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Central-force decomposition of spline-based modified embedded atom method potential
PublicationCentral-force decompositions are fundamental to the calculation of stress fields in atomic systems by means of Hardy stress. We derive expressions for a central-force decomposition of the spline-based modified embedded atom method (s-MEAM) potential. The expressions are subsequently simplified to a form that can be readily used in molecular-dynamics simulations, enabling the calculation of the spatial distribution of stress in...
Design of synchronous generator two inputs regulator based on hinf control theory.
PublicationThe power system is highly nonlinear system, its dynamics depends on system network configuration, system loading… etc. To overcome the above mentioned difficulties and fulfill the performance requirements the different control methods are considered and tested for design of synchronous generator control system. Application of the H optimization method to synchronous generator regulator based on measurement of generator voltage...
Using the Fingerprinting Method to Customize RTLS Based on the AoA Ranging Technique
PublicationReal-time Locating Systems (RTLSs) have the ability to precisely locate the position of things and people in real time. They are needed for security and emergency applications, but also for healthcare and home care appliances. The research aims for developing an analytical method to customize RTLSs, in order to improve localization performance in terms of precision. The proposed method is based on Angle of Arrival (AoA), a ranging...
Metal-organic frameworks (MOF) based heat transfer: A comprehensive review
PublicationHigher than a standard level, the humidity provides a suitable environment for the pathogenic microorganisms to grow and increases energy consumption for cooling, increasing greenhouse gas emissions. Desiccant air-conditioning (DAC) is an effective method to reduce humidity and energy simultaneously. Conventional desiccants are not suitable for use as a desiccant in building air conditioners, mainly because of high regeneration...
Multi-Taper-Based Automatic Correction of Non-Anechoic Antenna Measurements
PublicationPrototype measurements belong to the key steps in the development of antenna structures. Although accurate validation of their far-field performance can be realized in dedicated facilities, such as anechoic chambers, the high cost of their construction and maintenance might not be justified if the main goal of measurements is to support teaching or low-budget research. Instead, they can be performed in non-anechoic conditions and...
Low noise poroelastic road pavements based on modified asphalt binder
PublicationTire/road noise is one of the most important environmental problems related to road traffic. As the most effective way to fight noise is reduction of sound emission from the source, a lot of work is being done to improve tire and road surfaces construction. This paper describes the first “road” results obtained within the SEPOR project, which is focused on developing a low noise poroelastic road surface based on bituminous binder....
Chemical structure, thermal and mechanical characterization of bio-based polyurethane composites filled with microcrystalline cellulose
PublicationOver the past several decades, the interest in replacing the synthetic components used in the production of polymers and composites with their natural counteparts has been growing. Biocomposites belong to the group of materials produced with the use of renewable raw materials. There has been a recent surge of interest in the industrial applications of composites containing natural fibres reinforced with biopolymers. Biopolymers...
Analysing Ways to Achieve a New Urban Agenda-Based Sustainable Metropolitan Transport
PublicationThe New Urban Agenda (NUA) sets a new vision of sustainable urban development to help cities deal with the challenges of changing demography. While numerous articles have addressed how the NUA can be implemented at different levels and in different areas, this article points out the potential limitations in incorporating the NUA into metropolitan transport policies. The relevance of the limitations can be seen in three main fields:...
Preprocessing of Document Images Based on the GGD and GMM for Binarization of Degraded Ancient Papyri Images
PublicationThresholding of document images is one of the most relevant operations that influence the final results of their further analysis. Although many image binarization methods have been proposed during recent several years, starting from global thresholding, through local and adaptive methods, to more sophisticated multi-stage algorithms and the use of deep convolutional neural networks, proper thresholding of degraded historical...
Simple Millimeter Wave Identification System Based on 60 GHz Van Atta Arrays
PublicationThe paper presents a proof-of-concept of a millimeter-wave identification system based on Van Atta array tags in the 60 GHz band. For interrogation of the tags, a vector network analyzer and a measurement transceiver were employed in alternative test configurations. The design, fabrication and measurements of co- and cross-polarized Van Atta arrays are presented in the paper. They can be treated as simple chipless RFID tags with...
Application of persulfate-based oxidation processes to address diverse sustainability challenges: A critical review
PublicationOver the past years, persulfate (PS) is widely applied due to their high versatility and efficacy in decontamination and sterilization. While treatment of organic chemicals, remediation of soil and groundwater, sludge treatment, disinfection on pathogen microorganisms have been covered by most published reviews, there are no comprehensive and specific reviews on its application to address diverse sustainability challenges, including...
