Search results for: dual constellation receiver
Reliable Multi-Stage Optimization of Antennas for Multiple Performance Figures in Highly-Dimensional Parameter Spaces
PublicationDesign of modern antenna structures needs to account for multiple performance figures and geometrical constraints. Fulfillment of these calls for the development of complex topologies described by a large number of parameters. EM-driven tuning of such designs is mandatory yet immensely challenging. In this letter, a new framework for multi-stage design optimization of multi-dimensional antennas with respect to several performance...
Specification-Oriented Automatic Design of Topologically Agnostic Antenna Structure
PublicationDesign of antennas for modern applications is a challenging task that combines cognition-driven development of topology intertwined with tuning of its parameters using rigorous numerical optimization. However, the process can be streamlined by neglecting the engineering insight in favor of automatic de-termination of structure geometry. In this work, a specification-oriented design of topologically agnostic antenna is considered....
PublicationThis paper introduces a time-domain, causality-inspired description of a vector-source acoustic wavefield of arbitrary time evolution, where a sphere is a practical realisation of quasi-point contact surface without which a point force would not be able to exert an impact onto non-viscous fluid. At every space location, the resulting acoustic field is described by a pair of physical variables characterising the time evolution of...
Modeling the Effects of Slowly Biodegradable Substrate at Large WWTP in Northern Poland
PublicationThe essential study was divided into two parts: experimental investigation and mathematical modeling using special platform to computer simulations. In the first part of research an innovative measurement procedure for an indirect determination of the effect of biodegradable particulate and colloidal Xs substrate was developed and implemented. The results of laboratory tests were used futher to verify the mechanism of the hydrolysis...
Suppression of distortions in signals received from Doppler sensor for vehicle speed measurement
PublicationDoppler sensors are commonly used for movement detection and speed measurement. However, electromagnetic interference and imperfections in sensor construction result in degradation of the signal to noise ratio. As a result, detection of signals reflected from moving objects becomes problematic. The paper proposes an algorithm for reduction of distortions and noise in the signal received from a simple, dual-channel type of a Doppler...
Automated Parameter Determination for Horizontal Curves for the Purposes of Road Safety Models with the Use of the Global Positioning System
PublicationThis paper presents the results of research conducted to develop an automated system capable of determining parameters for horizontal curves. The system presented in this article could calculate the actual course of a road by means of a two-stage positioning of recorded points along the road. In the first stage, measurements were taken with a Real-Time Network (RTN) receiver installed in a research vehicle. In the second stage,...
The Knowledge Transfer From Headquarter to Local Subsidiaries Through Expatriates - Local Employees’ Perspective
PublicationBackground. Knowledge transfer between the HQ and subsidiary has recently been targets of increasing research interest. However, the role of expatriate managers and local staff perspective on this process has not been examined enough. Research aims. This paper has two main objectives: first to develop a conceptual framework (model) of knowledge transfer between the headquarters and local subsidiary, and second to empirically evaluate...
Estimation of Coherence Bandwidth for Underwater Acoustic Communication Channel
PublicationA shallow underwater acoustic communication channel is characterized by strong multipath propagation. The signal reaching the receiver consists of a direct waveform and a number of its delayed and suppressed replica. A significant time dispersion of the transmitted signal and selective fading of its spectrum are observed. Coherence bandwidth defines maximal bandwidth, wherein the channel amplitude characteristic remains constant...
Determining horizontal curvature of railway track axis in mobile satellite measurements
PublicationThe article discusses the applicability of a novel method to determine horizontal curvature of the railway track axis based on results of mobile satellite measurements. The method is based on inclination angle changes of a moving chord in the Cartesian coordinate system. In the presented case, the variant referred to as the method of two virtual chords is applied which consists in manoeuvring with only one GNSS (Global Navigation...
Multistatyczny, Dopplerowski System określania położenia i prędkości ruchomych celów w wodzie
PublicationW omawianym w pracy multistatycznym, dopplerowskim systemie określania położenia i prędkości ruchomych celów w wodzie źródłem sygnału są dwa nadajniki emitujące sinusoidalne, akustyczne fale ciągłe o różnych częstotliwościach, które po odbiciu od ruchomego celu są obierane przez cztery hydrofony. W artykule przedstawiono analize teoretyczna efektu Dopplera, na którym oparte jest działanie systemu oraz metodę rozwiązania głównych...
