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Wpływ zmian struktury demograficznej ludności na lokalny rynek pracy
PublicationNa wzrost konkurencyjności gospodarki wpływa wiele czynników. Jednym z nich mogą być dostępne zasoby ludzkie. Ważna jest nie tylko dynamika zmian liczby ludności, również jej struktura. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest zbadanie zmian zachodzących na rynku pracy, będących konsekwencjami zmian struktury demograficznej ludności, które w przyszłości mogą wywierać negatywny wpływ na sytuację społeczno-gospodarczą regionu i kraju....
Wodociągi Gdyni, (1911-1961)
PublicationMonografia zawiera informacje faktograficzne o procesie tworzenia i eksploatacji wodociągów w latach 1911 – 1961: wiejskiego (Oksywie), osiedlowego (Kamienna Góra), miejskiego (Śródmieście, Grabówek)) oraz grupowego na obszarze Wielkiej Gdyni. Dla każdego wodociągu udokumentowano przebieg prac organizacyjno-przygotowawczych, koncepcje projektowe i wykonane roboty budowlano-instalacyjne. Zagadnienia techniczne przedstawiono na tle...
Zasady efektuacji w działaniach początkujących przedsiębiorców
PublicationArtykuł dotyczy efektuacyjnego, dynamicznego modelu przedsiębiorczości stanowiącego odpowiedź na wymagania zmiennego, niepewnego otoczenia biznesowego, w którym funkcjonują współcześni przedsiębiorcy. We wcześniejszych badaniach, obejmujących stosowanie pięciu zasad efektuacji w prowadzeniu firm, różni autorzy odnosili się głównie do dojrzałych przedsiębiorców, charakteryzujących się doświadczeniem w zakładaniu i prowadzeniu własnego...
Application of additional factors supporting the microextraction process
PublicationDue to the fact that green analytical chemistry is of high importance, the past two decades have witnessed a rapid growth in the sample preparation area with special emphasis on simplification, miniaturization and automation of extraction procedures. In addition, to accelerate the extraction processes and to improve the separation of analytes, several enhanced parameters are applied. These factors include, ultrasounds, microwaves,...
The lemniscate knowledge flow model
PublicationKnowledge is seen as one of the main resources for organizations providing knowledge-intensive services. Therefore, sharing and reusing are the main goals of modern knowledge management (KM) approach, driven by information and communication technologies (ICT). However, one can ask for the details in order to provide means and tools to design and deploy environment able to fulfil these two goals. We observed that occurred interactions...
Dynamic tests of composite footbridge segment – experimental and numerical studies
PublicationExperimental dynamic tests and numerical simulations of a 3 meters long segment of a footbridge made of polymer composites are presented in the paper. The span-length is reduced, however dimensions of cross-section are the same as the target footbridge. The segment structure is made of sandwich panels, which consist of fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) laminates (skins) and a PET foam (core). The first part of the paper contains...
Electrochemical and photoelectrochemical characterization of photoanodes based on titania nanotubes modified by a BiVO4 thin film and gold nanoparticles
PublicationTitania nanotubes (TNT) modified with thin films of bismuth vanadate (BiVO4) and gold nanoparticles (GNP) were photoelectrochemically characterized as photoanodes for water photooxidation. Presence of bismuth vanadate enhanced efficiency of photocurrent generation in comparison with pristine TNTs under visible light illumination. Besides an extended range of absorbed light, the presence of both BiVO4 and GNP reduced the charge...
Holistic view to decarbonising cruise ships with a combination of energy saving technologies and hydrogen as fuel
PublicationCruise ship decarbonisation was studied on a Mediterranean cruise profile. The analysis focused on ship energy flows, fuel consumption, carbon emissions, ship CII and EEDI. A combination of technologies for reducing ship fuel consumption was simulated before introducing hydrogen fueled machinery for the ship. The studied technologies included ultrasound antifouling, shore power, battery hybrid machinery, waste heat recovery and...
On the fast BSS transition algorithms in the IEEE 802.11r local area wireless networks
PublicationHandover performance is critical to support multimedia services that are becoming increasingly available over the wireless devices. The high transition delay can be unaccepted for such services or can be a source of disruption on the session. On the other side, IEEE 802.11 standard is being extended with new functionalities. Security and QoS features, included in recent IEEE 802.11-2007 standard, add management frames that are...
