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Search results for: middle mile delivery
Postawy osób starszych wobec tradycyjnych i innowacyjnych kanałów dystrybucji usług finansowych
PublicationRosnący udział osób starszych w strukturze populacji stawia nowe wyzwania przed przedsiębiorstwami oferującymi produkty do nich skierowane. Przykładem takich produktów są usługi finansowe. Przedmiotem niniejszego tekstu są usługi ubezpieczeniowe i bankowe oferowane osobom starszym z wykorzystaniem tradycyjnych i nowoczesnych kanałów dystrybucji. Na podstawie przeglądu literatury sformułowano dwie hipotezy badawcze: H1: Cechy społeczno-demograficzne...
Analiza wielokryterialna wariantów systemu zaopatrzenia w wodę zespołu padów
PublicationJednym z istotnych problemów decyzyjnych na etapie potencjalnej eksploatacji gazu z formacji łupkowych jest wybór sposobu zaopatrzenia w wodę kopalni gazu łupkowego. Z uwagi na duże zapotrzebowanie na wodę do procesu szczelinowania kolejno przekazywanych do eksploatacji odwiertów wydobywczych, należy poszukiwać systemu zaopatrzenia w wodę, który zagwarantuje wymaganą jej ilość, a jednocześnie nie będzie zbyt dużym obciążeniem dla...
Influence of Parameters of Laser Beam Welding on Structure of 2205 Duplex Stainless Steel
PublicationLaser welding is used in modern industry, having many advantages comparing to traditional welding technologies. Nowadays, industry sectors such as shipbuilding, automotive and aviation can’t be imagined without laser processing technologies. Possibility of increase of welded joint properties, autogenous welding and high level of process automation makes the technology of laser welding perspective part of the industry. Physical...
Text analytics for co-creation in public sector organizations: a literature review-based research framework
PublicationThe public sector faces considerable challenges that stem from increasing external and internal demands, the need for diverse and complex services, and citizens’ lack of satisfaction and trust in public sector organisations (PSOs). An alternative to traditional public service delivery is the co-creation of public services. Data analytics has been fueled by the availability of immense amounts of data, including textual data, and...
TRF1 and TRF2: pioneering targets in telomere-based cancer therapy
PublicationThis article presents an in-depth exploration of the roles of Telomere Repeat-binding Factors 1 and 2 (TRF1 and TRF2), and the shelterin complex, in the context of cancer biology. It emphasizes their emerging significance as potential biomarkers and targets for therapeutic intervention. Central to the shelterin complex, TRF1 and TRF2 are crucial in maintaining telomere integrity and genomic stability, their dysregulation often...
A framework of open government data (OGD) e-service quality dimensions with future research agenda
PublicationPurpose This research paper aims to present a framework of open government data (OGD) relating to e-service quality dimensions. In addition, it provides a research agenda for the e-service delivery of OGD. Design/methodology/approach A literature review pertaining to e-service quality with special reference to e-government was delivered to deduce the key dimensions of e-service quality for OGD. Findings Five e-service quality dimensions...
Chitosan-based electrospun nanofibers for encapsulating food bioactive ingredients: A review
PublicationToday, society has been more aware of healthy food products and related items containing bioactive compounds, which potentially contribute to human health. Unfortunately, the long-term stability and bioactivity of biologically active compounds against environmental factors compromise their target and effective action. In this way, lab-designed vehicles, such as nanoparticles and nanofibers, provide enough properties for their preservation...
Phage Therapy—Challenges, Opportunities and Future Prospects
PublicationThe increasing drug resistance of bacteria to commonly used antibiotics creates the need to search for and develop alternative forms of treatment. Phage therapy fits this trend perfectly. Phages that selectively infect and kill bacteria are often the only life-saving therapeutic option. Full legalization of this treatment method could help solve the problem of multidrug-resistant infectious diseases on a global scale. The aim of...
Progress in targeting tumor cells by using drug-magnetic nanoparticles conjugate.
PublicationTo limit the cytotoxicity of anticancer drugs against healthy cells, an appropriate carrier should be synthesized to deliver the drug to the tumor tissue only. A good solution is to anchor a magnetic nanoparticle to the molecule of the drug and to use a properly directed external magnetic field. We have shown that the improved by us synthesis of the conjugate of doxorubicin with iron-oxide magnetic nanoparticles allows a substantial...
