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Search results for: SALA SPORTOWA
Effective assessment of biopolymer-based multifunctional sorbents for the remediation of environmentally hazardous contaminants from aqueous solutions
PublicationPersistent contaminants in wastewater effluent pose a significant threat to aquatic life and are one of the most significant environmental concerns of our time. Although there are a variety of traditional methods available in wastewater treatment, including adsorption, coagulation, flocculation, ion exchange, membrane filtration, co-precipitation and solvent extraction, none of these have been found to be significantly cost-effective...
Surfactants: a real threat to the aquatic geoecosystems of lobelia lakes
PublicationLobelia lakes are valuable elements of the natural environment. They are characterised by low trophy, mainly in-forest location and a high transparency of water. However, similarly to other surface waters, they are subjected to increasing anthropogenic pressures, a good indicator of which is the level of surfactants, also called surface-active agents (SAAs). The aim of the study was to evaluate the intensity of anthropogenic pressures...
Safety integrity level verification for safety-related functions with security aspects
PublicationThe article is devoted some important issues of the functional safety analysis, in particular the safetyintegrity level (SIL) verification of safety functions to be implemented within the distributed controland protection systems with regard to cyber security aspects. The procedure for functional safety man-agement includes hazard identification, risk analysis and assessment, specification of overall safetyrequirements and definition...
Antoni Taraszkiewicz prof. dr hab. inż. arch.
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Structural Characterization and in Vivo Evaluation of β-Hairpin Peptidomimetics as Specific CXCR4 Imaging Agents
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"Mieszkać w Porcie - Ideały początków Modernizmu a miasto współczesne"
PublicationKonferencja poświęcona została dokonaniom Gustav'a Oelsnera'a. Ideały przyświecające całej generacji architektów początków Modernizmu, do których należał Oelsner zestawione zostały ze współczesnym miastem i dzisiejszymi priorytetami wpływającymi na obecnie podejmowane decyzje urbanistyczne. Porównanie dwóch aglomeracji Altona-Hamburg oraz Gdańsk-Gdynia w kontekście procesu tworzenia się metropolii portowej daje możliwość głębszego...
Numerical Analysis of the Influence of 2D Dispersion Parameters on the Spread of Pollutants in the Coastal Zone
PublicationThe transport of pollutants with flowing waters is one of the most common processes in the natural environment. In general, this process is described by a system of differential equations, including the continuity equation, dynamic equations, pollutant transport equations and equations of state. For the analyzed problem of pollutant migration in wide rivers and the coastal zone, a two-dimensional model is particularly useful because...
PublicationThe implementation of smart charging of electric vehicles allows operators of local power networks and electricity suppliers to implement new business models for the interaction of electric vehicles with the network. In addition to the optimal selection of Microgrid capacities when charging electric vehicles, it is also important to use different charging methods. To satisfy the interests of all participants of local systems from...
Novel single-stranded DNA-binding proteins from extreme psychrophilic bacterium Psychromonas ingrahamii 37
PublicationWe report the identification and characterization of the single-stranded DNA binding protein (SSB) from extreme psychrophilic bacterium Psychromonas ingrahamii 37 (PinSSB) that grows expotentially at -12°C and may well grow at even lower temperatures. PinSSB is one of the largest known bacterial SSB protein consisting 222 amino acid residues with a calculated molecular mass of 25.1 kDa. The analysis by gel filtration chromatography...
Characterization of exceptionally thermostable single-stranded DNA-binding proteins from Thermotoga maritima and Thermotoga neapolitana
PublicationBACKGROUND: In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in SSBs because they find numerous applications in diverse molecular biology and analytical methods.RESULTS: We report the characterization of single-stranded DNA binding proteins (SSBs) from the thermophilic bacteria Thermotoga maritima (TmaSSB) and Thermotoga neapolitana (TneSSB). They are the smallest known bacterial SSB proteins, consisting of 141 and 142 amino...
Fast, sensitive and reliable multi-residue method for routine determination of 34 pesticides from various chemical groups in water samples by using dispersive liquid – liquid microextraction coupled with gas chromatography – mass spectrometry
PublicationA simple and efficient dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction technique (DLLME) was developed by using a mixture of two solvents: 40 μL of tetrachlorethylene (extraction solvent) and 1.0 mL of methanol (disperser solvent), which was rapidly injected with a syringe into 10mL ofwater sample. Some important parameters affecting the extraction efficiency, such as type and volume of solvents, water sample volume, extraction time,...
