total: 41274
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- Open Research Data 22261 available results
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Method of determining the residual fluxes in transformer core
PublicationThe article presents the method of calculating the residual induction in transformer columns. The method is based on measurement of the magnetic induction in selected points around the transformer core. The values of residual induction are calculated as linear combination of the results of measurement.
Investigation on accelerated impedance spectrum measurement method with multisine signal stimulation
PublicationThe paper presents an investigation on the accelerated impedance spectrum measurement method, oriented at parameter identification of technical objects modelled by a linear equivalent circuit, e.g. anticorrosion coatings.The method is based on multisine signal stimulation of an object and response analysis by triangle window filterbanks.It has several advantages, as compared with conventional point-by-point spectrum measurement....
Factors affecting the quality of bottled water
PublicationThe ever-increasing popularity of bottled water means that it is important to analyze not only its mineral content but also, above all,its content of possible contaminants, especially the organic ones. In this respect, bottled waters are a special case, because apartfrom organic chemical contaminants derived from the well from which they were acquired, their secondary contamination is alwayspossible, during treatment or storage...
Straightening of ship hull structure made of 316L stainless steel - tensile test of water cooled materia
Open Research DataThe AISI 316L type steel belongs to the group of chromium-nickel stainless steels. They are determined according to European standards as X2CrNiMo17-12-2 and belong to the group of austenitic stainless steels. Steels of this group are used for elements working in seawater environments, for installations in the chemical, paper, and food, industries,...
Proton transfer reactions for ionized water clusters
PublicationCalculations of formation energies of the ionized water clusters and energies of reactions between small (including less than eight water molecules) neutral and positively ionized water clusters are presented. Moreover, we discuss some reaction paths between neutral and positively charged dimers, trimers and tetramers and proton transfer reactions (PTR) between cyclic clusters and H3O+ ions which can appear in beam experiments...
Bioaugmentation of a sequencing batch reactor with Archaea for the treatment of reject water
PublicationIn this study, the bioaugmentation of a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) for the treatment of reject water from wastewater treatment plant was evaluated. For the bioaugmentation step a product containing an enrichment of microorganisms from the Archaea domain was used to enhance the performance of the reactor for treating reject water. The experiment was carried out in two parallel lab-scale sequencing batch reactors. The first one...
Monitoring of breast tissue thermo-ablation by means of impedance measurements
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono rozważania dotyczące monitorowania jakości termoablacji zmian nowotworowych w piersi przy pomocy pomiarów impedancyjnych. Pokazano prototypowe konstrukcje sond do termoablacji jak również zaprezentowano wyniki symulacji i pierwszych eksperymentów. A usefulness of a developed probe combining power delivery to ablated breast tumour and simultaneous impedance measurements is discussed in the paper. It consists...
Experimental study on ultrasonic monitoring of splitting failure in reinforced concrete
PublicationThis paper investigates inspection of reinforced concrete elements sensitive to the splitting failure. The behaviour of a reinforced concrete specimen subjected to a tensile stress is considered. The damage detection procedure is based on the ultrasonic wave propagation technique. The piezoelectric transducers are located on both ends of the specimen and the measurements are taken periodically during the incrementally increased...
Determination of Selected Organic Acids in Animal Farm Water Samples by Ion Chromatography
PublicationLow molecular mass carboxylic acids (LCAs) occur in many environmental compartments due to natural processes and human activity. They are an important group of organic pollutants of waste water that mainly includes, volatile fatty acids, and also dicarboxylic, aromatic, hydroxy- and ketoacids. LCAs are present in the environment at concentrations between 1 to 5000 ppm and different methods have been reported for their determination...
Polarization sensitive optical coherence tomography for technical materials investigation
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Determination of local polarization properties of PLZT ceramics by PS-OCT
Polarization Conversion of Solitons Propagating in Birefringent Microstructured Optical Fibers
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Observation of second-order meron polarization textures in optical microcavities
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Measurement of transverse force with polarization-maintaining side-hole fibers.
PublicationW pracy badano możliwości wykorzystania przenoszących stan polaryzacji światłowodów typu Side-Hole do pomiaru siły działającej prostopadle do osi symetrii światłowodu. Na podstawie wyników modelowania stwierdzono, ze niektóre światłowody tego typu charakteryzują się większą czułością aniżeli standardowe światłowody przenoszące stan polaryzacji. W wyniku przeprowadzonych pomiarów potwierdzono wyniki modelowania.
