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Search results for: FRUIT INDUSTRY WASTE
PublicationNowadays, considering the environmental trends and law regulations associated with the circular economy, it is very important to seek for the methods of by-products and waste utilization. The example of such material, which requires the attention and recycling method is ground tire rubber generated during recycling of post-consumer car tires. It can be introduced into various polymer matrices as a filler, but to enhance its effectivity...
Green Lean in Services
PublicationThe study presents the basic aspects of the improvement of the company useing Green Lean concept. The authors refer to the basics of the concept, present its theoretical aspects together with a revew of possible actions to eliminate the green waste. All these considerations refer to the service activities of any kind in order to maintain holistic approach of the research.
Zagrożenia korozyjne stali nierdzewnych w przemyśle spozywczym
PublicationPrzedstawiono przyczyny występowania zagrożeń korozyjnych stali nierdzewnych w przemyśle spożywczym. Szczegółowo omówiono mechanizm oraz sposób zapobiegania korozji wżerowej, szczelinowej oraz pękania korozyjnego. Zaprezentowano dokumentację fotograficzną omówionych typów korozji. Wskazano podstawowe problemy związane z doborem materiałów konstrukcyjnych do budowy instalacji w przemyśle spożywczym.
Flora i fauna w sztuce cystersów Pomorza Gdańskiego. Flora and fauna in the art of Pomerelian Cistercians.
PublicationW sztuce cystersów pomorskich bardzo często spotyka się motywy odnoszące się do flory i fauny. W okresie średniowiecza miały one najczęściej znaczenie symboliczne, związane ze Starym i Nowym Testamentem. Ich głównym zadaniem było przypomnienie zakonnikom o miłosierdziu Pańskim oraz treści związanych z tymi fragmentami życia Jezusa, które są wskazówkami jak powinni żyć chrześcijanie. Sygnalizowano też konieczność wykazywania stałej...
Zerowaste Architecture 2022/23
e-Learning CoursesThe issues of the classes include design in the spirit of "zerowaste", i.e. maximum use of existing tissue and the use of secondary building materials. In the face of climate change, construction should face the enormity of waste generated by this sector. Minimizing the production of a new substance and maximizing the use of the existing substance in combination with high aesthetic values is a considerable architectural challenge. The...
Zerowaste Architecture 2023/24
e-Learning CoursesThe issues of the classes include design in the spirit of "zerowaste", i.e. maximum use of existing tissue and the use of secondary building materials. In the face of climate change, construction should face the enormity of waste generated by this sector. Minimizing the production of a new substance and maximizing the use of the existing substance in combination with high aesthetic values is a considerable architectural challenge. The...
Managing competence and certifying persons responsible for functional safety = Zarządzanie kompetencjami i certyfikacja osób odpowiedzialnych za bezpieczeństwo funkcjonalne
PublicationThis article emphasizes that knowledge and competences of managers, engineers and specialists dealing with safety-related technologies for hazardous industry should be appropriately shaped in the technical education processes and training programmes fulfilling some quality requirements and assessment criteria. It concerns especially persons dealing with the functional safety solutions in the design and operation of the electric,...
Bioactive quaternary ammonium ionic liquids.
PublicationAn ionic liquid (IL) is an organic compound that contains at least one ionic bond. It consists of an organic cation and an organic or inorganic anion. It is an organic salt having a melting point below 100C. A very interesting group of IL are those with a long chain quaternary ammonium cation. They are formed by direct synthesis or by an anion-exchange reaction in quaternary ammonium halides. Popular and cheap precursors for the...
The Indonesian economy in 2005: An analysis using the input-output approach
PublicationThis study aims to analyze the economic conditions of Indonesia in 2005. This study employs Input-Output (IO) analysis as an analysis instrument. The data of this study is the Indonesian IO table for 2005. Thus, the Indonesian economy is represented by Indonesian industrial sectors mentioned in the data. There are nine industries used in the present study, namely (1) agriculture, livestock, forestry, and fishery, (2) mining and...