Data set generation at novel test-rig for validation of numerical models for modeling granular flows
PublicationSignificant effort has been exerted on developing fast and reliable numerical models for modeling particulate flow; this is challenging owing to the complexity of such flows. To achieve this, reliable and high-quality experimental data are required for model development and validation. This study presents the design of a novel test-rig that allows the visualization and measurement of particle flow patterns during the collision...
The effect of multiaxial geocomposite reinforcement on fatigue performance and crack propagation delay in double-layered asphalt beams
PublicationThe presented study investigates the effect of a recently developed multiaxial geocomposite made of polypropylene geogrid and non-woven fabric on the delay of crack propagation, based on four-point bending tests of large asphalt concrete beams – both for reinforced and non-reinforced specimens. Several approaches are described in this study, including analysis of stiffness modulus decrease and analysis of crack propagation using...
Comparative tests of the wall thickness effect of a glass-reinforced thermosetting plastic coating with a non-circular cross section in a soil-coating object for economic aspect
PublicationCulvert structures made of plastics are employed extensively in the construction of new facilities as well as the renovation of existing ones. Due to the high costs of materials required for the manufacturing of these goods, the objective of this research is focused to lessen the thickness of the walls, which may, on the other hand, result in a reduction in the stiffness of the system. In the course of the testing, the structure...
Dissolution of Nb-doped hydroxyapatite prepared via low-temperature mechanochemical method: Spectroscopy studies
PublicationCalcium phosphate glass ceramics with nominal hydroxyapatite stoichiometry doped with niobium were synthesized using simple as well as low-temperature mechanochemical method and then in the form of compressed pellet were submitted to the static dissolution process in distilled water for one month. The results of structural analysis, performed mainly on the base of spectroscopic methods such as: infrared absorption spectroscopy,...
Corrosion of AISI1018 and AISI304 steel exposed to sulfates
PublicationThis research analyses the behavior of corrosion, durability, and quality of reinforced concrete samples coated with two different materials when exposed to contaminated soil with sulfates. The initial assessment involved evaluating the water absorption rate of the coating materials before and after exposure to a solution containing 3%푁푎2푆푂4+3%푀푔푆푂4+3%퐾2푆푂4+3%퐶푎푆푂4to determine their durability. the corrosion...
Determination of safety indicators of the freight wagons by mobile systems
PublicationThe organization of the movement of freight trains in Ukraine is an important factor in integrating the country’s railway transport into the European system. A situation that requires a significant renewal of the freight wagon park with modern wagons to meet the freight transportation requirements has arisen. Also, a significant drawback of railway transport in Ukraine is the limitation of the speed of trains, which include freight...
Wavelet transform analysis reveals differences between patients with impaired LVEF and healthy individuals
PublicationHeart failure (HF) is a global pandemic. It af- fects 64 million people worldwide, with stead- ily increasing incidence, morbidity, mortality, and economic burden [1]. Forecasts indicate continued rising prevalence, especially among the elderly and in low-to-middle socio-de- mographic index regions [2]. Left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) significantly impacts HF treatment and prognosis [3]. The sequence of physiological...
Selecting Features with SVM
PublicationA common problem with feature selection is to establish how many features should be retained at least so that important information is not lost. We describe a method for choosing this number that makes use of Support Vector Machines. The method is based on controlling an angle by which the decision hyperplane is tilt due to feature selection. Experiments were performed on three text datasets generated from a Wikipedia dump. Amount...
The role of slowly biodegradable organic compounds in a full-scale biological nutrient removal activated sludge systems
PublicationThe aim of this study was to determine the immediate effects of slowly biodegradable substrates on the denitrification capability and phosphate release/uptake interactions for a full-scale biomass process from two large wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) located in the cities of Gdansk and Gdynia (northern Poland). Since it is hard to distinguish the slowly biodegradable substrate in a direct way, a novel procedure based on batch...
Simulation-Based Design of Microstrip Linear Antenna Arrays Using Fast Radiation Response Surrogates
PublicationFast yet accurate technique for simulation-based design of linear arrays of microstrip patch antennas is presented. Our technique includes: (i) optimization of the corrected array factor of the antenna array under design for a phase excitation taper resulting in reduced side lobes; (ii) simulation-driven optimization of the array element for element dimensions resulting in matching at and about operational frequency, and (iii)...
Green Aspects of Miniaturized Sample Preparation Techniques
PublicationCorrect monitoring and control of the state of the environment and scientific research on the subject of environmental protection often require that determinations of compounds present at very low concentrations be made in samples characterized by a matrix of complex composition (e.g., biological samples, water and soil samples). Moreover, due to the limited number of analytical techniques which are sufficiently sensitive to conduct...