Molecular hydrogen solvated in water – A computational study
PublicationThe aqueous hydrogen molecule is studied with molecular dynamics simulations at ambient temperature and pressure conditions, using a newly developed flexible and polarizable H2 molecule model. The design and implementation of this model, compatible with an existing flexible and polarizable force field for water, is presented in detail. The structure of the hydration layer suggests that first-shell water molecules accommodate the...
Robust asymptotic super twisting sliding mode observer for non-linear uncertain biochemical systems
PublicationThe problem of state estimation (reconstruction of the state vector) for a given class of biochemical systems under uncertain system dynamics has been addressed in this paper. In detail, the bioreactor at a water resource recovery facility represents the considered biochemical systems. The biochemical processes taking place in the bioreactor have been modelled using an activated sludge model. Based on this model, an appropriate...
The speciation of organotin compounds in sediment and water samples from the port of Gdynia
PublicationOrganotin compounds (OTC) are toxic towards all living organisms. The application of organitin-based antifouling systems is becoming the main source of OTC in the ocean. Harbor sediments and water contain large deposits of organotin compounds due to application of antifouling systems in the shipping industry. OTC contamination presents a potential risk to the marine environment. Sediment and water samples were collected in 2009...
Monitoring the curing process of epoxy adhesive using ultrasound and Lamb wave dispersion curves
PublicationMonitoring the stiffness of adhesives is a crucial issue when considering the durability andstrength of adhesive joints. While there are many studies conducted on specimens madeonly from adhesive, the problem of curing of an adhesive film in real joints is moderatelyconsidered. This paper presents the monitoring of stiffening of epoxy adhesive using ultra-sound. Ultrasonic pulse velocity method was firstly applied for monitoring...
Pore size distribution graph of SiC porous wick
Open Research DataThe file presenting a pore file distribution on a SiC ceramic structure made by mercury intrusion porosimetry method
Weakly connected domination stable trees [online]
PublicationPraca dotyczy pełnej charakteryzacji drzew stabilnych ze względu na liczbę dominowania słabo spójnego.
Incremental construction of Minimal Tree Automata [online]
PublicationWe describe an algorithm that allows the incremental addition or removal of unranked ordered trees to minimal frontier-to-root deterministic tree automaton (DTA). The algorithm takes a tree t and a minimal DTA A as input; it outputs a minimal DTA A' which accepts the language L(A) accepted by A incremented (or decremented) with the tree t. The algorithm can be used to efficiently maintain dictionaries which store large collections...
Feminidad online:¿ ni feminista ni auténtica?
PublicationMucho se ha escrito sobre internet y sus múltiples y diversos impactos sobre la vida de las personas, la economía, la política o cualquier otro ámbito de la sociedad. Evidentemente, lo relacionado con los modos de expresar las relaciones de género en entornos digitales no ha quedado al margen de esta espiral analítica. De hecho, ha generado una abundante literatura que cubre múltiples subtemas, incluyendo aspectos tan diversos...
Diagnostyka i Monitoring
e-Learning Courses -
The role and importance of WIMAX mobile system as a high-performance data transfer technology in wireless sensor networks for wide area monitoring applications
PublicationThe study discuses basic features and functional design of WiMAX Mobile system, based on the IEEE 802.16e (Release 1.5 Rev. 2.0) standard. The analysis has been made in terms of ability to use this system to transmit video stream related to monitoringof large agglomeration areas. What is more, the study includes comparison of technical parameters of WiMAX Mobile system with competitive systems such as: HSPA+ and UMTS-LTE, which...
Application of unmanned USV surface and AUV underwater maritime platforms for the monitoring of offshore structures at sea
PublicationThe operation of offshore structures at sea requires the implementation of advanced systems for their permanent monitoring. There is a set of novel technologies that could be implemented to deliver a higher level of effective and safe operation of these systems. A possible novel solution may be the application of a new maritime unmanned (USV) surface and underwater vehicles/platforms (AUV). Application of such vehicles/platforms...
Optoelectronic system for investigation of cvd diamond/DLC layers growth
PublicationDevelopment of the optoelectronic system for non-invasive monitoring of diamond/DLC (Diamond-Like-Carbon) thin films growth during μPA ECR CVD (Microwave Plasma Assisted Electron Cyclotron Resonance Chemical Vapour Deposition) process is described. The system uses multi-point Optical Emission Spectroscopy (OES) and long-working-distance Raman spectroscopy. Dissociation of H2 molecules, excitation and ionization of hydrogen atoms...