Detection of Bioactive Compounds in Organically and Conventionally Grown Asparagus Spears
PublicationIn the recent reports, there are contradictory conclusions about the nutritional and health properties of organic and conventionally growing vegetables. We hypothesized that organic cultivation system results in higher quality of asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.) because of organic manure and effective organisms. Therefore, new analytical methods were applied in order to find the differences in bioactive compounds between the...
PublicationSnow samples were collected during winter 2011/2012 in three posts in the Western Sudety Mountains (Poland) in 3 consecutive phases of snow cover development, i.e. stabilisation (Feb 1st), growth (Mar 15th) and its ablation (Mar 27th). To maintain a fixed number of samples, each snow profile has been divided into six layers, but hydrochemical indications were made for each 10 cm section of core. The complete data set was subjected...
Inżynieria sejsmiczna w Polsce
PublicationTrzęsienie ziemi, które nawiedziło 11 III 2011 Japonię oraz fala tsunami, która była jego efektem, spowodowały śmierć kilkunastu tysięcy osób oraz olbrzymie straty materialne. Awaria w uszkodzonej w wyniku tego kataklizmu elektrowni jądrowej Fukishima jest nadal jednym z najważniejszych tematów podejmowanych przez media na całym świecie. Również w Polsce rozgorzała dyskusja na temat zagrożenia sejsmicznego w naszym kraju, szczególnie...
Metoda backstepping w zastosowaniach morskich
PublicationPrezentowana monografia obejmuje zagadnienia związane z opracowaniem zaawansowanego układu regulacji kursu statku, opartego na metodzie projektowania backstepping. W książce przedstawiono technikę umożliwiającą automatyczny dobór parametrów regulatora backstepping do zmieniających się warunków pracy układu, z użyciem metod adaptacyjnych oraz algorytmów genetycznych. Przy zastosowaniu procedury backstepping zaprojektowano dwie konfiguracje...
Modeling of pharmaceuticals mixtures toxicity with deviation ratio and best-fit functions models
PublicationThe present study deals with assessment of ecotoxicological parameters of 9 drugs (diclofenac (sodium salt), oxytetracycline hydrochloride, fluoxetine hydrochloride, chloramphenicol, ketoprofen, progesterone, estrone, androstenedione and gemfibrozil), present in the environmental compartments at specific concentration levels, and theirmutual combinations by couples against Microtox® and XenoScreen YES/YAS® bioassays. As the quantitative...
Kwestia odbudowy zabytkowych zespołów staromiejskich na Ziemiach Odzyskanych
PublicationW prawie 70 lat po drugiej wojnie światowej kwestia odbudowy miast Ziem Odzyskanych pozostaje nadal aktualnym zagadnieniem. Doświadczenia pierwszych lat odbudowy według programu „polskiej szkoły konserwacji” mają do dzisiaj duży wpływ na wyobrażenie o modelowej formie odbudowy zniszczonych zabytkowych zespołów staromiejskich. Niestety większość z prawie trzystu historycznych miast Ziem Odzyskanych pozostaje do dnia dzisiejszego...
Wpływ zmian dopuszczalnych wartości parametrów geometrycznych i kinematycznych na podatność modernizacyjną układów torowych
PublicationPodatnością modernizacyjną nazywamy stopień przystosowania analizowanego odcinka linii kolejowej do zmiany prędkości eksploatacyjnej. Skala możliwych zmian prędkości (w sensie jej zwiększenia) jest wypadkową istniejącego układu geometrycznego linii w planie, ograniczeń lokalizacyjnych oraz dopuszczalnych wartości parametrów geometrycznych i inematycznych. Jakiekolwiek zmiany tych ostatnich wpływają bezpośrednio na obliczenie elementarnych...
Evaluation of polycaprolactone as a new sorbent coating for determination of polar organic compounds in water samples using membrane–SPME
PublicationCommercially available solid-phase microextraction fibers used for isolation of polar analytes are based on the adsorption phenomenon. In consequence, typical limitations bonded with analytes displacement and matrix effects are very frequent. In the present study, alternative solution is described. Polycaprolactone (PCL) was used for the first time as sorbent to isolate polar organic compounds from water samples using the membrane–solid-phase...
