Search results for: ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT
Impact of emerging pollutants mixtures on marine and brackish phytoplankton: diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum and cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa
PublicationPharmaceuticals and ionic liquids (ILs) are emerging as significant micropollutants with environmental presence and potential ecological impacts. The possible simultaneous occurrence of these two groups of pollutants in aquatic environments raises complex challenges due to their diverse chemical properties and potential for interactive effects. Given the documented widespread presence of pharmaceuticals and the emerging concerns about...
Effect of Active Mining Impact On Properties with Engineering Structures – Forecast and Final Result Discrepancies
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Art and Healthcare - Healing Potential of Artistic Interventions in Medical Settings
PublicationThe stereotype of a machine for healing seems to be well rooted in common thinking and social perception of hospital buildings. The technological aspect of healthcare architecture has been influenced for several years by three major factors. The first is linked to the necessity of providing safety and security in the environment of elevated epidemiological risk. The second concerns the need for incorporating advanced technology...
Effect of bio-polyol molecular weight on the structure and properties of polyurethane-polyisocyanurate (PUR-PIR) foams
PublicationThe increasing interest in polyurethane materials has raised the question of the environmental impact of these materials. For this reason, the scientists aim to find an extremely difficult balance between new material technologies and sustainable development. This work attempts to validate the possibility of replacing petrochemical polyols with previously synthesized bio-polyols and their impact on the structure and properties...
Na granicy wody i lądu – pojęcie niebieskiej przestrzeni urbanistycznej
PublicationObecnie obserwuje się wzrost zainteresowania projektowaniem urbanistycznym i architektonicznym z wykorzystaniem wody lub wręcz projektowania nowych terenów miejskich na obszarach wodnych. Sposób postrzegania strefy graniczenia wody i lądu w mieście ulega transformacji, a związek między tymi dwoma tkankami – znacznemu zacieśnieniu, w skutek czego w ostatnim dziesięcioleciu zaczęło kształtować się pojęcie niebieskich przestrzeni miejskich....
Modification of structured bio‑carbon derived from spongin-based scaffolds with nickel compounds to produce a functional catalyst for reduction and oxidation reactions: Potential for use in environmental protection
PublicationThree different 3D fibrous-like NiO/Ni(OH)2/Ni‑carbonized spongin-based materials were prepared via a simple sorption–reduction method. Depending on the support used, the catalysts were composed of carbon, nickel oxide, nickel hydroxide and zero-valent nickel, with the surface content of the nickel-containing phase in the range 15.2–26.0 wt%. Catalytic studies showed promising activity in the oxidation of phenolic compounds in water...
Impact of Energy Slope Averaging Methods on Numerical Solution of 1D Steady Gradually Varied Flow
PublicationIn this paper, energy slope averaging in the one-dimensional steady gradually varied flow model is considered. For this purpose, different methods of averaging the energy slope between cross-sections are used. The most popular are arithmetic, geometric, harmonic and hydraulic means. However, from the formal viewpoint, the application of different averaging formulas results in different numerical integration formulas. This study...
Modified GAPI (MoGAPI) Tool and Software for the Assessment of Method Greenness: Case Studies and Applications
PublicationThe green analytical procedure index (GAPI) has been widely used to assess the greenness of different steps in analytical methodology. In the GAPI index, the different stages of the chemical analysis process are depicted using five pentagrams divided in subsections, labeled green, yellow, or red according to the degree of greenness. This GAPI tool provides a quick overview of the environmental impact and safety of the procedure....
Occurrences, sources, and transport of organochlorine pesticides in the aquatic environment of Antarctica
PublicationWe review information on the concentration levels of organochlorine pesticides in the abiotic aquatic environment (in seawater, sea ice, surface freshwater, snow, firn, and glacial ice) and the organisms inhabiting those, in Antarctica. Particular attention is given to the environmental fate of these pollutants, which modifies their impact on the organisms living in the Antarctic. OCPs have been delivered to the Antarctic environment...
Comparative Analysis of Carbon, Ecological, and Water Footprints of Polypropylene-Based Composites Filled with Cotton, Jute and Kenaf Fibers
PublicationComposites containing natural fibers are considered environmentally friendly materials which is related to the reduced use of fossil fuels and the emission of carbon dioxide compared to petroleum-based polymers. Nevertheless, a complete evaluation of their environmental impact requires a broader view. This paper presents a carbon, ecological, and water footprints assessment of polypropylene-based composites filled with cotton,...
