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Recycling of Photovoltaic Solar Cells and Modules - Te State - Of - Art
PublicationIn comparison to other energy producing techniques, photovoltaics (PV) is one of the most promising options: no emission of any matter into the environment during operation; extremely long operation period (estimated average: 25 years), minimum maintenance, robust technique, aesthetic aspects. The use of photovoltaics is rapidly increasing, and the respective market is developing accordingly. Although PV manufacturing equipment...
Noncentrosymmetric superconductor with a bulk three-dimensional Dirac cone gapped by strong spin-orbit coupling
PublicationThe layered, noncentrosymmetric heavy element PbTaSe2 is found to be superconducting. We report its electronic properties accompanied by electronic-structure calculations. Specific heat, electrical resistivity, and magnetic-susceptibility measurements indicate that PbTaSe2 is a moderately coupled, type-IIBCSsuperconductor (Tc = 3.72 K, Ginzburg–Landau parameter κ = 17) with an electron-phonon coupling constant of λep = 0.74. Electronic-structure...
Możliwości redukcji przebiegowego zużycia paliwa przy zastosowaniu elektronicznych systemów wspomagających kierowców
PublicationElektroniczne systemy wspomagające kierowcę pomagają kierującym kontrolować sytuację na drodze, przekazują sygnały do układu hamulcowego i napędowego, rozpoznają znaki drogowe, pozwalają utrzymać odpowiedni dystans w czasie jazdy w kolumnie, a także kontrolują położenie pojazdu na pasie ruchu. Elek-troniczne systemy wspomagające kierowcę pomagają również zmniejszyć przebiegowe zużycie paliwa, poprzez odpowiednie sterowanie układem...
Analysis of Ferroresonance Mitigation Effectiveness in Auxiliary Power Systems of High-Voltage Substations
PublicationFerroresonance in power networks is a dangerous phenomenon, which may result in overcurrents and overvoltages, causing damage to power equipment and the faulty operation of protection systems. For this reason, the possibility of the occurrence of ferroresonance has to be identified, and adequate methods need to be incorporated to eliminate or reduce its effects. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the effectiveness of ferroresonance...
Relieving the Measuring System of the Trailer for Tyre/Road Rolling Resistance Measurements from the Inertia Force
PublicationIn the article the principle of measuring of tyre/road rolling resistance tyres in road conditions applied in a special measuring trailer is presented. This trailer was built in Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Gdansk University of Technology. The construction of two special devices used in this trailer was discussed. These devices eliminate the influence of some chosen confounding measurements factors such as: the inertia...
Recent and Emerging Applications of Graphene-based metamaterials in Electromagnetics
PublicationSurface Plasmon Polaritons (SPPs) operating in mid-infrared up to terahertz (THz) frequencies have been traditionally manufactured on expensive metals such as gold, silver, etc. However, such metals have poor surface confinement that limits the optical applications of SPPs. The invention of graphene is a breakthrough in plasmon-based devices in terms of design, fabrication and applications, thanks to its plasmonic wave distribution,...
Polaronic and Mott insulating phase of layered magnetic vanadium trihalide VCl3
PublicationTwo-dimensional (2D) van der Waals (vdW) magnetic 3d-transition metal trihalides are a new class of functional materials showing exotic physical properties useful for spintronic and memory storage applications. In this article, we report the synthesis and electromagnetic characterization of single-crystalline vanadium trichloride, VCl 3 , a novel 2D layered vdW Mott insulator, which has a rhombohedral structure (R3, No. 148) at...
Investigation of Air Quality beside a Municipal Landfill: The Fate of Malodour Compounds as a Model VOC
PublicationThis paper presents the results of an investigation on ambient air odour quality in the vicinity of a municipal landfill. The investigations were carried out during the spring–winter and the spring seasons using two types of the electronic nose instrument. The field olfactometers were employed to determine the mean odour concentration, which was from 2.1 to 32.2 ou/m3 depending on the measurement site and season of the year. In...
Low-Power WSN System for Honey Bee Monitoring
PublicationThe paper presents a universal low-power system for biosensory data acquisition in scope of bees monitoring. We describe the architecture of the system, energy-saving components as well as we discuss the selection of used sensors. The work focuses on energy optimization in a scope of wireless communication. A custom protocol was implemented, which is the basis for presented energy-efficient devices. Data exchange process during...
