based on analysis of current, the credibility of which allow use in industry. Statistics of IM bearing failures of induction motors indicate, that they constitute more than 40% of IM damage, therefore bearing diagnosis is so important. The article provides...
Current-based higher-order spectral covariance as a bearing diagnostic feature for induction motors
PublicationConducting the diagnosis of induction motors remotely by analyzing the supply current is an attractive prospect with the lack of access to the engine. Currently, there is no solution, based on analysis of the current, the credibility of which would allow its use in industry. The statistics of bearing failures in induction motors indicate that they constitute more than 40% of induction motor damage, therefore, bearing diagnosis...
Experimental results of full scattering profile from finger tissue-like phantom
PublicationHuman tissue is one of the most complex optical media since it is turbid and nonhomogeneous. We suggest a new optical method for sensing physiological tissue state, based on the collection of the ejected light at all exit angles, to receive the full scattering profile. We built a unique set-up for noninvasive encircled measurement. We use a laser, a photodetector and finger tissues-mimicking phantoms presenting different optical...
A modified DC Hebb–Wagner polarization method for determining the partial protonic electrical conductivity in mixed-conducting BaGd0.3La0.7Co2O6−δ
PublicationIn this work, partial protonic conductivity in mixed conducting (BZCY721) and BaGd0.3La0.7Co2O6−d (BGLC137) was studied. For this purpose, a modified DC Hebb–Wagner polarization method was used. A four-wire type of galvanic cell as well as a suitable calculation model was applied. The method was validated using proton conducting electrolyte – BaZr0.7Ce0.2Y0.1O3−d – as a reference material. For the first time, protonic partial conductivity...
Accurate and continuous adhesive fracture energy determination using an instrumented wedge test
PublicationThe wedge test and the related double cantilever beam test are practical methods of assessing structural adhesive fracture energy. In the former, and to a lesser extent the latter, a recognised problem is the difficulty of following the length of the growing crack, required to calculate fracture energy with any accuracy. We present a novel method of measurement of crack length that has the advantages of being accurate and allowing...
Induction Motor Bearings Diagnostic Using MCSA and Normalized Tripple Covariance
PublicationDiagnosis of induction motors, conducted remotely by measuring and analyzing the supply current is attractive with the lack of access to the engine. So far there is no solution, based on analysis of current, the credibility of which allow use in industry. Statistics of IM bearing failures of induction motors indicate, that they constitute more than 40% of IM damage, therefore bearing diagnosis is so important. The article provides...
Processing data on sea bottom structure obtained by means of the parametric sounding
PublicationThe aim of the paper is to analyze data obtain during sounding of the Gdansk Bay by means of the parametric sonar. The accuracy of the sea bottom structure investigation needs the correct configuration of research equipment and the proper calibration of peripheral devices (GPS, heading sensor, motion sensor MRU-Z and navigation units) which provide necessary data to bathymetrical measurement system enabling its work with whole...
Methods of data extraction from sub-bottom profiler's signal
PublicationData obtain during sounding Gdansk Bay with SES-2000 Standard parametric sub-bottom profiler has two types of information: envelope and pure signal. First is used to plot echograms in real time and contain envelope of echo. The second one is stored during sounding and can be processed after recording data. Comparison of results will be shown and discussed. First step in investigation was proper configuration of small measurement...
Distributed state estimation using a network of asynchronous processing nodes
PublicationWe consider the problem of distributed state estimation of continuous-time stochastic processes using a~network of processing nodes. Each node performs measurement and estimation using the Kalman filtering technique, communicates its results to other nodes in the network, and utilizes similar results from the other nodes in its own computations. We assume that the connection graph of the network is not complete, i.e. not all nodes...
Continuous wave sonar with hyperbolic frequency modulation keyed by pseudo-random sequence
PublicationA CW FM type sounding signal is used in the classical solution of silent sonar. While the signal provides a relatively simple implementation of digital signal processing, and ensures good detection conditions, unfortunately, in the presence of the Doppler effect, distance measurement results tend to be wrong. This is due to the fact that the received signal’s instantaneous frequency value is dependent both on the distance to the...
