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Search results for: deteriorating jobs
Optimization of Trans-esterification Process and Characterization of Biodiesel from Soapstock Using Silica Sulfuric Acid as a Heterogeneous Solid Acid Catalyst
Publication -
Noise sources in Raman spectroscopy of biological objects
PublicationWe present an overview of noise sources deteriorating the quality of the recorded biological Raman spectra and the ability to determine the specimen composition. The acquired Raman spectra exhibit intense additive noise components or drifts because of low intensity of the scattered light. Therefore we have to apply expensive or bulky measurement setups to limit their inherent noise or to apply additional signal processing to reduce...
The Impact of Hybrid Flame Retardant Compositions on the Performance of Foamed Flexible Polyurethane/Ground Tire Rubber Composites
PublicationCurrent sustainability-oriented trends affect polyurethane (PU) materials and stimulate the incorporation of recycled or waste-based materials as fillers. Ground tire rubber (GTR) poses as an auspicious candidate due to the excellent performance of car tires. Despite the benefits related to the mechanical performance, it contributes to the increasing flammability of the resulting composites. Herein, presented work assessed the...
The effect of hybridization of fire retarded epoxy/flax-cotton fiber laminates by expanded vermiculite: Structure-property relationship study
PublicationThe study describes the hybridization of epoxy/flax-cotton (EP/FF) composites containing ammonium polyphosphate (APP) with micrometric expanded vermiculite (VMT) (1–10 wt%). The efficiency of hybridization of flame retarded epoxy/flax-cotton composites was assessed by performing static tensile and flexural strength evaluation, supplemented by impact strength measurements of the composites. Moreover, thermal and thermomechanical...
Individual Resources and Intercultural Interactions
PublicationThe work environment in multinational corporations (MNCs) is specific and demanding including intercultural interactions with co-workers and clients and using a foreign language. Some individual resources can help in dealing with these circumstances. Individual resources refer to personal dispositions, competencies and prior experiences. With regard to previous studies, a caravan of personal resources, namely Psychological Capital...
Evaluation of Machine Learning Methods for the Experimental Classification and Clustering of Higher Education Institutions
PublicationHigher education institutions have a big impact on the future of skills supplied on the labour market. It means that depending on the changes in labour market, higher education institutions are making changes to fields of study or adding new ones to fulfil the demand on labour market. The significant changes on labour market caused by digital transformation, resulted in new jobs and new skills. Because of the necessity of computer...
Fast Calibration-Free Single-Anchor Indoor Localization Based on Limited Number of ESPAR Antenna Radiation Patterns
Publication— In this article, we investigate how the calibrationfree single-anchor indoor localization algorithm developed for base stations equipped with electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antennas can further be improved. By reducing the total number of ESPAR antenna radiation patterns used in localization process, one can significantly reduce the time needed for an object localization. Performed localization measurements...
Enhanced Mobility and Large Linear Nonsaturating Magnetoresistance in the Magnetically Ordered States of TmNiC2
PublicationWe have studied the magnetic, magnetotransport, and galvanomagnetic properties of TmNiC2. We find that the antiferromagnetic and field induced metamagnetic and ferromagnetic orderings do not suppress the charge density wave. The persistence of Fermi surface pockets, open as a result of imperfect nesting accompanying the Peierls transition, results in an electronic carriers mobility of the order of 4 × 103 cm2 V−1 s−1 in ferromagnetic...
Urinary Tract Infections Caused by K. pneumoniae in Kidney Transplant Recipients – Epidemiology, Virulence and Antibiotic Resistance
PublicationUrinary tract infections are the most common complication in kidney transplant recipients, possibly resulting in the deterioration of a long-term kidney allograft function and an increased risk of recipient’s death. K. pneumoniae has emerged as one of the most prevalent etiologic agents in the context of recurrent urinary tract infections, especially with multidrug resistant strains. This paper discusses the epidemiology and risk...
Data from the survey on factors determining the employment of the Gdańsk University of Technology graduates’ in the opinion of entrepreneurs
Open Research DataThe dataset includes data from the survey on factors determining the employment of the Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT) graduates’ in the opinion of entrepreneurs. The survey was conducted in 2017. The research sample included 102 respondents representing various firms from Pomeranian Voivodship. The study concerned i.a. factors determining the...