Seasonal and spatial differences in metal and metalloid concentrations in the snow cover of Hansbreen, Svalbard
PublicationMetals and metalloids in snow on glaciers, depending on the season of deposition, may come from various sources: local rock dust (erosion of the geological substratum), marine aerosol, local human activity (e.g. fuel combustion, waste incineration) and long-range atmospheric transport. Hansbreen glacier, located close to the Polish Polar Station in Svalbard, is a perfect site to study metals and metalloids: it has complex geological...
Can Web Search Queries Predict Prices Change on the Real Estate Market?
PublicationThis study aims to explore whether the intensity of internet searches, according to the Google Trends search volume index (SVI), is a predictor of changes in real estate prices. The motivation of this study is the possibility to extend the understanding of the extra predictive power of Google search engine query volume of future housing price change (shift direction) by (i) the introduction of a research approach that combines...
Tomografia perfuzyjna pCT w diagnostyce cukrzycowej mikroangiopatii płucnej
PublicationNiniejsza rozprawa jest poświęcona zagadnieniom diagnostyki mikroangiopatii płucnej ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem perfuzyjnej tomografii komputerowej (pCT). Retinopatia, nefropatia i neuropatia są znanymi powikłaniami cukrzycy. Mało poznany jest wpływ cukrzycy na funkcjonowanie układu oddechowego. Obecnie stosowana metoda diagnostyki cukrzycowej mikroangiopatii płucnej ma ograniczoną wiarygodność. W rozprawie została przedstawiona...
Zmiany w strukturze przestrzennej systemów przewietrzania miast na przykładzie Warszawy, Gdańska i Poznania
PublicationJednym z czynników wpływających na jakość życia w mieście jest jakość powietrza. Wiele wyników badań wskazuje, że niektóre rozwiązania planistyczne i projektowe mogą wpływać na poprawę przepływu powietrza i obniżenie poziomu zanieczyszczeń w miejskich strukturach zbudowanych. Jak dowodzą raporty ekspertów ze Światowej Organizacji Zdrowia, ponad trzydzieści spośród pięćdziesięciu miast w Unii Europejskiej o najwyższych wskaźnikach...
Exploring the Antitumor Efficacy of N-Heterocyclic Nitrilotriacetate Oxidovanadium(IV) Salts on Prostate and Breast Cancer Cells
PublicationThe crystal structures of two newly synthesized nitrilotriacetate oxidovanadium(IV) salts, namely [QH][VO(nta)(H2O)](H2O)2 (I) and [(acr)H][VO(nta)(H2O)](H2O)2 (II), were determined. Additionally, the cytotoxic effects of four N-heterocyclic nitrilotriacetate oxidovanadium(IV) salts— 1,10-phenanthrolinium, [(phen)H][VO(nta)(H2O)](H2O)0.5 (III), 2,2′-bipyridinium [(bpy)H][VO(nta)(H2O)](H2O) (IV), and two newly synthesized compounds...
Influence of CeO2 and TiO2 Particles on Physicochemical Properties of Composite Nickel Coatings Electrodeposited at Ambient Temperature
PublicationThe Ni-TiO2 and Ni-CeO2 composite coatings with varying hydrophilic/hydrophobic characteristics were fabricated by the electrodeposition method from a tartrate electrolyte at ambient temperature. To meet the requirements of tight regulation by the European Chemicals Agency classifying H3BO3 as a substance of very high concern, Rochelle salt was utilized as a buffer solution instead. The novelty of this study was to implement a...
Żelbetowe Budynki Mieszkalne / Hale Przemysłowe 2022/2023
e-Learning CoursesPrzedmiot Żelbetowe Budynki Mieszkalne/Żelbetowe Hale Przemysłowe i Sportowe (ŻBM/ŻHP) jest obowiązkowy dla studentów VI sem. studiów I stopnia, stacjonarnych. W ramach przedmiotu prowadzone są ćwiczenia i projektowanie. Zaliczenie ćwiczeń jest na podstawie pozytywnej oceny z kolokwium. Zaliczenie projektowania na podstawie pozytywnie ocenionego projektu. Projekt podzielony jest na poszczególne części, które sukcesywnie - zgodnie...
