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Search results for: GAME DIFFICULTY

  • Improving depth maps of plants by using a set of five cameras


    Obtaining high-quality depth maps and disparity maps with the use of a stereo camera is a challenging task for some kinds of objects. The quality of these maps can be improved by taking advantage of a larger number of cameras. The research on the usage of a set of five cameras to obtain disparity maps is presented. The set consists of a central camera and four side cameras. An algorithm for making disparity maps called multiple...

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  • Artificial Intelligence in the Diagnosis of Onychomycosis—Literature Review


    - Journal of Fungi - Year 2024

    Onychomycosis is a common fungal nail infection that is difficult to diagnose due to its similarity to other nail conditions. Accurate identification is essential for effective treatment. The current gold standard methods include microscopic examination with potassium hydroxide, fungal cultures, and Periodic acid-Schiff biopsy staining. These conventional techniques, however, suffer from high turnover times, variable sensitivity,...

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  • Edge-Guided Mode Performance and Applications in Nonreciprocal Millimeter-Wave Gyroelectric Components

    The analogies between the behavior of gyromagnetic and gyroelectric nonreciprocal structures, the use of the simple transfer matrix approach, and the edge-guided (EG) wave property, supported in a parallel plate model for integrated magnetized semiconductor waveguide, are investigated in those frequency regions, where the effective permittivity is negative or positive. As with their ferrite counterparts, the leakage of the EG waves...

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  • Comparison of noise reduction methods in radiometric correlation measurements of two-phase liquid-gas flows


    - MEASUREMENT - Year 2018

    Two-phase liquid-gas flows occur frequently in the mining, energy, chemical, and petrochemical industries. One of non-contact methods used to analyse these flows is the gamma ray absorption method. However, the signals received from radiation detectors contain a significant stochastic noise, which makes them difficult to analyse. The article describes four methods of noise reduction in cross-correlation measurements of water-air...

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  • Endocrine disrupting compounds in the baby's world - A harmful environment to the health of babies



    Globally, there has been a significant increase in awareness of the adverse effects of chemicals with known or suspected endocrine-acting properties on human health. Human exposure to endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) mainly occurs by ingestion and to some extent by inhalation and dermal uptake. Although it is difficult to assess the full impact of human exposure to EDCs, it is well known that timing of exposure is of importance...

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  • An Integrated Approach to an Assessment of Bottlenecks for Navigation on Riverine Waterways

    • M. Schoeneich
    • M. Habel
    • D. Szatten
    • D. Absalon
    • J. Montewka

    - Water - Year 2023

    Water transport, both sea and inland, is the cheapest, least invasive, and safest option for non-standard loads; hence, it is important to increase the percentage share of inland waterway transport on the rivers of Central and Eastern Europe. Transporting cargo is particularly difficult on shallow waterways because rivers overloaded with sediment determine the vertical parameters on inland waterways. A ship’s safe manoeuvrability...

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  • Burnout as a State: Random-Intercept Cross-Lagged Relationship Between Exhaustion and Disengagement in a 10-Day Study


    Background: Burnout has been traditionally seen as a chronic and stable state in response to prolonged stress. However, measures of momentary burnout are not well established, even though the within-person approach suggests that the symptoms of burnout may vary from day to day for the same employee. The aim of this study is to examine the daily inter- and intra-personal variability of the symptoms of burnout and the cross-lagged relationship...

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  • Types of Markov Fields and Tilings



    The method of types is one of the most popular techniques in information theory and combinatorics. However, thus far the method has been mostly applied to one-dimensional Markov processes, and it has not been thoroughly studied for general Markov fields. Markov fields over a finite alphabet of size m ≥ 2 can be viewed as models for multi-dimensional systems with local interactions. The locality of these interactions is represented...

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    - Year 2016

    The location of project is a site of over 1,2 ha, situated on the southern fringes of Gdynia formerly used as an area to host a Circus. Here artists were performing for the public, newcomers were meeting the locals, the temporality of the event was enhancing the experience of exchange. Circus used to be the place where people live, work and create art. Currently the site stays empty but surely not for long. Its potential, attractive...

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    This article raises the issue of designing and adapting correctional facilities to the new perception of prisoners as well as comprehension of punishment. For research purposes, several European prisons which came into service over recent years were selected. A study of such facilities revealed design solutions that may significantly affect the process of rehabilitation for inmates and make such buildings an accepted part of society.

