Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: LINEAR ALKYLBENZENE SULPHONATES - MOST Wiedzy




  • System for tracking multiple trains on a test railway track

    Several problems may arise when multiple trains are to be tracked using two IP camera streams. In this work, real-life conditions are simulated using a railway track model based on the Pomeranian Metropolitan Railway (PKM). Application of automatic clustering of optical flow is investigated. A complete tracking solution is developed using background subtraction, blob analysis, Kalman filtering, and a Hungarian algorithm. In total,...

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  • System for tracking multiple trains on a test railway track


    Several problems may arise when multiple trains are to be tracked using two IP camera streams. In this work, real-life conditions are simulated using a railway track model based on the Pomeranian Metropolitan Railway (PKM). Application of automatic clustering of optical flow is investigated. A complete tracking solution is developed using background subtraction, blob analysis, Kalman filtering, and a Hungarian algorithm. In total,...

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  • Vibration of the bridge under moving singular loads - theoretical formulation and numerical solution

    The paper presents the results of the numerical analysis of a simple vehicle passing over a simply supported bridge span. The bridge is modelled by a Euler-Bernoulli beam. The vehicle is modelled as a linear, visco-elastic oscillator, moving at a constant speed. The system is described by a set of differential equations of motion and solved numerically using the Runge-Kutta algorithm. The results are compared with the solution...

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  • The impact of methods the stochastic analysis on swimming safety of multihull floating units (Part 2)


    In part 2 the equations of the catamaran motion were divided into the system of two groups not conjugated with themselves containing the mutually conjugated equations. The feedback is obtained by the linear and nonlinear coefficients of dampening and coefficients of hydrostatic elasticity. The first group includes the symmetric movements (longitudinal movements), and the second group includes the antisymmetric movements (transverse)....

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  • The Maslov index and the spectral flow—revisited


    We give an elementary proof of a celebrated theorem of Cappell, Lee and Miller which relates the Maslov index of a pair of paths of Lagrangian subspaces to the spectral flow of an associated path of self-adjoint first-order operators. We particularly pay attention to the continuity of the latter path of operators, where we consider the gap-metric on the set of all closed operators on a Hilbert space. Finally, we obtain from Cappell,...

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  • Buckling analyses of cylindrical metal silos containing bulk solids


    The paper presents quasi-static 3D buckling analysis results of thin-walled cylindrical metal silos with and without bulk solids. The behaviour of the bulk solid was described with a hypoplastic constitutive model. Non-linear analyses with geometric and material non-linearity were performed with a perfect and an imperfect silo shell. Different initial geometric imperfections were considered. The influence of internally stored bulk...

  • Kształtowanie toru zwrotnego rozjazdu z odcinkami krzywizny liniowej


    W pracy została przedstawiona analityczna metoda kształtowania toru zwrotnego rozjazdu kolejowego posiadającego na swojej długości odcinki krzywizny liniowej. Odróżnia go to w istotny sposób od rozwiązania typowego, stanowiącego pojedynczy łuk kołowy bez krzywych przejściowych. W metodzie tej dokonano identyfikacji problemu rozkładu krzywizny za pomocą równań różniczkowych. Uzyskane rozwiązania mają charakter uniwersalny; m. in....

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  • Nieliniowa statyka 6-parametrowych powłok sprężysto plastycznych. Efektywne obliczenia MES


    - Rok 2021

    Głównym zagadnieniem omawianym w monografii jest sformułowanie sprężysto-plastycznego prawa konstytutywnego w nieliniowej 6-parametrowej teorii powłok. Wyróżnikiem tej teorii jest występujący w niej w naturalny sposób tzw. stopień 6 swobody, czyli owinięcie (drilling rotation). Podstawowe założenie pracy to przyjęcie płaskiego stanu naprężenia uogólnionego na ośrodek typu Cosseratów. Takie podejście stanowi oryginalny aspekt opracowania....

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  • Dynamiczne wyznaczanie parametrów elektrycznego obwodu szeregowego

    Po załączeniu napięcia na skutek istnienia inercji prąd w obwodzie zaczyna narastać od wartości zerowej do znamionowej. W tym czasie narastają spadki napięć na rezystancjach (impedancjach obwodu) do chwili spełnienia prawa Kirchhoffa. Można utworzyć układ ze sprzężeniem zwrotnym (układ regulacji stałowartościowej bądź nadążnej), który poszukuje parametrów obwodu spełniających prawa Kirchhoffa – elementy nie muszą być liniowe. W...