Mineral oil-based hydrostatic drives as the basic drive systems in the construction of offshore eqiupment projects
PublicationThe aim of this article is to present the components used in the production of mineral oil-based hydrostatic drives as the basic drive systems for the offshore industry. The article contains de-scriptions of the components of the said systems, with the description of their suitability for mi-neral oil operation and offshore applications.
LabVIEW-based intelligent system of protection against electric shock for photovoltaic installations
PublicationEvaluation of shock hazard in installations with photovoltaic sources of energy is more complicated than in a conventional low voltage system. In case of earth fault in photovoltaic generators, that are connected to the AC power public grid, a composite waveform of earth fault current in the installation may occur. For composite waveforms, the safety criteria should be modified. The paper considers the effect of the composite waveforms...
Matrix-based robust joint fingerprinting and decryption method for multicast distribution of multimedia
PublicationThis paper addresses the problem of unauthorized redistribution of multimedia content by malicious users (pirates). The solution proposed here is a new joint fingerprinting and decryption method which meets the requirements for both imperceptibility and robustness of fingerprints and scalability in terms of design and distribution of fingerprinted multimedia content. The proposed method uses a simple block cipher based on matrix...
Accelerated Re-Design of Antenna Structures Using Sensitivity-Based Inverse Surrogates
PublicationThe paper proposes a novel framework for accelerated re-design (dimension scaling) of antenna structures using inverse surrogates. The major contribution of the work is a sensitivity-based model identification procedure, which permits a significant reduction of the number of reference designs required to render the surrogate. Rigorous formulation of the approach is supplemented by its comprehensive numerical validation using a...
On Accelerated Metaheuristic-Based Electromagnetic-Driven Design Optimization of Antenna Structures Using Response Features
PublicationDevelopment of present-day antenna systems is an intricate and multi-step process requiring, among others, meticulous tuning of designable (mainly geometry) parameters. Concerning the latter, the most reliable approach is rigorous numerical optimization, which tends to be re-source-intensive in terms of computing due to involving full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simu-lations. The cost-related issues are particularly pronounced whenever...
Sensorless Rotor Position Estimation of Doubly-Fed Induction Generator Based on Backstepping Technique
PublicationThis paper proposes a speed observer algorithm for the sensorless control of a doubly-fed induction generator based on classical adaptive backstepping technique. The sensorless control is shown using classic stator field oriented control which is used to active and reactive power control. Performance of the proposed algorithm of a speed observer is validated by simulation and experimental results obtained using a small-rating generator...
Rapid multi-objective design optimisation of compact microwave couplers by means of physics-based surrogates
PublicationThe authors introduce a methodology for fast multi-objective design optimisation of miniaturised microwave couplers. The approach exploits the surrogate-based optimisation paradigm with an underlying low-fidelity model constructed from an equivalent circuit of the structure under consideration, corrected through implicit and frequency space mapping. A fast prediction tool obtained this way is subsequently optimised by a multi-objective...
Pinquark Warehouse Management System (WMS): Moving from process-based to activity-oriented management
PublicationSince the release of the first warehouse management system (WMS), these systems have been systematically developed and improved to optimize warehouse operations, including inventory management, order fulfillment, receiving, picking, packing, and shipping. Among the many well-documented and well-known WMS systems, there are other systems with a similar level of maturity and comparable functionality, but not as popular, but still...
Selective adsorption of BTEX on calixarene-based molecular coordination network determined by 13C NMR spectroscopy
PublicationBenzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX), a class of volatile organic compounds, are harmful pollutants but also very important precursors in organic industrial chemistry. Among different approaches used for the BTEX treatment, the adsorption technology has been recognized as an efficient approach because it allows to recover and reuse both adsorbent and adsorbate. However, the selective adsorption of the components is...
Principles and applications of Ligation Mediated PCR methods for DNA-based typing of microbial organisms
PublicationA significant number of DNA-based techniques has been introduced into the field of microorganisms’ characterization and taxonomy. These genomic fingerprinting methods were developed to detect DNA sequence polymorphisms by using general principles, such as restriction endonuclease analysis, molecular hybridization, and PCR amplification. In recent years, some alternative techniques based on ligation of oligonucleotide adapters before...
