Search results for: SPECTRAL STUDIES
GPU based implementation of Temperature-Vegetation Dryness Index for AVHRR3 Satellite Data
PublicationPaper presents an implementation of TVDI (Temperature-Vegetation-Dryness Index) algorithm on GPU (Graphics Processing Unit). Calculation of this index is based on LST (Land Surface Temperature) and NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index). Discussed results are based on multi-spectral imagery retrieved from AVHRR3 sensors for area of Poland. All phases of TVDI implementation on GPU are modified in respect to CUDA platform....
A new time-frequency detection method of stray current field interferenceon metal structures.
PublicationA new detection method has been presented of stray current field interference on underground metal structures. The method employs short time Fourier transformation (STFT). This method of analysis allows determination of signal spectral power density changes (e.g., structure potential) in the function of time. In the paper results have been presented of total time–frequency analysis of a pipeline potential in a stray current field...
An effective method for studying intermolecular interactions in binary liquids with hydrogen bonds: FTIR spectra and ab initio calculations in the N-methylformamide - methanol system
PublicationMolecular complexes in methanol (MeOH)−N-methylformamide (NMF) mixtures were studied based on their FTIR-ATR spectra, to which two methods of analysis were applied: factor analysis and a quantitative version of the difference-spectra method. The mean composition of a complex between NMF and MeOH molecules over the whole range of mixture compositions was determined. Absorbing species differentiated with regard to the interaction...
Error analysis for European IGS stations
PublicationEach of the GPS time series that describes the changes of topocentric components consists of a deterministic and a stochastic part, whose character influences the errors of the deterministic parameters. As to the uncertainties of reliable velocities of permanent satellite station systems, surveys that estimate and take into account any dependencies that may affect subsequent operational efficiency are very important. For this analysis,...
Ultrasound monitoring for evaluation of damage in reinforced concrete
PublicationThe paper deals with automated monitoring of damage evolution in concrete elements subjected to three-point bending tests. The monitoring is based on the nonlinear interactions of traveling ultrasonic waves with micro-crack zones inside the concrete specimens and surface-breaking cracks. The developed procedure assumes semi-continuous ultrasonic testing during the element full loading cycle and generation of the power spectral...
Implementation of TVDI calculation for coastal zone
PublicationPaper will show an implementation of TVDI (Temperature-Vegetation-Dryness Index) algorithm on GPU (Graphics Processing Unit). Calculation of this index is based on LST (Land Surface Temperature) and NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index). Discussed results are based on multi-spectral imagery retrieved from AVHRR3 sensors for area of Poland, especially from region of Gdańsk coastal zone. All phases of TVDI implementation...
The Application of Vibration Recording and Analysis in Tribological Research on Sliding Friction
PublicationThe paper reports on a tribological research on the macroscopic manifestation and characteristics of sliding friction. The aim of the task was to measure friction in lubricated sliding contacts and test the interactions between the environment (the test rig) and the experimental friction contact. Friction-induced vibrations were observed and studied as a manifestation of the process. The typical set of velocity and force/torque...
Radioisotope measurements of the liquid-gas flow in the horizontal pipeline using phase method
PublicationThe paper presents application of the gamma-absorption method to a two-phase liquid-gas flow investigation in a horizontal pipeline. The water-air mixture was examined by a set of two Am-241 radioactive sources and two NaI(Tl) scintillation probes. For analysis of the electrical signals obtained from detectors the cross-spectral density function (CSDF) was applied. Results of the gas phase average velocity measurements for CSDF...
On adaptive selection of estimation bandwidth for analysis of locally stationary multivariate processes
PublicationWhen estimating the correlation/spectral structure of a locally stationary process, one should choose the so-called estimation bandwidth, related to the effective width of the local analysis window. The choice should comply with the degree of signal nonstationarity. Too small bandwidth may result in an excessive estimation bias, while too large bandwidth may cause excessive estimation variance. The paper presents a novel method...
Estimation of time-frequency complex phase-based speech attributes using narrow band filter banks
PublicationIn this paper, we present nonlinear estimators of nonstationary and multicomponent signal attributes (parameters, properties) which are instantaneous frequency, spectral (or group) delay, and chirp-rate (also known as instantaneous frequency slope). We estimate all of these distributions in the time-frequency domain using both finite and infinite impulse response (FIR and IIR) narrow band filers for speech analysis. Then, we present...