Rapid redesign of multiband antennas with respect to operating conditions and material parameters of substrate
PublicationThis work addresses geometry parameter scaling of multi-band antennas for Internet of Things applications. The presented approach is comprehensive and permits re-design of the structure with respect to both the operating frequencies and material parameters of the dielectric substrate. A two-step procedure is developed with the initial design obtained from an inverse surrogate model constructed using a set of appropriately prepared...
A Miniaturized and High Optically Transparent Frequency Selective Surface for RF Shielding using Double-Glazed Glass Windows for Green Building Applications
PublicationThis research presents a miniaturized and high optically transparent (OT) frequency selective surface (FSS) for achieving RF shielding through glass window panels. The proposed FSS consists of a single-layered copper pattern sandwiched between two ordinary glass substrates to suppress the dual bands of sub-6 fifth generation (5G). In particular, the design effectively shields n65-downlink (2.1 GHz) and a portion of n78-band (3.5...
Circularly Polarized Metalens Antenna Design for 5G NR Sub-6 GHz Communication Systems
Publication5G NR (new radio) FR1 range refers to as Sub-6GHz band (410MHz to 7125MHz and 3.4GHz to 6GHz). In this paper, the frequency range of interest is from 3.4 to 6GHz, as many cellular companies are focusing on this Sub-6GHz band. A wideband circularly polarized (CP) antenna radiator is designed with diamond shape patches, fed by a microstrip line at the bottom through a rectangular shape wide slot on a ground plane. The proposed CP...
Macrocyclic derivatives of imidazole as chromoionophores for bismuth(III)/lead(II) pair
Publication18-membered diazomacrocycles with imidazole or 4-methylimidazole residue as a part of macrocycle were used as chromoionophores in bismuth(III) and lead(II) dual selective optodes for the first time. Cellulose triacetate membranes doped with macrocyclic chromoionophores are bismuth(III) and lead(II) selective with color change from orange/red to different shades of blue and violet, respectively. Results obtained for model and real...
A note on the Morse homology for a class of functionals in Banach spaces involving the 2p-area functional
PublicationIn this paper we show how to construct Morse homology for an explicit class of functionals involving the 2p-area functional. The natural domain of definition of such functionals is the Banach space W_0^{1,2p}(\Omega), where p > n/2 and \Omega \subet R^n is a bounded domain with sufficiently smooth boundary. As W_0^{1,2p}(\Omega) is not isomorphic to its dual space,critical points of such functionals cannot be non-degenerate...
Design-Oriented Constrained Modeling of Antenna Structures
PublicationFast surrogate models are crucially important to reduce the cost of design process of antenna structures. Due to curse of dimensionality, standard (data-driven) modeling methods exhibit serious limitations concerning the number of independent geometry parameters that can be handled but also (and even more importantly) their parameter ranges. In this work, a design-oriented modeling framework is proposed in which the surrogate is...
Development of the New Polish Method for Capacity Analysis of Motorways and Expressways
PublicationThe paper presents development of the new Polish method for performing capacity analysis of basic segments of dual carriageway roads (motorways and expressways). The method is based on field traffic surveys conducted at 30 motorway and expressway sites (class A and S roads) in Poland. Traffic flows, composition and travel times were observed in 15-min intervals at each site using ANPR filming method. These data were used to calibrate...
A Model-Order Reduction Approach for Electromagnetic Problems With Nonaffine Frequency Dependence
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to present a novel model-order reduction (MOR) technique for the efcient frequency-domain nite-element method (FEM) simulation of microwave components. It is based on the standard reduced-basis method, but the subsequent expansion frequency points are selected following the so-called sparsied greedy strategy. This feature makes it especially useful to perform a fast-frequency sweep of problems that lead...
TiO2-C nanocomposite synthesized via facile surfactant-assisted method as a part of less energy-consuming LED-based photocatalytic system for environmental applications
PublicationA novel facile method was used to incorporate carbon into the titania structure. An alternative synthesis method of carbon-doped TiO2 has been proposed by using a widely used and cheap surfactant. During the process, cetyltrimethylammonium bromide plays a dual role, as a morphology modifier and as a carbon source. The presented approach allows obtained TiO2-C nanostructures to be anatase nanocrystals with carbon being deposited...
Bandwidth Dependence of the Propagation Channel in Circular Metallic BAN Environments
PublicationIn this paper, the bandwidth dependence of the propagation channel for Body Area Networks (BANs) in circular metallic environments is addressed and models are proposed to evaluate the appropriate short-term fading margins that should be considered as a function of the system bandwidth. The deployment of BANs in metallic indoor environments, such as ships, factories, warehouses and other similar environments, involves additional...