3D PCB package for GaN inverter leg with low EMC feature
PublicationThis paper presents the adaptation of a 3D integration concept previously used with vertical devices to lateral GaN devices. This 3D integration allows to reduce loop inductance, to ensure more symmetrical design with especially limited Common Mode emission, thanks to a low middle point stray capacitance. This reduction has been achieved by both working on the power layout and including a specific shield between the devices and...
Digital signal processing applied to the modernization of Polish Navy sonars
PublicationThe article presents the equipment and digital signal processing methods used for modernizing the Polish Navy’s sonars. With the rapid advancement of electronic technologies and digital signal processing methods, electronic systems, including sonars, become obsolete very quickly. In the late 1990s a team of researchers of the Department of Marine Electronics Systems, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, Gdansk...
Oznaczanie tlenu – od metody Winklera do czujników enzymatycznych (Determination of oxygen – from Winkler Method to enzymatic sensor)
PublicationMonitoring of dioxygen levels is of utmost importance from the view-point of life processes, medical diagnostics, nutrition and chemical industries. In all these measurements both low and high levels of this element are important. The common methods for the determination of dioxygen are the Winkler method, Clark electrode and pulsoxymeters. A new, already strong field of research can be now recognized – the development of miniaturized...
The effect of boron concentration on the electrical, morphological and optical properties of boron-doped nanocrystalline diamond sheets: Tuning the diamond-on-graphene vertical junction
PublicationIn this paper, the effect of boron doping on the electrical, morphological and structural properties of free-standing nanocrystalline diamond sheets (thickness ~ 1 μm) was investigated. For this purpose, we used diamond films delaminated from a mirror-polished tantalum substrate following a microwave plasma-assisted chemical vapor deposition process, each grown with a different [B]/[C] ratio (up to 20,000 ppm) in the gas phase....
A Comprehensive Survey on Antennas On-Chip Based on Metamaterial, Metasurface, and Substrate Integrated Waveguide Principles for Millimeter-Waves and Terahertz Integrated Circuits and Systems
PublicationAntennas on-chip are a particular type of radiating elements valued for their small footprint. They are most commonly integrated in circuit boards to electromagnetically interface free space, which is necessary for wireless communications. Antennas on-chip radiate and receive electromagnetic (EM) energy as any conventional antennas, but what distinguishes them is their miniaturized size. This means they can be integrated inside...
Paweł Wierzba dr hab. inż.
PeopleDr Paweł Wierzba, E.E. M.Sc. E.E. received from WETI PG 1994 PhD in optoelectronics (with honours) from WETI PG 2001 Research Stays at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland from 1997 to 2000 Finnish Academy Scholarship at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland (12 months) 2002-3 Research interest area covers optical and optical fiber meaurement methods, technology of selected ceramic and liquid crystalline materials relevant...
Multimodal human-computer interfaces based on advanced video and audio analysis
PublicationMultimodal interfaces development history is reviewed briefly in the introduction. Examples of applications of multimodal interfaces to education software and for the disabled people are presented, including interactive electronic whiteboard based on video image analysis, application for controlling computers with mouth gestures and the audio interface for speech stretching for hearing impaired and stuttering people. The Smart...
Transition dipole moments of the lithium dimer
PublicationIn addition to knowledge of interatomic adiabatic potential energy curves of diatomic systems, it is essential to know electronic transition dipole moments. They are needed in understanding processes like photodissociation, photoassociation, cooling, and trapping. Here, we present electronic transition dipole moments calculated for 74 allowed transitions between 26 states of Li2 [P. Jasik, J.E. Sienkiewicz, Chem. Phys. 323 (2006)...
Results of accelerometer measurements in rail passenger transport vehicles
Open Research DataAs part of the project, field research was done to better understand how unbalanced accelerations affect passenger comfort in rail transport and to compare this with passengers’ actual, subjective feelings. Data were collected from different types of rail vehicles, like trains and trams, using common mobile devices with MEMS accelerometer sensors.
The surface of the sensor used in the analysis of odorous substances
Open Research DataHuman industrial activity usually leads to smaller or larger interference with the ecosystem, contributing to changes affecting the quality of life. An example may be the emission of gaseous substances, not necessarily toxic, but due to their intense smell, they can cause discomfort to people exposed to their inhalation. The problem is so important...