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  • Badanie toksyczności termicznie stabilizowanych i cementowanych osadów ściekowych

    W dzisiejszych czasach, w związku ze wzrostem liczby ludności oraz coraz szybciej rozwijającymi się technologiami i przemysłem, wzrasta zapotrzebowanie na energię i czystą wodę. Wytwarzanie energii najczęściej wiąże się z emisją szerokiej gamy zanieczyszczeń środowiska. Są to w głównej mierze lotne pyły oraz żużle

  • Pompownie dużej mocy z falownikiem wędrującym średniego napięcia

    Artykuł zawiera rys rozwoju napędów przekształtnikowych w stacjach pomp, w szczególności regulacji wydatku kilku pomp, po kolei, przez jeden przemiennik częstotliwości. Omówiono podstawy teoretyczne zjawiska pola niestłumionego i napięcia resztkowego silników, które utrudniają szybkie przełączania silnika pompy pomiędzy zasilaniem regulowanym przez falownik a zasilaniem z sieci. Przedstawiono zasady transferu (przełączania) synchronicznego...

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  • Rola GIS w badaniach środowiska morskiego


    - Logistyka - Year 2014

    Środowisko morskie nadal pozostaje „białą plamą” z punktu widzenia systemów GIS. Trudno jest znaleźć analogie pomiędzy cyfrowym modelem terenu a danymi batymetrycznymi, ponieważ odzwierciedlają one tylko jedno z możliwych obliczy środowiska morskiego, drugim bardzo ważnym, jest falowanie. Jednakże dopiero informacja wspólna o batymetrii i falowaniu jest naprawdę wartościowa dla ludzi korzystających z morza zawodowo. Mając do dyspozycji...

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  • Analiza odcinków generujących straty czasu w transporcie tramwajowym


    W czasie analiz i studiów przedwykonawczych dotyczących budowy nowych i modernizacji istniejących tras tramwajowych, bardzo często zakładane są nierealne czasy przejazdów, które weryfikuje się już po oddaniu linii do eksploatacji i przeprowadzeniu badań obserwacyjnych. Problematyczne wydaje się określenie, przed zakończeniem inwestycji, rzeczywistej prędkości jazdy, jak również strat czasu powstających w miejscach potencjalnych...

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  • Konkurencyjność w handlu usługami wybranych krajów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej


    - Year 2016

    Celem artykułu jest ocena pozycji konkurencyjnej w handlu usługami wybranych krajów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej – Czech, Estonii, Litwy, Łotwy, Polski, Słowacji oraz Węgier na tle gospodarki światowej. Dane wykorzystane do analizy pochodzą z bazy danych WIOD i obejmują lata 1995 – 2011. Podstawą oceny pozycji konkurencyjnej jest wskaźnik RCA obliczony na podstawie krajowej wartości dodanej oraz na podstawie eksportu brutto. Źródłem...

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  • AUDITORY DISPLAY FROM THE MUSIC TECHNOLOGY PERSPECTIVE . Obecność wirtualnego środowiska dźwiękowego w technologiach muzycznych


    - Year 2013

    This paper presents some applications of Auditory Displays (AD) in the domain of music technology. First, the scope of music technology and auditory display areas are shortly outlined. Then, the research trends and system solutions within the fields of music technology, music information retrieval and music recommendation are discussed. Finally, an example of an auditory display that facilities music annotation process based on...

  • O-substituted tetrahydroxamate derivatives of p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene as receptors for transition and heavy metal cations


    - Year 2010

    Tetrasubstituted O-hydroxamate derivatives of p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene were applied as active materials in ion-selective membrane electrodes and were tested towards Pb-selectivity. The electrodes gave near-Nernstian characteristics for Pb2+ cations. The selectivity coefficients were determined. The influence of plasticizer on the electrode behaviour was studied. The dependence of the chemical structure on selectivity coefficients...

  • Collaborative Editing of Ontologies Using Fluent Editor and Ontorion


    - Year 2016

    In this paper we present two tools that we are developing at Cognitum for managing large knowledge bases: Fluent Editor and the Ontorion Server. We have been able to build a collaborative knowledge management system using these two tools. We show how this system can be used for the concurrent modification of knowledge and how we can manage multiple modifications to the same knowledge.

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    - Year 2016

    The presentation of the exhibition “Architect Gustav Oelsner – Light, Air, Colour,”, which took place in Gdynia 1.04-29.05.2011, showed the clinker architecture of Gustav Oelsner in Altona. As a contrast to the white-plastered architecture of Gdynia, it provided an interesting background for the comparison of two different faces of modernism. The most important feature of the aesthetics of modernism was its cosmopolitan character,...