Pharmacological treatment of a depressive episode and recurrent depressive disorder – guidelines of the Polish Psychiatric Association and the National Consultant for Adult Psychiatry
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Stress-opioid interactions: a comparison of morphine and methadone
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Nitrogen Cycling Dynamics: Investigating Volatilization and its Interplay with N2 Fixation
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Determination of the role of map kinase and PI3K/AKT signaling pathways in the regulation of multidrug resistance proteins in thyroid cancer
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The compositional space of exhaled breath condensate and its link to the human breath volatilome
PublicationBreath analysis is commonly understood to target gaseous or volatile organic compounds (VOCs) for the characterization of different pathologies. Targeted analysis is most effective if a working hypothesis can be based on a plethora of data. The recently published volatilome builds an optimal basis for organizing powerful target sets. However, the origin and pathways of biosynthesis of many VOCs are not known, which complicates...
Diamond-Phase (Sp3-C) Rich Boron-Doped Carbon Nanowalls (Sp2-C): A Physico-Chemical And Electrochemical Properties
PublicationThe growth of B-CNW with different boron doping levels controlled by the [B]/[C] ratio in plasma, and the influence of boron on the obtained material’s structure, surface morphology, electrical properties and electrochemical parameters, such as -ΔE and k°, were investigated. The fabricated boron-doped carbon nanowalls exhibit activity towards ferricyanide redox couple, reaching the peak separation value of only 85 mV. The flatband...
Biomass Production and Removal of Nitrogen and Phosphorus from Processed Municipal Wastewater by Salix schwerinii: A Field Trial
PublicationIn many Baltic regions, short-rotation willow (Salix spp.) is used as a vegetation filter for wastewater treatment and recycling of valuable nutrients to upsurge bioeconomy development. In this context, a four-year field trial (2016–2019) was carried out near a wastewater treatment plant in eastern Finland (Outokumpu) to investigate the effect of the processed wastewater (WW) on biomass production as well as the nutrients uptake...
Short-Term Observations of Rainfall Chemistry Composition in Bellsund (SW Spitsbergen, Svalbard)
PublicationGlobal warming results in increasingly widespread wildfires, mostly in Siberia, but also in North America and Europe, which are responsible for the uncontrollable emission of pollutants, also to the High Arctic region. This study examines 11 samples of rainfall collected in August in a coastal area of southern Bellsund (Svalbard, Norway). It covers detailed analysis of major ions (i.e., Cl−, NO3−, and SO42−) and elements (i.e.,...
Characterization of fatty acid composition in Eurasian badger (Meles meles)
PublicationPolyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs, LA and ALA) are not synthesized in mammals in the absence of their essential fatty acid precursors. However, hibernating animals and animals sleeping through the winter need sufficiently high amounts of these acids. The Eurasian badger does not hibernate, but sleeps over winter. In the autumn the body weight of adult badgers increases even twofold, since they put on fat before the winter. Fat...
PWN - Szkolenie z pisania artykułów naukowych
EventsInstytut PWN zaprasza pracowników naukowych i doktorantów na szkolenie dot. skutecznego pisania i publikowania artykułów naukowych.
Piknik Nauki Fahrenheita
EventsZapraszamy na Piknik Nauki Fahrenheita! Zabierzcie rodziny i przyjaciół.
Historic centre of Gdańsk as a unique example of postwar socialist city creation = Historyczne śródmieście Gdańska jako unikalny przykład powojennej kreacji miasta socjalistycznego
PublicationThe historic centre of Gdańsk, totally destroyed towards the end of the Second World War, became an area of postwar creation of a socialist town. During over a dozen first years, three projects were prepared for implementation within its borders, first in the convention of reconstruction and rest simply as development, for three consecutive historic city complexes: The Main Town (1948), The Old Town (1955) and The Old Suburbs (1958),...
Sara Crucho
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Functional Interfaces, Biological Pathways, and Regulations of Interferon-Related DNA Damage Resistance Signature (IRDS) Genes
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Vasostatin increases oxygenation of B16-F10 melanoma tumors and raises therapeutic efficacy of cyclophosphamide.
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Electrochemical detection of 4,4',5,5'-tetranitro-1H,1'H-2,2'-biimidazole on boron-doped diamond/graphene nanowall electrodes
PublicationWe present a promising approach to the electroanalytical detection of a specific nitroaromatic explosive in landfill leachates (LLs) that originated from a municipal solid waste plant. The paper is focused but not limited to the sensing of 4,4',5,5'-tetranitro-1H,1'H-2,2'-biimidazole (TNBI) using differential pulse voltammetry and cyclic voltammetry. Highly electroactive nanocarbon was applied to determine low concentrations of...
