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"Shadow" method application within endoscopic examinations of marine engines
PublicationThe paper deals with diagnostic issues concerning endoscopic examinations of the working spaces within marine diesel and gas turbine engines. In the beginning, the endoscopy apparatus being on the laboratory equipment of the Department of Ship Power Plants of Gdansk University of Technology in Poland has been characterized. The endoscopy considerations have been focused on theoretical bases of a digital image processing and especially...
"Shadow" method application within endoscopic examinations of marine engines
PublicationThe paper deals with diagnostic issues concerning endoscopic examinations of the working spaces within marine diesel and gas turbine engines. In the beginning, the endoscopy apparatus being on the laboratory equipment of the Department of Ship Power Plants of Gdansk University of Technology in Poland has been characterized. The endoscopy considerations have been focused on theoretical bases of a digital image processing and especially...
Instance segmentation of stack composed of unknown objects
PublicationThe article reviews neural network architectures designed for the segmentation task. It focuses mainly on instance segmentation of stacked objects. The main assumption is that segmentation is based on a color image with an additional depth layer. The paper also introduces the Stacked Bricks Dataset based on three cameras: RealSense L515, ZED2, and a synthetic one. Selected architectures: DeepLab, Mask RCNN, DEtection TRansformer,...
Polityki pamięci i tożsamości wobec (nie)chcianego dziedzictwa. Od Gdańska do Gdańzigu
PublicationCelem artykułu jest próba odpowiedzi na pytanie, jak w zależności od polityki pamięci, pamięci zbiorowej i kultury historycznej kształtowano fizyczną przestrzeń miasta i jego obraz. Z przeprowadzonych dotychczas analiz wynika, że sposób, w jaki budowano narracje tożsamościowe, oparty był zasadniczo na konstrukcjach mitotwórczych, zwłaszcza na micie XVI–XVII-wiecznego „złotego wieku”. W Gdańsku, ze względu na bogatą przeszłość historyczną...
PublicationThe presentation of the exhibition “Architect Gustav Oelsner – Light, Air, Colour,”, which took place in Gdynia 1.04-29.05.2011, showed the clinker architecture of Gustav Oelsner in Altona. As a contrast to the white-plastered architecture of Gdynia, it provided an interesting background for the comparison of two different faces of modernism. The most important feature of the aesthetics of modernism was its cosmopolitan character,...
Computer-Aided Diagnosis of COVID-19 from Chest X-ray Images Using Hybrid-Features and Random Forest Classifier
PublicationIn recent years, a lot of attention has been paid to using radiology imaging to automatically find COVID-19. (1) Background: There are now a number of computer-aided diagnostic schemes that help radiologists and doctors perform diagnostic COVID-19 tests quickly, accurately, and consistently. (2) Methods: Using chest X-ray images, this study proposed a cutting-edge scheme for the automatic recognition of COVID-19 and pneumonia....
Selective Harmonic Elimination PWM For a Cascaded Multi-level Inverter
PublicationThis paper deals with the selective harmonic elimination pulse width modulation (SHE-PWM) technique. This technique is used for the elimination of selected dominant low order harmonics in the multi-level inverter output voltage. The presence of these harmonics is the essential drawback of such kind of inverters; especially when it is used for the control of different AC drivers. The SHE-PWM is based...
Optimization of hydrodynamic vortex separator for removal of sand particles from storm water by computational fluid dynamics
PublicationStorm water treatment has been gradually acknowledged for the removal of pollutants from urban areas using the hydro cyclone separation technique. The separation efficiency of the hydrodynamic vortex separator (HDVS) is a complex phenomenon. With the aim enhance the separation potency of HDVS for storm runoff to get rid of sand particles, the HDVS with different structural configurations was studied by computational fluid dynamics....
Time-Domain Description of Point-Source Acoustic Wavefields as a Useful Approach in Ultrasonic Techniques
PublicationIn traditional acoustics, field problems are usually treated in the frequency domain, broadband fields being reduced to superposition of harmonic spectrum components. However, this approach is inherently acausal and it is known that in case of arbitrary signals, the distribution-based, time-domain description can be more effective. The present paper is an attempt to expand the time-domain linear systems formalism onto space problems...
Early-Age Hydration Reaction of Cement Mortars with the Participation of Aluminosilicate Microsphere Fractions
PublicationThe paper presents the influence of two fractions (M1 and M2) of aluminosilicate microspheres in the amount of 0.0%, 1.5%, 3.5%, and 5% as a cement substitute on the early heat of hydration of cement mortars assessed by isothermal calorimetry (IC). The study results showed a higher accumulated heat of hydration for cement mortars with 1.5% of the test material for both grain fractions. In turn, mortars with 3.5% and 5% of smaller...