Methodology for assessing end-user requirements in the Ella4Life project: elders’ perspectives about self-monitoring
PublicationThe purpose of this paper is to explore elders’ perspectives about self-monitoring and using specially developed sensor technology for measuring health indicators. The qualitative research method is focus-groups with guidelines that were designed for understanding elder’s requirements about monitoring health indicators. We present them two devices: the first sensor is a device for monitoring of cardiac action potential fixed into...
Hydrogenation process ofTiO2/BiVO4/PEDOT:PSS observed by XPS method
Open Research DataTitania nanotubes synthesis was based on a two-stage anodization process at water/ethylene glycol (5%/95%) electrolyte containing 0.27 M NH4F and 1 M H3PO4 described previously. Anodization process was performed in two-electrode cell compartment using platinum mesh as a cathode. The distance between electrodes was about 2 cm. The anodization voltage...
GTM Method of Structural Studies Lecture and Laboratory
e-Learning Courses -
Microwave-assisted preparation of potato starch silicated with silicic acid
PublicationApplication of microwave irradiation for the silication of granular potato starch with silicic acid, and the properties of silicated starch were investigated. Potato starch was esterified on 20 min microwave irradiation of starch with silicic acid, applying the power of 450 or 800Wand, for comparison, on 120 min convectional heating of the reagent blend at 100 ◦C. The degree of esterification and the reaction efficiency did not...
Effect of native air-formed oxidation on the corrosion behavior of AA 7075 aluminum alloys
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Evaluation of corrosion inhibition of brass-118 in artificial seawater by benzotriazole using Dynamic EIS
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Evaluation of corrosion inhibition of brass -118 in artificial seawater by benzotriazole using dynamic EIS
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki korozji mosiądzu 118 w sztucznej wodzie morskiej oraz efekt inhibicyjny benzotriazolu (BTA) przy użyciu nowoczesnej dynamicznej elektrochemicznej spektroskopii impedancyjnej (DEIS). metoda ta pozwala śledzić dynamikę procesu korozyjnego i efektu inhibicyjnego poprzez ocenę parametrów elektrycznych obwodu zastępczego. Chwilowe widma impedancyjne rejestrowane przez 10h wykazują iż ekspozycja przez okres kilku...
Simulation of water flow in double -porosity soils on unstructured grids with the finite element method.
PublicationRozważa sie model przepływu wody w gruntowym ośrodku o podwójnej porowatości. Model matematyczny uzyskano poprzez zastosowanie teorii homogenizacji zastosowanej do gruntów o bardzo dużej różnicy przepuszczalności.
Modeling of abrasive water suspension jet cutting process using response surface method
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Beeswax And Palmitic Acid Utilization With Heat Pipes For Electronics Cooling
PublicationThis paper presents an experimental study of heat pipes supported by phase change materials (PCMs) coated at their adiabatic sections in application for electronics cooling. The PCMs investigated in this research were palmitic acid and beeswax, the latter being considered as a more cost-effective alternative. The study focused on three powers: 20W, 25W, and 30W. The experimental results revealed that the incorporation of palmitic...
Development of Gas Sensor Array for Methane Reforming Process Monitoring
PublicationThe article presents a new method of monitoring and assessing the course of the dry methane reforming process with the use of a gas sensor array. Nine commercially available TGS chemical gas sensors were used to construct the array (seven metal oxide sensors and two electrochemical ones). Principal Component Regression (PCR) was used as a calibration method. The developed PCR models were used to determine the quantitative parameters...
Rhodotorulic Acid and its Derivatives: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications
PublicationSiderophores are low molecular weight compounds produced by microorganisms to scavenge iron in iron-deficient environments. Rhodotorulic acid (RA), a natural hydroxamate siderophore, plays a vital role in iron acquisition for fungi and bacteria. As the simplest natural hydroxamate siderophore, RA exhibits a high affinity for ferric ions, enabling it to form stable complexes that facilitate iron uptake and transport within microorganisms....
On the instantaneous frequency smoothing for signals with quasi-linear frequency changes
PublicationThe problem of estimation of the slowly-varying instantaneous frequency of a nonstationary complex sinusoidal signal buried in noise is considered. This problem is usually solved using frequency tracking algorithms. It is shown that the accuracy of frequency estimates can be considerably increased if the results yielded by the frequency tracker are further processed using the appropriately designed filters. The resulting frequency...