Quality of bottled waters
PublicationBottled water is a product that is purchased by annually increasing numbers of people of all age groups. The quality control of mineral waters tends to concentrate on the determination of anion and cation levels, since it is these that govern the taste, smell and possible medicinal properties of the water. The constantly rising sales of mineral waters bring with them the ever increasing exploitation of their sources. The consequences...
Application of gas chromatography to evaluate the quality of rapeseed oil
PublicationTwo-dimensional gas chromatography is an analytical technique, which is increasingly being used in food research. Through the analysis of volatile fraction, it is possible to determine the quality of food products. One of the reasons for the deterioration of food is thermal degradation. Products that are often subject to degradation reactions due to temperatures are edible oils. In the thesis, the results of edible oils with different...
PublicationThe paper presents the research results of field measurements campaign of natural ventilation performance and effectiveness in a residential building. The building is located in the microclimate whose parameters differ significantly in relation to a representative weather station. The measurement system recorded climate parameters and the physical variables characterizing the air flow in the rooms within 14 days of the winter season....
Polymer electrolytes with ionic liquids
PublicationSolid polymer electrolytes are solutions of salts in the macromolecular polymeric compound. Excellent process ability, flexibility, non-flammability and non-reactivity make them ideal materials for electrochemical devices. The problem in their use is limited conductivity. It increases with increasing salt concentration in the polymer, but at the same time the condition is to increase the glass transition temperature of the polymer...
The impact of material degradation on the resistance and reliability of truss structures
PublicationThe paper analyses limit load-carrying capacity and buckling load of truss towers used to support high voltage power lines. The analysed typical structure was subjected to characteristic loads and their combinations. The results were applied to assess structural resistance with regard to steel corrosion in the long-term operation. The extent of structural deterioration was assessed due to Young's modulus decrement in the course...
PublicationThis paper focuses on the issue of forecasting the fluctuation of exchange rates as part of the early warning system against the risk of consumer bankruptcy. The author identified the main macroeconomic factors affecting the level of bankruptcies for households in Poland. The fluctuation of exchange rates, which directly affects the deterioration of the economic situation of borrowers who have opened credit accounts in a foreign...
Ruchotwórczość wielkopowierzchniowych obiektów handlowych trzeciej generacji na przykładzie Trójmiasta
PublicationWielkopowierzchniowe obiekty (handlowe, usługowe itp.) generują ruch o dużych natężeniach, które często przekraczają możliwości przepustowe przyległego układu ulicznego. Wpływają w ten sposób na znaczne pogorszenie się warunków ruchu w najbliższym otoczeniu obiektu i zakłócenia w prawidłowym funkcjonowaniu systemu transportowego miasta. Wobec braku polskich doświadczeń konieczne jest badanie wpływu wybranych czynników demograficznych,...
Recent advances in traffic optimisation: systematic literature review of modern models, methods and algorithms
PublicationOver the past few decades, the increasing number of vehicles and imperfect road traffic management have been sources of congestion in cities and reasons for deteriorating health of its inhabitants. With the help of computer simulations, transport engineers optimise and improve the capacity of city streets. However, with an enormous number of possible simulation types, it is difficult to grasp valuable, innovative solutions which...
Minimizing Distribution and Data Loading Overheads in Parallel Training of DNN Acoustic Models with Frequent Parameter Averaging
PublicationIn the paper we investigate the performance of parallel deep neural network training with parameter averaging for acoustic modeling in Kaldi, a popular automatic speech recognition toolkit. We describe experiments based on training a recurrent neural network with 4 layers of 800 LSTM hidden states on a 100-hour corpora of annotated Polish speech data. We propose a MPI-based modification of the training program which minimizes the...
Changes in the structure of Armenia’s labour resources between 1993 and 2020
PublicationThe article characterises the structure of Armenia’s labour resources in the period between1993 and 2020. It aims to assess the changes on the Armenian labour market by means of a deductive analysis of historical data and observation of changes in the structure of resources based on generally available macroeconomic data. The authors evaluate these processes against the background of demographic and economic changes, by presenting...