Protect our right to light
Publication“The struggle for light” is how the Swiss architect Le Corbusier described the history of architecture in 1935. Today, with the skies crowded out by buildings in modern cities, those words should ring in the ears of policymakers and planners. Skyscraper construction is booming. China is the leader, last year completing 88 of the 143 buildings around the world that are taller than 200 metres (see ‘Vertical growth’). As the nation’s...
Distributed Architectures for Intensive Urban Computing: A Case Study on Smart Lighting for Sustainable Cities
PublicationNew information and communication technologies have contributed to the development of the smart city concept. On a physical level, this paradigm is characterised by deploying a substantial number of different devices that can sense their surroundings and generate a large amount of data. The most typical case is image and video acquisition sensors. Recently, these types of sensors are found in abundance in urban spaces and are responsible...
Experimental and numerical study on deformed steel columns subjected to impact load during earthquakes
PublicationThe soft-storey failure is one of the most typical types of damage observed in buildings during earthquakes. The failure of an upper soft storey of a structure results in large impact load acting on the lower floors and if the resistance of the structural members of the lower storeys is not sufficient it may further lead to progressive collapse of the whole building. The aim of the present paper is to investigate the dynamic behaviour...
PublicationIslamic finance is a fast developing sector mainly present in the Middle East, South-East Asia, Central Asia and to a smaller extent in Africa and Central Europe. Together with the rebirth of Islam in the second half of the 20th century, Islamic finance tends to cover the economic needs of all Muslims (including insurances). The Islamic finance system is based on several principles including three main prohibitions: Gharar (deceptive uncertainty),...
Morphometric evaluation of the delayed cerebral arteries response to acetazolamide test in patients with chronic carotid artery stenosis using computed tomography angiography
PublicationBackground: The evidence accumulates that the response to acetazolamide test is delayed on the ipsilateral side to stenosis. However, the effect of acetazolamide beyond 30 minutes after acetazolamide administration remains unknown. The aim of this study was to assess the diameters of: anterior cerebral arteries (ACAs), middle cerebral arteries (MCAs) and posterior cerebral arteries (PCAs) before and 60 minutes after the acetazolamide...
Mathematical Modeling of Ice Dynamics as a Decision Support Tool in River Engineering
PublicationThe prediction of winter flooding is a complicated task since it is affected by many meteorological and hydraulic factors. Typically, information on river ice conditions is based on historical observations, which are usually incomplete. Recently, data have been supplemented by information extracted from satellite images. All the above mentioned factors provide a good background of the characteristics of ice processes, but are not...
Flora i fauna w sztuce cystersów Pomorza Gdańskiego. Flora and fauna in the art of Pomerelian Cistercians.
PublicationW sztuce cystersów pomorskich bardzo często spotyka się motywy odnoszące się do flory i fauny. W okresie średniowiecza miały one najczęściej znaczenie symboliczne, związane ze Starym i Nowym Testamentem. Ich głównym zadaniem było przypomnienie zakonnikom o miłosierdziu Pańskim oraz treści związanych z tymi fragmentami życia Jezusa, które są wskazówkami jak powinni żyć chrześcijanie. Sygnalizowano też konieczność wykazywania stałej...
Teaching management skills to software develop- ment teams through the lean start-up methodology
PublicationIn order for development teams to understand the impact of software development on value delivery it is important that all team members, including software engineers, possess adequate management skills which not always have been acquired during university education. The lean start-up methodology techniques enable new ventures to test hypothesis, gather customer feed- back and create a minimum viable product. The obtained information...
Extraction and evaluation of gas-flow-dependent features from dynamic measurements of gas sensors array
PublicationGas analyzers based on gas sensors are the devices which enable recognition of various kinds of volatile compounds. They have continuously been developed and investigated for over three decades, however there are still limitations which slow down the implementation of those devices in many applications. For example, the main drawbacks are the lack of selectivity, sensitivity...
Estimation of smokers' exposure to mercury from combustible tobacco products, based on the approach used in food consumers’ exposure estimation
PublicationSmoking has been known to mankind for centuries, but it is only in recent decades that much attention has been paid to the harmfulness of this habit. Mercury inhalation is particularly dangerous in this respect and smoking creates extremely favorable conditions for the emission and targeted delivery of this element into the lungs. Despite this fact, a lack of a clear method for estimating the exposure of tobacco consumers to mercury...
Fault detection in the marine engine using a support vector data description method
PublicationFast detection and correct diagnosis of any engine condition changes are essential elements of safety andenvironmental protection. Many diagnostic algorithms significantly improve the detection of malfunctions.Studies on diagnostic methods are rarely reported and even less implemented in the marine engine industry.To fill this gap, this paper presents the Support Vector Data Description (SVDD) method as applied to thefault detection...
