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Search results for: local variability
Treatment of landfill leachate in a constructed free water surface wetland system over a decade – Identification of disturbance in process behaviour and removal of eutrophying substances and organic material
PublicationAn 8 ha free water surface wetland system in Örebro, Sweden, which has sediment traps followed by 10 ponds for treatment of landfill leachate in the methanogenic stage, was studied from 2003 to 2012. The wetland was irregularly loaded and the leachate characteristics showed high temporal and spatial variability, so Multivariate Statistical Process Control was chosen as the diagnostic tool for detecting anomalies prior to assessing...
Testing OFDM Transmission Schemes for Shallow Water Acoustic Communications
PublicationLarge variability of communication properties of underwater acoustic channels, and especially strongly varying instantaneous conditions in shallow waters, is a tough challenge for the designers of underwater acoustics communication (UAC system. There is a need for developing adaptive signaling schemes that would dynamically optimize signal parameters in both physical and link layers of communication protocols. The orthogonal frequency...
Design thinking qualifications framework – standardizing the innovative approach to entrepreneurial education delivery to engineering students
PublicationHighly competitive labor market stimulates increasing expectations towards fresh university alumni. It is not enough to be an expert - well educated and often experienced - in chosen discipline. High variability of the business environment, continuous change, number of risks, together with higher work demand than supply, shape clear employers’ expectations: entrepreneurial employees are wanted. On this ground a need for entrepreneurial...
Efficiency of European public higher education institutions: a two-stage multicountry approach
PublicationThe purpose of this study is to examine efficiency and its determinants in a set of higher education institutions (HEIs) from several European countries by means of non-parametric frontier techniques. Our analysis is based on a sample of 259 public HEIs from 7 European countries across the time period of 2001-2005. We conduct a two-stage DEA analysis (Simar and Wilson in J Economet 136:31-64, 2007), first evaluating DEA scores...
Specificity of Infant Digestive Conditions: Some Clues for Developing Relevant In Vitro Models
PublicationDigestion of nutrients is an essential function of the newborn infant gut to allow growth and development and understanding infant digestive function is essential to optimize nutrition and oral drug delivery. Ethical considerations prohibit invasive in vivo trials and as a consequence in vitro assays are often conducted. However, the choice of in vitro model parameters are not supported by an exhaustive analysis of the literature...
Multi-objective design optimization of antennas for reflection, size, and gain variability using kriging surrogates and generalized domain segmentation
PublicationCost-efficient multi-objective design optimization of antennas is presented. The framework exploits auxiliary data-driven surrogates, a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for initial Pareto front identification, response correction techniques for design refinement, as well as generalized domain segmentation. The purpose of this last mechanism is to reduce the volume of the design space region that needs to be sampled in order...
Chronographic Imprint of Age-Induced Alterations in Heart Rate Dynamical Organization
PublicationBeat-to-beat changes in the heart period are transformed into a network of increments between subsequent RR-intervals, which enables graphical descriptions of short-term heart period variability. Three types of such descriptions are considered: (1) network graphs arising from a set of vertices and directed edges, (2) contour plots of adjacency matrices A, representing the networks and transition matrices T, resulting from A, and (3)...
High meniscal slope angle as a risk factor for meniscal allograft extrusion
PublicationA meniscal graft extrusion is still an unresolved problem that affects most patients after a meniscal transplantation. Despite the advances in surgical techniques, together with the improved methods for a meniscal allograft sizing, success is only observed in up to 75% of patients after they experience a meniscal allograft transplantation. Because a meniscal extrusion is associated with a cartilage deterioration and the progression...
Spectral Clustering Wikipedia Keyword-Based search Results
PublicationThe paper summarizes our research in the area of unsupervised categorization of Wikipedia articles. As a practical result of our research, we present an application of spectral clustering algorithm used for grouping Wikipedia search results. The main contribution of the paper is a representation method for Wikipedia articles that has been based on combination of words and links and used for categoriation of search results in this...
Backscattering properties of southern Baltic herring
PublicationReliable TS(L) relationship is required to improve acoustic algorithms of abundanceestimation of Baltic herring. The relationships, empirically obtained in different parts of theBaltic Sea, produce up to 8 dB – difference in the herring TS. In order to develop an accurateTS(L) relationship, it is important to analyze factors controlling the TS variability. Thepossible impact of the regional difference...