Injectable poloxamer/graphene oxide hydrogels with well‐controlled mechanical and rheological properties
PublicationAlthough significant progress has been made in the design and application of injectable hydrogels for biomedical applications, concurrent control of rheological and mechanical properties of injectable hydrogels has remained as an open challenge to the researchers. In this work, we introduce and put into practice a photo‐curable poloxamer (also known as Pluronic)/graphene oxide (Plu/GO) injectable hydrogel with well‐controlled rheological...
Performance of a plate heat exchanger operated with water-Al2O3 nanofluid
PublicationThis study is focused on experimental investigation of a selected type of brazed plate heat exchanger (PHEx). The main aim of the paper was to experimentally check the ability of nanofluids to enhance the performance of PHEx. A typical water-Al2O3 nanofluid was tested and compared to that of the base fluid, i.e. water. Nanoparticles were tested at the concentration of 0.1% and 1% by weight. Impact of the 1 day and 3 days break...
Performance of a plate heat exchanger operated with water-Al2O3 nanofluid
PublicationThis study is focused on experimental investigation of a selected type of brazed plate heat exchanger (PHEx). The main aim of the paper was to experimentally check the ability of nanofluids to enhance the performance of PHEx. A typical water-Al2O3 nanofluid was tested and compared to that of the base fluid, i.e. water. Nanoparticles were tested at the concentration of 0.1% and 1% by weight. Impact of the 1 day and 3 days break...
PublicationIn the paper, the model of slide bearings of motor engine, the metodology of research on this type of bearings and its results are presented measurement standpoint consisting of main elements of Briggs & Stratton 550 serie 10 T 802 model piston motor engine driven by three phase elektric engine is introduced . On the measurement standpoint are measurements were done, needed for specification...
Computational modelling of historic masonry railroad arch bridges
PublicationThe problems encountered during the analyzes of structural response of historic masonry railroad arch bridges are described in this paper. The attention is mainly focused on the stiffness of the masonry arches, their strengths and appropriate estimation of railroad load intensity. Issues related to computational modelling of two, existing, almost 130 years old masonry arch railroad bridges are presented in this context. The main...
Risks caused by microbiologically influenced corrosion in diesel fuel storage tanks
PublicationMicrobiologically influenced corrosion (MIC) poses serious problems for the petrochemical and refinery industries. Particularly favourable conditions for MIC arise in storage tanks and transmission pipelines for mixtures of diesel oil with the addition of a biocomponent (in Poland 7%). The best conditions for the development of MIC occur at the fuel-water interface, where microorganisms are provided with a source of food and water,...
Performance of a plate heat exchanger operated with water-Al2O3 nanofluid
PublicationThis study is focused on experimental investigation of a selected type of brazed plate heat exchanger (PHEx). The main aim of the paper was to experimentally check the ability of nanofluids to enhance the performance of PHEx. A typical water-Al2O3 nanofluid was tested and compared to that of the base fluid, i.e. water. Nanoparticles were tested at the concentration of 0.1% and 1% by weight. Impact of the 1 day and 3 days break...
Experimental Investigation of Free Convection Heat Transfer from Horizontal Cylinder to Nanofluids
PublicationThe results of free convection heat transfer investigation from a horizontal, uniformly heated tube immersed in a nanofluid are presented. Experiments were performed with five base fluids, i.e., ethylene glycol (EG), distilled water (W) and the mixtures of EG and water with the ratios of 60/40, 50/50, 40/60 by volume, so the Rayleigh (Ra) number range was 3 104 Ra 1.3 106 and the Prandtl (Pr) number varied from 4.4 to 176....
The Drop-in-Drop Encapsulation in Chitosan and Sodium Alginate as a Method of Prolonging the Quality of Linseed Oil
PublicationNowadays, the encapsulation of sensitive products by various techniques has become popular as a promising preservation method. In particular, this applies to oils with a high content of unsaturated fatty acids and a high susceptibility to deterioration. This work presents the possibility of using a chitosan and sodium alginate in the form of a hydrogel membrane to protect food ingredients such as linseed oil, which is stored in...
Infobrokerstwo w Polsce.
PublicationPrzełom XX i XXI wieku stał się bezsprzecznie wiekiem informacji, sama informacja natomiast najważniejszym zasobem gospodarczym dzisiejszych przedsiębiorstw. Rozwój technologii informacyjnych i komunikacyjnych, powszechność dostępu i nieograniczony przyrost publikacji, powoduje niekontrolowany rozrost zasobów informacyjnych. Odpowiedzią na smog informacyjny jest powstanie nowego zawodu - brokera informacji, który jest pośrednikiem...