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  • On the lower smoothing bound in identification of time-varying systems


    In certain applications of nonstationary system identification the model-based decisions can be postponed, i.e. executed with a delay. This allows one to incorporate in the identification process not only the currently available information, but also a number of ''future'' data points. The resulting estimation schemes, which involve smoothing, are not causal. Assuming that the infinite observation history is available, the paper...

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  • approximation of photonic crystal fibres with large air holes by the step index fibre model



    An equivalent step index fibre with a silica core and air cladding is used to model photonic crystal fibres with large air holes. We model this fibre for linear polarisation (we focus on the lowest few transverse modes of the electromagnetic field). The equivalent step index radius is obtained by equating the lowest two eigenvalues of the model to those calculated numerically for the photonic crystal fibres. The step index parameters...

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  • Acoustic Heating Produced in the Thermoviscous Flow of a Shear-Thinning Fluid


    This study is devoted to the instantaneous acoustic heating of a shear-thinningfluid. Apparent viscosity of a shear-thinning fluid depends on the shear rate. Thatfeature distinguishes it from a viscous Newtonian fluid. The special linear combi-nation of conservation equations in the differential form makes it possible to derivedynamic equations governing both the sound and non-wave entropy mode inducedin the field of sound. These...

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  • Finite element matrix generation on a GPU

    This paper presents an efficient technique for fast generation of sparse systems of linear equations arising in computational electromagnetics in a finite element method using higher order elements. The proposed approach employs a graphics processing unit (GPU) for both numerical integration and matrix assembly. The performance results obtained on a test platform consisting of a Fermi GPU (1x Tesla C2075) and a CPU (2x twelve-core...

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  • Sensitivity analysis of critical loads of I-columns


    The first order variation of critical buckling load of thin-walled columns with bisymmetric open cross-section due to some variations of the design variables such as: cross-section dimensions, or material characteristics is derived. The influence of the residual welding stresses is taken into account. In the numerical examples dealing with I-column the functions describing the effect of the variation of the dimensions of the flange...

  • On the modelling of aerodynamic force coefficients for over-shroud seals of turbine stages

    This paper presents experimental investigations which made it possible to determine dynamic coefficients of labyrinth over-shroud seal of a model air turbine. The coefficients associate pressure forces with turbine rotor displacement, velocity and acceleration respective to turbine casing (linear model) and play important role in analyzing turbine-set dynamics. The obtained results indicated that involving serious errors can be...

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  • Shaft friction from the DMT and direct shear interface tests


    The article presents preliminary attempt to create tri-linear transfer curves for describing pile behaviour under axial loading. Transfer curves would use the parameter measured in dilatometer test, particularly a constrained modulus MDMT. The proposed method is based on concrete rough and smooth interface tests performed in a direct shear apparatus. Based on the obtained mobilization curves, relationships were created between...

  • Improving all-reduce collective operations for imbalanced process arrival patterns


    Two new algorithms for the all-reduce operation optimized for imbalanced process arrival patterns (PAPs) are presented: (1) sorted linear tree, (2) pre-reduced ring as well as a new way of online PAP detection, including process arrival time estimations, and their distribution between cooperating processes was introduced. The idea, pseudo-code, implementation details, benchmark for performance evaluation and a real case example...

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  • Application of fuzzy logic to determine the odour intensity of model gas mixtures using electronic nose

    The paper presents the possibility of application of fuzzy logic to determine the odour intensity of model, ternary gas mixtures (α-pinene, toluene and triethylamine) using electronic nose prototype. The results obtained using fuzzy logic algorithms were compared with the values obtained using multiple linear regression (MLR) model and sensory analysis. As the results of the studies, it was found the electronic nose prototype along...

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  • Decentralized control of a different rated parallel UPS systems


    The paper presents the single phase uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system with galvanic separated DC-AC-DC-AC converters operating in parallel. The CAN physical layer based system of communication between converters has been developed and applied, which allow to utilize a decentralized master-slave control providing high availability factor of the whole UPS system. The control system of particular converters has been developed...

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  • Stability of roof trusses stiffened by trapezoidal sheeting and purlins

    In the article linear buckling analysis of a set of steel trusses braced by purlins and trapezoidal sheeting are conducted. The buckling load factor due to the height of a corrugated sheeting profile is investigated in parametric studies. The minimal height of trapezoidal sheeting required for preventing the sheeting and chords of the trusses against the buckling is obtained. Two groups of models are considered: “axial” model as...