The Proposal to “Snapshot” Raim Method for Gnss Vessel Receivers Working in Poor Space Segment Geometry
PublicationNowadays, we can observe an increase in research on the use of small unmanned autonomous vessel (SUAV) to patrol and guiding critical areas including harbours. The proposal to “snapshot” RAIM (Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring) method for GNSS receivers mounted on SUAV operating in poor space segment geometry is presented in the paper. Existing “snapshot” RAIM methods and algorithms which are used in practical applications...
Economical methods for measuring road surface roughness
PublicationTwo low-cost methods of estimating the road surface condition are presented in the paper, the first one based on the use of accelerometers and the other on the analysis of images acquired from cameras installed in a vehicle. In the first method, miniature positioning and accelerometer sensors are used for evaluation of the road surface roughness. The device designed for installation in vehicles is composed of a GPS receiver and...
Comment on "Quantitative comparison of analysis methods for spectroscopic optical coherence tomography"
PublicationIn a recent paper by Bosschaart et al. [Biomed. Opt. Express 4, 2570 (2013)] various algorithms of time-frequency signal analysis have been tested for their performance in blood analysis with spectroscopic optical coherence tomography sOCT). The measurement of hemoglobin concentration and oxygen saturation based on blood absorption spectra have been considered. Short time Fourier transform (STFT) was found as the best method for...
Hydrogen fuel cell power supply for hybrid elelectric multiple unit train
PublicationIn European countries, electrified routes amount for 40% to 65% of the total railway networks length. Some of those routes are only partially electrified, and construction of a catenary network might not be viable on all routes. Consequently, operators run diesel trains under catenary or require both an electric and diesel vehicle, increasing costs of operation. Dual-mode vehicles exist, but they are mostly equipped with diesel...
Photovoltaic-Installation Performance in Central Europe on the Example of Poland
PublicationThe amount of the electric energy obtained from a photovoltaic (PV) installation depends on the energy of the radiation. Weather conditions differ strongly between various years even in the same season. Depending on the climatic conditions of a given location, fixed PV solar plants as well as one-axis and dual-axis tracking PV solar plants are being installed worldwide. The aim of this work is to analyse the sunlight intensity...
MnxCo3-xO4 spinel oxides as efficient oxygen evolution reaction catalysts in alkaline media
PublicationThe design of efficient electrocatalysts for oxygen evolution reaction (OER) is an essential task in developing sustainable water splitting technology for the production of hydrogen. In this work, manganese cobalt spinel oxides with a general formula of MnxCo3-xO4 (x=0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2) were synthesised via a soft chemistry method. Non-equilibrium mixed powder compositions were produced, resulting in high electrocatalytic activity....
Combined Long-Period Fiber Grating and Microcavity In-Line Mach–Zehnder Interferometer for Refractive Index Measurements with Limited Cross-Sensitivity
PublicationThis work discusses sensing properties of a long-period grating (LPG) and microcavity in-line Mach–Zehnder interferometer (µIMZI) when both are induced in the same single-mode optical fiber. LPGs were either etched or nanocoated with aluminum oxide (Al2O3) to increase its refractive index (RI) sensitivity up to ≈2000 and 9000 nm/RIU, respectively. The µIMZI was machined using a femtosecond laser as a cylindrical cavity (d = 60...
Kriging metamodels and design re‐utilization for fast parameter tuning of antenna structures
PublicationThe paper addresses the problem of computationally efficient electromagnetic (EM)‐driven design closure of antenna structures. The foundations of the presented approach are fast kriging interpolation metamodels, utilized for two purposes: (a) producing a good starting point for further parameter tuning, and (b) yielding a reasonable Jacobian matrix estimate to jump‐start the optimization procedure. The models are rendered using...
On topology optimization of large deformation contact-aided shape morphing compliant mechanisms
PublicationA topology optimization approach for designing large deformation contact-aided shape morphing compliant mechanisms is presented. Such mechanisms can be used in varying operating conditions. Design domains are described by regular hexagonal elements. Negative circular masks are employed to perform dual task, i.e., to decide material states of each element and also, to generate rigid contact surfaces. Each mask is characterized by...
Possibilities of Leachate Co-Treatment Originating from Biogas Production in the Deammonification Process
PublicationIn the methane fermentation process, sewage sludge is the single substrate or serves as a co-substrate with the addition of various waste products. After the treatment stable digestate is obtained, which consists of two phases solid and liquid. Liquid phase, called as a leachate, due to the high content of nutrients must be treated before they are discharged into the final receiver. Physical and chemical methods of leachate treatment...
