Search results for: BARIERY%20GEOSYNTETYCZNE - Bridge of Knowledge


Search results for: BARIERY%20GEOSYNTETYCZNE

Search results for: BARIERY%20GEOSYNTETYCZNE

  • The difficulties in polybrominated diphenyl ethers identification by GC-EI-MS technique


    Awareness about the harmful effects of brominated flame retardants on living organisms increases mainly due to link their presence in the human environment with health disorders. Therefore is a need to conduct research aimed at content control of these chemicals in the environment. Recent improvements in injection techniques and mass spectrometer ionization methods have led to a variety of options to determine PBDEs in environmental...

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  • Can we rely on the pulse transit time - pressure relationship - models comparison


    An unobtrusive, noninvasive and continuous pressure measurement is invaluable however, still being under research and development. There are many attempts proposing an appropriate relationship between pulse pressure velocity and pressure. Fifteen different formulas, both theoretical and experimental, describing relation between blood pressure and crosssectional area of the vessel were examined. Using these formulas the relation...

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  • Smart platforms for collaborative urban design and peer-to-peer sharing of resources


    - Year 2021


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  • Magazynowanie energii elektrycznej i gospodarka wodorowa

    • M. Bartosik
    • W. Kamrat
    • M. Każmierkowski
    • W. Lewandowski
    • P. Maciej
    • T. Peryt
    • T. Skoczkowski
    • A. Strupczewski
    • S. Adam

    - Przegląd Elektrotechniczny - Year 2016

    W artykule dokonano przegl ą du aktualnych technologii magazynowania energii elektrycznej oraz zestawiono uzyskiwane parametry w aspekcie zastosowa ń w zasobnikach systemowych. Przedstawiono studium mo ż liwo ś ci magazynowania energii z odnawialnych ź róde ł energii (O Ź E) w zasobnikach akumulatorowych i elektrowniach szczytowo-pompowych w Polsce. Omówiono tak ż e mo ż liwo ś ci wykorzystania...

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  • Fluid structure interaction study of non-Newtonian Casson fluid in a bifurcated channel having stenosis with elastic walls


    - Scientific Reports - Year 2022

    Fluid–structure interaction (FSI) gained a huge attention of scientists and researchers due to its applications in biomedical and mechanical engineering. One of the most important applications of FSI is to study the elastic wall behavior of stenotic arteries. Blood is the suspension of various cells characterized by shear thinning, yield stress, and viscoelastic qualities that can be assessed by using non-Newtonian models. In this...

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  • NADPH Oxidase Gene Polymorphism is Associated with Mortality and Cardiovascular Events in 7-Year Follow-Up

    • M. Racis
    • W. Sobiczewski
    • A. Stanisławska-Sachadyn
    • M. Wirtwein
    • E. Bluj
    • M. Nedoszytko
    • J. Borzyszkowska
    • J. Limon
    • A. Rynkiewicz
    • M. Gruchała

    - Journal of Clinical Medicine - Year 2020

    The CYBA gene encodes the regulatory subunit of NADPH oxidase, which maintains the redox state within cells and in the blood vessels. That led us to investigate the course of coronary artery disease (CAD) with regards to CYBA polymorphisms. Thus, we recruited 1197 subjects with coronary atherosclerosis and observed them during 7-year follow-up. Three CYBA polymorphisms: c.214C>T (rs4673), c.-932G>A (rs9932581), and c.*24G>A (1049255)...

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  • Marek Zienkiewicz dr inż.

      Doctor engineer Marek Hubert Zienkiewicz is a graduate of the Faculty of Geodesy, Spatial Engineering and Construction at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. During his engineering, master's and doctoral studies he developed his scientific interests under the supervision of representatives of the Olsztyn geodetic compensatory calculus school. In 2011, he obtained the title of Master of Science in Geodesy and Cartography,...

  • Kategoria doskonałości w szkolnictwie wyższym


    Cel: Zaakcentowanie miejsca i znaczenia kategorii doskonałości w zarządzaniu instytucjami szkolnictwa wyższego oraz określenie uwarunkowań towarzyszących jej zastosowaniom. Projekt badania/metodyka badawcza/koncepcja: Wykorzystano metodę studium literatury wg koncepcji zaproponowanej przez J. Creswella. Wnioski i rekomendacje płynące z rozważań oparto, przede wszystkim, na podejściu indukcyjnym. Wyniki/wnioski: Przedstawiono czynniki...