Przegląd programów wsparcia dla klastrów w ramach cluster-based policy ue
PublicationProblematyka współpracy w strukturach klastrowych znajduje coraz większe rzesze zwolenników - z jednej strony klastry są przedmiotem rozważań teoretycznych, podejmowanych przez naukowców reprezentujących różne podejścia i nurty badawcze, z drugiej strony fenomen klastrów został doceniony przez decydentów politycznych, którzy coraz częściej decydują się na wspieranie rozwoju klastrów w ramach inicjatyw klastrowych. Polityka wspierania...
The influence of azide and imidazole on the properties of Mn- and Cd-based networks: conductivity and nonlinear phenomena
PublicationWe report a study on a family of four new Mn- and Cd-azide-imidazolate-based compounds with various crystal architectures. Notably, three of these compounds display noncentrosymmetric crystal arrangements at room temperature, a rare phenomenon in hybrid organic–inorganic materials. Both nonlinear optical (NLO) and electrical phenomena in these compounds are observed. The NLO processes include second and third harmonic generation,...
Multilayer coatings based on cerium oxide and manganese cobaltite spinel for Crofer22APU SOC interconnects
PublicationThe current state of the art steel interconnect coating materials are based on critical raw material - Co-oxide spinels. Replacing Co-oxide spinels with alternative, abundant materials can reduce the dependence on the critical raw materials. Cobalt-free coatings with the general formula Mn2-xCuFexO4, where x = 0, 0.1, 0.3, were electrophoretically deposited on a ferritic stainless-steel support and evaluated. Prior to deposition,...
A measurement method for capacitive sensors based on a versatile direct sensor-to-microcontroller interface circuit
PublicationIn the paper, there is presented a new time-domain measurement method for determining the capacitance values of capacitive sensors, dedicated, among others, to capacitive relative humidity sensors. The method is based on a versatile direct sensor-to-microcontroller interface for microcontrollers with internal analog comparators (ACs) and with precision voltage reference sources, e.g. digital-to-analog converters (DACs). The reference...
Bismuth-based nanomaterials-assisted photocatalytic water splitting for sustainable hydrogen production
PublicationThe rapidly increase in the world's population has resulted in a corresponding increase in the energy demand. This demand is largely being met by fossil fuels for power generation, industrial fuel and transportation. However, due to the limited availability of fossil fuels and their negative effects on the environment. The use of fossil fuels results in by-products such as carbon, nitrogen and sulfur oxides which have negative...
Bismuth-based nanomaterials-assisted photocatalytic water splitting for sustainable hydrogen production
PublicationThe rapidly increase in the world's population has resulted in a corresponding increase in the energy demand. This demand is largely being met by fossil fuels for power generation, industrial fuel and transportation. However, due to the limited availability of fossil fuels and their negative effects on the environment. The use of fossil fuels results in by-products such as carbon, nitrogen and sulfur oxides which have negative...
High-Efficacy Global Optimization of Antenna Structures by Means of Simplex-Based Predictors
PublicationDesign of modern antenna systems has become highly dependent on computational tools, especially full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation models. EM analysis is capable of yielding accurate representation of antenna characteristics at the expense of considerable evaluation time. Consequently, execution of simulation-driven design procedures (optimization, statistical analysis, multi-criterial design) is severely hindered by the...
Pulse-Width Modulation Template for Five-Level Switch-Clamped H-Bridge-Based Cascaded Multilevel Inverter
PublicationThis article presents a carrier-based pulse-width modulation (PWM) template for a 5-level, H bridge-based cascaded multilevel inverter (MLI). The developed control concept generates adequate modulation template for this inverter topology wherein a sinusoidal modulating waveform is modified to fit in a single triangular carrier signal range. With this modulation approach, classical multiplicity and synchronization of the triangular...
Studies on solid phase microextraction-gas chromatographic determination of volatile chloroorganic pollutants in soil. badanie lotnych związków chloroorganicznych w glebie przy użyciu techniki mikroekstrakcji do fazy stacjonarnej i chromatografii gazowej.
PublicationLotne związki chloroorganiczne (VOXs) mogą być obecne w powietrzu, wodzie i glebie. Związki te mają właściwości kancerogenne, dlatego też ich ilość w środowisku powinna być monitorowana. W pracy przedstawiono badania nad możliwością zastosowania techniki izolacji i wzbogacania jaką jest mikroekstrakcja do fazy stacjonarnej, jej przydatność w analizie lotnych węglowodorów chloroorganicznych w różnych typach gleb z wykorzystaniem...