Generalized regression neural network and fitness dependent optimization: Application to energy harvesting of centralized TEG systems
PublicationThe thermoelectric generator (TEG) system has attracted extensive attention because of its applications in centralized solar heat utilization and recoverable heat energy. The operating efficiency of the TEG system is highly affected by operating conditions. In a series-parallel structure, due to diverse temperature differences, the TEG modules show non-linear performance. Due to the non-uniform temperature distribution (NUTD) condition,...
Ultrasound-Assisted Dispersive Liquid-Liquid Microextraction Using Deep Eutectic Solvents (DESs) for Neutral Red Dye Spectrophotometric Determination
PublicationDeep eutectic solvents (DES), which have low toxicity and are low cost, biodegradable, and easily synthesized, were used for the extraction of neutral red (NR) dye before its spectrophotometric analysis. DES, containing choline chloride as a hydrogen bond acceptor and phenol as a hydrogen bond donor with a molar ratio of 1:2, was used for the extraction of NR dye from aqueous media. The possible interaction of different DESs with...
Mapping of Flood-Prone Areas Utilizing GIS Techniques and Remote Sensing: A Case Study of Duhok, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
PublicationOne of the most common types of natural disaster, floods can happen anywhere on Earth, except in the polar regions. The severity of the damage caused by flooding can be reduced by putting proper management and protocols into place. Using remote sensing and a geospatial methodology, this study attempts to identify flood-vulnerable areas of the central district of Duhok, Iraq. The analytical hierarchy process (AHP) technique was...
Między klasyką a awangardą. Szpital Morski na Oksywiu projektu Mariana Lalewicza
PublicationCelem artykułu jest ukazanie architektonicznego dziedzictwa Szpitala Morskiego w Gdyni, będącego inwestycją wojskową z początku lat 30. XX weku, a powstałego w biurze ważnego i cenionego architekta – Mariana Lalewicza. Ten zasłużony projektant, reprezentant klasycyzmu akademickiego, miał w swym dorobku kilka gdyńskich obiektów istotnych dla Polskiej Marynarki Wojennej. W 1930 r. podjął się wyzwania szczególnego, jakim była...
Substancje biogenne i inne problemy w zarządzaniu wodami opadowymi w portach
PublicationDo niedawna uważano, że substancjami zanieczyszczającymi wody portowe są głównie substancje ropopochodne. Ich rozlewy powstawały najczęściej w wyniku awarii, nieuwagi lub np. zatonięcia statku. W ostatnich latach jednak organizacja HELCOM w roboczych dokumentach pt.: „Draft Report on potentialsources of nutrientinputs: Baltic Sea portshandlingfertilizers” (HOD 52-2017) oraz „Results of the questionnaire on fertilizer cargo handling...
Effect of Nanohydroxyapatite on Silk Fibroin–Chitosan Interactions—Molecular Dynamics Study
PublicationFibroin–chitosan composites, especially those containing nanohydroxyapatite, show potential for bone tissue regeneration. The physicochemical properties of these biocomposites depend on the compatibility between their components. In this study, the intermolecular interactions of fibroin and chitosan were analyzed using a molecular dynamics approach. Two types of systems were investigated: one containing acetic acid and the other...
RCS Enhancement of Millimeter Wave LTCC Van Atta Arrays With 3-D Printed Lenses for Chipless RFID Applications
PublicationIn this paper, we present a new method to enhance the radar- cross section (RCS) of Van Atta arrays which can be used in chipless radio-frequency identification tags operating in millimeter wave frequency bands. Small planar Low-Temperature Co-fired Ceramic (LTCC) Van Atta arrays, that are durable and can operate in harsh environments, are combined with 3-D printed lenses to increase or modify the shape of their RCS by up to 10...
Experimental guinea pig model of dermatophytosis: a simple and useful tool for the evaluation of new diagnostics and antifungals
PublicationCelem badań było opracowanie prostego modelu zwierzęcego (świnki morskie) odpowiedniego do sprawdzania systemów diagnostycznych oraz terapii infekcji dermatofitów. Następujące zmienne były analizowane: przygotowanie skóry przez golenie versus użycie taśmy, testowy szczep Microsporum canis czy Trichophyton mentagrophytes jako czynnik etiologiczny, sposób inokulacji. Przebieg infekcji był oceniany poprzez ocenę zaczerwienienia i...