Comparison of AHP and Numerical Taxonomy Methods Based on Biogas Plant Location Analysis
PublicationThe paper presents a comparison of the multi-criteria Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method and numerical taxonomy in biogas plant location selection. Biogas plants are sources that will significantly contribute to the implementation of the provisions of the energy and climate package for Poland by 2030. Increasing the share of energy produced from renewable sources, e.g. biogas plants, will increase the country’s energy security....
Smart Materials in Architecture: Useful Tools with Practical Applications or Fascinating Inventions for Experimental Design?
PublicationFor at least several decades smart or so-called intelligent materials, being the result of great advancements in material engineering, appear in architecture in different applications. Most of them are called "smart" because of their inherent properties: a real-time response to environmental stimuli. There are also those considered to be "smart" due to smart design: their original structure or the composition of their materials...
Impact of thermal and humidity conditions on structural epoxy adhesives during medium-term exposure
PublicationAn experimental program was undertaken to evaluate the performance characteristics, strengths and limitations of two commercially available two-component structural epoxy resin adhesives under varying thermal and humidity conditions, focusing on their performance in scenarios relevant to engineering applications. The following adhesives were selected for investigation, 3M Scotch DP490 and DP125 Gray. In practice, DP490, a high-rigidity...
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Poles’ Nutritional and Health Behaviour and Quality of Life—A Pilot Study
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Study of The Impact of Users’ Features on Dimensional Allowances Resulting from the Use of Personal Protective Equipment
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Life cycle assessment - a new approach to the question of environmental strain caused by analytical laboratories = Ocena cyklu życia - nowe podejście do zagadnienia uciążliwości środowiskowej laboratorów analitycznych
PublicationPraca przedstawia wyniki porównawczej oceny cyklu życia dla procesów pozyskiwania ekstraktów końcowych metodą ekstrakcji w układzie ciecz - ciecz i ekstrakcji do fazy stałej. Rozważano jedynie aspekt ekologiczny pozyskiwania wyników, nie bacząc na koszty ekologiczne i inne. Badania oparte są na informacjach uzyskanych w określonym laboratorium analitycznym oraz danych zawartych w bibliotece programu SimaPro. Techniką bardziej przyjazną...
Comprehensive Analysis and Environmental Risk Assessment of Benzotriazoles in Airport Stormwater: A HS-SPME-GC × GC-TOF-MS-Based Procedure as a Tool for Sustainable Airport Runoff Water Management
PublicationDespite the numerous benefits of intensive air transport development, many activities associated with the operation of airports contribute to environmental pollution. The purpose of this research was the development, optimization, and validation of a headspace–solid-phase microextraction–comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography–time of flight–mass spectrometry (HS-SPME-GC × GC-TOF-MS)-based procedure for determining anti-corrosive...
Impact of Urbanization on Stormwater Runoff from a Small Urban Catchment: Gdańsk Małomiejska Basin Case Study
PublicationThis paper deals with the impact of different forms of urbanization on the basin outflow. The influence of changes in land cover/use, drainage system development, reservoirs, and alternative ways of stormwater management (green roofs, permeable pavements) on basin runoff was presented in the case of a small urban basin in Gdańsk (Poland. Seven variants of area development (in the period of 2000-2012) – three historical and four...
Impact of soluble organic matter and particulate organic matter on anammox system: Performance, microbial community and N2O production
PublicationIn this study, the effects of soluble readily biodegradable COD (sCOD) and particulate slowly biodegradable COD (pCOD) on anammox process were investigated. The results of the longterm experiment indicated that a low sCOD/N ratio of 0.5 could accelerate the anammox and denitrification activity, to reach as high as 84.9% ±2.8% TN removal efficiency. Partial denitrification-anammox (PDN/anammox) and denitrification were proposed...
Current advances in surface wettability in food packaging materials: Strategies, methods and future trends
PublicationSurface wettability plays a significant role in the functionality and safety of food packaging materials, influencing factors such as moisture resistance, microbial growth, and the effectiveness of active packaging technologies. The present study provides an in-depth investigation of the fundamental concepts underlying surface wettability, including contact angle theory, surface energy, measurement and characterisation, and how...