Exergy analysis of a negative CO2 emission gas power plant based on water oxy-combustion of syngas from sewage sludge gasification and CCS
PublicationA power cycle with water-injected oxy-combustion (water cycle) is investigated by exergy analysis. It is fueled with syngas (aka. producer gas) from gasification of sewage sludge. The cycle is equipped with a spray-ejector condenser (SEC). CO2 is separated and compressed for transportation and storage. The net delivered electric power is 31% of the fuel exergy. The task efficiency is 39% when the flue gas bleed to gasification...
The investment process in the power supply industry
PublicationThe basis for power supply industry programming in a market economy should be the principle of sustainable development, which must take into account maintaining an adequate level of energy security on the one hand, and the aim to preserve the maximum degree of non-renewable resources on the other hand. Therefore, the overriding aim should be a strive to meet the current and prospective demand for energy and fuel, in conjugation...
Data regarding a new, vector-enzymatic DNA fragment amplification-expression technology for the construction of artificial, concatemeric DNA, RNA and proteins, as well as biological effects of selected polypeptides obtained using this method
PublicationApplications of bioactive peptides and polypeptides are emerging in areas such as drug development and drug delivery systems. These compounds are bioactive, biocompatible and represent a wide range of chemical properties, enabling further adjustments of obtained biomaterials. However, delivering large quantities of peptide derivatives is still challenging. Several methods have been developed for the production of concatemers –...
Aggregation properties of some zirconium phosphate loaded with dirhenium(III) complexes
PublicationOne of the important areas of modern science is the selection of the right forms of drug delivery. Layered inorganic nanoparticles, such as zirconium phosphate, have proven themselves well in this area. The study of the properties of these systems and methods of their preparation makes it possible to determine a rational technology of their manufacture, storage conditions as well as suggest a possible mechanism of therapeutic action....
Green Polymer Nanocomposites for Skin Tissue Engineering
PublicationFabrication of an appropriate skin scaffold needs to meet several standards related to the mechanical and biological properties. Fully natural/green scaffolds with acceptable biodegradability, biocompatibility, and physiological properties quite often suffer from poor mechanical properties. Therefore, for appropriate skin tissue engineering and to mimic the real functions, we need to use synthetic polymers and/or additives as complements...
Wykorzystanie analizy kosztów w zarządzaniu szpitalem publicznym
PublicationProblemy z finansowaniem opieki zdrowotnej obserwowane są praktycznie na całym świecie. Jako przyczyny wzrostu wydatków uważa się głównie starzenie się populacji, złożoną naturę współczesnych chorób i szerokie wykorzystywanie kosztownych technologii. Systemy opieki zdrowotnej na całym świecie stają przed trudnym wyzwaniem zwiększenia efektywności, co oznacza kontrolowanie kosztów, przy jednoczesnym zapewnieniu wysokiej jakości...
Colloidal transport of lipid digesta in human and porcine small intestinal mucus
PublicationSmall intestinal mucus transport of food-derived particulates has not been extensively studied, despite mucus being a barrier nutrients need to cross before absorption. We used complex dispersions of digesta obtained from simulated, dynamic gastrointestinal digestion of yogurt to examine the penetrability of human and porcine mucus to the particles formed of lipolysis products. Quantitative, time-lapse confocal microscopy revealed...
Tailor-Made Polysaccharides for Biomedical Applications
PublicationPolysaccharides (PSAs) are carbohydrate-based macromolecules widely used in the biomedical field, either in their pure form or in blends/nanocomposites with other materials. The relationship between structure, properties, and functions has inspired scientists to design multifunctional PSAs for various biomedical applications by incorporating unique molecular structures and targeted bulk properties. Multiple strategies, such as...
Methods for biomaterials printing: A short review and perspective
PublicationPrinting technologies have opened larger windows of innovation and creativity to biomaterials engineers by providing them with the ability to fabricate complex shapes in a reasonable time, cost, and weight. However, there has always been a trouble with function adjusting in printing technologies in view of the multiplicity of materials and apparatus parameters. 3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, revolutionized biomaterials...
Mitigating metal-organic framework (MOF) toxicity for biomedical applications
PublicationMetal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are a novel class of crystalline porous materials, consisting of metal ions and organic linkers. These hybrid materials are highly porous and have a large specific surface area, making them of great interest for applications in gas separation, energy storage, biomedical imaging, and drug delivery. As MOFs are being explored for biomedical applications, it is essential to comprehensively assess their...