Assessment of Wide-Sense Stationarity of an Underwater Acoustic Channel Based on a Pseudo-Random Binary Sequence Probe Signal
PublicationThe performances of Underwater Acoustic Communication (UAC) systems are strongly related to the specific propagation conditions of the underwater channel. Designing the physical layer of a reliable data transmission system requires a knowledge of channel characteristics in terms of the specific parameters of the stochastic model. The Wide-Sense Stationary Uncorrelated Scattering (WSSUS) assumption simplifies the stochastic description...
Concept of an Innovative System for Dimensioning and Predicting Changes in the Coastal Zone Topography Using UAVs and USVs (4DBatMap System)
PublicationThis publication is aimed at developing a concept of an innovative system for dimensioning and predicting changes in the coastal zone topography using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs). The 4DBatMap system will consist of four components: 1. Measurement data acquisition module. Bathymetric and photogrammetric measurements will be carried out with a specific frequency in the coastal zone using...
Stationary underwater channel experiment: Acoustic measurements and characteristics in the Bornholm area for model validations
PublicationThe underwater acoustical channel is time-variant, and even on small time scales there is often existing no ‘acoustical frozen ocean’. Popular is the use of WSSUS-channel transmission modeling (Wide-Sense Stationary Uncorrelated Scattering) for the stochastic description of bandpass signals in GSM mobile phones with moving participants; since this results in a halved number of model parameters. For underwater sound applications...
The Optimal Location of Ground-Based GNSS Augmentation Transceivers
PublicationModern Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) allow for positioning with accuracies ranging from tens of meters to single millimeters depending on user requirements and available equipment. A major disadvantage of these systems is their unavailability or limited availability when the sky is obstructed. One solution is to use additional range measurements from ground-based nodes located in the vicinity of the receiver. The highest...
Sathwik Prathapagiri
PeopleSathwik was born in 2000. In 2022, he completed his Master’s of Science in Biological Sciences and Bachelor’s of Engineering in Chemical Engineering in an integrated dual degree program from Birla Institute Of Technology And Science, Pilani, India. During his final year, he worked as a research intern under Dr Giri P Krishnan at Bazhenov lab, University of California San Diego school of medicine to pursue his Master’s Thesis on...
Application of Thermo-chemical Technologies for Conversion of Associated Gas in Diesel-Gas Turbine Installations for Oil and Gas Floating Units
PublicationThe paper considers the issue of thermo-chemical recovery of engine’s waste heat and its further use for steam conversion of the associated gas for oil and gas floating units. The characteristics of the associated gas are presented, and problems of its application in dual-fuel medium-speed internal combustion engines are discussed. Various variants of combined diesel-gas turbine power plant with thermo-chemical heat recovery are...
A Geometrically Simple Compact Wideband Circularly Polarized Antenna
PublicationA compact broadband wide-slot circular polarization (CP) antenna is proposed. An inverted L-shape parasitic strip at the open end of a microstrip line extension and a slot modification is applied to attain wideband CP. The advantage of this technique is simplicity which makes it readily re-designable for different frequency bands. To demonstrate the concept, three designs working at different frequencies are obtained. The redesign...
Sensorless Predictive Multiscalar-Based Control of the Five-Phase IPMSM
PublicationThis article proposes multi-scalar variables based predictive control of sensorless multiphase interior permanent magnet synchronous machine. Estimated parameters from adaptive observers are used to implement the proposed control scheme. The control approach is divided into two parts: for the fundamental plane, torque and its dual quantity from the multi-scalar model are directly predicted by the controller, and torque density...
Finite Element Analysis of Occupant Risk in Vehicular Impacts into Cluster Mailboxes
PublicationThe deployment of cluster mailboxes (CMs) in the U.S. has raised safety concerns for passengers in potential vehicular crashes involving CMs. This study investigated the crashworthiness of two types of CMs through nonlinear finite element simulations. Two configurations of CM arrangements were considered: a single- and a dual-unit setup. These CM designs were tested on flat-road conditions with and without a curb. A 2010 Toyota...
Activation of small molecules by ambiphilic NHC-stabilized phosphinoborenium cation: formation of boreniums with B–O–C, B–O–B, and B–O–P structural motifs
PublicationThe reactivity of the phosphinoborenium cation supported by a 1,3,4,5-tetramethylimidazolin-2-ylidene ligand toward small molecules was explored. The phosphinoborenium cation exhibited dual Lewis acid–base properties due to the presence of the Lewis acidic boron center and the Lewis basic phosphido ligand connected by a covalent bond. The reaction of the title cation with CO2 led to the insertion of a CO2 molecule into the P–B...