Evaluation of overstrength-based interaction checks for columns in steel moment frames
PublicationCurrent design guidelines in the United States require a check for only column axial force under overstrength seismic loads for capacity-designed steel moment frames. A study is presented to examine the implications of this guidance, which disregards the column interaction check (including both axial force and moment) under overstrength seismic loads. A set of thirteen steel moment frames are designed using multiple rules that...
Inverse Modeling and Optimization of CSRR-based Microwave Sensors for Industrial Applications
PublicationDesign optimization of multivariable resonators is a challenging topic in the area of microwave sensors for industrial applications. This paper proposes a novel methodology for rapid re-design and parameter tuning of complementary split-ring resonators (CSRRs). Our approach involves inverse surrogate models established using pre-optimized resonator data as well as analytical correction techniques to enable rapid adjustment of geometry...
Nickel-based catalysts for electrolytic decomposition of ammonia towards hydrogen production
PublicationNickel is an attractive metal for electrochemical applications because it is abundant, cheap, chemically resilient, and catalytically active towards many reactions. Nickel-based materials (metallic nickel, its alloys, oxides, hydroxides, and composites) have been also considered as promising electrocatalysts for ammonia oxidation. The electrolysis of ammonia aqueous solution results in evolution of gaseous hydrogen and nitrogen....
Fluctuation enhanced gas sensing with WO3-based nanoparticle gas sensors modulated by UV light at selected wavelengths
PublicationThe sensitivity and selectivity of WO3-based gas sensors can be enhanced by UV-irradiation-induced modulation, especially if different wavelengths are employed. We used fluctuation-enhanced gas sensing, based on measurements of resistance fluctuations in the gas sensor, to study the effects of such modulation on the noise intensity for ambient atmospheres of synthetic air without and with additions of small amounts of ethanol,...
FPGA-Based Implementation of Real Time Optical Flow Algorithm and Its Applications for Digital Image Stabilization
PublicationAn efficient simplification procedure of the optical flow (OF) algorithm as well as its hardware implementation using the field programmable gate array (FPGA) technology is presented. The modified algorithm is based on block matching of subsets of successive frames, and exploits one-dimensional representation of subsets as well as the adaptive adjustments of their sizes. Also, an l1-norm-based correlation function requiring no...
Eye Blink Based Detection of Liveness in Biometric Authentication Systems Using Conditional Random Fields
PublicationThe goal of this paper was to verify whether the conditional random fields are suitable and enough efficient for eye blink detection in user authentication systems based on face recognition with a standard web camera. To evaluate this approach several experiments were carried on using a specially developed test application and video database.
SiC-based T-type modules for multi-pulse inverter with coupled inductors
PublicationThe paper presents SiC-based three-level T-type modules designed for a high-performance 30kVA DC/AC inverter operating at high frequency 85 kHz with low THD of the output voltage. This inverter system consists of two integrated parts. The first part is active and contains three parallelconnected three-phase T-type modules built with fast-switching SiC power transistors. The second, passive part of the system is a set of inductors...
Electricity Supplier Switching Process in Poland – a Process Based on the General Distribution Agreement
PublicationPoland, as a Member State of the European Union, is committed to respect the common rules on the electricity market, among other things. One of the most important examples of these regulations is the perception of energy as a commodity subject to competitive market mechanisms. Competitive processes introduced in the national electricity market enable energy consumers, i.a., choice of electricity supplier under the TPA formula....
Squashed entanglement for multipartite states and entanglement measures based on the mixed convex roof
PublicationNew measures of multipartite entanglement are constructedbased on two definitions of multipartite information anddifferent methods of optimizing over extensions of the states. Oneis a generalization of the squashed entanglement where one takesthe mutual information of parties conditioned on the state's extensionand takes the infimum over such extensions. Additivity ofthe multipartite squashed entanglement is proved for both versionsof...
Metoda projektowania systemów Smart Cities bazowana na Case Based Reasoning
PublicationCelem artykułu jest prezentacja wyników badań nad opracowaniem metody projektowania systemów Smart Cities. Metoda ta bazuje na analizie przypadków projektowania systemów Smart Cities w miastach, wybór odpowiedniego do wymagań zdecydowanego na wdrożenie ośrodka i jego zastosowanie. Do budowy proponowanej metody projektowania wykorzystano metodę Case Based Reasoning oraz mechanizmy konwersji procesów i ról projektowych do procesów...