Koncepcja logistycznego usprawnienia magazynu cross-dockowego przedsiębiorstwa X
PublicationCelem artykułu jest przedstawienie koncepcji logistycznego usprawnienia magazynu cross- -dockowego przedsiębiorstwa X. W oparciu o informacje dotyczące stanu faktycznego maga- zynu zostały przeprowadzone badania procesów magazynowych. Po przeprowadzeniu identyfikacji problemów zostały zaproponowane usprawnienia wybranego procesu magazynowego, które polegały na propozycji zmiany sposobu zagospodarowania magazynu. Do tego...
The Sea And The Beach As Composition Elements Of The Coastal Gardens In West Prussia In The 19th Century
PublicationThe melancholic and changeable character of the Baltic Sea has often been used in the painting of the romantic period. The sea and its beaches were also an important composition element as well as a supplement of Baltic coastal gardens which were founded in West Prussia in the 19th century. Gardens set up on the coast used various moods of nature, as well as extensive and beautiful sea landscapes, often leading to nostalgia. The...
Influence of the local building tradition on Renaissance architecture in Royal Prussia
PublicationContrary to the southern Europe the first signs of Renaissance in northern parts of the Holy Roman Empire as well as in Poland and Lithuania might be observed only at the beginning of the 16th century. Initially, they were created by Italian teams which came from Florence, Rome and the region of Como. One of the most recognizable marks of that process was the transfer of the Italian craftsmen and architectural solutions, e.g....
A repeated game formulation of network embedded coding for multicast resilience in extreme conditions
PublicationComputer networks and data sharing applications are vital for our current society and fundamental for any available ICT solution, so that networking is considered as one of the key critical infrastructures and its correct behavior should be always enforced, even in case of disasters or severe execution conditions. Resilience is a strongly demanding nonfunctional requirement for current computer networks, and one of the key factors...
Plasticity of Bead-On-Plate Welds Made with the Use of Stored Flux-Cored Wires for Offshore Applications
PublicationExtreme atmospheric conditions in the marine and offshore industry are harmful to engineering materials, especially to welded joints, and may cause degradation of their properties. This article presents the results of research on the plasticity of bead-on-plate welds made using two types of seamless, copper plated flux-cored wires. Before welding, spools with wire were stored for 1 month in two distinct locations with different...
Hydrogel membranes in organ-on-a-chip devices: A review
PublicationOrgan-on-a-chip (OoC) devices represent advanced in vitro models enabling to mimic the human tissue architecture function and physiology, providing a promising alternative to the traditional animal testing methods. These devices combine the microfluidics with soft materials, specifically hydrogel membranes (HMs) for mimicking the extracellular matrix (ECM) and biological barriers, such as the blood-brain barrier (BBB). Hydrogels...
Improved cytotoxicity and preserved level of cell death induced in colon cancer cells by doxorubicin after its conjugation with iron-oxide magnetic nanoparticles
PublicationA promising strategy for overcoming the problem of limited efficacy in antitumor drug delivery and in drug release is the use of a nanoparticle-conjugated drug. Doxorubicin (Dox) anticancer chemotherapeutics has been widely studied in this respect, because of severe cardiotoxic side effects. Here, we investigated the cytotoxic effects, the uptake process, the changes in cell cycle progression and the cell death processes in the...
Maternal smoking Modulates Fatty Acid Profile of Breast Milk
PublicationAIM: We hypothesized that the fatty acid composition of breast milk can be affected by a smoking habit in the mother. Consequently, this study verified whether maternal smoking modulates, and if so to what extent, the breast milk fatty acid profile. METHODS: The study included 20 postpartum women who declared smoking more than five cigarettes daily throughout a period of pregnancy and lactation, and 136 non-smoking postpartum women....
Chosen aspects of muscle biomechanics
PublicationConsidering a striated skeletal muscle as a different properties mechanical system, one can understand series of important phenomena happening in a real muscle phenomenon of muscle: 1) force delivery to skeletal apparatus through tendons; 2) changing of exerted muscle belly mass distribution with regards to skeletal apparatus; 3) beginning drop of muscle force. A disregard of first phenomenon causes an impossibility to explain...
Protection and viability of fruit seeds oils by nanostructured lipid carrier (NLC) nanosuspensions
PublicationIn this paper, we focused on the development of nanostructured lipid carriers (NLCs) for dermal application. The NLC matrix was designed as a protective reservoir of biological active compounds that naturally occur in domestic fruit seed oils. Over the years, emulsions, as a popular physicochemical form of personal care products, were refined in order to obtain the best possible penetration into the skin of any bioactive compound...