    The authors present the experience and results of field studies carried out at the technical acceptance of Forest Opera (name in Polish: Opera Leśna) in Sopot (Poland). An unusual design of covering made in the form of “Sheerfill I” technical fabric membrane required spanned in the form of sails, required the use of terrestrial laser scanning. Such approach allowed for the fast and accurate record of the surface of individual panels...

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  • Model matematyczny strat objętościowych ściskania oleju hydraulicznego w pompie wyporowej o zmiennej wydajności


    Celem pracy było stworzenie możliwości oceny strat objętościowych wynikających ze ściskania oleju hydraulicznego w komorach roboczych wysokociśnieniowej pompy wyporowej o zmiennej wydajności na obrót wału. Straty objętościowe ściskania oleju muszą być określone jako funkcje tych samych parametrów, w zależności od których ocenione są straty objętościowe przecieków oleju w komorach, wynikające z jakości rozwiązania konstrukcyjnego...

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  • Frequency Diagnostics of Transformer Insulating Parameters


    - Year 2020

    In the article is presented experimental analysis and diagnostics of insulating system oil-paper for power transformers, mainly by progressive frequency method – dielectric spectroscopy. In the 1-st part of the article is described base theory about measurement and diagnostics insulating part (oil and paper) of power transformers. In the 2-nd part of article is described measuring method of insulating frequency diagnostics - frequency...

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  • Lossless Compression of Binary Trees with Correlated Vertex Names


    - Year 2016

    Compression schemes for advanced data structures have become the challenge of today. Information theory has traditionally dealt with conventional data such as text, image, or video. In contrast, most data available today is multitype and context-dependent. To meet this challenge, we have recently initiated a systematic study of advanced data structures such as unlabeled graphs [1]. In this paper, we continue this program by considering...

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  • Thin-walled frames and grids - statics and dynamics


    Frames and grids assembled with thin-walled beams of open cross-section are widely applied in various civil engineering and vehicle or machine structures. Static and dynamic analysis of theses structures may be carried out by means of different models, startingfrom the classical models made of beam elements undergoing the Kirchhoff assumptions to the FE discretization of whole frame into plane elements. The former model is very...

  • Asynchronous Charge Carrier Injection in Perovskite Light-Emitting Transistors


    - Advanced Electronic Materials - Year 2023

    Unbalanced mobility and injection of charge carriers in metal-halide perovskite light-emitting devices pose severe limitations to the efficiency and response time of the electroluminescence. Modulation of gate bias in methylammonium lead iodide light-emitting transistors has proven effective in increasing the brightness of light emission up to MHz frequencies. In this work, a new approach is developed to improve charge carrier...

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  • Interference aware bluetooth scatternet (re)configuration algorithm IBLUERA


    - Year 2007

    This paper presents a new algorithm IBLUEREA, which enables reconfiguration of Bluetooth scatternet to reduce interference. IBLUEREA makes use of the complex model comparing ISM environment efficiency. The mechanism envisages the use of the assessment of the probability of successful (unsuccessful) frame transmission in order to take a decision concerning co-existence of technologies which make use of the same ISM band (here Bluetooth...

  • Dynamical nonlocality in quantum time via modular operators


    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Year 2022

    We formalize the concept of the modular energy operator within the Page and Wootters timeless framework. As a result, this operator is elevated to the same status as the more studied modular operators of position and momentum. In analogy with dynamical nonlocality in space associated with the modular momentum, we introduce and analyze the nonlocality in time associated with the modular energy operator. Some applications of our...

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  • Wyróżnienie HR Excellence in Research dla PG na następne 3 lata


    - Pismo PG - Year 2019

    W listopadzie 2019 r. Komisja Europejska przekazała decyzję o utrzymaniu i przedłużeniu prawa do posługiwania się wyróżnieniem HR dla Politechniki Gdańskiej na następne trzy lata, uznając realizację Strategii HR4R PG za systematyczną i zgodną z opisem w planie działań, zaś same działania za cechujące się wysoką jakością.

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  • Automated microwave planar filter design with generalized Chebyshev characteristics.


    In this paper a technique of automatization of design of microwave filters with generalized Chebyshev characteristics is presented. A full wave electromagnetic simulator linked with the Matlab computing environment is used to ensure a rigorous numerical analysis while at the same time allowing automatization. To decrease time of optimization and overall design process, the Cauchy interpolation technique was used. An automated design...