Analyzing the Effectiveness of the Brain–Computer Interface for Task Discerning Based on Machine Learning
PublicationThe aim of the study is to compare electroencephalographic (EEG) signal feature extraction methods in the context of the effectiveness of the classification of brain activities. For classification, electroencephalographic signals were obtained using an EEG device from 17 subjects in three mental states (relaxation, excitation, and solving logical task). Blind source separation employing independent component analysis (ICA) was...
Analysis and comparision of safety of children and adult passanger in car based on crash tests results
PublicationThis paper presents analysis and comparision of safety of children and adult passanger in car based on crash tests results. The car crash test with four dummies, including two car seats allowed a direct comparison of the security under the same conditions of children and passengers directly to the car seat. Analysis of acceleration and video from the test allows to understand the phenomena during the collision, the air bags influence,...
A new method of wind farm active power curve estimation based on statistical approach
PublicationThe purpose of this paper is to solve the wind farm active power estimation problem, introducing the method which is based on a statistical approach and robust fitting. The proposed algorithm uses a statistical approach and compared to existing ones- includes a wind direction as well as the influence of turbine start-up procedure on the estimation. The results show that additional estimation inputs i.e. the wind direction and the...
Space-mapping-based design flow of miniaturized broadband matching transformer with perforated metallization
PublicationA fast design procedure of unconventional passive components has been presented and experimentally validated on the basis of a wideband microstrip four-section matching transformer (50:6 OHm). A classic impedance matching circuit has been miniaturized by means of compact microstrip resonant cells (CMRCs) leading to a considerable length reduction (34%) together with minor degradation in its performance. The spacemapping-based design...
A Highly Selective Biosensor Based on Peptide Directly Derived from the HarmOBP7 Aldehyde Binding Site
PublicationThis paper presents the results of research on determining the optimal length of a peptide chain to eectively bind octanal molecules. Peptides that map the aldehyde binding site in HarmOBP7 were immobilized on piezoelectric transducers. Based on computational studies, four Odorant Binding Protein-derived Peptides (OBPPs) with dierent sequences were selected. Molecular modelling results of ligand docking with selected peptides were...
Synergistic effects of hybrid advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) based on hydrodynamic cavitation phenomenon – A review
PublicationHigh-performance water treatment systems based on cavitational processes have received an increasing interest of scientific community in the past few decades. Numerous studies indicated the advantageous application of hydrodynamic cavitation as an alternative, reagent-free treatment method of various pollutants in water. Both approaches were proved as an effective method to achieve mineralization of many organic contaminants as...
Development and Assessment of Regeneration Methods for Peptide-Based QCM Biosensors in VOCs Analysis Applications
PublicationCleaning a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) plays a crucial role in the regeneration of its biosensors for reuse. Imprecise removal of a receptor layer from a transducer’s surface can lead to unsteady operation during measurements. This article compares three approaches to regeneration of the piezoelectric transducers using the electrochemical, oxygen plasma and Piranha solution methods. Optimization of the cleaning method allowed...
Fusion-based Representation Learning Model for Multimode User-generated Social Network Content
PublicationAs mobile networks and APPs are developed, user-generated content (UGC), which includes multi-source heterogeneous data like user reviews, tags, scores, images, and videos, has become an essential basis for improving the quality of personalized services. Due to the multi-source heterogeneous nature of the data, big data fusion offers both promise and drawbacks. With the rise of mobile networks and applications, UGC, which includes...
Medical-Grade PCL Based Polyurethane System for FDM 3D Printing—Characterization and Fabrication
PublicationThe widespread use of three-dimensional (3D) printing technologies in medicine has contributed to the increased demand for 3D printing materials. In addition, new printing materials that are appearing in the industry do not provide a detailed material characterization. In this paper, we present the synthesis and characterization of polycaprolactone (PCL) based medical-grade thermoplastic polyurethanes, which are suitable for forming...
Tolerance-Aware Multi-Objective Optimization of Antennas by Means of Feature-Based Regression Surrogates
PublicationAssessing the immunity of antenna design to fabrication tolerances is an important consideration, especially when the manufacturing process has not been predetermined. At the same time, the antenna parameter tuning should be oriented toward improving the performance figures pertinent to both electrical (e.g., input matching) and field properties (e.g., axial ratio bandwidth) as much as possible. Identification of available trade-offs...