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  • Simulation of the Dynamics of Renewable Energy Sources with Energy Storage Systems

    The intermittency of renewable energy sources (RES) constitutes a challenge for effective power system control. Fossil-fuel-based units offering ancillary power services to meet the short-term power imbalance are a financial and environmental burden for the society. Energy storage systems (ESS) can be the solution in view of the electricity market development and growing environmental concern. The major questions are, in what circumstances...

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  • Safety Assessment of the Regional Warmia and Mazury Road Network Using Time-Series Analysis


    - Year 2017

    Warmia and Mazury still belongs to the areas with the smallest transport accessibility in Europe. Unsatisfactory state of road infrastructure is a major barrier to the development of the regional economy, impacting negatively on the life conditions of the population. Also in terms of road safety Warmia and Mazury is one of the most endangered regions in Poland. The Police statistics show that beside a high pedestrian risk observed...

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  • Safety assurance strategies for autonomous vehicles


    - Year 2008

    Assuring safety of autonomous vehicles requires that the vehicle control system can perceive the situation in the environment and react to actions of other entities. One approach to vehicle safety assurance is based on the assumption that hazardous sequences of events should be identified during hazard analysis and then some means of hazard avoidance and mitigation, like barriers, should be designed and implemented. Another approach...

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  • Inwestycje i metody badania ich efektywności


    - Year 2014

    W czasach dynamicznego postępu technologicznego i ekonomicznego pojęcie "inwestycji" w obszarze funkcjonowania każdego z przedsiębiorstw nabrało szczególnego znaczenia. Aby firma mogła przetrwać i rozwijać się na rynku, poza sprawnością bieżącego działania powinna realizować czynności określone przedsięwzięciami inwestycyjnymi, które wykazywać powinny wysoką efektywnością. To właśnie one mogą prowadzić do zmian z nadwyżek w papiery...

  • Lean Six Sigma in French and Polish Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises - The Pilot Research Results


    - Key Engineering Materials - Year 2015

    The article presents results of the research conducted in Polish and French small and medium-sized enterprises referring to the context of the implementation and application of the concept of Lean Six Sigma. The research was conducted in the form of case studies, observations and individual interviews. The pilot studies led to the identification of the needs, expectations, concerns and experiences of these companies. At the same...

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    - Year 2013

    Dithiocarbamates (DTCs) are important organosulfur compounds, which act as inhibitors of metal dependant and sulphydryl enzymes and have a serious consequence on biological systems. They possess variety of applications in agriculture as fungicides, as well as, in the rubber industry as vulcanization accelerators and antioxidants. In this way, DTCs are the main group of fungicides used to control approximately 400 pathogens of more...

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  • Professional prospects of polish logisticians in the light of the higher education: students’ opinion research.


    - Research in Logistics & Production - Year 2016

    The paper focuses on a topic concerning the students’ professional future. Students more often and more are prepared to leave the labor market. In addition to the ongoing higher education they get their education at a variety of courses and trainings; they increase their skills in workshops or attend internships and practices to become attractive candidates for the job in the eyes of a potential employer. At this point a number...

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  • Solid road environment and its hazards


    - MATEC Web of Conferences - Year 2017

    Accidents that involve vehicles departing the road tend to have very high severity, as they often result in the vehicle hitting a permanent obstacle (which can be a ree, a pole, facility pillar, front wall of a culvert or a barrier). In recent years, this type of accident caused approx. 19% of all road deaths in Poland. A particularly high risk can be observed on roads located in northern and western...

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  • Task Scheduling – Review of Algorithms and Analysis of Potential Use in a Biological Wastewater Treatment Plant


    The idea of task scheduling is to increase the efficiency of a system by minimising wasted time, evenly loading machines, or maximising the throughput of machines. Moreover, the use of appropriate scheduling algorithms often leads to a reduction in the energy costs of the process. Task scheduling problems are found in a variety of industrial areas, and their scale changes significantly depending on the problem. This review shows...

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  • Usefulness of the PCR technique for bacterial DNA detection in blood of the patients after ''oppened heart'' operations.


    - Year 2004

    Operacje kardiochirurgiczne w krążeniu pozaustrojowym (KPU) poprzez ogromny uraz, powodowanie występowania zaburzeń odporności oraz uszkodzenie barier anatomicznych stwarzają sytuację wybitnie sprzyjającą rozwojowi powikłań infekcyjnych u tych chorych. Prowadzenie terapii antybiotykowej profilaktycznej i leczniczej, a także selektywna dekontaminacja przewodu pokarmowego może utrudniać i przedłużać czas rozpoznania obecności bakterii...