Controlled engineering of Bi4O5Br2 and BiOBr via interactions imidazolium ionic liquids and medium during synthesis as a simple method for enhancement of photocatalytic activity
PublicationIonic liquid-mediated synthesis of Bi4O5Br2 and BiOBr was carried out in non-polar solvents (glycerol, ethylene glycol) and a polar solvent (0.1 M mannitol). The effect of elongation of alkyl side chains (C4mim+, C8mim+, and C16mim+) of imidazolium ionic liquids, which act as a source of bromide and template, on the morphological, optical, and photocatalytic properties of materials was investigated. The crystallite size, morphology,...
Time-domain description of point-source acoustic wavefields as a useful approach in ultrasonic techniques
PublicationIn traditional acoustics, field problems are usually treated in the frequency domain, broadband fields being reduced to superposition of harmonic spectrum components. However, this approach is inherently acausal and it is known that in case of arbitrary signals, the distribution-based, time-domain description can be more effective. The present paper is an attempt to expand the time-domain linear systems formalism onto space problems...
Magneto-thermal convection of low concentration nanofluids
PublicationThe main aim of this paper was to analyze possible utilization of the low concentration nanofluids and the magnetic field to enhance heat transfer. The studied fluids were based on water with an addition of copper particles (40-60 nm diameter). They belonged to the diamagnetic group of materials. As a first attempt to stated target the analysis of enclosure placed in the maximal value of square magnetic induction gradient was carried...
Progress, Challenge, and Perspective of Bimetallic TiO2-Based Photocatalysts
PublicationBimetallic TiO2-based photocatalysts have attracted considerable attention in recent years as a class of highly active catalysts and photocatalysts under both UV and Vis light irradiation. Bimetallic noble metal structures deposited on TiO2 possess the ability to absorb visible light, in a wide wavelength range (broad LSPR peak), and therefore reveal the highest level of activity as a result of utilization of a large amount of...
Sounding Mechanism of a Flue Organ Pipe—A Multi-Sensor Measurement Approach
PublicationThis work presents an approach that integrates the results of measuring, analyzing, and modeling air flow phenomena driven by pressurized air in a flue organ pipe. The investigation concerns a Bourdon organ pipe. Measurements are performed in an anechoic chamber using the Cartesian robot equipped with a 3D acoustic vector sensor (AVS) that acquires both acoustic pressure and air particle velocity. Also, a high-speed camera is employed...
Low-frequency noise in Au-decorated graphene–Si Schottky barrier diode at selected ambient gases
PublicationWe report results of the current–voltage characteristics and low-frequency noise in Au nanoparticle (AuNP)-decorated graphene–Si Schottky barrier diodes. Measurements were conducted in ambient air with addition of either of two organic vapors, tetrahydrofuran [(CH2)4O; THF] and chloroform (CHCl3), as also during yellow light illumination (592nm), close to the measured particle plasmon polariton frequency of the Au nanoparticle...
Głowice optoelektroniczne bezzałogowych środków latających
PublicationBezzałogowe środki latające nie wymagają długiego i kosztownego szkolenia załóg. Koszty ich wdrożenia są wielokrotnie niższe od załogowych środków latających. Bezzałogowe środki latające są następcami załogowych pojazdów latających rozpoznawczych i obserwacyjnych. Jednym z podstawowych elementów wyposażania bezzałogowego środka latającego jest głowica optoelektroniczna. Głowice wyposażone są w systemy rejestracji i śledzenia wskazanych...
Miasto jako marka – analiza wybranych działań marketingowych miasta Lublin
PublicationW niniejszej pracy przedstawiono mechanizmy i proces kształtowania się miasta jako marki. Celem przeprowadzonych badań była analiza wybranych działań marketingowych Lublina od 2007 r. do 2014 r. Zbadano strategię tworzenia się marki „Lublin Miasto Inspiracji” oraz przedstawiono wybrane kampanie promocyjne. Stwierdzono, że dzięki narzędziu Brand Foundations możliwe było skuteczne stworzenie i wprowadzenie marki miasta na rynek....
Elektroniczne instrumenty komunikacji marketingowej w marketingu usług medycznych
PublicationNie ma wątpliwości, że wielu polskich świadczeniodawców usług zdrowotnych korzysta z Internetu do komunikowania się z pacjentami. Jednocześnie chcą oni stworzyć wizerunek marki jako bardziej nowoczesnej i atrakcyjnej. Elektroniczna komunikacja marketingowa (szczególnie serwisy informacyjne, serwisy społecznościowe, blogi, fora, microblogi, wyszukiwarki, marketing mobilny) ma coraz większe znaczenie w marketingu usług medycznych,...