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  • Damage Development on the Surface of Nickel Coating in the Initial Period of Erosion


    - Materials - Rok 2021

    The common occurrence of the phenomenon of cavitation in many industries and the multitude of factors affecting the resistance to cavitation erosion of used materials contribute to the search for methods and appropriate parameters of coating application that are able to minimize the effects of erosion. To determine the validity of the developed application parameters and the method used, cavitation studies and microscopic observations...

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  • Weighted 2-sections and hypergraph reconstruction


    In the paper we introduce the notion of weighted 2-sections of hypergraphs with integer weights and study the following hypergraph reconstruction problems: (1) Given a weighted graph , is there a hypergraph H such that is its weighted 2-section? (2) Given a weighted 2-section , find a hypergraph H such that is its weighted 2-section. We show that (1) is NP-hard even if G is a complete graph or integer weights w does not exceed...

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  • Minimal surfaces and conservation laws for bidimensional structures

    We discuss conservation laws for thin structures which could be modeled as a material minimal surface, i.e., a surface with zero mean curvatures. The models of an elastic membrane and micropolar (six-parameter) shell undergoing finite deformations are considered. We show that for a minimal surface, it is possible to formulate a conservation law similar to three-dimensional non-linear elasticity. It brings us a path-independent...

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  • Software tool for modelling of mechatronic systems with elastic continua


    - Rok 2011

    The paper presents a systematic computational package for modelling and analysis of complex systems composed of multiple lumped and distributed parameter subsystems. The constructed computer program enables the frequency domain analysis of a class of linear systems and to obtain reduced order model in the form of bond graph. Obtained modal bond graph can be directly exported into 20-Sim package to further processing including nonlinear...

  • Subsoil degradation effect in reliability analysis of the jack-up platform structure


    Structural reliability analysis is considered, by FORM and SORM applied to a certain idealized soil-platform structure interaction problem due to cyclic water wave and wind loads. Wave and wind loads are random variables, whereas dead load is deterministic. Load parameters are typical for storm conditions in the Baltic Sea. The soil-structure interaction is idealized as a set of linear translational and rotational springs. Due...

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  • Shaping of the turnout diverging track with variable curvature sections

    The paper presents an analytical method of shaping the turnout diverging railroad track with variable curvature segments on its length, which in an evident way distinguished it from a typical solution, made up of a single circular arc with no transition curves. Two separate causes including a linear and a nonlinear curvature one in the form of a polynomial have been examined. The obtained solutions of the problem have a universal...

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  • Self-Optimizing Adaptive Vibration Controller

    This paper presents a new approach to rejection of sinusoidal disturbances acting at the output of a discrete-time linear stable plant with unknown dynamics. It is assumed that the frequency of the sinusoidal disturbance is known, and that the output signal is contaminated with wideband measurement noise. The proposed controller, called SONIC (self-optimizing narrowband interference canceller), combines the coefficient fixing technique,...

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  • A new approach to active noise and vibration control - [Part I: the known frequency case]


    This paper presents a new approach to rejection of complex-valued sinusoidal disturbances acting at the output of a discrete-time stable linear plant with unknown dynamics. It is assumed that the frequency of the sinusoidal disturbance is known, and that the output signal is contaminated with wideband measurement noise. The disturbance rejection control rule is first derived and analyzed for a nominal plant model, different from...

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  • Terminal charging scheduling of battery electric buses based on vehicle routing problem


    - Rok 2023

    Electric buses are considered to be a viable solution for reducing emission in dense urban areas. However, the greater charging time is a huge challenge for operators. In this paper, charging scheduling method was elaborated based on vehicle routing problem using mixed-integer linear programming model. The main novelty of the paper is the combination of modelling aspect, namely flexible turn sequence and heterogeneous shared charging...

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  • In silico approaches for better understanding cysteine cathepsin-glycosaminoglycan interactions



    Cysteine cathepsins constitute the largest cathepsin family, with 11 proteases in human that are present primarily within acidic endosomal and lysosomal compartments. They are involved in the turnover of intracellular and extracellular proteins. They are synthesized as inactive procathepsins that are converted to mature active forms. Cathepsins play important roles in physiological and pathological processes and, therefore, receive...