    - Year 2017

    Metropolia trójmiejska ma wyjątkowo negatywne uwarunkowania terenowe dla funkcjonowania i rozwoju sieci komunikacji publicWyznej. Dzielnice położone w tzw. dolnym tarasie są dobrze skomunikowane za pomocą linii SKM i tramwajowych. Jedynie te środki komunikacji szynowej, przy częstotliwości połączeń nie większej niż co 10 minut, są konkurencyjne dla indywidualnych dojazdów samochodami osobowymi. Natomiast autobusy i trolejbusy utykające...

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  • TRANSPORTER Wydziałowe Targi Pracy


    15-05-2019 10:00 - 15-05-2019 15:00

    Biuro Karier, Wydział OiO, studenci kierunku Transport oraz WRS OiO serdecznie zapraszają na Targi Pracy TRANSPORTER.

  • Lack of control over work and organizational citizenship behavior: overwork climate as a suppressor variable

    Open Research Data
    open access

    This study investigates a suppressor effect in the relationship between lack of control over work and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Suppressor effects operate when the addition of a predictor (in our study it is an overwork climate) increases the predictive power of another variable (lack of control over work) in predicting an outcome variable...

  • Nowe rozwiązania metodyczne i techniczne w zakresie techniki mikroekstrakcji do fazy stracjonarnej

    Sample preparation has been recognized as a critical step of the analytical process, being even considered as the bottleneck of the overall process. Enrichment of target compounds, transfer of the analytes into a solvent compatible with the analytical instrumentation, minimization of potential interferences, and efficient sample clean-up, are among the main aims of sample preparation techniques. In this regard, liquid-liquid extraction...

  • Postindustrialna epoka w historii wielkiego osiedla


    - Year 2006

    Modernistyczne wielkie osiedle miasta post-socjalistycznego różni się pod wieloma względami od podobnych zachodnioeuropejskich przykładów struktur miejskich. ''Blokowiska'' stanowią zasadniczą część powojennej zabudowy miejskiej w Polsce. Standart zamieszkania w tych strukturach determinuje poziom życia przeciętnego obywatela. Profilaktyjka jest podstawowym elementem zapobiegania rozwoju spirali upadku społecznego wielkich osiedli....

  • e-Technologie w kształceniu inżynierów, czyli nowoczesna edukacja pokolenia mediów cyfrowych

    Technologie informacyjno-komunikacyjne zmieniają współczesną edukację i pozwalają na wprowadzanie innowacyjnych metod przekazywania wiedzy i zdobywania umiejętności. Popyt na wiedzę jest ogromny – kształtuje go coraz bardziej zaawansowane technologicznie i infor - macyjnie społeczeństwo oraz rynek pracy, na którym wiele osób, pracujących w zawodach do tej pory nie wymagających umiejętności cyfrowych, stanęło...

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  • Szkolenia online z narzędzia SciVal.


    22-05-2018 08:22 - 22-05-2018 15:00

    Szkolenia online z narzędzia SciVal. Więcej informacji podano na stronie Biblioteki PG

  • 4 edycja projektu edukacyjnego Rzecznicy Talentów


    18-03-2021 16:00 - 18-03-2021 17:40

    Biuro Karier PG jako partner projektu zaprasza 18 marca o godzinie 16:00 na czwarte spotkanie w ramach IV edycji projektu Rzecznicy Talentów.

  • 4 edycja projektu edukacyjnego Rzecznicy Talentów


    22-04-2021 16:00 - 22-04-2021 17:40

    Biuro Karier PG jako partner projektu zaprasza na piąte spotkanie w ramach IV edycji projektu Rzecznicy Talentów.

  • Towards Knowledge Formalization and Sharing in a Cognitive Vision Platform for Hazard Control (CVP-HC)


    - Year 2019

    Hazards are present in all workplaces and can result in serious injuries, short and long-term illnesses, or death. In this context, management of safety is essential to ensure the occupational health of workers. Aiming to assist the safety manage-ment process, especially in industrial environments, a Cognitive Vision Platform for Hazard Control (CVP-HC) has been proposed. The CVP-HC is a scalable yet adaptable system capable of...

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  • Oznaczanie śladowych ilości związków organicznych w próbkach o złożonych matrycach zgodne z regułami ''zielonej chemii analitycznej''. Krótkołańcuchowe kwasy karboksylowe = Increasingly green approaches to the determination of selected trace organic in complex matrices. Short chain carboxylic acids

    Nowadays the great stress is put on environment protection and the activities to minimize the effect of chemical analyses on the environment are discussed. When environmentally friendly methodologies of analytes determination are applied the term "green analytical chemistry" is used. In general, the determination of organic compounds in complex matrices, which is a frequent analytical task, requires separation of sample components...

