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Search results for: STUDENTS' RESEARCH
Informal Workplace Learning and Employee Development. Growing in the Organizational New Normal
PublicationThe new paradigm in employee development assumes that employees should proactively direct their learning and growth. Most workplace learning is basically informal and occurs through daily work routines, peer-to-peer interactions, networking, and typically brings about significant positive outcomes to both individuals and organizations. Yet, workplace learning always occurs in a pre-defined context and this context has recently...
PublicationRecently much scientific research and industrial work is conducted in multidisciplinary teams, where cooperation between specialists from different areas of expertise is required in order to successfully address the challenging goals. Moreover, in start-up small companies the lack of supporting departments calls for additional multidisciplinary, economic and networking skills known as T-shaped personality. Recognizing these shortcomings...
Family business experience and the probability of starting a venture: gender differences in Poland
PublicationThe aim of this study is to analyse whether the experience of working in a family member’s business is related differently to the assessed probabilities of men and women starting their own new venture in the future. The research is conducted on a sample of 334 Polish undergraduate students. Poland is an efficiency-driven European economy with a substantial gender gap in entrepreneurship. The results obtained indicate that the relationship...
PublicationThe problems of young people guidance on the choice of profession according to the labour market requirements and the education quality are considered. The problem of youth education and employment is very topical, and in relation to vocational education the main theoretical and practical approaches to its modernization should be changed. The paper is determined the key aspects for choosing the University to receive education and...
Irregularities in university processes concerning the Lean Management typology: The pilot study results
PublicationPurpose: Identify the attitudes regarding key irregularities in university activities of universities referring to muda, mura, and muri from the perspective of two groups of stakeholders - academic teachers and administration/service personnel. Study design/methodology/approach: A pilot quantitative study with the use of a questionnaire containing 48 statements regarding six categories of irregularities assessed according to the...
PublicationPurpose: Identify the attitudes regarding key irregularities in university activities of universities referring to muda, mura, and muri from the perspective of two groups of stakeholders - academic teachers and administration/service personnel. Study design/methodology/approach: A pilot quantitative study using a questionnaire containing 48 statements regarding six categories of irregularities assessed according to the 5-point...
Using Eye-tracking to get information on the skills acquisition by the radiology residents
PublicationThis paper describes the possibility of monitoring the progress of knowledge and skills acquisition by the students of radiology. It is achieved by an analysis of a visual attention distribution patterns during image-based tasks solving. The concept is to use the eye-tracking data to recognize the way how the radiographic images are read by recognized experts, radiography residents involved in the training program, and untrained...
Frontier education for a sustainable future - speculative design in architecture as a transdisciplinary experiment
PublicationIn this article, the authors propose the term frontier education referring to the well-established notion of frontier research - one, that through opening unexpected transdisciplinary perspectives, may offer new insights and create a fertile ground for new discoveries and ground-breaking concepts. In answer to the question of how to get rid of normative thinking and extend architectural experimentations, a speculative design architectural...
Skłonność do rywalizacji a intencje przedsiębiorcze – o różnicach międzypłciowych
PublicationAccording to the person-environment fit model people are more inclined to choose particular careers paths over other depending on their individual characteristics. They are also more likely to be satisfied with a career path that matches their characteristics and less likely to experience negative consequences including strain. In previous research several characteristics of entrepreneurs which differentiate them from non-entrepreneurs...
The determinants of European universities patenting and co‑patenting with companies
PublicationThis study examines the determinants of European universities patenting and co-patenting with companies. The analysis takes into account more than 400 universities from 17 countries over the period 2011–2018. We test several determinants of the commercial activity of universities, such as: student enrolment (size), age, public or private nature of the institution, students per academic staff, publications per academic staff (research...
Systems of Public Higher Education in Poland and Germany. Evidence from Institution Level Data
PublicationThe chapter presents a comparative analysis of public higher education systems (HES) in Germany and Poland. Instead of limiting our study to macro indicators such as gross expenditure on higher education or R&D as per cent of GDP, we draw on the evidence based on micro data especially collected for this study and concerning individual higher education institutions (HEIs). Comparative analysis is based on a sample of 71 public...