Modification of the operating point of residual current transformers for high frequency earth fault currents detection
PublicationFor protection against electric shock in low voltage systems residual current devices are commonly used. However, their proper operation can be interfered when earth fault current with high frequency components occurs. Serious hazard of electrocution exists then. One of the most important element of residual current devices is a residual current transformer with iron core. Tripping characteristic of residual current devices strictly...
The number of individual clients who log in to the bank using internet banking at least once a month (2017)
Open Research DataTaking into account active users, i.e. those who have used Internet access at least once, the situation is a bit different. Out of 32.5 million people who have access to electronic banking, 14.7 million people worked at least once a month (data as at the end of 2017). It is worth noting, however, that in this group there was also an increase in the...
Supramolecular junctions of the PDA tetramers
Open Research DataIn this dataset, a set of polydopamine (PDA) supramolecular junctions with linear and cyclic tetramers in different oxidation states (indolequinone , IQ or dihydroxyindole, DHI) in the scattering region are investigated. Electronic structure of the supramolecular junction with cyclic and linear PDA tetramers, including Electron density maps for the...
Comparison of the measurement techniques employed for evaluation of ambient air odour quality
PublicationThe paper presents the results of investigation on ambient air odour quality in a vicinity of the industrial sewage treatment plant being a part of the crude oil processing plant. The investigation was performed during spring-winter season using a prototype of electronic nose and the Nasal Ranger field olfactometers. The prototype was equipped with a set of six semiconductor sensors by FIGARO Co. and one PID-type sensor. The field...
Comparison of the Measurement Techniques Employed for Evaluation of Ambient Air Odour Quality Influenced by Operation of Industrial Sewage Treatment Plant
PublicationThe paper presents the results of investigation on ambient air quality evaluation with respect to concentration of odorants in a vicinity of a sewage treatment plant of the LOTOS Group S.A. petroleum plant. The investigation was performed during winter season using a prototype of electronic nose and the Nasal Ranger field olfactometers. The prototype was equipped with a set of six semiconductor sensors by FIGARO Co. and one PID-type...
Multi-state vibronic interactions in the fluorobenzene radical cation: The importance of quadratic coupling terms
PublicationThe multi-mode multi-state vibronic interactions in the set of X^2B_1 - D^2A_1 electronic states of the monofluoro benzene radical cation are investigated theoretically, based on a quadratic vibronic coupling approach. The underlying ionization potentials and coupling constants are obtained from ab initio coupled-cluster calculations. Previous investigations (relying on the linear coupling approach) are extended by including all...
Silicon microcantilever with impedance sensor
Open Research DataThe issue of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) [1] has been enjoying popularity and interest since the 90s of the 20th century. Microcells are one of the simplest devices of this type, but they can be widely used in sensors. There are reports on the possibility of using this type of sensors in the context of such important issues as diagnostics...
Joanna Raczek dr inż.
PeopleEmployment 2003 -- 2019: Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics, Gdańsk University of Technology. 2019 - present: Faculty of Electronic, Informatics and Telecominications, Gdańsk University of Technology. Education May 2007: Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics, University of Gdańsk. Doctoral dissertation: "Paired domination and doubly domination in graphs". Supervisor: dr hab. Jerzy Topp. 2000 -- 2004 Bachelor of Science...
Number of active HCE cards installed in mobile phones (2017)
Open Research DataHCE technology (Host Card Emulation), which enables contactless payments by phone in a similar way as in the case of a payment card. At the time of making the transaction, the phone is close to the terminal, practically the same as the payment card. This solution, like the others described previously, should be included in the elements of electronic...
Unravelling the role of electron–hole pair spin in exciton dissociation in squaraine-based organic solar cells by magneto-photocurrent measurements
PublicationA high absorption coefficient and narrow absorption bands in squaraine (SQ) dyes have resulted in rapidly growing interest in them as a donor material in photovoltaic devices. The exciton dissociation process in organic systems proceeds via a multistep mechanism where the electron–hole pairs (charge transfer states) involved in the current generation process determine the recombination losses and subsequently limit the overall...
The Laser Processing of the Stainless-Steel Surface Layer of a Heat Exchanger Membrane in Order to Enhance Its Heat Transfer Coefficient
PublicationResearch on temperature regulation is essential for ensuring thermal comfort and optimizing machine performance. Effective cooling systems are critical in industrial processes and everyday electronic devices in order to prevent overheating. Laser-modified heat exchangers can enhance heat dissipation without increasing weight, addressing the need for energy-efficient solutions in the market. The main aim of this experimental research...