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  • Cuticular lipids of insects as potential biofungicides

    • A. Oleszczak

    - Year 2012

    The term ''lipids'' refers to fatty acids, their derivatives and substances related with them biochemically or by the functions in the body. Lipids include compounds with different chemical structure. There are lipids with structures based on long-chain carboxylic acids and their direct derivatives, namely: fatty acids, alkanes, some alkenes, aldehydes and long chain alcohols and their derivatives (esters). The variety of lipid...

  • An interactive system for remote modeling and design validation of hybrid photovoltaic systems



    In the paper a multi-functional demonstrator of the interactive system designed to modeling, monitoring and validation of hybrid photovoltaic systems assisted by fuel cells and thermoelectric generators is presented. The purpose of this paper is to report the system solution expressed in the form of a block diagram. Technical parameters of demonstrator components such as: silicon photovoltaic modules, fuel cells, thermoelectric...

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  • Principles of smoking


    Treatment of a large variety of foods with wood smoke has been practiced for centuries—predominantlymeats, poultry, and fish, but also scallops, cheeses, prunes, paprika, and themalt used to produce whiskey and some sorts of beer.The process usually includes salting and partial drying; it may also be coupled with heating. The aim is to increase the shelf life of the products, prevent food poisoning, and add a desirable smoky flavor....

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  • Linear and branched polyester resins based on dimethyl-2,5-furandicarboxylate for coating applications



    In this study, novel bio-based hydroxyl-functional (co)polyesters from dimethyl-2, 5-furandicarboxylate (DMF), 2,3-butanediol, and a variety of comonomers viz. glycerol, pentaerythritol or trimethylolpropane are prepared using a solvent-free, bulk polycondensation technique. Extensive molecular and thermal characterization was performed to elucidate the properties of these materials. The materials showed suitable properties for solvent-borne...

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  • Interaction of Novel Ionic Liquids with Soils



    With the constant development of new ionic liquids, the understanding of the chemical fate of these compounds also needs to be updated. To this effect, in this contribution, the interaction of a number of novel ionic liquids with soils was determined. Therefore, three novel headgroups (ammonium, phosphonium or pyrrolidinium) with single or quaternary substitution were tested on a variety of soils with high to low organic matter...

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  • Transmission parameters of underwater communication channels


    The underwater environment is tough and demanding as a communication channel for ultrasonic signals. The channel transmission characteristics in marine and inland waters depend much on local bathymetry and changing weather conditions. The architecture and performance of a reliable underwater acoustic communication (UAC) system should allow real-time adaptation of its transmission parameters to a large variety of possible channel...

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  • Selection Pressure in the Evolutionary Path Planning Problem

    This article compares an impact of using various post-selection methods on the selection pressure and the quality of the solution for the problem of planning the path for a moving object using the evolutionary method. The concept of selection pressure and different methods of post-selection are presented. Article analyses behaviour of post-selection for four options of evolutionary algorithms. Based on the results achieved, waveform...

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  • Export diversification and economic development: a dynamic spatial data analysis


    - Gecomplexity Discussion Papers - Year 2015

    This paper contributes to the empirical literature on the relationship between ‘export variety’ (export diversification) and economic development by relaxing the assumption of cross-country independence and allowing for spatial diffusion of shocks in observed and unobserved factors. Export variety is measured for a balanced panel of 114 countries (1992-2012) using very detailed information on their exports (HS 6-digit product...

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  • Utilising IT-based systems in regatta management


    - Year 2016

    The development and increasing accessibility of new technologies has brought changes to the management of sailing regattas. Organisational and promotional difficulties faced by the organisers are now being tackled with software-based systems. This article considers various information technology (IT) systems, designed to support the organisation and presentation of sailing regattas and explores how they are perceived by regatta...

  • Corporate Social Responsibility and Family Business: Current Debates and Future Prospects

    This paper aims at examining the main perspectives on corporate social responsibility (CSR) in family firms discussed in international literature. The topic of CSR has grown exponentially in the last two decades in both, business practice and as an area of interest among academics and researchers. Most studies focus on multinational corporations, some on small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and the smallest number on family business...

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  • Literature update of analytical methods for biogenic amines determination in food and beverages



    Biogenic amines (BAs) have been reported in a variety of foods, such as fish, meat, cheese, and wines. The formation of BAs in food by the microbial decarboxylation of amino acids can result in human allergic reactions, characterized by difficulty in breathing, rash, vomiting, and hypertension. Control measures to prevent biogenic amine formation in foods and/or reduce their levels should be considered. Therefore, monitoring of...