Antioxidant properties and bioactive constituents of some rare exotic thai fruits and comparison with conventional fruits. in vitro and in vivo studies
PublicationPrzedmiotem badań były ekstrakty uzyskane zarówno z egzotycznych owoców z terenu Tajlandii (durian, snake fruit, mangosteen) jak i owoców ''konwencjonalnych'' (mango, kiwi, awokado) w celu porównania zawartości związków bioaktywnych i aktywności przeciwutleniającej.Wyniki badań prowadzonych zarówno in vitro jak i in vivo mogą być wykorzystane przy opracowywaniu diety. W trakcie badań in vitro wykorzystano testy do określania potencjału...
Antioxidant Interactions between Major Phenolic Compounds Found in 'Ataulfo' Mango Pulp: Chlorogenic, Gallic, Protocatechuic and Vanillic Acids
PublicationPhenolic compounds are known to have antioxidant capacity; however, there is little information about molecular interactions between particular phenolics found in fruits at different developmental stages. Therefore, the total antioxidant capacity of the phenolic compounds of a fruit may not correspond to the sum of individual antioxidant capacity given by antioxidants from that tissue. In this study, individual antioxidant capacity...
Health-Promoting Effects of Ethylene-Treated Kiwifruit ‘Hayward’ from Conventional and Organic Crops in Rats Fed an Atherogenic Diet
PublicationKiwifruit is a subtropical fruit that is very popular among consumers. Kiwifruit ‘Hayward’ (Actinidia deliciosa C.F. Liang et A.R. Ferguson) is an important source of bioactive compounds and possesses high antioxidant capacity, but its value can be changed during ripening. The aim of this study was to compare the levels of total polyphenols (TP), ascorbic acid (AA), and total antioxidant capacities (TACs) of ethylene-treated and...
Analiza przestrzenna branży transportu lądowego w Polsce
PublicationCelem opracowania było określenie zróżnicowania rozkładu przestrzennego branży transportu lądowego w Polsce oraz czynników wpływających na jej rozmiary. Analizę przeprowadzono na szczeblu wojewódzkim oraz powiatowym, na podstawie danych za lata 2009 i 2012. Wykorzystano analizę lokalizacji, obliczono i zinterpretowano autokorelację przestrzenną, skontruowano i oszacowano także model regresji przestrzennej. Stwierdzono, że na szczeblu...
A comparative study of the performance of passive samplers
PublicationPodstawowym celem podjętych badań było porównanie pracy dozymetrów pasywnych wykorzystywanych na etapie izolacji i wzbogacania lotnych związków organicznych z powietrza atmosferycznego na terenie aglomeracji Trójmiejskiej. Jako próbniki do pobierania próbek analitów zastosowano komercyjne dozymetry pasywne typu dyfuzyjnego (Radiello i Orsa 5) oraz dozymetry typu permeacyjnego własnej konstrukcji wyposażone w półprzepuszczalną membranę...
Validation of odor concentration from mechanical-biological treatment piles using static chamber and wind tunnel with different wind speed values
Publication -
Globalne trendy w certyfikacji systemu zarządzania środowiskowego
PublicationMinimalizacja wpływu działalności organizacji na środowisko naturalne jest jednym z najważniejszych założeń strategicznych przedsiębiorstw. Działania te wynikają z wdrażania strategii CSR, która w odniesieniu do polityki środowiskowej w organizacjach realizowana jest poprzez system EMAS bądź wymagania normy ISO 14001. Wdrożenie Systemu Zarządzania Środowiskowego, a następnie poddanie systemu certyfikacji przez niezależną jednostkę...
Operation of the 900 MW power plant with the ORC supplied from three heat sources
PublicationThe chapter is aimed at utilisation of waste heat in the reference supercritical power plant in the manner to produce electricity in ORC installation. The waste heat is available in the form of a stream of hot water at 90°C, recovered from the exhaust gases in the amount of 200MW. Such low enthalpy heat source is rather insufficient to produce a good quality vapour to feed the ORC turbine. Therefore an original approach to increase...
Zero-Emissions, Off-grid, Autonomous Houseboat – a Case Study of Selected Locations in Europe
PublicationThe aim of this study was to assess the feasibility of creating a prototype of a self-sufficient houseboat that is capable of prolonged independence from power grids and freshwater sources. In this design, electricity demand is met by a photovoltaic installation, and the energy is stored in batteries. Fresh water for living needs may be obtained from many sources, depending on the environmental conditions, such as through purifying...