House dust as a source of analytical information on concentration of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) - first approach
PublicationPolybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), which are best recognized as flame retardants, were in 2001, by virtue of Stockholm Convention, listed in a group of Persistent Organic Compounds (POPs). Increasing concentration levels of PBDEs, reported in human tissues (e.g., blood, serum, breast milk, etc.) haverecently caught worldwide concern due to their potential tendency to disrupt thyroid hormones, neurobehavioral deficits and endocrine...
Does the Use of Cell Phones and Headphones at the Signalised Pedestrian Crossings Increase the Risk of Accident?
PublicationReduction of the number of fatalities among pedestrians remains a topical issue in Poland. For many years, this percentage has remained at around 30% of all those who were killed on the road. At the same time, there is an increase in the use of electronic devices by pedestrians and cyclists that may affect their perception when crossing the road. This can lead to traffic accidents. In order to investigate the problem, field studies...
Recent Advances in Loop Heat Pipes with Flat Evaporator
PublicationThe focus of this review is to present the current advances in Loop Heat Pipes (LHP) with flat evaporators, which address the current challenges to the wide implementation of the technology. A recent advance in LHP is the design of flat-shaped evaporators, which is better suited to the geometry of discretely mounted electronics components (microprocessors) and therefore negate the need for an additional transfer surface (saddle)...
A competition between two- and three-body dissociation channels in photo-double-ionization of tetrahydro-2H-pyran and 3,4-dihydro-2H-pyran molecules
PublicationVarious molecules possess structures consisting of the heterocyclic rings containing oxygen atoms. These substances often play a significant role in many different fields of chemistry, medicine, and biology. Due to a specific atomic composition and bond arrangement, many of these molecules retain unique electronic properties, which may be probed by diverse spectroscopic techniques, including those utilizing synchrotron radiation....
On the use of a charge balancing method for low energy measurements
PublicationThe paper presents the method for the estimation of the energy consumption of the low-power microcontroller-based devices. Due to high dynamics of the changes of the supply current of the tested devices during the operational cycle, the consumed energy estimation is not easy. In order to avoid disadvantages of known methods, the charge balancing method was employed similarly like in some types of A/D converters.
Framework for Integration Decentralized and Untrusted Multi-vendor IoMT Environments
PublicationLack of standardization is highly visible while we use historical data sets or compare our model with others that use IoMT devices from different vendors. The problem also concerns the trust in highly decentralized and anonymous environments where sensitive data are transferred through the Internet and then are analyzed by third-party companies. In our research we propose a standard that has been implemented in the form of framework...
Ac and dc conductivities in v2o5-p2o5 glasses containing alkaline ions
PublicationWe investigated the ac and dc conductivity in 50V2O5-(50 − x)P2O5-xA2O (A = Li, Na, K) glasses as a function of temperature. The measurements were carried out in the frequency range from 10−4 to 107 Hz. For all compositions, the dc conductivity decreased with the increasing alkali ion content. The decrease in conductivity was more pronounced for larger alkali ions. The ac conductivity exhibited a universal dynamic response: σac...
An Analysis of the Performance of Lightweight CNNs in the Context of Object Detection on Mobile Phones
PublicationConvolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are widely used in computer vision, which is now increasingly used in mobile phones. The problem is that smartphones do not have much processing power. Initially, CNNs focused solely on increasing accuracy. High-end computing devices are most often used in this type of research. The most popular application of lightweight CNN object detection is real-time image processing, which can be found...
An IoT-Based Computational Framework for Healthcare Monitoring in Mobile Environments
PublicationThe new Internet of Things paradigm allows for small devices with sensing, processing and communication capabilities to be designed, which enable the development of sensors, embedded devices and other ‘things’ ready to understand the environment. In this paper, a distributed framework based on the internet of things paradigm is proposed for monitoring human biomedical signals in activities involving physical exertion. The main...
Extending loophole-free nonlocal correlations to arbitrarily large distances
PublicationQuantum theory allows spatially separated observers to share nonlocal correlations, which enable them to accomplish classically inconceivable information processing and cryptographic feats. However, the distances over which nonlocal correlations can be realized remain severely limited due to their high fragility to noise and high threshold detection efficiencies. To enable loophole- free nonlocality across large distances, we introduce...