Modeling of multi-cavity Fabry-Perot optical fiber sensors
PublicationReflectance characteristics of a two-cavity extrinsic Fabry-Perot optical fiber sensor were investigated using computer modeling. Calculations were performed using a plane wave-based approach, selected for clarity of results. Based on the modeling results, it can be concluded that the two-cavity Fabry-Perot interferometer can be used to measure two different quantities, such as refractive index and temperature, independently. It...
Evaluation of the structures size in the liquid-gas flow by gamma-ray absorption
PublicationThe rapid development of tomography methods particularly electrical, X and gamma rays allows for a wide range of the information about flow structure. However, all of such methods are quite complicated. At the same time much simpler systems as the measuring system of gamma rays absorption, allows to obtain a all key flow information which describe the two-phase flow. In the article the results of analyzes of radiometric signal...
Hotspot of human verbal memory encoding in the left anterior prefrontal cortex
PublicationBackground: Treating memory and cognitive deficits requires knowledge about anatomical sites and neural activities to be targeted with particular therapies. Emerging technologies for local brain stimulation offer attractive therapeutic options but need to be applied to target specific neural activities, at distinct times, and in specific brain regions that are critical for memory formation. Methods: The areas that are critical...
Monitoring Artificial Light Pollution Using a Multispectral Camera
PublicationStudying the adverse effects of artificial light pollution requires systematic monitoring using various methods. One commonly used technique involves assessing the intensity of light reflected from surfaces with different types of digital cameras at various measurement levels. However, this approach does not always fully capture the characteristics of the light source itself. In our study, we focused on the potential application...
The luminescence study of SrAl11.88−xGaxO19:0.12Cr3+ coumpounds.
Open Research DataPortable near-infrared (NIR) light sources are in high demand for applications in spectroscopy, night vision, bioimaging, and many others. Typical phosphor designs feature isolated Cr3+ ion centers, and it is challenging to design broadband NIR phosphors based on Cr3+–Cr3+ pairs. Here, we explore the solid-solution series SrAl11.88–xGaxO19:0.12Cr3+...
Mid-infrared spectroscopy for characterization of Baltic amber (succinite)
PublicationNatural Baltic amber (succinite) is the most appreciated fossil resin of the rich cultural traditions dating back to prehistoric times. Its unequivocal identification is extremely important in many branches of science and trades including archeology, paleontology, chemistry and finally mineralogical and gemological societies. Current methods of modification of natural succinite are more and more sophisticated making the identification...
Resonance Frequency Calculation of a Multilayer and Multipatch Spherical Microstrip Structure Using a Hybrid Technique
PublicationThis communication offers a rigorous analysis of the resonance frequency problem of a spherical microstrip structure mounted on a multilayer, dielectric-coated metallic sphere, with an electrically small radius. The structure consists of single or multiple metallic patches with arbitrary shapes. A full-wave analysis is employed with the use of proposed hybrid approach, combining the finite-difference technique with a spectral domain...
Detection of dialogue in movie soundtrack for speech intelligibility enhancement
PublicationA method for detecting dialogue in 5.1 movie soundtrack based on interchannel spectral disparity is presented. The front channel signals (left, right, center) are analyzed in the frequency domain. The selected partials in the center channel signal, which yield high disparity with left and right channels, are detected as dialogue. Subsequently, the dialogue frequency components are boosted to achieve increased dialogue intelligibility....
The Doppler effect in a bistatic system for determining the position of moving targets
PublicationThe article presents the theoretical analysis and the results of numerical calculations of the Doppler effect it occurs in a system designed to determine the position and speed of a moving target. The transmitter is the source of the signal and it emits a sinusoidal, acoustic and continuous wave. Signal reflected off a moving target is received by four hydrophones. Based on the signals, four Doppler shifts are determined and inserted...
Efficient three-dimensional fluorescence measurements for characterization of binding properties in some plants
PublicationThe main aim of this research was to characterize some plants and to determine their similarities and differences, using spectroscopic methods. The interactions of soluble polyphenols of different plants with human serum albumin (HSA) were investigated by 3D-fluorescence. The obtained fluorescence results allow to classify the investigated plants according to their binding properties. The HSA-binding capacities of these plants...