Distributed state estimation using a network of asynchronous processing nodes
PublicationWe consider the problem of distributed state estimation of continuous-time stochastic processes using a~network of processing nodes. Each node performs measurement and estimation using the Kalman filtering technique, communicates its results to other nodes in the network, and utilizes similar results from the other nodes in its own computations. We assume that the connection graph of the network is not complete, i.e. not all nodes...
System setup and software for cyclic, staircase and square wave voltammetry measurements
PublicationHardware dedicated for electrochemical measurement sometimes does not allow performing certain voltammetry experiments. Staircase and square wave voltammetry, techniques which have many advantages comparing with standard voltammetric techniques, are rarely implemented in software controlling electrochemical measuring equipment. These methods, however, can be relatively easy realized with some addition...
System Loss in UWB Off-Body Communications in a Ferry Environment
PublicationIn this paper, the system loss in UWB off-body communications in a ferry environment based on measurements is presented. A mobile measurement set-up, consisting of WBAN nodes with UWB DWM1000 modules, was used. System loss was split into LOS and NLOS conditions. For the former, the smallest mean value, 24.4 dB, was obtained for the user approaching the fixed terminal, with the antenna on his chest, and the largest, 28.1 dB, for...
Respiratory signal of bathing person - preliminary study
PublicationThe scope of this paper is analysis of applicability of modern biomedical acquisition system installed in bathtub towards reception of respiratory signals of bathing person. An analysis of the possibility of such measurement is shown as well as preliminary results.
Towards Designing an Innovative Industrial Fan: Developing Regression and Neural Models Based on Remote Mass Measurements
PublicationThis article presents the process of the construction and testing a remote, fully autonomous system for measuring the operational parameters of fans. The measurement results obtained made it possible to create and verify mathematical models using linear regression and neural networks. The process was implemented as part of the first stage of an innovative project. The article presents detailed steps of constructing a system to...
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono metodykę i wyniki pomiarów stanów nieustalonych w zasilaczu bezprzerwowym (UPS) typu on - line. Do rejestracji zdarzeń po stronie zasilania i na wyjściu UPS wykorzystano dwa przyrządy do pomiaru jakości energii elektrycznej zsynchronizowane czasowo. Rejestratory kompresują uzyskane dane pomiarowe, co może wprowadzać dodatkowe błędy pomiaru wielkości mierzonych – napięć i prądów. Dodatkowe rejestracje oscyloskopem...
Auto adaptation of mobile device characteristics to various acoustic conditions
PublicationThe proposed methodology of auto adaptation of the mobile device characteristics to various acoustic conditions is presented in the paper. The first goal of this study was to determine the parameters of the acoustic path of the mobile device, for both transmitting (speaker) and receiver (microphone). Results of the measurement of characteristics of mobile devices were presented. Information about characteristics of individual parts...
Crystal growth and properties of a binary intermetallic ZrBi2 compound
PublicationSingle crystals of ZrBi2 were grown by a self-flux method. The material adopts TiAs2 structure type with lattice parameters: a = 10.233(4) Å, b = 15.581(2) Å, c = 3.994(5) Å. Crystals of ZrBi2 were studied by means of magnetic susceptiblity, specific heat and resistivity measurements. The compound reveals a metallic-like behavior (RRR = 30). The Sommerfeld coefficient equals γ = 1.59(16) mJ mol-1 K-2 and Debye temperature ΘD =...
Enhancing capabilities of Atomic Force Microscopy by tip motion harmonics analysis
PublicationMotion of a tip used in an atomic force microscope can be described by the Lennard-Jones potential, approximated by the van der Waals force in a long-range interaction. Here we present a general framework of approximation of the tip motion by adding three terms of Taylor series what results in non-zero harmonics in an output signal. We have worked out a measurement system which allows recording of an excitation tip signal and its...
Idea zastosowania sztucznej inteligencji w prognozowaniu wpływu drgań komunikacyjnych na odpowiedź dynamiczną budynków mieszkalnych
PublicationW poniższym artykule autorzy analizują wpływ drgań komunikacyjnych na budynki mieszkalne oraz metodykę pomiarową według PN-85 B-02170 [1]. Problemem badawczym jest opracowanie prostej metody prognozowania wpływu drgań na budynki mieszkalne w taki sposób, aby nie było konieczne przeprowadzanie pracochłonnych i kosztownych pomiarów polowych. W tym celu wykonano analizę przy użyciu algorytmów opartych na sztucznej inteligencji oraz...