Corrosion monitoring as a factor increasing the safety of hydrotechnical infrastructure
PublicationWater distribution systems at KGHM S.A. are of great importance for the efficient production of copper and environmental protection. For failures leading to perforation and leakage, the corrosion processes are responsible. This paper aims to assess corrosion on the basis of the analysis of the exposure of the Hydrotechnical Plant pipelines. To this end, the system of transfer and deposition of post-flotation waste as well as the...
Manufacturing of Lightweight Aggregates as an Auspicious Method of Sewage Sludge Utilization
Publication: Sewage sludge is a high-volume and low-cost waste commonly generated worldwide, so its utilization is a vital issue. The application of this waste in the manufacturing of lightweight aggregates was investigated. The process was performed using intensive mixers with volumes of 5 and 30 L, as well as the industrial 500 L mixer. Then, granulates were sintered in a tube furnace. The influence of composition and mixer size on the...
Phosphorus removal by application of natural and semi-natural materials for possible recovery according to assumptions of circular economy and closed circuit of P
PublicationIn the last fewyears the idea of circular economy has become essential. Thus, designing methods of nutrients removal should be based on usingmaterials that make it possible to recover those nutrients. Recently,methods applied in wastewater treatment plants cannot provide optimal results; moreover, the application of commercial coagulants like ferric chloride and polyaluminumchloride can cause difficulties in potential recovery...
Bioreactors and biophoton-driven biohydrogen production strategies
PublicationGiven the current issues with global warming and rising greenhouse gas emissions, biohydrogen is a viable alternative fuel option. Technologies to produce biohydrogen include photo fermentation, dark fermentation, direct and indirect bio-photolysis, and two-stage fermentation. Biological hydrogen generation is a green and promising technique with mild reaction conditions and low energy consumption compared to thermochemical and...
PublicationFinding the best way to develop new products has been always a hot topic for practitioners and academics. However, so far only a few of these kinds of studies have concentrated on a single industry. In this paper, we group German domestic appliance manufacturers with regards to their new product development (NPD) practices to discover their attitude to NPD effort. By conducting a survey we found that three different groups of manufacturers...
PublicationThe dynamic development of additive manufacturing technologies, especially over the last few years, has increased the range of possible industrial applications of 3D printed elements. This is a consequence of the distinct advantages of additive techniques, which include the possibility of improving the mechanical strength of products and shortening lead times. Offshore industry is one of these promising areas for the application...
Architects and urban planners in the face of energy transition - smart cities energy aspects in shaping building structures and cities
PublicationContemporary architects and urban planners are facing steadily increasing challenges. The growing problems around environmental issues, shrinking natural resources and climate action are just some of them. Currently, planning should also include balancing with all the aspects of sustainable development such as not only the environmental issues, but also social and economic ones. How to meet them in the era of energy transition...
Chitosan and polyvinyl alcohol nanocomposites with cellulose nanofibers from ginger rhizomes and its antimicrobial activities
PublicationThe inhibitory effect of 5% GNF bionanocomposites against Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella typhimurium indicated good antibacterial activity of the nanocomposites due to the addition of GNF in the biopolymer matrices. The use of GNF will help to increase the economic values of agricultural waste and the characteristic properties of GNF derived bionanocomposites could be possibly used in medical...
Peripheral industrial NUTS 3 sub-regions in the European Union – identification and typology
PublicationA common phenomenon of development is the big difference in its levels, especially between metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas. Non-metropolitan areas are also very different. In some of them, industry plays a big role. European Union’s NUTS 3 non-metropolitan low developed sub-regions, whose gross domestic product per capita in 2011 was below 75% of the EU average, were the subject of research. It is based on the data and...
Smart Virtual Product Development: Manufacturing Capability Analysis and Process Planning Module
PublicationSmart Virtual Product Development (SVPD) system provides effective use of information, knowledge, and experience in industry during the process of product development in Industry 4.0 scenario. This system comprises of three primary modules, each of which has been developed to cater to a need for digital knowledge capture for smart manufacturing in the areas of product design, production planning, and inspection planning. Manufacturing...
Application of design-thinking models to improve the quality of tourism services
PublicationThe paper presents basic aspects of improvement activities for the quality of tourism industry service through its specific determinants of quality. The authors suggested an the application of design-thinking concept in the development of the service itself and an attempt to undertake improvement activities.