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  • Multiprocessor Implementation of Parallel Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm for Optimized Allocation of Chlorination Stations in Drinking Water Distribution System – a New Water Quality Model Approach


    The Critical Infrastructure Systems (CISs) have received in recent years a considerable attention due to their heavy impact on sustainable development of modern societies. Most CISs may be classied as large scale complex systems of network structure, in uenced by strong interactions form the surrounding environment, internal and external interconnections. The later is a result of inter-CIS dependencies. The control, monitoring...

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  • Determination of high-intensity sweeteners in beverages by high-performance liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry detection.


    The objective of the present study was to measure the concentration of nine high intensity sweeteners (acesulfame-K, aspartame, alitame, cyclamate, dulcin, neohesperidin dihydrochalcon, neotame, saccharin and sucralose) in different types of beverages available on the polish market. The proposed methodology reported here consists of a extraction with buffer composed of formic acid and N,N-diisopropylethylamine (pH 4.5) followed...

  • Inverse Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problem Framework for the Synthesis of Coupled-Resonator Filters With Nonresonant Nodes and Arbitrary Frequency-Variant Reactive Couplings

    A novel, general circuit-level description of coupledresonator microwave filters is introduced in this article. Unlike well-established coupling-matrix models based on frequency-invariant couplings or linear frequency-variant couplings (LFVCs), a model with arbitrary reactive frequencyvariant coupling (AFVC) networks is proposed. The engineered formulation is more general than prior-art ones—with the only restriction that the coupling...

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  • Analiza sterowania ułamkowego PIλDμ mocą reaktora jądrowego

    W artykule przedstawiono syntezę regulatora PIλDμ niecałkowitego rzędu dla potrzeb sterowania mocą reaktora jądrowego lekko wodnego określanego, jako typu PWR (Pressurized Water Reactor). W tym celu wykorzystano nieliniowy model matematyczny reaktora PWR o parametrach skupionych obejmujący procesy generacji i wymiany ciepła oraz termicznych efektów reaktywnościowych. Nastawy regulatora PIλDμ niecałkowitego rzędu dobrano w sposób...

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  • Zastosowanie odcinków nieliniowej krzywizny w torze zwrotnym rozjazdu kolejowego


    W pracy została przedstawiona analityczna metoda kształtowania toru zwrotnego rozjazdu kolejowego posiadającego na swojej długości odcinki nieliniowej krzywizny. Odcinki te służą łagodzeniu wykresu krzywizny w skrajnych strefach rozjazdu W omawianej metodzie dokonano identyfikacji problemu rozkładu krzywizny za pomocą równań różniczkowych. Uzyskane rozwiązania mają charakter uniwersalny; m. in. pozwalają na przyjmowanie dowolnych...

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  • On noncausal identification of nonstationary stochastic systems


    - Rok 2011

    In this paper we consider the problem of noncausal identification of nonstationary,linear stochastic systems, i.e., identification based on prerecorded input/output data. We show how several competing weighted least squares parameter smoothers, differing in memory settings, can be combined together to yield a better and more reliable smoothing algorithm. The resulting parallel estimation scheme automatically adjusts its smoothing...

  • Self-Organizing Map representation for clustering Wikipedia search results

    The article presents an approach to automated organization of textual data. The experiments have been performed on selected sub-set of Wikipedia. The Vector Space Model representation based on terms has been used to build groups of similar articles extracted from Kohonen Self-Organizing Maps with DBSCAN clustering. To warrant efficiency of the data processing, we performed linear dimensionality reduction of raw data using Principal...

  • Evaluation Of Single Pole Auto-Reclosing Effectiveness With Nonlinear Secondary Arc Model

    The paper discusses two evaluation methods of single pole auto-reclosing process effectiveness in HV transmission lines. Secondary arc current and recovery voltage results obtained by load flow calculation are compared to the results obtained by the time domain simulations. Moreover, a non-linear secondary arc implementation is presented. The authors indicate, that precise representation of secondary electric arc leads to more...

  • Convergence of rational multistep methods of of Adams-Padé type



    Rational generalizations of multistep schemes, where the linear stiff part of a given problem is treated by an A-stable rational approximation, have been proposed by several authors, but a reasonable convergence analysis for stiff problems has not been provided so far. In this paper we directly relate this approach to exponential multistep methods, a subclass of the increasingly popular class of exponential integrators. This natural,...