Uncertainty assessment of ultimate strength of corroded stiffened plates subjected to different maintenance actions
PublicationThe study deals with the uncertainty assessment of different governing factors related to the ultimate strength of the corroded stiffened plates. The load-carrying capacity is predicted with the use of the nonlinear Finite Element Method. The most influencing governing factors in the non-linear FE analysis, such as material properties and initial imperfections are modeled and analysed as stochastic variables. The ultimate strength...
PublicationNiniejszy artykuł dotyczy kwestii poprawy dokładności estymacji położenia w systemie lokalizacji wewnątrzbudynkowej, bazującym na radiowych pomiarach odległości realizowanych przez modemy UWB. Proponuje się zastosowanie metody filtracji cząsteczkowej do zmniejszenia błędu wyznaczania pozycji obiektu przy braku bezpośredniej widoczności ze stacją referencyjną. W artykule opisano algorytm filtru cząsteczkowego, jego przykładową implementację...
Selected Aspects of Pavement Texture Influence on Tire Rolling Resistance
PublicationTire rolling resistance has a significant influence on fuel consumption in cars and trucks and on CO2 emissions. Rolling resistance depends on the tire construction, pavement texture and stiffness, as well as environmental and traffic conditions. This article presents a pilot study on the impact of pavement texture on the rolling resistance of passenger car tires. Reasons why Mean Profile Depth is not a good descriptor of pavement...
Processing of Satellite Data in the Cloud
PublicationThe dynamic development of digital technologies, especially those dedicated to devices generating large data streams, such as all kinds of measurement equipment (temperature and humidity sensors, cameras, radio-telescopes and satellites – Internet of Things) enables more in-depth analysis of the surrounding reality, including better understanding of various natural phenomenon, starting from atomic level reactions, through macroscopic...
Modelling an accelerometer for robot position estimation
PublicationThe article describes a new model of a MEMS accelerometer for usage in inertial measurement units (IMU). Such units allow to measure orientation and location of the sensor/system and therefore can be applied for systems positioning. The main purpose of the paper is to model pertinent accelerometer functions substantial in determination of the location of the sensor by means of double integration of acceleration. The model takes...
Experimental research of the stability of steel cylindricalshell subjected to circumferential compression
PublicationAt the Department of Metal Structures Gdańsk University of Technology, experiments have been performed on the stability of shell of steel cylindrical models. The experiments have been carried on a test bench built at the Department. The design based on other test benches which were created in the past by other scientists, where modernized by the courtesy of companies that offer modern solutions. The test bench enables to generate...
Sudden death of effective entanglement
PublicationSudden death of entanglement is a well-known effect resulting from the finite volume of separable states. We study the case when the observer has a limited measurement capability and analyze the effective entanglement (i.e., entanglement minimized over the output data). We show that in the well-defined system of two quantum dots monitored by single-electron transistors, one may observe a sudden death of effective entanglement when...
Importance of Specific Heat Characterization when Reporting New Superconductors: An Example of Superconductivity in LiGa2Rh
PublicationWe show that the full-Heusler compound LiGa2Rh is a superconductor with Tc = 2.4 K. The new superconductor was found as a result of an intuition-based extension of a database search for superconductors that looked for the presence of peaks in the electronic band structure near the Fermi energy. The measurement of the entropy loss during the transition from the nonsuperconducting to the superconducting state, a straightforward measurement...
Ocena efektywności monitoringu obiektów inżynierskich za pomocą sieci Bayesa
PublicationW swojej pracy autorzy zaproponowali zastosowanie sieci Bayesa do projektowania monitoringu i podejmowania decyzji w działaniach eksploatacyjnych. Ponadto pokazano dwie metody oceny wartości informacji diagnostycznych. Pierwszą z nich jest wartość oczekiwana EVSI (ang. Expected Value of Sample Information), która stanowi podstawę do wyboru spośród alternatywnych obserwacji symptomów zmiennej diagnostycznej. Natomiast drugą metodą...