Stress Detection of Children with Autism using Physiological Signals in Kaspar Robot-Based Intervention Studies
PublicationThis study aims to develop a stress detection system using the blood volume pulse (BVP) signals of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) during robot-based interven- tion. This study presents the heart rate variability (HRV) analysis method to detect the stress, where HRV features are extracted from raw BVP signals recorded from an E4 wristband during interaction studies with the social robot Kaspar. Low frequency power...
Nondestructive corrosion degradation assessment based on asymmetry of guided wave propagation field
PublicationThe article presents the results of numerical and experimental investigation of guided wave propagation in steel plates subjected to corrosion degradation. The development of novel procedures allowing for the assessment of the corrosion degradation level is crucial in the effective diagnostics of offshore and ship structures that are especially subjected to aggressive environments. The study’s main aim is to investigate the influence...
Baseline-free debonding detection in reinforced concrete structures by elastic wave propagation
PublicationThe article presents the results of the numerical and experimental analysis concerning wave propagation in reinforced concrete (RC) beams with various extent of debonding between the steel rod and concrete cover. The main aim of the paper was to consider the unsolved research gaps, which considerably limit the application of wave-based methods in practice. The propagation of the flexural wave modes excited and registered on the...
Sensitivity analysis based on non-intrusive regression-based polynomial chaos expansion for surgical mesh modelling
PublicationThe modelling of a system containing implants used in ventral hernia repair and human tissue suffers from many uncertainties. Thus, a probabilistic approach is needed. The goal of this study is to define an efficient numerical method to solve non-linear biomechanical models supporting the surgeon in decisions about ventral hernia repair. The model parameters are subject to substantial variability owing to, e.g., abdominal wall...
Evaluation of the Influence of Farming Practices and Land Use on Groundwater Resources in a Coastal Multi-Aquifer System in Puck Region (Northern Poland)
PublicationThis study focuses on the modeling of groundwater flow and nitrate transport in a multi-aquifer hydrosystem in northern Poland, adjacent to Puck Bay (Baltic sea). The main goal was to investigate how changes in land use and farming practices may affect groundwater recharge and submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) to the sea and the associated N-NO3 fluxes. An integrated modelling approach has been developed, which couples the...
PublicationThe paper contributes by providing new insights into relationship between female labor force and economic growth in 162 world countries over the period 1990-2012. It is anticipated uncovering U-shaped relationship between female labor force participation and economic growth. The analysis is run in two different perspectives – first the relationship is examined for sample encompassing 162 countries; and second – the evidence is...
Controlled Random Search Applied to Parameters Estimation of the Longitudinal Solutes Transport Model for Rivers
PublicationNumerical computations are presented for the longitudinal transport of passive, conservative solutes in an actual river with the inclusion of geometrical complexities of river channels. A special emphasis is put on the method of the identification of model parameters which is based on a specially designed optimisation procedure using random control search algorithm. Two different situations are considered namely a linear version...
Determinants of export diversification: an empirical investigation
PublicationEmpirical findings confirm that relatively high specialisation of economic structures tends to be associated with low levels of income per capita, but countries diversify their export structures along their path of growth. However, usually only per capita income, and eventually, country-specific fixed effects are the sole explanatory variables taken into consideration in the estimation of specialisation curves. We extend the analysis...
ISO test track influence on the EU tyre label noise value
PublicationIn 2009, the European Union (EU) introduced a directive governing the labelling of tyres, which underwent revision in 2020. This labelling system encompasses three key parameters related to tyre performance: wet grip (safety), rolling resistance (energy consumption), and external rolling noise (environmental impact). These label values serve as crucial information for customers seeking to purchase replacement tyres for their vehicles....
Guided ultrasonic wave technique for corrosion monitoring and thickness variability analysis
PublicationCorrosion degradation poses a significant challenge to the structural integrity of industrial components, especially in critical sectors such as oil and gas, marine, and energy. This paper presents a novel approach to assessing corrosion damage using guided ultrasonic waves (GUWs), focusing on the statistical characterization of thickness variability in corroded plates. A combined algorithm is developed to estimate key statistical...