Smart Innovation Engineering: Toward Intelligent Industries of the Future
PublicationKnowledge-based Engineering Systems are founded upon integration of knowledge into computer systems and are one of the core requirements for the future Industry 4.0. This paper presents a system called Smart Innovation Engineering (SIE) capable of facilitating product innovation process semi-automatically. It enhances decision-making processes by using the explicit knowledge of formal decision events. The SIE system carries the...
The dynamics of the total output of the fishery sector: The case of Indonesia
PublicationThe purpose of this study is to analyze the dynamics of the total output of the Indonesian fishery industry when the changes of the final demand occur. This study employs a demand-pull Input-Output (IO) quantity model, one of the calculation tools in the IO analysis, as an analysis instrument. Two conditions are noticed in calculation and analysis parts, namely (1) “whole sector change”, and (2) “pure change”. An initial period...
The dynamics of the total output of the Japanese fisheries sector: An analysis using input-output approach
PublicationThe purpose of this study is to investigate the dynamics of the total output of the fisheries industry when the changes of the final demand occur. This study focuses on the case of Japan. This study employs a demand-pull Input-Output (IO) quantity model, one of the calculation instruments in the IO analysis, as an analysis tool. Two conditions are included in calculation and analysis parts, namely (1) “whole sector change”, and...
New oryginal generic technologies: A Polish R&D strategic implementation programme
PublicationPolands's pharmaceutical industry is of great significance to the whole economy. According to Forbs (2 October 2012), the cost of launching a new drug varies from USD 1 to 11 bilion. There is little Chance of a Polish pharmaceutical company developing an original drug due to financial reason.Many research teams in Poland take up research projects aimed at new biologically active compounds. But such an objective has no broader perspective,...
Sustainable Fashion in Poland—Too Early or Too Late?
PublicationThis article presents an analysis of the concept of sustainable fashion from the Polish consumer’s perspective. The aim of this research is to investigate how Polish fashion consumers approach the concepts of sustainability, such as organic, fair-trade, and carbon emissions. Exploring the experience of the Polish consumption context provides a richer understanding of the evolution of fashion sustainability concepts in this and...
The investment risk forecasting in a local energy market
PublicationThe paper considers the general problems faced when evaluating the risk of investing in a local energy market by computer tools. The proposal formulated for the emerging local energy markets suggests broadening the method of evaluating investment risk so as to include elements of cluster analysis. The paper also discusses the significance of estimating investment risk in market terms and the importance and range of the local energy...
Compatibilization of polymeric composition filled with ground tire rubber – short review
PublicationWaste rubber is recognized as valuable materials resource and searching for new recycling methods is the main activity of many research institutions and companies. At the turn of the last years only few scientific papers about foamed polymer compositions filled with ground tire rubber were published. In paper review about progress in compatibilization and foaming of polymeric compositions filled with ground tire rubber.
Determination of Selected Organic Acids in Animal Farm Water Samples by Ion Chromatography
PublicationLow molecular mass carboxylic acids (LCAs) occur in many environmental compartments due to natural processes and human activity. They are an important group of organic pollutants of waste water that mainly includes, volatile fatty acids, and also dicarboxylic, aromatic, hydroxy- and ketoacids. LCAs are present in the environment at concentrations between 1 to 5000 ppm and different methods have been reported for their determination...
Ocena sprawności cyklu roboczego Pojazdu do Usuwania Odpadów z Pojemników na podstawie danych eksploatacyjnych
PublicationW artykule przedstawiona została metoda oceny sprawności cyklu roboczego śmieciarki. Wykorzystując dane eksploatacyjne wyznaczono dwa reprezentatywne cykle i na ich podstawie obliczono zarówno sprawność całego cyklu, jak i jego poszczególnych faz. Porównano wartości energii potrzebnej do opróżniania pojemników, energii do zagęszczania odpadów oraz energii z paliwa. Przedstawiono przebiegi mierzonych i obliczonych wartości w czasie...
The influence of sterilization with EnbioJet Microwave Flow Pasteurizer on composition and bioactivity of aronia and blue-berried honeysuckle juices
PublicationIn this study, fruit juices that are rich sources of anthocyanins, obtained from aronia (Am. chokeberry, Aronia melanocarpa) and blueberry honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea L. var. edulis) were used to examine the preservation of plant phytochemicals and bioactivity upon sterilization -either thermal, or with an EnbioJet microwave flow pasteurizer. The chemical properties verified included determinations of anthocyanins and other...