Transforming a Traditional, Family-Run Car Dealership into a Digital-Era Modern Service Provider
PublicationThe automotive industry today faces multiple challenges. The automotive market is characterised by frequent changes and technological developments in comfort and safety of travel by all types of vehicles. The division between traditional and modern services is related to their susceptibility to technological progress. We should differentiate between two types of technology: technology used directly in vehicles and technology utilized...
Blockchain based Secure Data Exchange between Cloud Networks and Smart Hand-held Devices for use in Smart Cities
PublicationIn relation to smart city planning and management, processing huge amounts of generated data and execution of non-lightweight cryptographic algorithms on resource constraint devices at disposal, is the primary focus of researchers today. To enable secure exchange of data between cloud networks and mobile devices, in particular smart hand held devices, this paper presents Blockchain based approach that disperses a public/free key...
Evaluation of open drone map toolkit for geodetic grade aerial drone mapping – case study
PublicationAn open source tool’s popularity has increased considerably, as well as micro aerial vehicles (MAV) technologies based on open source hardware. An open source software and hardware delivers a wide variety of applications and technology. The world’s most successful open source projects have their roots in the academy, and now its participation includes a wide variety of academic programs and research. Based on open source technology,...
Developing a Framework for the Implementation of Landscape and Greenspace Indicators in Sustainable Urban Planning. Waterfront Landscape Management: Case Studies in Gdańsk, Poznań and Bristol
PublicationUrban landscape (UL) management and urban greenspace (UG) delivery require effective planning tools. The aim of the study is to develop a conceptual framework for the implementation of ecological, structural and visual landscape and greenspace indicators (LGI) in spatial development of urban areas. The UL and UG management provisions in Poland are identified at various levels of urban planning (local, municipal and regional). Furthermore,...
Epigenetic inhibitor zebularine activates ear pinna wound closure in the mouse
PublicationBackground:Most studies on regenerative medicine focus on cell-based therapies and transplantations.Small-molecule therapeutics, though proved effective in different medical conditions, have not been extensivelyinvestigated in regenerative research. It is known that healing potential decreases with development and devel-opmental changes are driven by epigenetic mechanisms, which suggests epigenetic repression of regenerativecapacity.Methods:We...
Cross-talk Between the Heart and Arteries in Older 65+ Adults
PublicationRegulatory synchronization between the heart and the arterial walls is essential for optimal blood delivery to tissues. We investigated functional coherence between heart rhythm and aortic wall compliance in 30 volunteers aged 65 – 74. ECG and carotid and iliac pulse-wave were recorded and digitized at 2 kHz. Carotid-femoral pulse-wave transit time (cfTT) which reflex aortic compliance was assessed using the intersecting tangent...
Enzyme Conjugation - A Promising Tool for Bio-catalytic and Biotransformation Applications – A Review
PublicationEnzymes have revolutionized conventional industrial catalysts as more efficient, eco-friendly, and sustainable substitutes that can be used in different biotechnological processes, food, and pharmaceutical industries. Yet, the enzymes from nature are engineered to make them adapt and enhance their durability in the industrial environment. One promising approach involves the combined use of multiple enzymes that catalyze highly...
Game theory-based virtual machine migration for energy sustainability in cloud data centers
PublicationAs the demand for cloud computing services increases, optimizing resource allocation and energy consumption has become a key factor in achieving sustainability in cloud environments. This paper presents a novel approach to address these challenges through an optimized virtual machine (VM) migration strategy that employs a game-theoretic approach based on particle swarm optimization (PSO) (PSO-GTA). The proposed approach leverages...
The Assessment of the Influence of Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields Originated from the Power Infrastructure on Humans’ Health
PublicationThe objective of this study is to assess the impact of low-frequency electromagnetic fields (LF EMFs) generated by power infrastructure on the nearby environment. Measurements of electric (E) and magnetic (H) field intensities were conducted around high-voltage power lines, transformer stations and facilities related to them. Numerical simulations were also performed to model the distribution of the field values around real buildings...
Nanodiamonds Doped with Manganese for Applications in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
PublicationNanodiamonds (NDs) are emerging with great potential in biomedical applications like biomarking through fluorescence and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), targeted drug delivery, and cancer therapy. The magnetic and optical properties of NDs could be tuned by selective doping. Therefore, we report multifunctional manganese-incorporated NDs (Mn-NDs) fabricated by Mn ion implantation. The fluorescent properties of Mn-NDs were tuned...