Inhibitors of amino acids biosynthesis as antifungal agents
PublicationFungal microorganisms, including the human pathogenic yeast and filamentous fungi, are able to synthesize all proteinogenic amino acids, including nine that are essential for humans. A number of enzymes catalyzing particular steps of human-essential amino acid biosynthesis are fungi specific. Numerous studies have shown that auxotrophic mutants of human pathogenic fungi impaired in biosynthesis of particular amino acids exhibit...
Problems of analytical determination of journal bearing bush fatigue strength estimates
PublicationProblems connected with determination of stress distribution in sliding layer of thinwalled bearing bushes, investigated in bearing fatigue test rigs, have been presented. Using an example of plain bearings tested in the fatigue machine SMOK (built at the Gdask University of Technology) problems with obtaining a convergence of iterative procedure for determining the fatigue strength estimators of bearing alloy surface layer are...
The effect of UV-C irradiation on lipids and selected biologically active compounds in human milk
PublicationThe effect of UV-C irradiation of human milk on lipid oxidation, content of antioxidants (vitamin C and catalase, CAT) and bactericidal compounds (lysozyme), as well as the total antioxidant capacity (TAC), of the breast milk was investigated. In parallel, the extent of inactivation of some bacteria was also determined. UV-C at doses from 85 to 740 J L−1 caused total inactivation of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus, but...
Solving Boundary Value Problems for Second Order Singularly Perturbed Delay Differential Equations by ε-Approximate Fixed-Point Method
PublicationIn this paper, the boundary value problem for second order singularly perturbed delay differential equation is reduced to a fixed-point problem v = Av with a properly chosen (generally nonlinear) operator A. The unknown fixed-point v is approximated by cubic spline vh defined by its values vi = vh(ti) at grid points ti, i = 0, 1, ... ,N. The necessary for construction the cubic spline and missing the first derivatives at the boundary...
Measurements of fundamental properties of homogeneous tissue phantoms
PublicationWe present the optical measurement techniques used in human skin phantom studies. Their accuracy and the sources of errors in microscopic parameters’ estimation of the produced phantoms are described. We have produced optical phantoms for the purpose of simulating human skin tissue at the wavelength of 930 nm. Optical coherence tomography was used to measure the thickness and surface roughness and to detect the internal inhomogeneities....
Optimization of Graphene Oxide Synthesis and Its Reduction
PublicationIn this article, we present the review of the chemical methods of synthesis of graphene oxide and its reduction in order to obtain the so-called reduced graphene oxide (rGO) whose properties are similar to those of pure graphene. We also present our experiments and the results in this field and the comparison of the efficiency of different methods of synthesis as well as the reduction of graphene oxide. To characterize the obtained...
On degradation of glass/polyester laminate immersed in water
PublicationMechanical behaviour was compared for glass/ polyester laminates manufactured in the boatbuilding plant using three methods: hand lay-up, vacuum bagging, infusion. Specimens were tested in dry condition and following accelerated water immersion test (70°C- corresponding to the exposure of 30 years at 19°C). In three point bending test 40-50% reduction in laminate strength was observed due to water immersion. The highest degradation...
The Optimum Dataset method – examples of the application
PublicationData reduction is a procedure to decrease the dataset in order to make their analysis more effective and easier. Reduction of the dataset is an issue that requires proper planning, so after reduction it meets all the user’s expectations. Evidently, it is better if the result is an optimal solution in terms of adopted criteria. Within reduction methods, which provide the optimal solution there is the Optimum Dataset method (OptD)...
Treatment of malodorous air in biotrickling filters: A review
PublicationOdour nuisance, resulting mainly from the presence of the compounds containing osmophore group and characterized by low olfactory threshold, is associated with danger and may be the cause of negative psychosomatic symptoms. Among different methods of malodorous air treatment, biological methods are of importance, mainly due to reduced operating costs, high purification efficiency of voluminous gas streams characterized by low concentrations...
Deflated Preconditioned Solvers for Parametrized Local Model Order Reduction
PublicationOne of steps in the design of microwave filters is numerical tuning using full-wave simulators. Typically, it is a time-consuming process as it uses advanced computational methods, e.g. the finite-element method (FEM) and it usually requires multiple optimization steps before the specification goals are met. FEM involves solving a large sparse system of equations at many frequency points and therefore its computational cost is...