Wpływ stosowanych praktyk rolniczych na dopływ wód podziemnych oraz azotanów do Zatoki Puckiej
PublicationEutrophication of marine basins associated with submarine groundwater discharge is currently one of the most important challenges in modern coastal hydrogeology, and is classified as a serious global environmental problem. A particular source of groundwater pollution is agricultural activity, which is commonly carried out in the coastal zone. Research was conducted on a representative part of the Bay of Puck watershed, dominated...
Holistic collision avoidance decision support system for watchkeeping deck officers
PublicationThe paper presents a 3-stage synthesis-based Decision Support System for watchkeeping deck officers. Its functional scope covers conflict detection, maneuver selection, and maneuver execution, all phases supplemented by collision alerts. First, a customized elliptic ship domain is used for checking if both OS and TS will have enough free space. A survey-based navigators’ declarative OS arena is then used to determine the time at...
Synthesis and structural characterization of bio-based bis(cyclic carbonate)s for the preparation of non-isocyanate polyurethanes
PublicationBio-based cyclic carbonates are of significant research interest as monomers for non-isocyanate polyurethane (NIPU) synthesis. This research describes the synthesis of a series of five-membered bis(cyclic carbonate)s using bio-based polyether polyols (PO3G) with different molecular weights (250, 650 and 1000 g mol−1) and carbon dioxide as green feedstocks. The utilization of CO2 as a source of carbon in the chemical reaction is...
Mathematical modelling and computer simulation of activated sludge systems.Second edition
PublicationMathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation of Activated Sludge Systems – Second Edition, provides, from the process engineering perspective, a comprehensive and up-to-date overview regarding various aspects of the mechanistic (“white box”) modelling and simulation of advanced activated sludge systems performing biological nutrient removal. In the new edition of the book, a special focus is given to nitrogen removal and an overview...
Rural Building in Opole Silesia During the Period of the Frederician Colonization
PublicationThe aim of the article is to present the rural construction in the Opole countryside (Poland) during the “Frederician colonization”. Showing socio-economic areas of Opole villages, differing from each other, the differences of which resulted from the environmental conditions influencing the processes of enfranchisement and industrialization. These processes at the turn of the 17th and 19th centuries influenced the image of the...
Multi-functional monodispersed SiO2-TiO2 core-shell nanostructure and TEOS in the consolidation of archaeological lime mortars surfaces
PublicationArchaeological traditional lime mortars are susceptible to many environmental conditions such as the impact of water (rain, humidity, groundwater, etc.), variation of temperatures' degrees, wind and/or pollution. Accordingly, this research aims to provide newly assessed multifunctional Nano-coating for the purpose of archaeological lime mortar protection. For this, the study combined physicochemical and mechanical characterizations...
Modeling of entrained flow steam gasification of sewage sludge
PublicationProper management of sewage sludge becomes increasingly problematic due to legal requirements aiming at diminishing environmental impact, as well as rationalizing the utilization from the point of view of logistics. Steam gasification of sewage sludge can result in very good quality of the producer gas. So far, the works have been focused on the gasification in fixed bed gasifiers. However, this does not allow to take full advantage...
Thermomechanical and Fire Properties of Polyethylene-Composite-Filled Ammonium Polyphosphate and Inorganic Fillers: An Evaluation of Their Modification Efficiency
PublicationThe development of new polymer compositions characterized by a reduced environmental impact while lowering the price for applications in large-scale production requires the search for solutions based on the reduction in the polymer content in composites’ structure, as well as the use of fillers from sustainable sources. The study aimed to comprehensively evaluate introducing low-cost inorganic fillers, such as copper slag (CS),...
Impact of spraying commercial Bentonite Nanoclay on fortification of the mortar as Nano Sprying Technique (NST) in heritages and historical buildings
PublicationSpraying Bentonite NanoClay as an innovative idea satisfied an urgent need for conservation of historical brick constructions. This research explores the application of Nanotechnology as a Nano-Geotechnics (NaG) and Nano Ground Improvement (NGI) techniques for fortifying the mortar between bricks in historical buildings against some environmental erosive factors. Bentonite Nanoparticles were selected because of their compatibility...