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  • Analysis of Properties of an Active Linear Gesture Sensor

    Basic gesture sensors can play a significant role as input units in mobile smart devices. However, they have to handle a wide variety of gestures while preserving the advantages of basic sensors. In this paper a user-determined approach to the design of a sparse optical gesture sensor is proposed. The statistical research on a study group of individuals includes the measurement of user-related parameters like the speed of a performed...

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  • Performance of zinc-rich coatings evaluated using AFM-based electrical properties imaging

    The paper presents the results of investigation of polyvinyl zinc-rich coating exposed to 97% relativehumidity atmosphere for 40 days. Condition of the coating and evolution of its protective properties weredetermined with the novel AFM-based approach capable of providing surface profiles, local dc currentmaps as well as local impedance spectra. The proposed technique allowed insight into the local changesof coating topography...

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  • Pseudo-superparamagnetic behaviour of bariumhexaferrite particles

    The effect of hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) addition on the crystal structure, morphology,and magnetic properties of co-precipitated hexagonal barium ferrite was investigated. For afixed amount ofsurfactant, different Fe3+concentrations and Fe3+/Ba2+ratios were used to optimize the formation ofsingle-phase barium ferrite particles. The results indicated that the obtained ferrite particles exhibitedcoercivity changes...

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  • Development of planning education in postcommunist Poland.


    - Year 2018

    Although programs in spatial planning at university level have been developed in Poland only after the transformation of 1989, their roots can be traced back to the first half of the twentieth century when the first university departments with a focus on urban and regional planning were established and courses offered. Today, planning education in Poland presents a robust yet dynamic picture with degrees offered by a range of both...

  • MXene-based materials for removal of antibiotics and heavy metals from wastewater– a review


    - Water Resources and Industry - Year 2023

    As a novel family of 2D materials, MXenes provide an extensive variety of applications in water and effluent treatment due to their distinctive properties and attractive applicability, including superior electrical conductivity, higher thermal stability, hydrophilicity, and high sorption-reduction capacity. Their excellent sorption selectivity makes them perfect for removing hazardous contaminants. Currently, MXene-based materials...

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    Recently, there has been a significant development of ecological propulsion systems, which is in line with the general trend of environmentally friendly “green shipping”. The main aim is to build a safe, low-energy passenger ship with a highly efficient, emission-free propulsion system. This can be achieved in a variety of ways. The article presents the main problems encountered by designers and constructors already at the stage...

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  • Shape Memory Materials from Rubbers

    • A. Reghunadhan
    • P. Jibin
    • V. Kaliyathan
    • P. Velayudhan
    • M. Strankowski
    • S. Thomas

    - Materials - Year 2021

    Smart materials are much discussed in the current research scenario. The shape memory effect is one of the most fascinating occurrences in smart materials, both in terms of the phenomenon and its applications. Many metal alloys and polymers exhibit the shape memory effect (SME). Shape memory properties of elastomers, such as rubbers, polyurethanes, and other elastomers, are discussed in depth in this paper. The theory, factors...

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  • Polynomial Algorithm for Minimal (1,2)-Dominating Set in Networks


    - Electronics - Year 2022

    Dominating sets find application in a variety of networks. A subset of nodes D is a (1,2)-dominating set in a graph G=(V,E) if every node not in D is adjacent to a node in D and is also at most a distance of 2 to another node from D. In networks, (1,2)-dominating sets have a higher fault tolerance and provide a higher reliability of services in case of failure. However, finding such the smallest set is NP-hard. In this paper, we...

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  • Researching Digital Society: Using Data-Mining to Identify Relevant Themes from an Open Access Journal


    - Year 2021

    Open Access scholarly literature is scientific output free from economic barriers and copyright restrictions. Using a case study approach, data mining methods and qualitative analysis, the scholarly output and the meta-data of the Open Access eJournal of e-Democracy and Open Government during the time interval 2009–2020 was analysed. Our study was able to identify the most prominent research topics (defined as thematic clusters)...

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  • Researching Digital Society: Using Data-Mining to Identify Relevant Themes from an Open Access Journal


    - Year 2021

    Open Access scholarly literature is scientific output free from economic barriers and copyright restrictions. Using a case study approach, data mining methods and qualitative analysis, the scholarly output and the meta-data of the Open Access eJournal of e-Democracy and Open Government during the time interval 2009–2020 was analysed. Our study was able to identify the most prominent research topics (defined as thematic clusters)...

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