‘Interspaces of the house | contextualized. our homes about ourselves’ cykl obrazów [w ramach:] międzynarodowa wystawa zbiorowa | ekspozycja hybrydowa Muestra de Arte Universitario - International MAU-I 2023, 'Interconexiones culturales: mirar cómo miras’
Publicationinterprzestrzenie domu: skontekstowane. nasze domy o nas samych W obrazie domu rodzinnego, z którym się utożsamiamy widzimy samych siebie. Tak też poznajemy naszych sąsiadów i ludzi z dalszych kręgów kulturowych. Sposób zamieszkiwania, tworzone schronienia współtworzą nasz wizerunek. Migracje, przemieszczenia, przenoszenie kulturowego wzorca domu i jego spasowywanie z realiami zastanymi tworzy przestrzeń innowacyjnych rozwiązań....
Ultrasonic Tomography of Brick Columns Based on FEM Calculations
PublicationUltrasonic tomography is one of the most developed method of non-destructive testing. Despite being used mainly in medicine, it is becoming more and more popular as a method for monitoring of structural elements. It allows to examine the internal structure and technical condition of the tested element. This paper investigates the influence of crosssectional geometry on an obtained tomographic image. Wave propagation signals were...
Visualization of a lifeboat motion during lowering along ship’s side
PublicationThis paper presents description of a computer program for motion visualization of a lifeboat lowered along ship’s side. The program is a post-processor which reads results of numerical calculations of simulated objects’ motions. The data is used to create scene composed of 3D surfaces to visualize mutual spatial positions of a lifeboat, ship’s side and water waving surface. Since the numerical data contain description of a simulation...
Multibeam Echosounder and LiDAR in Process of 360-Degree Numerical Map Production for Restricted Waters with HydroDron
PublicationIn order to increase the safety of inland navigation and facilitate the monitoring of the coastal zone of restricted waters, a model of multi-sensory fusion of data from hydroacoustic and optoelectronic systems mounted on the autonomous survey vessel HydroDron will be developed. In the research will be used the LiDAR laser scanner and multibeam echosounder. To increase the visual quality and map accuracy, additionally side scan...
Performance Analysis of Developed Multimodal Biometric Identity Verification System
PublicationThe bank client identity verification system developed in the course of the IDENT project is presented. The total number of five biometric modalities including: dynamic handwritten signature proofing, voice recognition, face image verification, face contour extraction and hand blood vessels distribution comparison have been developed and studied. The experimental data were acquired employing multiple biometric sensors installed...
Towards Synthetic and Balanced Digital Government Benchmarking
PublicationReliable benchmarking is essential for effective management of the government digitalization efforts. Existing benchmarking instruments generally fail to support this target. One problem is the diversity of instruments, resulting in a split image of digital progress and adding ambiguity to policy decisions. Another problem is disconnect in assessing progress between digital and traditional “analog” governance, lending support to...
Study of swimbladder morphometry of Baltic herring and sprat (development of measurement methodology)
PublicationEffective management of Baltic clupeids, which are valuable commercially and ecologically,requires the biomass control. The acoustical techniques are recognized as effective in fishstock assessment. The study of Baltic herring and sprat individual backscatteringcharacteristics is required for the accurate biomass estimation using acoustical techniques.The previous measurements demonstrated significant...
High Rise Building: The Mega Sculpture Made Of Steel, Concrete and Glass
PublicationHigh rise building has transformed from providing not only the expansion of floor space but functioning as mega sculpture in the city. The shift away from economic efficiency driven need is only expected to grow in the future. Based on literature studies; after analysing planning documents and case studies, it was examined whether the presumption that gaining the maximum amount of usable area is the only driving factor; or if the...
Bimodal classification of English allophones employing acoustic speech signal and facial motion capture
PublicationA method for automatic transcription of English speech into International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) system is developed and studied. The principal objective of the study is to evaluate to what extent the visual data related to lip reading can enhance recognition accuracy of the transcription of English consonantal and vocalic allophones. To this end, motion capture markers were placed on the faces of seven speakers to obtain lip...
An experimental study of self-sensing concrete enhanced with multi-wall carbon nanotubes in wedge splitting test and DIC
PublicationConcrete is the worldwide most utilized construction material because of its very good performance, forming ability, long-term durability, and low costs. Concrete is a brittle material prone to cracking. Extensive cracking may impact durability and performance over time considerably. The addition of a small amount of carbon nanotubes (CNT) increases the concrete’s overall electrical conductivity, enabling internal structure...