Quiet Quitting and its Link With Knowledge Risks in Organizations – Theoretical Insights
PublicationPurpose: Quiet quitting has become a widely publicized concept, driven by social media in the United States and other countries in 2022. It is a term used to describe the phenomenon by which employees do the least amount of their work, just enough to meet the requirements of one’s job description (Mahand and Caldwell, 2023). The trend is spreading quickly among young workers. It can potentially harm individuals, job performance,...
Beyond Finance: Enhancing Support for New Technology Start-up Founders
PublicationThe article addresses a gap in the literature by examining the stressors and challenges specific to new technology start-up founders, an under-researched group of entrepreneurs operating at the intersection of innovation and business. The study’s novelty lies in applying the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) model to the venture capitalist-founder relationship, highlighting the importance of balancing high job demands with adequate...
Comparison of Compact Reduced Basis Method with Different Model Order Reduction Techniques
PublicationDifferent strategies suitable to compare the performance of different model order reduction techniques for fast frequency sweep in finite element analysis in Electromagnetics are proposed and studied in this work. A Frobenius norm error measure is used to describe how good job a reduced-order model is doing with respect to the true system response. In addition, the transfer function correct behavior is monitored by studying the...
Szkolenie „Nagrywanie wykładów wideo i podkastów”, cz. I
EventsCNE zapraszamy na szkolenie „Nagrywanie wykładów wideo i podkastów”, cz. I.
Nagrywanie wykładów wideo i podkastów (16 h)
EventsCentrum Nowoczesnej Edukacji zaprasza szkolenie „Nagrywanie wykładów wideo i podkastów” (16 h).
Platforma aktywnego nauczania dla zwiększenia poziomu umiejętności techników i inżynierów
PublicationPrzemysł 4.0 całkowicie przekształca sektor wytwórczy w Unii Europejskiej wprowadzając zasady cyfryzacji procesów przemysłowych. W rezultacie, nowe cyber-fizyczne systemy produkcyjne wywierają ogromny wpływ na siłę roboczą, a zwłaszcza na techników i inżynierów. Systemy te wymagają nowych hybrydowych zespołów "człowiek – maszyna", w których technicy i inżynierowie powinni umieć analizować zbiory danych Big Data, tworzyć symulacje...
Assessment of the Current Potential of Hydropower for Water Damming in Poland in the Context of Energy Transformation
PublicationThe present paper indicates that hydropower, including small hydropower plants (SHPs), may play a very important role in Poland’s energy transformation in the near future. The development of SHPs may also increase water resources in the steppe Poland. Additionally, the aim of the present research is to conduct the PEST analysis of SHPs in Poland, taking into account the SHP potential. For the first time, maps showing the power...
Elgold intermediate: raw texts
Open Research DataThe dataset contains raw texts scrapped from various internet sources which were used for creating the Elgold dataset.
Prace remontowe betonowych posadzek przemysłowych. Część I
PublicationPosadzki betonowe należą do elementów w obiektach budowlanych, których projektowanie wymaga doświadczenia inżynierskiego, wykonawstwo – zachowania reżimu technologicznego, natomiast podczas ich eksploatacji niezbędne jest prowadzenie remontów okresowych. Najczęściej wykorzystywane są jako przestrzeń robocza i komunikacyjna w obiektach przemysłowych. Niezależnie od miejsca wbudowania posadzki betonowe wymagają prowadzenia okresowych...
Spetiation of organic matter in Vertical Flow Constructed Wetlands
PublicationThe object of the research were VFCWs which are a component of biological treatment of two hybrid hydrophyte systems located in Wieszyno and Wiklino, close to Słupsk, Poland. The facilities that are subject to analyses are unified in terms of structure (filtration material, depth of the bed and time of operation), but they differ in organic matter load, amounting respectively to: 8.0 gCOD/m2day and 31.0 gCOD/m2day.The intensity...
The occurence and diagnosis of biomarkers of ethyl alcohol consumption
PublicationEthyl alcohol is a legal and a widely available psychoactive drug. However, its excessive consumption causes addiction. This leads to aggressive behaviors, family battery, difficulties in interpersonal relations, legal offences, suicides, car accidents and deterioration in labor productivity, what causes financial problems. Despite many social actions against alcohol consumption, this problem is still unresolved. Therefore, fast...