Indywidualizm czy zespołowość - w jakich kategoriach myślimy o przedsiębiorczości
PublicationPrzedsiębiorczość to pojęcie, które zwykle rozpatruje się w kategoriach działań indywidualnych, realizowanych indywidulanie procesów czy przedsięwzięć. Jednocześnie podkreśla się rolę przedsiębiorcy, jako osoby zarządzającej zespołem i przy jego udziale uzyskującym założone cele. W literaturze pojawiają się zagadnienia związane z przedsiębiorczością zespołową i zespołami przedsiębiorczymi, których miejsce w tworzeniu firm i osiąganiu...
Rzeczywistość rozszerzona – potencjał w kształceniu (przyszłych) pomorskich inżynierów
PublicationEdukacja młodzieży w zakresie nauk eksperymentalnych – takich jak chemia i fizyka – stanowi obecnie w obliczu ograniczeń zaplecza dydaktycznego w szkołach ogromne wyzwanie. Placówki edukacyjne nie posiadają często odpowiednich laboratoriów, lecz dysponują pracowniami komputerowymi. W ramach Projektu EDUAR, współfinansowanego przez NCBiR, przeprowadzono badania w 20 szkołach – po 10 z obszarów wiejskich i miejskich, podczas których...
The Perception of an Entrepreneur’s Structural, Relational and Cognitive Social Capital among Young People in Poland - An Exploratory Study
PublicationThe goal of the current paper is to verify how an entrepreneur’s structural, relational and cognitive social capital levels are perceived by young people in Poland. The research involved a group of 374 undergraduate business students from a Polish university as participants. Participants completed a survey on entrepreneurial cognitions. It was found that participants assess the level of an entrepreneur’s social capital as relatively...
Under the Fire of Disinformation. Attitudes Towards Fake News in the Ukrainian Frozen War
PublicationIn this article, we examine individual attitudes towards fake news in the extreme conditions of a propaganda war, taking into account the complex regional social and historical conditions. For this purpose, within the mobile boundary zone during frozen war in Ukraine, we conducted qualitative research among representatives of generations X and Z (high school teachers and students). Being accustomed to fake news turned out to be...
Managing and funding the innovative path: a close look at the SimLE scientific club at Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland
PublicationThis article presents a case study of the simply learn experience (SimLE) scientific club at Gdańsk University of Technology (Gdańsk Tech), Gdańsk, Poland, showcasing an effective model for blending theoretical knowledge with practical engineering applications. This student-led organisation aims to develop soft skills and handson experience through project work, participation in international contests and conferences. This study...
Chromium content in the hair of children and students in Southern Poland
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Intencje przedsiębiorcze studentów – analiza międzynarodowa oparta na rozszerzonym modelu Ajzena
PublicationPoszukiwanie czynników wpływających na rozpoczęcie działalności gospodarczej doczekało się opisu w wielu publikacjach. Nie ma wątpliwości, że czynnikiem kluczowym w procesie przedsiębiorczym są intencje, a dzięki pracom I. Ajzena wiadomo także, jakie grupy czynników wpływają na intencje. Jednak jego teoria planowanego zachowania wydaje się być niewystarczająca. Celem rozdziału było opracowanie propozycji rozszerzenia teorii Ajzena....
PublicationFaculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering (WILiS) at Gdansk University of Technology (GUT) offers studies in the fields of Geodesy and Cartography. The bachelor program (7 semesters) was started ten years ago in 2009. It provides the student with the basic skills and knowledge in the fields of surveying, geodesy and more generally geomatics and cartography. It is strongly related to expertise knowledge of civil building (geodetic...
Oferta kształcenia a wymogi współczesnego rynku pracy
PublicationWspółcześnie zmianom ulegają struktury gospodarek oraz sposoby gospodarowania poszczególnymi zasobami na rynkach. Wpływ na to mają nowoczesne technologie, procesy globalizacji i integracji. Obserwowane dynamiczne zmiany wymuszają włączenie się w proces unowocześniania różnych uczestników rynku. Jednym z nich są instytucje zajmujące się szeroko rozumianym kształceniem, które przygotowują zasoby pracy do wejścia na rynek pracy. Celem...