Automatic Incident Detection at Intersections with Use of Telematics
PublicationWhile there are many examples of Intelligent Transport System deployments in Poland, more attention should be paid to traffic incident management and detection on dual-carriageways and urban street networks. One of the aims of CIVITAS DYN@MO, a European Union funded project, is to use TRISTAR (an Urban Transport Management System) detection modules to detect incidents at junctions equipped with traffic signals. First part of paper...
Triangulation-based Constrained Surrogate Modeling of Antennas
PublicationDesign of contemporary antenna structures is heavily based on full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation tools. They provide accuracy but are CPU-intensive. Reduction of EM-driven design procedure cost can be achieved by using fast replacement models (surrogates). Unfortunately, standard modeling techniques are unable to ensure sufficient predictive power for real-world antenna structures (multiple parameters, wide parameter ranges,...
Simulation-driven size-reduction-oriented design of multi-band antennas by means of response features
PublicationThis study addresses the problem of explicit size reduction of multi-band antennas by means of simulation-driven optimisation. The principal difficulty of electromagnetic (EM)-based miniaturisation of multi-band antennas is that several resonances have to be controlled independently (both in terms of their frequency allocation and depth) while attempting to reduce physical dimensions of the structure at hand. The design method...
Principles and Practices of Corporate Governance in the Global Economy
PublicationThe book places ownership at the centre of all relevant choices that the company makes. In particular, it addresses the issue of governance from the perspective of ownership, and in a broader and more articulated sense than most Anglo-Saxon studies do. The authors analyse the relationship between ownership, governance, and corporate strategy, with a dual objective. On the one hand, the aim is to identify the consistency relationships...
Simple 60 GHz Switched Beam Antenna for 5G Millimeter-Wave Applications
PublicationA new 60 GHz band single-input switched beam antenna is proposed for the fifth-generation (5G) millimeter-wave network applications. The presented design is capable of electronically switching the main beam in two different directions via a proposed microstrip-line-to-slotline single-pole dual-throw (SPDT) switch based on commercially available p-i-n diodes. The antenna is fabricated in a low-cost printed circuit board process...
Analysis of AC/DC/DC Converter Modules for Direct Current Fast-Charging Applications
PublicationThe paper is a comprehensive laboratory comparison study of two galvanic isolated solution off-board battery chargers: (1) Si-based cost-effective case, and (2) SiC-bidirectional ready for vehicle to grid concept case. All circuits are modular, and in both cases the DC/DC converter can be replaced according to the end user requirements (the coupled transformer remains the same and is constructed based on 12xC100 cores to avoid...
Waveguide model of the hearing aid earmold system
PublicationBackground The earmold system of the Behind-The-Ear hearing aid is an acoustic system that modifies the spectrum of the propagated sound waves. Improper selection of the earmold system may result in deterioration of sound quality and speech intelligibility. Computer modeling methods may be useful in the process of hearing aid fitting, allowing physician to examine various earmold system configurations and choose the optimum one...
Waveguide model of the hearing aid earmold system
PublicationBackground The earmold system of the Behind-The-Ear hearing aid is an acoustic system that modifies the spectrum of the propagated sound waves. Improper selection of the earmold system may result in deterioration of sound quality and speech intelligibility. Computer modeling methods may be useful in the process of hearing aid fitting, allowing physician to examine various earmold system configurations and choose the optimum one...
Method for determining of shallow water depths based on data recorded by UAV/USV vehicles and processed using the SVR algorithm
PublicationBathymetric measurements in waters shallower than 1 m are necessary to monitor seafloor relief changes in the coastal zone. This is especially important for ensuring the safety of navigation, navigation efficiency, as well as during the design and monitoring of hydrotechnical structures. Therefore, the aim of this article is to present a method for determining of shallow water depths based on data recorded by Unmanned Aerial Vehicle...
Anisotropy and compaction gradient assessment on rammed earth specimens through sonic tomography approach
PublicationRammed earth is a traditional construction technique that has recently gained attention because of its benefits from an ecological perspective. The conservation of the existing valuable cultural heritage sites and the quality control of new constructions built with this material require the development and application of practical inspection techniques. This paper explores the application of sonic tests and sonic tomography as...