New conjugates of mycophenolic acid and their antiproliferative activity
PublicationThe new conjugates of mycophenolic acid (MPA) were obtained in the reaction of N6-(ω-aminoalkyl)adenosines with MPA in the presence of EDCI as a coupling reagent. New compounds 4a–h were evaluated on leukemia cell line (Jurkat) and PBMC from healthy donors. Length of the linker influenced observed activity. The compound 4b possessing 1,3-diamine spacer exhibited the most promising results and can be considered to further investigations.
Monitoring of subarachnoid space and cerebrovascular pulsation with near-infrared transillumination/back scattering : new aspects of the method
PublicationW pracy zaprezentowano nowe aspekty nieinwazyjnej metody NIRT-BS w zastosowaniu do zapisu zmian szerokości przestrzeni podpajęczynówkowej (SAS) jako źródła informacji o amplitudzie tętnienia naczyń na powierzchni mózgu.
Theoretical Model of Acoustic Wave Propagation in Shallow Water
PublicationThe work is devoted to the propagation of low frequency waves in a shallow sea. As a source of acoustic waves, underwater disturbances generated by ships were adopted. A specific feature of the propagation of acoustic waves in shallow water is the proximity of boundaries of the limiting media characterised by different impedance properties, which affects the acoustic field coming from a source situated in the water layer “ deformed”...
Distributed System For Noise Threat Evaluation Based On Psychoacoustic Measurements
PublicationAn innovative system designed for the continuous monitoring of acoustic climate of urban areas was presentedin the paper. The assessment of environmental threats is performed using online data, acquired through a grid ofengineered monitoring stations collecting comprehensive information about the acoustic climate of urban areas.The grid of proposed devices provides valuable data for the purpose of long and short time acoustic climateanalysis....
PublicationAfter a preliminary study of the currently employed methods in vitality monitoring of the tissue flaps (TRAM, DIEP, SIEA), a usefulness of optical techniques is discussed. It seems that one of the most promising in monitoring tissue flaps blood flow is a near infrared spectrometry (NIRS). However, a special design of a measurement sensor has to be developed. First, basing on the literature study an optical “window” is characterized....
On degradation of glass/polyester laminate immersed in water
PublicationMechanical behaviour was compared for glass/ polyester laminates manufactured in the boatbuilding plant using three methods: hand lay-up, vacuum bagging, infusion. Specimens were tested in dry condition and following accelerated water immersion test (70°C- corresponding to the exposure of 30 years at 19°C). In three point bending test 40-50% reduction in laminate strength was observed due to water immersion. The highest degradation...
Linear impedance of 40Na2O-20CaO-40P2O5 glass measured with impedance spectroscopy method at low temperature region
Open Research DataThe linear electrical properties of 40Na2O-20CaO-40P2O5 glass was measured by impedance spectroscopy method.
Characterization of corrosion in reinforced concrete beams using destructive and non-destructive tests
PublicationThe paper presents both non-destructive and destructive experimental tests on steel-reinforced concrete beams subjected to electrochemical corrosion. To examine the condition and behavior of the specimens, destructive tests were carried out, i.e., a three-point bending together with a modulated ultrasonic wave test. In addition, a series of non-destructive experiments were conducted, such as the potential measurement method, low-frequency...
Thermal and mechanical properties of polyurethanes modified with L-ascorbic acid
PublicationIn this study we report the thermal and mechanical properties of polyurethanes modified with ascorbic acid (AA). Ascorbic acid was used as a modifier at concentration of 1 or 2 mass%. The antioxidative properties of AA may improve the biocompatibility of the obtained materials, which were designed for biomedical applications. In this paper we describe characterization of obtained unmodified and ascorbic acid modified polyurethanes...
Effect of Linear Energy and Microstructure on the Content of Residual Hydrogen in Welded Joints made of Superduplex Steels
PublicationThe article presents tests concerning the content of retained hydrogen present in FCAW and SAW welded joints made of superduplex steel. The use of various welding technologies resulted in the obtainment of welds having different microstructures and ferrite contents. Measurements of retained hydrogen present in joints (performed using the complete combustion method) revealed various contents of hydrogen in the base material and...
Measurements and visualization of sound field distribution around organ pipe
PublicationMeasurements and visualization of acoustic field around an organ pipe are presented. Sound intensity technique was applied for this purpose. Measurements were performed in free field. The organ pipe was activated with a constant air flow, produced by an external compressor, aimed at obtaining long-term steady state responses of generated acoustic signal. Sound energy distribution was measured in a defined fixed grid of points...