A Subspace-Splitting Moment-Matching Model-Order Reduction Technique for Fast Wideband FEM Simulations of Microwave Structures
PublicationThis article describes a novel model-order reduction (MOR) approach for efficient wide frequency band finite-element method (FEM) simulations of microwave components. It relies on the splitting of the system transfer function into two components: a singular one that accounts for the in-band system poles and a regular part that has no in-band poles. In order to perform this splitting during the reduction process, the projection...
Design of experiments approach for ultimate strength assessment of corroded stiffened plates
PublicationThe impact of corrosion degradation on the ultimate strength of stiffened plates subjected to compressive loading is investigated. The DoE technique is used considering different plate and column slenderness ratios and corrosion severity. The FE method, considering geometrical and material nonlinearities, is employed. A two-stage corrosion degradation model is adopted. Firstly, a uniform thickness loss is adopted to reflect the...
Assessment of E-government inclusion policies toward seniors: A framework and case study
PublicationDigital exclusion of seniors covers both social and technical drivers that affect the magnitude of this phenomenon. It arises from the fear of technology, reduced manual and mental abilities, socio-economic status, and also the mismatch between the technological environment and the needs of the elderly. The consideration of the needs of seniors are mainly implemented through social policies while the provision of government services...
Performance Comparison of a 650 V GaN SSFET and CoolMOS
PublicationThe new technology of wide band gap semiconductors is said to outperform up-to-date silicon devices. High voltage Gallium Nitride (GaN) transistors, now emerging in the market, have even three times shorter switching times and even four times smaller energy losses compared to the best in-class Si devices. In this paper the performance of a 650 V GaN SSFET is evaluated and compared with the newest silicon family of CoolMOS™ technology....
Single-phase, Five-level Inverter with SPWM-Based Neutral Point Voltage Balancing Scheme
PublicationMultilevel inverter topologies provide several advantages over two-level inverter configuration. These benefits are the reason for the growing interest in multilevel topologies among research society. One of the most popular topological concepts (diode and active switch clamping) requires neutral-point potential balancing due to series-connected capacitor banks across the input dc link in such derived inverter configurations. This...
Novel amides of mycophenolic acid and some heterocyclic derivatives as immunosuppressive agents
PublicationThe group of new amide derivatives of mycophenolic acid (MPA) and selected heterocyclic amines was synthesised as potential immunosuppressive agents functioning as inosine-5'-monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH) uncompetitive inhibitors. The synthesis employed uronium-type activating system (TBTU/HOBt/DIPEA) while or phosphonic acid anhydride method (T3P/Py) facilitating amides to be obtained in moderate to excellent yields without...
Computationally-Efficient Statistical Design and Yield Optimization of Resonator-Based Notch Filters Using Feature-Based Surrogates
PublicationModern microwave devices are designed to fulfill stringent requirements pertaining to electrical performance, which requires, among others, a meticulous tuning of their geometry parameters. When moving up in frequency, physical dimensions of passive microwave circuits become smaller, making the system performance increasingly susceptible to manufacturing tolerances. In particular, inherent inaccuracy of fabrication processes affect...
Effect of underwater friction stir welding parameters on AA5754 alloy joints: experimental studies
PublicationThe water as a welding environment may generate serious technological and metallurgical problems but in certain cases, the physicochemical properties of water can be used effectively, e.g., to impart the specific properties of welded materials. The purpose of the work was verification of effectiveness of the water cooling of aluminium alloy AA5754 for various sets of technological parameters of underwater friction stir welding...
Comparison of classical and modern approach of determination of highly polar compounds by High Performance Liquid Chromatography coupled with Tandem Mass Spectrometry
PublicationAbstract: Sugars and sugar alcohols are known as highly polar compounds. Four analytes were taken into consideration for comparison of classical and modern approach of separation of highly polar substances. Mannitol was chosen as an example of simple sugar alcohol, sucrose and lactulose as examples of disaccharides and structural isomers, raffinose as an example of complex trisaccharide. Raffinose was also used as internal standard...
Design, synthesis and high antitumor potential of new unsymmetrical bisacridine derivatives towards human solid tumors, specifically pancreatic cancers and their unique ability to stabilize DNA G-quadruplexes
PublicationNew promising unsymmetrical bisacridine derivatives (UAs), have been developed. Three groupsincluding 36 compounds were synthesized by the condensation of 4-nitro or 4-methylacridinone, imi-dazoacridinone and triazoloacridinone derivatives with 1-nitroacridine compounds linked with anaminoalkyl chain. Cytotoxicity screening revealed the high potency of these compounds against severaltumor cell lines. Particularly, imidazoacridinone-1-nitroacridine...