Space and spatial practices in times of confinement. Evidence from three European countries: Austria, France and Poland
PublicationIn the first half of 2020, millions of people were subjected to drastic restrictions aimed at limiting the spread of the Covid-19 disease. Austria, France and Poland have implemented a lockdown to varying degrees and for varying lengths of time. This is an unprecedented situation in Europe: until now, even in times of war, curfew measures have never been applied 24 h a day. The research presented in this article was carried out...
Open Innovation Competence for a Future-Proof Workforce: A Comparative Study from Four European Universities
PublicationDigital transformation is a key driving force of open innovation to capture and transfer knowledge inside and outside of a company’s bounds. New challenges in organizing multiple knowledge flows imply the need for increased competences related to this paradigm of future employees. In this article, we organize and aggregate the competencies required for open innovation collaboration and develop a competence profile that organizes...
Wykorzystanie metafor w identyfikacji i kształtowaniu postaw przedsiębiorczych
PublicationEdukacja przedsiębiorcza odgrywa coraz większą rolę w promowaniu i kształtowaniu zachowań oraz kompetencji przedsiębiorczych młodego pokolenia. W tym kontekście szczególnie podkreśla się znaczenie wykorzystywania nowych, interaktywnych metod i form kształcenia, niezwykle istotnych dla jednego z aspektów edukacji przedsiębiorczej, jakim jest kształcenie kreatywności i proaktywności. Zastosowanie metafor spełnia wymagania stawiane...
PublicationKsiążka składa się z czterech rozdziałów, poprzedzonych wstępem i zwieńczonych częścią podsumowującą całość. Rozdział pierwszy nakreśla tło dla dalszych rozważań. W rozdziale tym wyodrębniono trzy zasadnicze ujęcia: ujęcie ekonomiczne, ujęcie psychologiczne oraz socjologiczno-kulturowe. W dalszej części tego rozdziału przeanalizowano związki między przedsiębiorczością a wzrostem gospodarczym. Wskazano także mniej znane kierunki...
Low Cost Hexacopter Autonomous Platform for Testing and Developing Photogrammetry Technologies and Intelligent Navigation Systems
PublicationLow-cost solutions for autonomous aerial platforms are being intensively developed and used within geodetic community. Unmanned aerial vehicles are becoming very popular and widely used for photogrammetry and remote sensing applications. Today’s market offers an affordable price components for unmanned solution with significant quality and accuracy growth. Every year market offers a new solutions for autonomous platforms with better...
Knowledge Sharing in the COVID-19 Era of Remote Teaching: What Can Academia Learn from Business?
PublicationPurpose: The aim of this paper is to investigate how universities may benefit from experiences of businesses that were also forced to use remote forms of business operations. Methodology: The paper uses in-depth interviews to explore the possibilities of knowledge sharing improvements at the university-level teaching, based on the experiences elicited in the business sector. The theoretical sampling was used to find informants...
Edge-Computing based Secure E-learning Platforms
PublicationImplementation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in E-Learning environments have brought up dramatic changes in the current educational sector. Distance learning, online learning, and networked learning are few examples that promote educational interaction between students, lecturers and learning communities. Although being an efficient form of real learning resource, online electronic resources are subject to...
English Language Learning Employing Developments in Multimedia IS
PublicationIn the realm of the development of information systems related to education, integrating multimedia technologies offers novel ways to enhance foreign language learning. This study investigates audio-video processing methods that leverage real-time speech rate adjustment and dynamic captioning to support English language acquisition. Through a mixed-methods analysis involving participants from a language school, we explore the impact...
Revision of architectural design education in terms of sustainability, creativity and digitalisation
PublicationThe article explores different educational strategies in relation to architectural design courses, focusing on sustainability, creativity and digitalisation. The starting point for this research was a t-survey (t-teachers) among 40 teachers of architectural design from eight European universities, to examine different programme frames and the teachers’ attitude versus the design process. The survey findings facilitated the identification...