Assessing the influence of sewage sludge and derived-biochar in immobilization and transformation of heavy metals in polluted soil: Impact on intracellular free radical formation in maize
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Analiza wielokryterialna wariantów systemu zaopatrzenia w wodę zespołu padów
PublicationJednym z istotnych problemów decyzyjnych na etapie potencjalnej eksploatacji gazu z formacji łupkowych jest wybór sposobu zaopatrzenia w wodę kopalni gazu łupkowego. Z uwagi na duże zapotrzebowanie na wodę do procesu szczelinowania kolejno przekazywanych do eksploatacji odwiertów wydobywczych, należy poszukiwać systemu zaopatrzenia w wodę, który zagwarantuje wymaganą jej ilość, a jednocześnie nie będzie zbyt dużym obciążeniem dla...
Impact of the “Sling Shot” Supportive Device on Upper-Body Neuromuscular Activity during the Bench Press Exercise
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Principles for the Application of Vibration Intensity Scale for the Prediction and Assessment of Impact of Actions of Exploitation Mine on Buildings and People
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Karol Grębowski dr inż.
PeopleKarol Grębowski (M.Sc.) works as an assistant at the Department of Technical Fundamentals of Architecture Design of the Faculty of Architecture at Gdansk University of Technology. His scientific research deals with dynamic phenomena occurring during the vibration of structures, bridges, and studies the design methodology of the elements forming passive protection system of the vehicles degraded by struck or explosion in the context...
Development of environmental analytics and monitoring. Case study - Chemical Faculty of Gdansk University of Technology (GUT) = Rozwój analityki środowiskowej i monitoringu - działalność na Wydziale Chemicznym Politechniki Gdańskiej
PublicationOstatnie dekady są okresem gwałtownego rozwoju analityki i monitoringu środowiskowego. Opracowano nowe metodyki i rozwiązania aparaturowe, co pozwoliło na lepszą oceną stanu środowiska i zachodzących w nim procesów.W tym artykule prezentowana jest działalność zespołu analitykow z Wydziału Chemicznego Politechniki Gdańskiej.
Wykorzystanie membran na etapie ekstrakcji analitów organicznychz ciekłych próbek środowiskowych i płynów biologicznych = Analytical applications of membrane extraction for liquid sample preparation in biomedical and environmental analysis
PublicationPrzedstawiono informacje dotyczące technik ekstrakcji membranowej wykorzystywanych do oznaczania związków organicznych w ciekłych próbkach środowiskowych i biologicznych. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na podstawy teoretyczne oraz możliwości ich połączenia z technikami oznaczeń końcowych oraz obszarom praktycznego ich wykorzystania.
Impact of low temperature on bacterial community dynamics and process efficiency in anaerobic ammonia removal: A network analysis of metagenomic data
PublicationThe implementation of anaerobic ammonia removal has potential for reducing the operating costs in wastewater treatment plants. However, the application of this process in mainstream treatment presents various challenges, particularly due to the sensitivity of anammox bacteria to low temperatures. To address these challenges, changes in the bacterial community were investigated under decreasing temperatures (from 30 to 12 °C) within...
Nanoparticles: Taking a Unique Position in Medicine
PublicationThe human nature of curiosity, wonder, and ingenuity date back to the age of humankind. In parallel with our history of civilization, interest in scientific approaches to unravel mechanisms underlying natural phenomena has been developing. Recent years have witnessed unprecedented growth in research in the area of pharmaceuticals and medicine. The optimism that nanotechnology (NT) applied to medicine and drugs is taking serious...
AGREEMIP: The Analytical Greenness Assessment Tool for Molecularly Imprinted Polymers Synthesis
PublicationMolecular imprinting technology is well established in areas where a high selectivity is required, such as catalysis, sensing, and separations/sample preparation. However, according to the Principles of Green Chemistry, it is evident that the various steps required to obtain molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) are far from ideal. In this regard, greener alternatives to the synthesis of MIPs have been proposed in recent years....
Electrifying the bus network with trolleybus: Analyzing the in motion charging technology
PublicationCurrently, electric buses are becoming more and more popular, and their number in operation is increasing. The range of electric buses is also increasing and solutions that seem to be working almost without fixed infrastructure are being promised. However, this requires the use of high-capacity batteries, which increases the weight and price of the vehicle and causes high costs of battery replacement during operation. Moreover,...