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  • Simple design criteria and efficiency of hydrodynamic vortex separators

    Vortex separators are locally applied for waste water treatment in different systems - from storm waste water sewerage to water treatment in fish ponds. However, the methods for separator design presented in the literature are questionable. The paper presents two simple and functional criteria that were employed to construct a laboratory test stand. The test results gave positive feed back on the efficiency of vortex separators.

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  • Transmission protocol simulation framework for the resource-constrained sensor network


    - Year 2014

    In this paper the simulation framework for simulation of the sensor network protocol is presented. The framework enables the simultaneous development of the sensor network software and the protocol for the wireless data transmission. The advantage of using the framework is the convergence of the simulation with the real software, because the same software is used in real sensor network nodes and in the simulation framework. The...

  • Sample Rate Conversion with Fluctuating Resampling Ratio


    - Year 2012

    In this paper a sample rate conversion with continuouslychanging resampling ratio has been presented. The proposed implementation is based on variable fractional delay filter implemented using a Farrow structure. It have been demonstrated that using the proposed approach instantaneous resampling ratio can be freely changed. This allows for simulation of audio recored on magnetic tape with nonuniform velocity as well as removal...

  • Dynamic Compatibility Matching of Services for Distributed Workflow Execution


    - Year 2011

    The paper presents a concept and an implementation of dynamic learn-ing of compatibilities of services used in a workflow application. While services may have the same functionality, they may accept input and produce output in different formats. The proposed solution learns matching of outputs and inputs at runtime and uses this knowledge in subsequent runs of workflow applications. The presented solution was implemented in an...

  • Bilateral multi-issue negotiation of execution contexts by proactive document agents

    A proactive document can react to its actual environment by autonomously selecting and performing actions integrated into its body and interact with its user. When migrating over a network of execution devices it may encounter diverse execution contexts, each one set up according to temporal characteristics of a receiving device and preferences of its owner. A concept to augment proactive documents with negotiation capability is...

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  • On evolutionary computing in multi-ship trajectory planning, Applied Intelligence

    The paper presents the updated version of Evolutionary Sets of Safe Ship Trajectories: a method which applies evolutionary algorithms and some of the assumptions of game theory to solving ship encounter situations. For given positions and motion parameters of the ships,the method finds a near optimal set of safe trajectories of all ships involved in an encounter. The method works in real time and the solutions must be returned...

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    Pierwotnym zamysłem zespołu było stworzenie uniwersalnego systemu grającego w gry planszowe. Mierząc się z tym problemem, postanowiono zrobić jednak coś więcej - wywrócić dotychczasową koncepcję pracy użytkownika z komputerem „do góry nogami” i nie zmuszać użytkownika do nauki interfejsu, a zmusić system do współpracy z interfejsem, który rozumie użytkownik. Dokonane zostało więc przejście ze świata wirtualnego do świata rzeczywistego...



    - Przestrzeń i Forma - Year 2023

    Urban planning and urban design involve complex processes that require detailed information about the visual information of a place at various scales. Different graphic tools, such as game engines, are evolving to use urban representation fields. The concept of "level of detail" (LOD) has been used to categorize the level of detail in AEC applications such as BIM and GML for urban representation models. However, there is a need...

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  • Real-time monitoring of volatiles and particles emitted from thermoplastic filaments during 3D printing

    The proliferation of consumer-grade three-dimensional (3D) printers using fused deposition, also known as fused filament fabrication, has given rise to concerns over the exposure of users to potentially harmful substances. Thermoplastic filaments made of different polymers are extruded through a heated printer nozzle and deposited layer by layer on a build platform to form the printed object. This process leads to the emission...

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  • Bringing Bathymetry LiDAR to Coastal Zone Assessment: A Case Study in the Southern Baltic


    - Remote Sensing - Year 2020

    One of the major tasks in environmental protection is monitoring the coast for negative impacts due to climate change and anthropopressure. Remote sensing techniques are often used in studies of impact assessment. Topographic and bathymetric procedures are treated as separate measurement methods, while methods that combine coastal zone analysis with underwater impacts are rarely used in geotechnical analyses. This study presents...

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  • Rapid multi-objective optimization of antennas using nested kriging surrogates and single-fidelity EM simulation models

    Ever increasing performance requirements make the design of contemporary antenna systems a complex and multi-stage process. One of the challenges, pertinent to the emerging application areas but also some of the recent trends (miniaturization, demands for multi-functionality, etc.), is the necessity of handling several performance figures such as impedance matching, gain, or axial ratio, often over multiple frequency bands. The...