Machine Learning Applied to Aspirated and Non-Aspirated Allophone Classification—An Approach Based on Audio "Fingerprinting"
PublicationThe purpose of this study is to involve both Convolutional Neural Networks and a typical learning algorithm in the allophone classification process. A list of words including aspirated and non-aspirated allophones pronounced by native and non-native English speakers is recorded and then edited and analyzed. Allophones extracted from English speakers’ recordings are presented in the form of two-dimensional spectrogram images and...
Haemocompatibility of Modified Nanodiamonds
PublicationThis study reports the interactions of modified nanodiamond particles in vitro with human blood. Modifications performed on the nanodiamond particles include oxygenation with a chemical method and hydrogenation upon chemical vapor deposition (CVD) plasma treatment. Such nanodiamonds were later incubated in whole human blood for different time intervals, ranging from 5 min to 5 h. The morphology of red blood cells was assessed along...
Using concentrated spectrogram for analysis of audio acoustic signals
PublicationThe paper presents results of time-frequency analysis of audio acoustic signals using the method of Concentrated Spectrograph also known as ''Cross-spectral method'' or ''Reassignment method''. Presented algorithm involves signal's local group delay and channelized instantaneous frequency to relevantly redistribute all Short-time Fourier transform lines in time-frequency plain. The main intention of the paper is to compare various...
Application of thin diamond films in low-coherence fiber-optic Fabry Pérot displacement sensor
PublicationThe novel fiber-optic low coherence sensor with thin diamond films is demonstrated. The undoped and boron-doped diamond films were elaborated by the use of the microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (μPE CVD) system. The optical signal from the Fabry–Pérot cavity made with the application of those thin films is sensitive to displacement. The sensor characterization was made in the range of 0–600 μm. The measurements...
Corrosion degradation monitoring of ship stiffened plates using guided wave phase velocity and constrained convex optimization method
PublicationThe study presents an experimental investigation on the corrosion degradation level assessment using nondestructive wave-based methods. The degradation level of ship structural elements has been assessed in two different ways. The first one is based on the spectral decomposition and zero-crossing incorporated reconstruction of the dispersion curve approach of the antisymmetric Lamb wave mode and the best matching of the theoretical...
Novel Diazocrowns with Pyrrole Residue as Lead(II) Colorimetric Probes
PublicationNovel 18- and 23-membered diazomacrocycles were obtained with satisfactory yields by diazocoupling of aromatic diamines with pyrrole in reactions carried under high dilution conditions. X-ray structure of macrocycle bearing five carbon atoms linkage was determined and described. Compounds were characterized as chromogenic heavy metal ions receptors. Selective color and spectral response for lead(II) was found in acetonitrile and...
Fluctuation-Enhanced Sensing for Biological Agent Detection and Identification
PublicationPrzedstawiono wcześniejsze wyniki badań dotyczące trzech różnych sposobów wykrywania obecności substancji biologicznych za pomocą zjawisk fluktuacyjnych: 1) wirusów wnikających do komórek, 2) zapachów emitowanych przez mikroby, 3) rozkładu widma i wartości chwilowych szumów podczas rozpraszania światła używanego do wykrywania zarodników na podstawie wyznaczenia współczynnika dyfuzji opisująceo ich ruch.We survey and show our earlier...
Diagnosis of Damage in a Steel Tank Model by Shaking Table Harmonic Tests
PublicationThe aim of the present paper is to show the results of the shaking table experimental study concerning the diagnosis of damage in a model of cylindrical steel tank with self-supported roof which is filled with liquid. During the tests, the base of the structure was excited under the harmonic loading with variable frequency. The tests were repeated for different stages of damage, which was introduced in the model by easing the bolts...
Application of titanium dioxide thin films in fiber optic sensors
PublicationThe advance in the nanotechnology and fabrication of micro- and nanostructures has significant impact on development of new optical sensors. Presented study focuses on the applications of the titanium dioxide (TiO2) thin films in fiber optic sensors. The concept of a sensing fiber optic interferometer integrating TiO2 thin film is presented. The cavity of this interferometer is delimited by a 80 nm film fabricated on the end-face...
Audio codec employing frequency-derived tonality measure
PublicationA transform codec employing efficient algorithm for detection of spectral tonal components is presented. The tonality measure used in MPEG psychoacoustic model is replaced with the method providing adequate tonality estimates even if the tonal components are deeply frequency modulated. The reliability of hearing threshold estimated using psychoacoustic model with standardized tonality measure and the proposed one is investigated...