Studying road restraint systems to develop new guidelines
PublicationThe paper will present a proposed approach to such work along with preliminary results of numerical studies for selected problems using road safety devices such as safety barriers on horizontal curves, the effect of kerbs on bridges or the location of obstacles within the barrier’s working width. The paper will discuss assumptions to a methodology of numerical models, calculations and automated processing of data to help with assessing...
Joanna Górecka dr inż.
PeopleJOANNA GÓRECKA was born in Szczecin, Poland, in 1980. She received the M.Sc. degree in electronic engineering and the Ph.D. degree from the West Pomeranian University of Technology Szczecin, Poland, in 2005 and 2011, respectively. Since 2011, she has been employed in the Department of Electrical Engineering, West Pomeranian University of Technology, where she is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Systems,...
New Method for Determination of Adjustment Corrections for Crane Rail Axes
PublicationElectronic tacheometers are currently a standard instrument used in geodetic work, including also geodetic engineering measurements. One of the many applications of tacheometers in engineering geodesy are 3D control measurements of crane rail axes. This paper proposes a new method of computing adjustment corrections for crane rail axes based on 3D polar measurements performed with an electronic tacheometer. The intermediary method...
Generation-recombination and 1/f noise in carbon nanotube networks
PublicationThe low-frequency noise is of special interest for carbon nanotubes devices, which are building blocks for a variety of sensors, including radio frequency and terahertz detectors. We studied noise in as-fabricated and aged carbon nanotube networks (CNNs) field-effect transistors. Contrary to the majority of previous publications, as-fabricated devices demonstrated the superposition of generation-recombination (GR) and 1/f noise...
Klasyfikacja wyrobów tytoniowych z wykorzystaniem elektronicznych nosów
PublicationZapobieganie nielegalnej dystrybucji wyrobów tytoniowych w Polsce stanowi poważny problem. Wyroby tytoniowe przemycane do Polski mogą charakteryzować się niższą jakością, wynikającą z wykorzystania surowców gorszego gatunku. Jednym z rozwiązań zmniejszających skalę tego problemu mogą być działania ograniczające przemyt przez granice państwa. Autorzy pracy uważają, że wykorzystanie elektronicznych nosów do rutynowych kontroli przewożonych...
Digital government evolution: From transformation to contextualization
PublicationThe Digital Government landscape is continuously changing to reflect how governments are trying to find innovative digital solutions to social, economic, political and other pressures, and how they transform themselves in the process. Understanding and predicting such changes is important for policymakers, government executives, researchers and all those who prepare, make, implement or evaluate Digital Government decisions. This...
Parallel Background Subtraction in Video Streams Using OpenCL on GPU Platforms
PublicationImplementation of the background subtraction algorithm using OpenCL platform is presented. The algorithm processes live stream of video frames from the surveillance camera in on-line mode. Processing is performed using a host machine and a parallel computing device. The work focuses on optimizing an OpenCL algorithm implementation for GPU devices by taking into account specific features of the GPU architecture, such as memory access,...
Chromium Cluster Luminescence: Advancing Near‐Infrared Light‐Emitting Diode Design for Next‐Generation Broadband Compact Light Sources
Open Research DataIn modern technology devices, an energy-saving miniature near-infrared (NIR) light source plays a critical role in non-destructive, non-invasive sensing applications and further advancement of technology. This dataset reports the broadband NIR luminescence of Cr3+ clusters for designing phosphor-converted NIR light-emitting diodes as an alternative...
The luminescence study of Sr0.98Li2.5 + zAl1.5 – zO3 + 2zN1 – 2z:0.02Eu coumpounds.
Open Research DataEu2+-doped UCr4C4-type oxynitride phosphors are emerging innovative materials to replace oxide and nitride phosphors for high-end light-emitting devices. A series of Sr0.98Li2.5 + zAl1.5 – zO3 + 2zN1 – 2z:0.02Eu phosphors were synthesized by collaborators from the National Taiwan University by precursor engineering, and these products showed an unexpected...
The radiated immunity test of an astable multivibrator in the frequency range from 100 MHz to 300 MHz
Open Research DataThe dataset presents a result of measurements that are a part of electromagnetic field immunity tests. The radiated, radio frequency, immunity tests were carried out for a typical astable electronic multivibrator. Tests of immunity of electronic systems to radiated radio frequency (RF) disturbances in the frequency range from 100 MHz to 300 MHz were...