Hyperbaric Storage at Subzero Temperature – the Effect on the Shelf-Life and Selected Quality Characteristics of Raw Pork Sausages
PublicationThe aim of this study was to determine the microbiological stability and changes occurring in selected physicochemical properties of raw pork sausages during hyperbaric storage at subzero temperature (HS-ST). It was shown that storage at moderate pressures (up to 111 MPa) led to a reduction in microbial populations. After 21 days of storage under these conditions, no microorganisms were detected in the samples. Additionally, the...
The Production Possibility of the Antimicrobial Filaments by Co-Extrusion of the PLA Pellet with Chitosan Powder for FDM 3D Printing Technology
PublicationThe last decades have witnessed a major advancement and development in three-dimensional (3D) printing technology. In the future, the trend’s utilization of 3D printing is expected to play an important role in the biomedical field. This work presents co-extrusion of the polylactic acid (PLA), its derivatives (sPLA), and chitosan with the aim of achieving filaments for printing 3D objects, such as biomedical tools or implants. The...
Analytical Study of Sliding Instability due to Velocity- and Temperature-Dependent Friction
PublicationThe instability of sliding causes deterioration of performance characteristics of tribosystems and is undesired. To predict its occurrence, the motion of a body of a one-degree-of-freedom system with friction is investigated about the steady sliding equilibrium position. The motion equation is formulated with the friction coefficient dependent on the sliding velocity and contact temperature changing due to transient heat conduction...
Pursuing Analytically the Influence of Hearing Aid Use on Auditory Perception in Various Acoustic Situations
PublicationThe paper presents the development of a method for assessing auditory perception and the effectiveness of applying hearing aids for hard-of-hearing people during short-term (up to 7 days) and longer-term (up to 3 months) use. The method consists of a survey based on the APHAB questionnaire. Additional criteria such as the degree of hearing loss, technological level of hearing aids used, as well as the user experience are taken...
Implementing SP4CE Learning Rooms concept and AUTODESK online certification in the preparation of a new generation of engineers.
PublicationIn academia, educators do not always cope with rapidly changing technologies. Yet keeping up with new trends is essential to graduates’ success in a competitive job market. In the article, the author will answer the question of how Autodesk University Open Educational Resources and Certiport exams including GMetrix can enhance students’ academic progress and prepare them for future career. The concept of co-operation between Authorized...
Integrating Digital Twin Technology Into Large Panel System Estates Retrofit Projects
PublicationAs sustainability is now a standard for the proposed developments, the focus ought to be shifted towards the existing buildings and, among them, the worldwide stock of large panel system (LPS) buildings. Major upgrades and retrofits were done to some of the LPS estates in Germany and France, but a leading sustainable way must still be developed for LPS buildings in Eastern European countries, where apartments in those half‐a‐century‐old...
Zarządzanie opóźnieniami w ruchu kolejowym z zastosowaniem rogramowania ewolucyjnego
PublicationZarządzanie opóźnieniami w ruchu kolejowym zostało potraktowane jako wielokryterialny problem optymalizacyjny, który obejmuje między innymi zapewnienie skomunikowania pociągów na stacjach węzłowych oraz dążenie do uzyskania biegu pociągów najbardziej zgodnego z pierwotnym rozkładem jazdy. Uwzględniono priorytety poszczególnych pociągów uzależnione od sytuacji ruchowej i kategorii pociągów. W przeprowadzonym procesie optymalizacji...
Burnout as a State: Random-Intercept Cross-Lagged Relationship Between Exhaustion and Disengagement in a 10-Day Study [Response to Letter]
PublicationWe are writing in response to the Letter to the Editor by Block, Bair, and Carillo regarding our study, which took a multilevel approach to examine cross-lagged and co-existing relationships between exhaustion and disengagement, measured daily for ten consecutive working days using the Oldenburg Burnout Inventory (OLBI). We assessed the job burnout symptoms using only eight items, all of them worded negatively. Following Block,...
Pre-existing arterial hypertension as a risk factor for early left ventricular systolic dysfunction following (R)-CHOP chemotherapy in patients with lymphoma