New skills for architects: 3D scanning for an immersive experience in architectural education
PublicationThe authors of this article explore the integration of remote sensing techniques, specifically laser scanning and photogrammetry, as well as immersive visualisation via different methods applied to architectural design processes, and its potential impact on the professional development of future architects. The study demonstrates the value of extending the architectural design process into the interdisciplinary field of geomatics...
Study on transmission quality in cellular 4G and 5G networks between 2019–2021: Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the level of provided services by operating base transceiver stations
PublicationThe COVID-19 pandemic has significantly limited user mobility, not least among students. Remote learning had a particular impact on resource allocation in relation to using terrestrial cellular networks, especially 4G systems in urban agglomerations. This paper presents the results of a quality evaluation of an outdoor environment, carried out between 2019 and 2021 on the campus of a technical university. Annual studies are conducted...
Book Review
PublicationActing over the last three decades as an Editor and Associate Editor for a number of international journals in the general area of cybernetics and AI, as well as a Chair and Co-Chair of numerous conferences in this field, I have had the exciting opportunity to closely witness and to be actively engaged in the stimulating research area of machine learning and its important augmentation with deep learning techniques and technologies. From...
Skills Mismatch in the Context of Technological Change
PublicationThis dissertation examines the impact of technological change (TC) on skills and competences and how higher education’s role has changed along the way. Quantitative research was conducted to reveal the perceptions of students and employers in Poland on the relevance of particular skills in an ICT based economy. The results of this research show that there is generally a rather insignificant discrepancy in these perceptions....
Moduł Warsztaty - narzędzie w procesie edukacji na uczelni wyższej
PublicationObecnie istnieje bardzo szeroka gama narzędzi informatycznych, które wspierają proces edukacji przy wykorzystaniu internetu na uczelniach wyższych. Wśród nieodpłatnych narzędzi powszechnie znana jest platforma Moodle. W artykule zaprezentowano jeden z jej modułów – Warsztaty. Przedstawiono jego funkcjonalność. Opisano jego zalety i wady w nauczaniu łączącym techniki online i tradycyjne na uczelni wyższej (blended-learning). W artykule...
The congruence of mental models in entrepreneurial teams – implications for performance and satisfaction in teams operating in an emerging economy
PublicationPurpose – The paper aims to explore the relationship between the congruence of mental models held by the members of entrepreneurial teams operating in an emerging economy (Poland) and entrepreneurial outcomes (performance and satisfaction). Design/methodology/approach – The data obtained from 18 nascent and 20 established entrepreneurial teams was analysed to answer hypotheses. The research was quantitative and was conducted using...
The Review of the Selected Challenges for an Incorporation of Daylight Assessment Methods into Urban Planning in Poland
PublicationThe main objectives of this research it to find out if modern daylight assessment and design methods can be useful for urban residential planning in Poland. The study gives a chance to describe and appraise modern daylight design techniques. The other purpose is to illustrate how daylight knowledge could be used as an incentive to rethink the way urban environments are created. Although daylight design is acknowledged in literature...
The Cluster Organization. Analyzing the Development of Cooperative Relationships
PublicationCluster organizations are becoming more and more popular, both in developing and developed countries. Considering the development of cluster policy and the related dynamic growth of cluster initiatives in the world, the lack of sufficient knowledge on the development of cooperation in cluster organizations inhibits their development and, in many cases, causes their complete disintegration. The book provides new important elements...
Relating Information Culture to Information Policies and Management Strategies
PublicationBusiness and information managers have struggled to meet several challenges in aligning information strategies and business cultures. The consequences of a misalignment or misfit of strategy and culture are well known in business literature, and better guidance on how to better align strategy and culture is needed. This means expanding the puzzle to align business and information cultures, align business and information strategies,...
Exploring the approaches towards support of academic entrepreneurship: evidence from an emerging market
PublicationOver the past three decades, an exponentially growing body on elements and actors of the concept of an entrepreneurial university has emerged. Compared to its western European counterparts, however, the idea of the third role of the university has only recently been implemented in Central and Eastern European countries, and thus both research and entrepreneurial practice grapple with empirical results. In this paper, we attempt...