Pipeline System for Heat Transportation from Nuclear Power Plant – an Optimizing Approach
PublicationOver the last few years heat piping insulation technology and pump systems efficiency have been significantly improved. Reduced thermal losses encourage heat transportation over long distances. It provides an opportunity for increasing thermodynamic efficiency of Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) that are often located in rural areas because of safety issues. It can be achieved by Combined Heat and Power (CHP) generation, as heat produced...
Methodology for Text Classification using Manually Created Corpora-based Sentiment Dictionary
PublicationThis paper presents the methodology of Textual Content Classification, which is based on a combination of algorithms: preliminary formation of a contextual framework for the texts in particular problem area; manual creation of the Hierarchical Sentiment Dictionary (HSD) on the basis of a topically-oriented Corpus; tonality texts recognition via using HSD for analysing the documents as a collection of topically completed fragments...
Prediction of Wastewater Quality at a Wastewater Treatment Plant Inlet Using a System Based on Machine Learning Methods
PublicationOne of the important factors determining the biochemical processes in bioreactors is the quality of the wastewater inflow to the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). Information on the quality of wastewater, sufficiently in advance, makes it possible to properly select bioreactor settings to obtain optimal process conditions. This paper presents the use of classification models to predict the variability of wastewater quality at...
PublicationTravel time is a measure commonly used for traffic flow modelling and traffic control. It also helps to evaluate the quality of traffic control systems in urban areas. Traffic control systems that use traffic models to predict changes and disruptions in vehicle flows have to use vehicle speed-prediction models. Travel time estimation studies the effects of traffic volumes on a street section at an average speed. The TRISTAR Integrated...
Constrained optimization for generating gain-bandwidth design trade-offs of wideband unidirectional antennas
PublicationBroadband unidirectional antennas realised in microstrip technology find applications in many wireless communication systems. One of their design challenges is the necessity of handling multiple performance figures which is difficult when using traditional design methods, largely based on parameter sweeping. This work presents a simple optimisation-based framework that permits generation of gain-bandwidth trade-off designs for...
Experimental Research of an Axial Piston Pump with Displaced Swash Plate Axis of Rotation
PublicationThe article describes the influence of displacement of the swash plate rotation axis on the efficiency of axial piston pumps. The dead space volume was defined as the volume of the working chamber in the extreme position of the piston at the end of the pumping phase and its variability was determined as a function of the position of the axis of rotation of the swash plate and the swing angle of swash plate. The influence of swash...
Pre-analytical aspects in metabolomics of human biofluids – sample collection, handling, transport, and storage
PublicationMetabolomics is the field of omics research that offers valuable insights into the complex composition of biological samples. It has found wide application in clinical diagnostics, disease investigation, therapy prediction, monitoring of treatment efficiency, drug discovery, or in-depth analysis of sample composition. A suitable study design constitutes the fundamental requirements to ensure robust and reliable results from the...
Borders of Digital Art in the Context of the Information Society
PublicationThe article shows the relationship between the development of information technologies, the characteristics of the information society and digital art. The broad possibilities of the digital world related to recording, storing and processing data (cyber text, big data, smart services) and the creation of virtual worlds are pointed out. The influence of the development of information technologies on the character of the works of...
Utilizing pulse dynamics for non-invasive Raman spectroscopy of blood analytes
PublicationNon-invasive measurement methods offer great benefits in the field of medical diagnostics with molecular-specific techniques such as Raman spectroscopy which is increasingly being used for quantitative measurements of tissue biochemistry in vivo. However, some important challenges still remain for label-free optical spectroscopy to be incorporated into the clinical laboratory for routine testing. In particular, non-analyte-specific...
Algoritmically improved microwave radar monitors breathing more acurrate than sensorized belt
PublicationThis paper describes a novel way to measure, process, analyze, and compare respiratory signals acquired by two types of devices: a wearable sensorized belt and a microwave radar-based sensor. Both devices provide breathing rate readouts. First, the background research is presented. Then, the underlying principles and working parameters of the microwave radar-based sensor, a contactless device for monitoring breathing, are described....
Effectiveness of Random Field Approach in Serviceability Limit State Analysis of Strip Foundation
PublicationThis work conducts a probabilistic inquiry on how the variability of the parameter defining soil deformability affects the settlement of the foundation located on the soil. The analysis addresses the random foundation model to relevantly estimate the probability of allowable deflection exceedance. The constitutive model parameter is based either on a single random variable or a random field. The computations incorporate direct...