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  • Computational Complexity and Its Influence on Predictive Capabilities of Machine Learning Models for Concrete Mix Design


    - Materials - Year 2023

    The design of concrete mixtures is crucial in concrete technology, aiming to produce concrete that meets specific quality and performance criteria. Modern standards require not only strength but also eco-friendliness and production efficiency. Based on the Three Equation Method, conventional mix design methods involve analytical and laboratory procedures but are insufficient for contemporary concrete technology, leading to overengineering...

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  • Consumer Bankruptcy Prediction Using Balanced and Imbalanced Data


    - Risks - Year 2022

    This paper examines the usefulness of logit regression in forecasting the consumer bankruptcy of households using an imbalanced dataset. The research on consumer bankruptcy prediction is of paramount importance as it aims to build statistical models that can identify consumers in a difficult financial situation that may lead to consumer bankruptcy. In the face of the current global pandemic crisis, the future of household finances...

  • Diagnosis of Damage in a Steel Tank Model by Shaking Table Harmonic Tests


    Diagnosis of damage in civil engineering structures has recently become an important issue in the safety assessment procedure. Among a number of different approaches, a method of measuring the changes in natural frequencies is one of the most effective indicators of global damage. It has been successfully applied to relatively small. structures, however, the tests on large structures are very difficult and the practical application...

  • Experiences and Challenges in Fatality Reduction on Polish Roads

    According to the UN, road safety is the key to achieving sustainable development goals, yet the complexity of how road accidents happen makes this a difficult challenge leaving many countries struggling with the problem. For years, Poland has infamously been one of the EU’s top countries for road-accident fatality rates. Despite that, it has made significant progress in the last thirty years with a fatality reduction of more than...

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  • Quantum entanglement



    All our former experience with application of quantum theory seems to say that what is predicted by quantum formalism must occur in the laboratory. But the essence of quantum formalism-entanglement, recognized by Einstein, Podolsky, Rosen, and Schrödinger-waited over 70 years to enter laboratories as a new resource as real as energy. This holistic property of compound quantum systems, which involves nonclassical correlations between...

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  • Rapid on-line method of wastewater parameters estimation by electronic nose for control and operating wastewater treatment plants toward Green Deal implementation

    • G. Łagód
    • J. Drewnowski
    • Ł. Guz
    • A. Piotrowicz
    • Z. Suchorab
    • M. Drewnowska
    • K. Jaromin-Gleń
    • B. Szeląg

    - Desalination and Water Treatment - Year 2022

    In order to comply with legal regulations related to wastewater quality, the operational mode of facilities at wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) should be properly adjusted according to parameters of influents, however it is very difficult without frequently performed measurements. Currently there are known many techniques and devices for assesment of wastewater parameters such as chemical oxygen demand, biochemical oxygen demand,...

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  • Statistics with R A Handbook for Statistical Analysis with R and R-Studio


    - Year 2022

    If you are to perform any kind of data (statistical) analysis and use tools in the data science ecosystem, you may have seen a variety of tutorials, handbooks online (I’m not mentioning traditional bibles of statistics). Unfortunately most of them is written intentionally for specific purposes and/or target group of people and does not include many aspects, data types, difficult aspects, usually hiding them trying to solve theoretical...

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  • A Tutorial on AGREEprep an Analytical Greenness Metric for Sample Preparation


    - Advances in Sample Preparation - Year 2022

    Sample preparation is a key step in the analytical procedure and a critical component for achieving analytical greenness. AGREEprep is the first metric intended for evaluating the environmental impact of sample preparation methods. The approach consists of ten steps of assessment that correspond to the ten principles of green sample preparation and uses a user-friendly open-source software to calculate and visualize the results....

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  • An Optimal Power Point Tracking Algorithm in a Solar PV Generation System


    - Acta Energetica - Year 2019

    The non-linearity in I-V characteristics of a PV panel requires to be operated at knee point to extract maximum power. In order to operate the panel at optimal point, maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithm is employed in the control structure. The main objective of MPP tracking is to keep the operation at knee point of I-V characteristics under varying condition of temperature and solar insolation. Under non uniform solar...

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  • Investigating the effects of structural pounding on the seismic performance of adjacent RC and steel MRFs


    An insufficient separation distance between adjacent buildings is the main reason for structural pounding during severe earthquakes. The lateral load resistance system, fundamental natural period, mass, and stiffness are important factors having the influence on collisions between two adjacent structures. In this study, 3-, 5- and 9-story adjacent reinforced concrete and steel Moment Resisting Frames (MRFs) were considered to investigate...

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