Feminist Lens on Gender Roles in Entrepreneurial Intention and Implementation
PublicationBased on Social Feminist Theory, Post-Structural Feminism and Gender-Role Orientation (GRO) (masculinity, femininity and androgyny), the aim of this research is to study the entrepreneurial process through the lenses of both biological sex and socially constructed gender, in order to disentangle their effects and to shed new light on the process. Secondly, we aim to push forward the research on the early-stage entrepreneurial process...
Non-Visual Aspects of the Space Performing the Soundscape of the City
PublicationThe relationship between art and architecture remains a challenging issue today, first and foremost in the domain of architecture, and particularly in art and design schools. To address this issue, the Winter School International Research and Education (WIRE) programme was run in the Gazi University Department of Architecture between 2013 and 2014, with the main theme being “Art and Architecture”, and the sub-themes determined...
Instrumenty promocji w procesie zarządzania organizacją
PublicationW artykule podjęto temat dotyczący roli instrumentów promocji w procesie zarządzania organizacją, odnosząc się do uwarunkowań publicznej uczelni wyższej. Artykuł podzielono na dwie części. W pierwszej, przedstawiono krótką charakterystykę istoty zarządzania organizacją oraz form promocji organizacji. W drugiej części przedstawiono wyniki badania ankietowego, które zostało przeprowadzone wśród studentów Akademii Techniczno-Humanistycznej...
‘Personas for lighting’. Three methods to develop personas for the indoor lighting environment
PublicationThe objective of this research is to describe and compare three different methods of generating ‘persona for lighting’ to envision users’ behaviour within the lighting environment. ‘Personas’ are used to represent typical users, highlighting their needs, perspectives, and expectations to aid user-centric design approaches. The researchers looked for the most useful method of shaping ‘personas for lighting’ to learn about users’...
Przedsiębiorczość społeczna jako klucz do skutecznej edukacji przedsiębiorczej na społecznie odpowiedzialnym uniwersytecie
PublicationCel naukowy: Celem artykułu jest prezentacja nowej propozycji kształcenia na rzecz przedsiębiorczości na studiach biznesowych (zarządzanie i ekonomia), uwzględniającej edukację w zakresie przedsiębiorczości społecznej. Problem i metody badawcze: W artykule omówiono problem edukacji przedsiębiorczej z punktu widzenia wyzwań zmieniającej się gospodarki oraz ewoluujących oczekiwań stawianych polskim uczelniom wyższym. Główną metodą...
Medical students' knowledge and opinions about rare diseases: A case study from Poland
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Caring Ability and Professional Values of Polish Nursing Students—A Cross-Sectional Study
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Lifestyle Changes among Polish University Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic
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Application of Open-Hardware-Based Solutions for Rapid Transition From Stationary to the Remote Teaching Model During Pandemic
PublicationWhile research indicates usefulness of remote laboratories in teaching of digital hardware systems, their main application is to complement stationary classes. This work presents a low-cost, scalable architecture that supports rapid transformation of teaching to a model based solely on remote access mechanisms. Background: Adaptation of online laboratory solutions from the literature to en-masse teaching of digital circuits is...
Teams tools. Leading high-performance teams with different types of intelligence
PublicationThe subject of this paper is the analysis of necessary tools for global teams, image of the team leader, styles of leadership in global teams. The analysis is based on selected examples from high-performance teams with visible results. The purpose of the work is to answer for the following questions: What are the characteristics of the leading global teams? Which style of leadership use the global teams? Is a female leader different...
Platforma edX - nowe podejście do kursów online
PublicationWspółczesne metody nauczania na odległość zmieniają się dynamicznie. Powstają światowe konsorcja podejmujące starania zapewnienia dostępu do edukacji na najwyższym poziomie z wykorzystaniem Internetu. Jedną z takich prób jest platforma edX. Jej rozwój zapoczątkowały niemal 2 lata temu MIT i Harvard. Obecnie zespół liczy już 30 uczelni z całego świata. Renoma ośrodków naukowych biorących udział w projekcie przyciągnęła już ponad...