Persistent homology as a new method of the assessment of heart rate variability
PublicationHeart rate variability (hrv) is a physiological phenomenon of the variation in the length of the time interval between consecutive heartbeats. In many cases it could be an indicator of the development of pathological states. The classical approach to the analysis of hrv includes time domain methods and frequency domain methods. However, attempts are still being made to define new and more effective hrv assessment tools. Persistent...
Effect of the North Atlantic Thermohaline Circulation on changes in climatic conditions and river flow in Poland
Publication: The purpose of this study is to find connections between the North Atlantic Thermohaline Circulation (NA THC), climate elements, such as cloud cover, precipitation, air temperature, sunshine duration, and relative humidity, and flow of rivers in Poland. The intensity of NA THC was characterized by the DG3L index, which was established to assess changes in the amount of heat transported by NA THC along with the transport of water...
Influence of silver-core gold-shell nanoparticle parameters on the variation of surface-enhanced Raman spectra
PublicationThe detection of molecules by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) is dependent on the nanomaterial used to induce the enhancement effect. This depends on a variety of parameters of the substrate such as the metal used for their creation, their shape, size and size distribution, concentration, as well as the parameters of the solution, such as packing of the nanoparticles, the complexity of the sample, the solvent, etc. It...
Retrievable strain measuring system in screw displacement piles - readings and results interpretation problems
PublicationStatic load tests on foundation piles are generally carried out in order to determine load – displacement characteristic of the pile. For more detailed information, e.g. force distribution along the shaft, load transfer mechanism and characteristics of soil-structure interaction (unit resistance curves t-z, q-z) additional pile instrumentation is required. Most popular techniques focus on direct concrete strain measurements and...
Entropy Measures in the Assessment of Heart Rate Variability in Patients with Cardiodepressive Vasovagal Syncope
PublicationSample entropy (SampEn) was reported to be useful in the assessment of the complexity of heart rate dynamics. Permutation entropy (PermEn) is a new measure based on the concept of order and was previously shown to be accurate for short, non-stationary datasets. The aim of the present study is to assess if SampEn and PermEn obtained from baseline recordings might differentiate patients with various outcomes of the head-up tilt test...
A simplified approach to determine the expiration date of certified reference material based on the results of monitoring long-term stability
PublicationAll components of the quality assurance (QA) system for measurement results depend heavily on certified reference materials (CRMs). There is a need for a comprehensive discussion of the stability study using the CRM statistical method. Monitoring involves periodic sampling and analysis of the CRM at predetermined intervals to continuously monitor stability without compromising its integrity. The obtained stability data is then...
Origin and fate of nanoparticles in marine water – Preliminary results
PublicationThe number, morphology and elemental composition of nanoparticles (<100 nm) in marine water was investigated using Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscopy (VP-SEM) and Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). Preliminary research conducted in the Baltic Sea showed that the number of nanoparticles in seawater varied from undetectable to 380 (x102) cm-3. Wind mixing and density barriers (thermocline) had a significant impact...
Electrostatic Zipping Actuators—Analysis of the Pull-In Effect Depending on the Geometry Parameters
PublicationContinuous work on a new generation of actuators, referred to as artificial muscles, resulted in the initiation of work on electrostatic zipping actuators, the concept of which is derived from micro electro-mechanical devices. Despite partial knowledge of their basic operating parameters, a question remains whether electrostatic zipping actuators are able to meet the expectations in the context of generated forces and control possibilities....
Human breast milk concentration of neopterin at various stages of lactation and during a single feeding
PublicationThe aim of this work was to determine the physiological level of neopterin in human breast milk, and to study its variability depending on the duration of a single feeding and the lactation stage. Breast milk samples from 74 women were collected between 2 and 4 days after delivery, and at 15, 30, and 90 days after delivery. Additionally, breast milk samples from eight women were collected before and after 7 and 15 min of breastfeeding....
Climate change impact on groundwater resources in sandbar aquifers in southern Baltic coast
PublicationShallow coastal aquifers are vulnerable hydrosystems controlled by many factors, related to climate, seawater‑freshwater interactions and human activity. Given on‑going climate change, sea level rise and increasing human impact, it is especially true for groundwater resources situated in sandbars. We developed numerical models of unsaturated zone water flow for two sandbars in northern Poland: the Vistula Spit and the Hel Spit...