PublicationThe development and growing availability of modern technologies, along with more and more severe environment protection standards which frequently take a form of legal regulations, are the reason why attempts are made to find a quiet and economical propulsion system not only for newly built watercraft units, but also for modernised ones. Correct selection of the propulsion and supply system for a given vessel affects significantly...
Novel fast analytical method for indirect determination of MCPD fatty acid esters in edible oils and fats based on simultaneous extraction and derivatization
PublicationA novel method for indirect determination of MCPD esters levels in lipid samples has been developed. The method is based on combination of extraction and derivatisation in the same sample preparation step. It is achieved by the application of diethyl ether as extraction solvent for isolation of released from esterified forms analytes from water phase and dilution solvent for solid PBA – derivatisation agent. It is a noteworthy...
Remote measurement of building usable floor area - Algorithms fusion
PublicationRapid changes that are taking place in the urban environment have significant impact on urban growth. Most cities and urban regions all over the world compete to increase resident and visitor satisfaction. The growing requirements and rapidity of introducing new technologies to all aspects of residents' lives force cities and urban regions to implement "smart cities" concepts in their activities. Real estate is one of the principal...
The Influence of COD Fraction Forms and Molecules Size on Hydrolysis Process Developed by Comparative OUR Studies in Activated Sludge Modelling
PublicationThe activated sludge models (ASMs) commonly used by the International Water Association (IWA) task group are based on chemical oxygen demand (COD) fractionations. However, the proper evaluation of COD fractions, which is crucial for modelling and especially oxygen uptake rate (OUR) predictions, is still under debate. The biodegradation of particulate COD is initiated by the hydrolysis process, which is an integral part of an ASM....
Lateral forces determine dimensional accuracy of the narrow‑kerf sawing of wood
PublicationThe shrinking global forest area limits the supply of industrially usable raw resources. This, in combination with the ever‑increasing consumption of timber due to population growth can lead to the lack of a positive balance between the annual volumetric growth and consumption of wood. An important innovation toward increasing environmental and economic sustainability of timber production is to reduce the volume of wood residues...
Synthesis and characterization of biopolyols through biomass liquefaction of wood shavings and their application in the preparation of polyurethane wood composites
PublicationThe sustainability of production systems in wood processing, wood industry, and wooden waste disposal is an important issue for European industry and society. Proper development of products based on renewable wood resources gives an opportunity to provide materials with long-term environmental, social, and economic sustainability. This study aims to establish a new way of forestry and agricultural waste materials utilization by...
Simultaneous opto-electrochemical monitoring of carbamazepine and its electro-oxidation by-products in wastewater
PublicationThe growing human impact on aquatic environments, due to the extensive use of pharmaceuticals and the release of persistent pollutants, makes it necessary to implement new widespread methods for the characterisation and quantification of such contaminants and relative degradation products. Carbamazepine, 5H-dibenzo[b,f]azepine-5-carboxamide, (CBZ) is a widely used anti-epileptic drug, characterised by its limited removal by conventional...
Corrosion damage identification based on the symmetry of propagating wavefield measured by a circular array of piezoelectric transducers: Theoretical, experimental and numerical studies
PublicationThe article investigates the results obtained from numerical simulations and experimental tests concerning the propagation of guided waves in corroded steel plates. Developing innovative methodologies for assessing corrosion-induced degradation is crucial for accurately diagnosing offshore and ship structures exposed to harsh environmental conditions. The main aim of the research is to analyze how surface irregularities affect...
Functionalized nanodiamonds as a perspective green carbo-catalyst for removal of emerging organic pollutants
PublicationRapid industrial and urban development jointly with rising global population strongly affect the large-scale issues with drinking, groundwater, and surface water pollution. Concerns are not limited to environmental issues but also human health impact becoming serious global aspect. Organic pollution becomes a primarily serious hazard, therefore, the novel sophisticated approaches to treat them are thoroughly investigated. Among...
Management of ground tire rubber waste by incorporation into polyurethane-based composite foams
PublicationRapid economic growth implicated the developing multiple industry sectors, including the automotive branch, increasing waste generation since recycling and utilization methods have not been established simultaneously. A very severe threat is the generation of enormous amounts of post-consumer tires considered burdensome waste, e.g., due to the substantial emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Therefore, it is essential...