Low-frequency noise in ZrS3 van der Waals semiconductor nanoribbons
PublicationWe report the results of the investigation of low-frequency electronic noise in ZrS3 van der Waals semiconductor nanoribbons. The test structures were of the back-gated field-effect-transistor type with a normally off n-channel and an on-to-off ratio of up to four orders of magnitude. The current–voltage transfer characteristics revealed significant hysteresis owing to the presence of deep levels. The noise in ZrS3 nanoribbons...
Finite Element Approaches to Model Electromechanical, Periodic Beams
PublicationPeriodic structures have some interesting properties, of which the most evident is the presence of band gaps in their frequency spectra. Nowadays, modern technology allows to design dedicated structures of specific features. From the literature arises that it is possible to construct active periodic structures of desired dynamic properties. It can be considered that this may extend the scope of application of such structures. Therefore,...
Detection of petroleum products using optical coherence tomography
PublicationIn this work, we present a novel method developed for the analysis of the properties of thin layers for detecting petroleum products on a water surface using a commercially available optical coherence tomography (OCT) system. The spectral density analysis of the signal from a spectroscopic OCT (S-OCT) enables us to perform the precision calculation of the thin layer thickness and other properties like homogeneity, and dispersion,...
Biologically active compounds based on the carbazole scaffold - synthetic and mechanistic aspects
PublicationDoctoral dissertation is divided into three main parts: introduction, results and discussion and experimental. The introduction is divided into four main parts which describe: 5-hydroxytryptamine receptors, the most popular antidepressants, new compounds based on the carbazole structure with affinity for serotonin receptors, telomeres and telomerase with their functions, telomerase inhibition strategies, carbazoles approved in...
Experimental study on models of cylindrical steel tanks under mining tremors and moderate earthquakes
PublicationThe aim of the study is to show the results of complex shaking table experimental investigation focused on the response of two models of cylindrical steel tanks under mining tremors and moderate earthquakes, including the aspects of diagnosis of structural damage. Firstly, the impact and the sweep-sine tests have been carried out, so as to determine the dynamic properties of models filled with different levels of liquid. Then,...
Profile irregularities of turned surfaces as a result of machine tool interactions
PublicationThe paper describes the influence of the machining operation on a surface, which disturbs the projection of the tool profile in the form of its relative movements with respect to the object. The elements of the machine tool undergo constant wear during the machining process, it is therefore important to recognize the effects of their influence on the surface's irregularities. Amplitude-frequency analysis of lateral profiles has...
An analysis of solar energy conversion systems based on photon and thermal processes
PublicationSolar spectral irradiance covers a fairly broad wavelength range. Solar radiation is part of the electromagnetic spectrum which is described by the concept of wave-particle duality. The corpuscular theory of electromagnetic radiation states that energy is transmitted by photons. Photons carry specific amounts of energy which can be used to convert solar energy into other types of energy, in particular electricity. The internal...
Diagnostic testing of marine propulsion systems with internal combustion engines by means of vibration measurement and results analysis
PublicationIn this paper selected issues concerning vibration diagnosis of the mechanical system within marine propulsion units have been presented, carried out on the basis of experimental examinations of a real object in which an exceedance of the allowable vibration’s level had been observed. Used diagnosing system has been characterised. A procedure of longitudinal and transverse vibrations shaft lines of the mechanical system within...
Protection in elastic optical networks
PublicationIn this article, we analyze gains resulting from the use of EON architectures with special focus on transportation of cloud-ready and content-oriented traffic in the context of network resilience. EONs are a promising approach for future optical transport networks and, apart from improving the network spectral efficiency, bring such new capabilities as squeezed protection, which reduces resource requirements in failure scenarios....
Effect of waviness and roughness components on transverse profiles of turned surfaces
PublicationThis paper presents the authors method of simultaneous analysis of roughness and waviness irregularity components, with the aim of better defining the key qualities and characteristics.Periodical surface machining traces may be analyzed spectrally, with the irregularity's peaks and troughs being used to define the wave's amplitude.In this work the standard composition for filtering waviness and roughness components of a surface...
Analysing the potential for application of the phase shift method in endoscopic examination of marine engines
PublicationThe article presents theoretical principles of image processing in digital endoscopy which makes use of a miniaturised spectral scanner “PhaseProbe” designed by General Inspection Technologies LP, the producer of the measuring videoendoscope Everest XLG3. The technology of optoelectronic 3D mapping of the examined surface, which consists in measuring the phase shift between the emitted and reflected light waves, is briefly described....