Improvement of glass break acoustic signal detection via application of wavelet packet decomposition
PublicationThe main subject of the authors' research are non-contact methods of glass break detection based on analysis of the acoustic signal generated during the event. This problem has essential meaning for modern cost- effective alarm systems, particularly those installed into big buildings. The main difficulties of the matter are: transient character of the signal, great number of similar sounds (false signals, mainly accidental glass...
Seagrass vegetation and meiofauna enhance the bacterial abundance in the Baltic Sea sediments (Puck Bay)
PublicationThis study presents the first report on bacterial communities in the sediments of eelgrass (Zostera marina) meadows in the shallow southern Baltic Sea (Puck Bay). Total bacterial cell numbers (TBNs) and bacteria biomass (BBM) assessed with the use of epifluorescence microscope and Norland’s formula were compared between bare and vegetated sediments at two localities and in two sampling summer months. Significantly higher TBNs and...
Performance-driven yield optimization of high-frequency structures by kriging surrogates
PublicationUncertainty quantification is an important aspect of engineering design, as manufacturing toler-ances may affect the characteristics of the structure. Therefore, quantification of these effects is in-dispensable for adequate assessment of the design quality. Toward this end, statistical analysis is performed, for reliability reasons, using full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulations. Still, the computational expenditures associated...
Coupling of Blood Pressure and Subarachnoid Space Oscillations at Cardiac Frequency Evoked by Handgrip and Cold Tests: A Bispectral Analysis
PublicationThe aim of the study was to assess blood pressure–subarachnoid space (BP–SAS) width coupling properties using time–frequency bispectral analysis based on wavelet transforms during handgrip and cold tests. The experiments were performed on a group of 16 healthy subjects (F/M; 7/9) of the mean age 27.2 ± 6.8 years and body mass index of 23.8 ± 4.1 kg/m². The sequence of challenges was first handgrip and then cold test. The handgrip...
Selected aspects of two-phase flow studies using different visualization techniques in minichannels
PublicationThe subject of the study is to present the possibility of the use of visualization techniques in the researches on two-phase flows, carried out by the authors for many years. These works included as follows: heat transfer during the flow boiling, boiling crises and condensation in flow. The issue of the heat transfer intensification during the flow boiling through the channels of small diameters was analyzed. All this work focused...
Improved Efficacy Behavioral Modeling of Microwave Circuits through Dimensionality Reduction and Fast Global Sensitivity Analysis
PublicationBehavioral models have garnered significant interest in the realm of high-frequency electronics. Their primary function is to substitute costly computational tools, notably electromagnetic (EM) analysis, for repetitive evaluations of the structure under consideration. These evaluations are often necessary for tasks like parameter tuning, statistical analysis, or multi-criterial design. However, constructing reliable surrogate models...
Concept of an Innovative System for Dimensioning and Predicting Changes in the Coastal Zone Topography Using UAVs and USVs (4DBatMap System)
PublicationThis publication is aimed at developing a concept of an innovative system for dimensioning and predicting changes in the coastal zone topography using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs). The 4DBatMap system will consist of four components: 1. Measurement data acquisition module. Bathymetric and photogrammetric measurements will be carried out with a specific frequency in the coastal zone using...
Capillary gas chromatography using a -cyclodextrin forenantiomeric separation of methylamphetamine, its precursors andchloro intermediates after optimization of the derivatization reaction
PublicationtThe enantiomeric ratio of methylamphetamine (MAMP) is closely related to the optical activity of precur-sors and reagents used for the synthesis and this knowledge can provide useful information concerningthe origins and synthetic methods used for illicit manufacture. The information can be utilized for reg-ulation of the precursors and investigation of the manufacturing sources but this requires analyticalprocedures to determine...
Adaptive Positioning Systems Based on Multiple Wireless Interfaces for Industrial IoT in Harsh Manufacturing Environments
PublicationAs the industrial sector is becoming ever more flexible in order to improve productivity, legacy interfaces for industrial applications must evolve to enhance efficiency and must adapt to achieve higher elasticity and reliability in harsh manufacturing environments. The localization of machines, sensors and workers inside the industrial premises is one of such interfaces used by many applications. Current localization-based systems...