Impact of postharvest processing on the health benefits of durian-derived products
PublicationDurian (Durio zibethinus Murr.) is a seasonal fruit with a short harvesting period, requiring postharvest processing such as cutting, peeling, freeze-drying, cooking, and frying to enhance its shelf life and nutritional quality. In this study, fresh Monthong durian (MTD), MTD Sticks, MTD Cake, and MTD Chips were analyzed for polyphenols, phenolic acids, tannins, flavonoids and thermal stability. Antioxidant activity was assessed...
A magnetic stir bar sorbent of metal organic frameworks, carbon foam decorated zinc oxide and cryogel to enrich and extract parabens and bisphenols from food samples
PublicationA porous composite magnetic stir bar adsorbent was fabricated for the extraction and enrichment of parabens and bisphenols from selected beverage samples. The adsorbent comprised a metal organic framework, carbon foam decorated zinc oxide and magnetic nanoparticles embedded in polyvinyl alcohol cryogel. The porous composite stir bar adsorbent could adsorb parabens and bisphenols via hydrogen bonding, π-π and hydrophobic interactions....
Kombucha from alternative raw materials – The review
PublicationNowadays, people's awareness about the role of diet in maintaining well-being and good health has increased. Consumers expect that the products not only provide them with essential nutrients but will also be a source of biologically active substances, which are beneficial to their health. One of the "healthy trends," which has appeared among the consumers worldwide is kombucha, a tea drink with high antioxidant potential, obtained...
Mineral oil-based hydrostatic drives as the basic drive systems in the construction of offshore eqiupment projects
PublicationThe aim of this article is to present the components used in the production of mineral oil-based hydrostatic drives as the basic drive systems for the offshore industry. The article contains de-scriptions of the components of the said systems, with the description of their suitability for mi-neral oil operation and offshore applications.
PublicationThis paper presents results of bakery-waste methane-fermentation. The scope of the study covers the determination of basic physicochemical parameters, process dynamics and retention time as well as biogas composition and biogas efficiency. Methane fermentation process was carried out in accordance with German Standard DIN 38414 S8 and under condition of 38°C. Conclusion: bakery wastes have big potential for biogas production.
Unlocking creativity with new technologies
PublicationArtificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality, Internet of Things and digital twins are just a few concepts related to the fourth industrial revolution that is happening right before our eyes. The key question asked by managers in the aerosol sector recently is: what does all this new technology mean to me?
Trends shaping innovations in the aerosol market
PublicationNew hygiene regimes and sustainability commitments are helping to shape the aerosol market. Norbert Piotrowski of Aerosol Service Poland explains the thinking behind the company’s latest hygiene innovations.
Technological solutions to landfill management: Towards recovery of biomethane and carbon neutrality
PublicationInadequate landfill management poses risks to the environment and human health, necessitating action. Poorly designed and operated landfills release harmful gases, contaminate water, and deplete resources. Aligning landfill management with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) reveals its crucial role in achieving various targets. Urgent transformation of landfill practices is necessary to address challenges like climate change,...
Data on wages, gender wage gap and global value chains measured on the European Structure of Earnings Survey and World Input-Output Database.
Open Research DataThis data article describes the data and merging procedure used by Nikulin and Wolszczak-Derlacz (Nikulin and Wolszczak-Derlacz, 2022).
Nowe możliwości generowania zarysów satelitowych mechanizmów roboczych
PublicationPlanetary hydraulic gear motors have been well known since 70's . first motors were constructed for maritime industry by hydroster from gdansk. the evolution of this type of motors led to an increase of nominal pressure and durability. nowadays the industry needs reliable and efficient motor able to work with alternative hydraulic fluids like water, emulsion and vegetable oil. therefore a new type of motors are being developed...
The ranks of Indonesian and Japanese industrial sectors: A further study
PublicationThe purpose of the current study is to extend the previous study which analyzes the industrial sectors ranks of specific countries. More specifically, the study aims to conduct a further analysis regarding the ranks by using the new data as well as new analysis periods. The study focuses on the cases of Indonesia and Japan. In this study, the analysis period of the Indonesian case is 2010 while for the case of Japan is 2011. Using...