A novel approach exploiting properties of convolutional neural networks for vessel movement anomaly detection and classification
PublicationThe article concerns the automation of vessel movement anomaly detection for maritime and coastal traffic safety services. Deep Learning techniques, specifically Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), were used to solve this problem. Three variants of the datasets, containing samples of vessel traffic routes in relation to the prohibited area in the form of a grayscale image, were generated. 1458 convolutional neural networks with...
Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted DICOM Images Using Cyclic Binary Golay (23, 12) Code
PublicationIn this paper, a novel reversible data hiding method for encrypted images (RDHEI) is proposed. An efficient coding scheme based on cyclic binary Golay (23, 12) code is designed to embed additional data into the least significant bits (LSBs) of the encrypted image. The most significant bits (MSBs) are used to ensure the reversibility of the embedding process. The proposed scheme is lossless, and based on the receiver’s privileges,...
A Power-Efficient Digital Technique for Gain and Offset Correction in Slope ADCs
PublicationIn this brief, a power-efficient digital technique for gain and offset correction in slope analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) has been proposed. The technique is especially useful for imaging arrays with massively parallel image acquisition where simultaneous compensation of dark signal non-uniformity (DSNU) as well as photo-response non-uniformity (PRNU) is critical. The presented approach is based on stopping the ADC clock by...
Explainable AI for Inspecting Adversarial Attacks on Deep Neural Networks
PublicationDeep Neural Networks (DNN) are state of the art algorithms for image classification. Although significant achievements and perspectives, deep neural networks and accompanying learning algorithms have some important challenges to tackle. However, it appears that it is relatively easy to attack and fool with well-designed input samples called adversarial examples. Adversarial perturba-tions are unnoticeable for humans. Such attacks...
Visual Traffic Noise Monitoring in Urban Areas
PublicationThe paper presents an advanced system for railway and road traffic noise monitoring in metropolitan areas. This system is a functional part of a more complex solution designed for environmental monitoring in cities utilizing analyses of sound, vision and air pollution, based on a ubiquitous computing approach. The system consists of many autonomous, universal measuring units and a multimedia server, which gathers, processes and...
PublicationSymptoms recognition of portal hypertensive gastropathy (PHG) can be done by analysing endoscopic recordings, but manual analysis done by physician may take a long time. This increases probability of missing some symptoms and automated methods may be applied to prevent that. In this paper a novel hybrid algorithm for recognition of early stage of portal hypertensive gastropathy is proposed. First image preprocessing is described....
Spatial Calibration of a Dual PTZ-Fixed Camera System for Tracking Moving Objects in Video
PublicationA dual camera setup is proposed, consisting of a fixed (stationary) camera and a pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) camera, employed in an automatic video surveillance system. The PTZ camera is zoomed in on a selected point in the fixed camera view and it may automatically track a moving object. For this purpose, two camera spatial calibration procedures are proposed. The PTZ camera is calibrated in relation to the fixed camera image, using interpolated...
PublicationModern granulometry opens a new way of analysing images by means of morphological filters. In this paper a closer look has been presented on the problem of interpreting information about the features and conditions of marine environment from images taken at the sea coast and shallow water. Using this method allows for example selection of the objects on the image according to the differences in shape. Processes occurring in the...
Controlling computer by lip gestures employing neural network
PublicationResults of experiments regarding lip gesture recognition with an artificial neural network are discussed. The neural network module forms the core element of a multimodal human-computer interface called LipMouse. This solution allows a user to work on a computer using lip movements and gestures. A user face is detected in a video stream from a standard web camera using a cascade of boosted classifiers working with Haar-like features....
Cross-domain applications of multimodal human-computer interfaces
PublicationDeveloped multimodal interfaces for education applications and for disabled people are presented, including interactive electronic whiteboard based on video image analysis, application for controlling computers with mouth gestures and audio interface for speech stretching for hearing impaired and stuttering people and intelligent pen allowing for diagnosing and ameliorating developmental dyslexia. The eye-gaze tracking system named...
Analysing the potential for application of the phase shift method in endoscopic examination of marine engines
PublicationThe article presents theoretical principles of image processing in digital endoscopy which makes use of a miniaturised spectral scanner “PhaseProbe” designed by General Inspection Technologies LP, the producer of the measuring videoendoscope Everest XLG3. The technology of optoelectronic 3D mapping of the examined surface, which consists in measuring the phase shift between the emitted and reflected light waves, is briefly described....
Effect of waviness and roughness components on transverse profiles of turned surfaces
PublicationThis paper presents the authors method of simultaneous analysis of roughness and waviness irregularity components, with the aim of better defining the key qualities and characteristics.Periodical surface machining traces may be analyzed spectrally, with the irregularity's peaks and troughs being used to define the wave's amplitude.In this work the standard composition for filtering waviness and roughness components of a surface...