Facet effect of TiO2 nanostructures from TiOF2 and their photocatalytic activity
PublicationIn this study, special attention is focused on the design of TiO2 morphology and microstructure in the two-step preparation procedure using TiOF2 as a precursor to study their photodegradation mineralization efficiency. Firstly, TiOF2 was synthesized by a simple solvothermal method using titanium(IV) tetrafluoride, which was further used as a precursor in preparation of anatase 2D nanosheets, octahedral, decahedral, and rectangular prisms...
Neutral Dissociation of Pyridine Evoked by Irradiation of Ionized Atomic and Molecular Hydrogen Beams
PublicationThe interactions of ions with molecules and the determination of their dissociation patterns are challenging endeavors of fundamental importance for theoretical and experimental science. In particular, the investigations on bond-breaking and new bond-forming processes triggered by the ionic impact may shed light on the stellar wind interaction with interstellar media, ionic beam irradiations of the living cells, ion-track nanotechnology,...
Toward Fast Calculation of Communication Paths for Resilient Routing
PublicationUtilization of alternate communication paths is a common technique to provide protection of transmission against failures of network nodes/links. However, a noticeable delay is encountered when calculating the relevant sets of disjoint paths using the available algorithms (e.g., using Bhandari’s approach). This, in turn, may have a serious impact on the ability of a network to serve dynamic demands...
Application of soil nailing technique for protection and preservation historical buildings
PublicationSoil nailing is one of the recent in situ techniques used for soil improvement and in stabilizing slopes. The process of soil nailing consists of reinforcing the natural ground with relatively small steel bars or metal rods, grouted in the pre-drilled holes. This method has a wide range of applications for stabilizing deep excavations and steep slopes. Soil nailing has recently become a very common method of slope stabilisation...
A case study of odour nuisance evaluation in the context of integrated urban planning
PublicationOdour nuisance poses a serious problem in many urban areas, yet its evaluation and mitigation is often omitted in the urban planning process. By identifying its range and spatio-temporal variations, it could be taken into consideration by planners in urban development strategies and land use decisions. The aim of the study was to present the application of odour evaluation techniques in the improvement of the quality of life in...
High-Resolution Discharge Forecasting for Snowmelt and Rainfall Mixed Events
PublicationDischarge events induced by mixture of snowmelt and rainfall are strongly nonlinear due to consequences of rain-on-snow phenomena and snowmelt dependence on energy balance. However, they received relatively little attention, especially in high-resolution discharge forecasting. In this study, we use Random Forests models for 24 h discharge forecasting in 1 h resolution in a 105.9 km 2 urbanized catchment in NE Poland: Biala River....
Nanoporous TiO2 electrode grown by laser ablation of titanium in air at atmospheric pressure and room temperature
PublicationRecently, fabrication of the nanoporous TiO2 photoelectrode on metal foils by means of sputtering of the Ti film on preheatedmetal substrate followed by the TiO2 deposition (doctor blade technique) and sintering represents the frequently applied technique. This is despite the relatively complicated procedure and number of parameters to be controlled in order to fabricate films of required properties. In this work an approach is...
The Concept of a Measurement Data Acquisition Platform Based on Compressive Sensing
PublicationThe paper introduces the concept of a modern software-hardware platform for data acquisition and analysis, capable of efficiently handling vast amounts of measurement data in real time with minimal energy consumption. The current methodologies for information acquisition are predicated upon traditional sampling techniques, which frequently yield redundant data necessitating subsequent compression. The novel approach is based on...
Powojenny rozdział w historii architektury i zagospodarowania portu gdyńskiego
PublicationThe port of Gdynia, considered one of the largest civil construction projects of the 20th century in Europe, was built at an express pace for only a dozen or so years from the mid-1920s to the end of the 1930s. Unusual solutions from the construction period in the port engineering category, as well as outstanding architectural works The industrial area quickly became architectural symbols of economic growth and the general rebirth...
Fracture surface topography measurements analysis of low-alloyed corrosion resistant steel after bending-torsion fatigue tests
PublicationIn this paper, an assessment of a topography measurement method for fracture surfaces of 10HNAP steel after bending-torsion fatigue tests was performed. Surface roughness was measured by using a non-contact Focus Variation Microscopy (FVM) technique in which the non-measured points (NMPs) and outliers (spikes) were removed by the application of general methods. The results revealed, that the optical measurement method introduced...