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  • Monitoring of Odour Nuisance from Landfill Using Electronic Nose

    The paper presents the results of investigation on classification of atmospheric air samples collected in a vicinity of municipal landfill with respect to their odour nuisance. The research was conducted using a prototype of electronic nose instrument and a commercial electronic nose of Fast/Flash GC type –HERACLES II. The prototype was equipped with a set of six semiconductor sensors by FIGARO Co.. Classification of the air samples...

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  • Evolution of Animats Following a Moving Target in an Artificial Ecosystem


    - Rok 2014

    Many biological animals, even microscopically small, are able to track moving sources of food. In this paper, we investigate the emergence of such behavior in artificial animals (animats) in a 2-dimensional simulated liquid environment. These "predators" are controlled by evolving artificial gene regulatory networks encoded in linear genomes. The fate of the predators is determined only by their ability to gather food and reproduce—no...

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  • Elimination of clicks from archive speech signals using sparse autoregressive modeling


    This paper presents a new approach to elimination of impulsivedisturbances from archive speech signals. The proposedsparse autoregressive (SAR) signal representation is given ina factorized form - the model is a cascade of the so-called formantfilter and pitch filter. Such a technique has been widelyused in code-excited linear prediction (CELP) systems, as itguarantees model stability. After detection of noise pulses usinglinear...

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  • Enhancing capabilities of Atomic Force Microscopy by tip motion harmonics analysis

    Motion of a tip used in an atomic force microscope can be described by the Lennard-Jones potential, approximated by the van der Waals force in a long-range interaction. Here we present a general framework of approximation of the tip motion by adding three terms of Taylor series what results in non-zero harmonics in an output signal. We have worked out a measurement system which allows recording of an excitation tip signal and its...

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  • Systems, environments, and soliton rate equations: A non-Kolmogorovian framework for population dynamics



    Soliton rate equations are based on non-Kolmogorovian models of probability and naturally include autocatalytic processes. The formalism is not widely known but has great unexplored potential for applications to systems interacting with environments. Beginning with links of contextuality to non- Kolmogorovity we introduce the general formalism of soliton rate equations and work out explicit examples of subsystems interacting with...

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  • Identification of Fast Time-varying Communication Channels Using the Preestimation Technique

    Accurate identification of stochastic systems with fast-varying parameters is a challenging task which cannot be accomplished using model-free estimation methods, such as weighted least squares, which assume only that system coefficients can be regarded as locally constant. The current state-of-the-art solutions are based on the assumption that system parameters can be locally approximated by a linear combination of appropriately...

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  • Wave transmission across surface interfaces in lattice structures


    Within the lattice dynamics formulation, we present an exact solution for anti-plane surface waves in a square lattice strip with a surface row of material particles of two types separated by a linear interface. The considered problem is a discrete analog of an elastic half-space with surface stresses modelled through the simplified Gurtin–Murdoch model, where we have an interfacial line separating areas with different surface...

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  • New Algorithms for Adaptive Notch Smoothing

    The problem of extraction/elimination of a nonstationary complex sinusoidal signal buried in noise is considered. This problem is usually solved using adaptive notch filtering (ANF)algorithms. It is shown that accuracy of signal estimation can be increased if the results obtained from ANF are further processed using a cascade of appropriately designed filters. The resulting adaptive notch smoothing (ANS) algorithms can be employed...

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  • On noncausal weighted least squares identification of nonstationary stochastic systems


    - AUTOMATICA - Rok 2011

    In this paper, we consider the problem of noncausal identification of nonstationary, linear stochastic systems, i.e., identification based on prerecorded input/output data. We show how several competing weighted (windowed) least squares parameter smoothers, differing in memory settings, can be combined together to yield a better and more reliable smoothing algorithm. The resulting parallel estimation scheme automatically adjusts...

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  • Self–Organizing Map representation for clustering Wikipedia search results


    - Rok 2011

    The article presents an approach to automated organization of textual data. The experiments have been performed on selected sub-set of Wikipedia. The Vector Space Model representation based on terms has been used to build groups of similar articles extracted from Kohonen Self-Organizing Maps with DBSCAN clustering. To warrant efficiency of the data processing, we performed linear dimensionality reduction of raw data using Principal...

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  • The QDMC Model Predictive Controller for the Nuclear Power Plant Steam Turbine Control

    There are typically two main control loops with PI con trollers operating at each turbo-generator set. In this paper a model predictive controller QDMC for the steam turbine is proposed - instead of a typical PI controller. The QDMC controller utilize a step-response model for the controlled system. This model parameters are determined, based on the simplified and linear model of turbo-generator set, which parameters are identified...

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