Laser reflectance interferometry system with a 405 nm laser diode for in-situ measurement of CVD diamond thickness
PublicationIn situ monitoring of the thickness of thin diamond films during technological processes is important because it allows better control of deposition time and deeper understanding of deposition kinetics. One of the widely used techniques is laser reflectance interferometry (LRI) which enables non-contact measurement during CVD deposition. The authors have built a novel LRI system with a 405 nm laser diode which achieves better...
Valence and ionic lowest-lying electronic states of ethyl formate as studied by high-resolution vacuum ultraviolet photoabsorption, He(I) photoelectron spectroscopy, and ab initio calculations
PublicationThe highest resolution vacuum ultraviolet photoabsorption spectrum of ethyl formate, C2H5OCHO, yet reported is presented over the wavelength range 115.0–275.5 nm (10.75–4.5 eV) revealing several new spectral features. Valence and Rydberg transitions and their associated vibronic series, observed in the photoabsorption spectrum, have been assigned in accordance with new ab initio calculations of the vertical excitation energies...
Method of selecting the LS-SVM algorithm parameters in gas detection process
PublicationIn this paper we showed the method of resistive gas sensors data processing. The UV irradiation and temperature modulation was applied to improve gas sensors’ selectivity and sensitivity. Noise voltage across the sensor’s terminals (proportional to its resistance fluctuations) was recorded to estimate power spectral density. This function was an input data vector for LS-SVM (least squares – support vector machine) algorithm, which...
Tinnitus Therapy Based on High-Frequency Linearization Principles - Preliminary Results
PublicationThe aim of this work is to present problems related to tinnitus symptoms, its pathogenesis, hypotheses on tinnitus causes, and therapy treatment to reduce or mask the phantom noise. In addition, the hypothesis on the existence of parasitic quantization that accompanies hearing loss has been recalled. Moreover, the paper describes a study carried out by the Authors with the application of high-frequency dither having specially formed...
General Mechanism of Osmolytes’ Influence on Protein Stability Irrespective of the Type of Osmolyte Cosolvent
PublicationThe stability of proteins in an aqueous solution can be modified by the presence of osmolytes. The hydration sphere of stabilizing osmolytes is strikingly similar to the enhanced hydration sphere of a protein. This similarity leads to an increase in the protein stability. Moreover, the hydration sphere of destabilizing osmolytes is significantly different. These solutes generate in their surroundings so-called “structurally different...
A Finite Element Approach for Wave Propagation in Elastic Solids
PublicationThis book focuses on wave propagation phenomena in elastic solids modelled by the use of the finite element method. Although the latter is a well-established and popular numerical tool used by engineers and researchers all around the word the process of modelling of wave propagation can still be a challenge. The book introduces a reader to the problem by presenting a historical background and offering a broad perspective on the...
The Quaternization Reaction of 5-O-Sulfonates of Methyl 2,3-o-Isopropylidene-β-D-Ribofuranoside with Selected Heterocyclic and Aliphatic Amines
PublicationThe synthesis of N-((methyl 5-deoxy-2,3-O-isopropylidene-β-D-ribofuranoside)-5-yl) ammonium salts are presented. To determine the effect of the nucleophile type and outgoing group on the quaternization reaction, selected aliphatic and heterocyclic aromatic amines reacted with: methyl 2,3-O-isopropylidene-5-O-tosyl-β-D-ribofuranoside or methyl 2,3-O-isopropylidene-5-O-mesyl-β-D -ribofuranoside or methyl 2,3-O-isopropylidene-5-O-triflyl-β-D-ribofuranoside...
Detection system for optical coherence tomography: Czerny-Turner spectrometer
PublicationResearch methods based on spectral analysis have powerful impact on development in many field of science. Signal spectrum can be a source of useful and important data. It enables to obtain information about physical and chemical properties of tested materials. This paper has been devoted to describe optical design for high resolution spectrometer, which is significant element of optical coherence tomography (OCT) systems. Designed...
Classifying type of vehicles on the basis of data extracted from audio signal characteristics
PublicationThe aim of this study is to find and optimize a feature vector for an automatic recognition of the type of vehicles, extracted form an audio signal. First, the influence of weather-based conditions of road surface on spectral characteristic of the audio signal recorded from a passing vehicle in close proximity to the road is discussed. Next, parameterization of the recorded audio signal is performed. For that purpose, the MIRtoolbox,...