Trustworthy Applications of ML Algorithms in Medicine - Discussion and Preliminary Results for a Problem of Small Vessels Disease Diagnosis.
PublicationML algorithms are very effective tools for medical data analyzing, especially at image recognition. Although they cannot be considered as a stand-alone diagnostic tool, because it is a black-box, it can certainly be a medical support that minimize negative effect of human-factors. In high-risk domains, not only the correct diagnosis is important, but also the reasoning behind it. Therefore, it is important to focus on trustworthiness...
A model of the response of the MGS-6 gravity sensor to tilting
PublicationThe reliable interpretation of the measurements made by the Micro-g marine gravimetric system (MGS-6) depends on how the temporary changes of the scale coefficients such as gravimeter scale factor, vertical cross-coupling (VCC) effect, tiltmeter cross and tiltmeter long are compensated for during the signal analysis. The listed coefficients cannot be determined from readings during the measurements or by analysing the final data....
Proximal primal–dual best approximation algorithm with memory
PublicationWe propose a new modified primal–dual proximal best approximation method for solving convex not necessarily differentiable optimization problems. The novelty of the method relies on introducing memory by taking into account iterates computed in previous steps in the formulas defining current iterate. To this end we consider projections onto intersections of halfspaces generated on the basis of the current as well as the previous...
Algorytmy wykrywania krawędzi w obrazie
PublicationWykrywanie krawędzi jest pierwszym etapem w cyfrowym przetwarzaniu obrazów. Operacja ta polega na usunięciu informacji takich jak kolor czy też jasność, a pozostawieniu jedynie krawędzi. Efektem tej operacji jest znaczna redukcja ilości danych do dalszej analizy. Pozwala to na zastosowanie w następnych etapach bardziej złożonych algorytmów rozpoznawania obiektów na podstawie kształtu. W artykule zaprezentowano zastosowanie algorytmów...
Optymalizacja zasobów chmury obliczeniowej z wykorzystaniem inteligentnych agentów w zdalnym nauczaniu
PublicationRozprawa dotyczy optymalizacji zasobów chmury obliczeniowej, w której zastosowano inteligentne agenty w zdalnym nauczaniu. Zagadnienie jest istotne w edukacji, gdzie wykorzystuje się nowoczesne technologie, takie jak Internet Rzeczy, rozszerzoną i wirtualną rzeczywistość oraz deep learning w środowisku chmury obliczeniowej. Zagadnienie jest istotne również w sytuacji, gdy pandemia wymusza stosowanie zdalnego nauczania na dużą skalę...
Deep convolutional neural network for predicting kidney tumour malignancy
PublicationPurpose: According to the statistics, up to 15-20% of removed solid kidney tumors turn out to be benign in postoperative histopathological examination, despite having been identified as malignant by a radiologist. The aim of the research was to limit the number of unnecessary nephrectomies of benign tumors. Methods or Background: We propose a machine-aided diagnostic system for kidney...
Adsorption of Cr(VI) in aqueous solution using sago bark (Metroxylon sagu) as a new potential biosorbent
PublicationThis paper investigated the ability of sago bark (Metroxylon sagu) as a new potential biosorbent in removing Cr(VI) in batch system. The optimum adsorption capacity of sago bark (Metroxylon sagu) was 61.73 mg/g achieved at pH 3, agitation rate of 100 rpm, contact time 60 min, particle size ≤32 μm, and initial concentration of Cr(VI) 1,000 mg/L at room temperature (25°C). The adsorbent regeneration was carried out using 0.01 M HNO3...
Properties of Nanohydroxyapatite Coatings Doped with Nanocopper, Obtained by Electrophoretic Deposition on Ti13Zr13Nb Alloy
PublicationNowadays, hydroxyapatite coatings are the most common surface modification of long-term implants. These coatings are characterized by high thickness and poor adhesion to the metallic substrate. The present research is aimed at characterizing the properties of nanohydroxyapatite (nanoHAp) with the addition of copper nanoparticle (nanoCu) coatings deposited on the Ti13Zr13Nb alloy by an electrophoresis process. The deposition of...
Social media and efficient computer infrastructure in smart city
PublicationSocial media require an efficient infrastructures of computer and communication systems to support a smart city. In a big city, there are several crucial dilemmas with a home and public space planning, a growing population, a global warming, carbon emissions, a lack of key resources like water and energy, and a traffic congestion. In a smart city, we expect an efficient and sustainable transportation, efficient management of resources...