Search results for: OPERATION MODE
Analysis of start energy of Stirling engine type alpha
PublicationThe Stirling engine type alpha is composed of two cylinders (expansion space E and compression space C), regenerator that forms the space between the cylinders and the buffer space (under the pistons). Before the start-up and as a result of long-term operation, the average pressure in the working space (above the pistons) and in the buffer space is the same. However, in the initial phase of operation, the average pressure in the...
Hydrogen fuel cell power supply for hybrid elelectric multiple unit train
PublicationIn European countries, electrified routes amount for 40% to 65% of the total railway networks length. Some of those routes are only partially electrified, and construction of a catenary network might not be viable on all routes. Consequently, operators run diesel trains under catenary or require both an electric and diesel vehicle, increasing costs of operation. Dual-mode vehicles exist, but they are mostly equipped with diesel...
Methods of trend removal in electrochemical noise data – overview
PublicationIn this paper we shall review popular methods of trend removal from electrochemical noise time records. The basic principles of operation of the six most popular methods are explained. The proposed methods are: high - pass filtering, Moving Average Removal, polynomial detrending, wavelet detrending, Empirical Mode Decomposition and Variational Mode Decomposition. Estimation of trend removal quality...
Zastosowanie programowania parametrycznego w planowaniu operacji obróbki elementów o powtarzalnej geometrii
PublicationPorównywano zastosowania dostępnych technik programowania obróbki numerycznej przedmiotów o powtarzających się elementach konstrukcji. Analizowano możliwości stosowania programowania parametrycznego w trybie programowania zorientowanego warsztatowo oraz pracy w środowisku systemu klasy CAM. Zwrócono uwagę na przejrzystość tworzonego programu w aspekcie możliwości jego edycji i korekty składni, formy zapisu programu w pamięci obrabiarki...
Analysis of an Energy Management System of a Small Plant Connected to the Rural Power System
PublicationThis paper presents the analysis of an energy management system (EMS) implemented to fulfill the requirements of a microgrid (MG) power supply owned by a small industrial company and connected to the rural power system. The main goal of this system is to ensure connection with the existing rural power system in terms of energy exchange, as well as to perform islanding mode operation of the microgrid based on the energy demand of...
Experimental Research on the Energy Efficiency of a Parallel Hybrid Drive for an Inland Ship
PublicationThe growing requirements for limiting the negative impact of all modes of transport on the natural environment mean that clean technologies are becoming more and more important. The global trend of e-mobility also applies to sea and inland water transport. This article presents the results of experimental tests carried out on a life-size, parallel diesel-electric hybrid propulsion system. The eciency of the propulsion system was...
Digital Fingerprinting based on Quaternion Encryption for Image Transmission
PublicationIn this paper a new digital fingerprinting scheme for images is proposed. A proposed method is based on quaternion encryption with Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode of operation. Quaternions are hyper-complex numbers of rank 4 and thus often applied to mechanics in three-dimensional space. The encryption algorithm is designed for grey-tone images. For purpose of encryption, the algorithm uses the rotation of data vectors presented...
Spectral reflectance modeling of ZnO layers made with Atomic Layer Deposition for application in optical fiber Fabry-Perot interferometric sensors
PublicationSuitability of zinc oxide (ZnO) layers grown using Atomic Layer Deposition for operation in optical-fiber extrinsic Fabry-Perot sensors is investigated using a numerical model. Reflectance spectra obtained using the developed model indicate that the application of these layers in optical-fiber extrinsic Fabry-Perot sensors is difficult as it may require a source whose spectrum width is about 300 nm. A series of ZnO layers grown...
Piotr Płotka dr hab. inż.
PeoplePiotr Płotka received the M.Sc. and D.Eng. degrees in electronic engineering from the Gdansk University of Technology, Poland, in 1976 and 1985. In 2008 he received D.Sc. (Dr.Hab.) degree, also in electronic engineering, from the Institute of Electron Technology at Warsaw, Poland. From 1977 he was with Academy of Technology and Agriculture at Bydgoszcz, Poland and from 1981 with the Gdansk University of Technology. In cooperation...
Application of FMEA analysis for assessing reliability and risk in biogas-fueled engines operation process
PublicationW pracy zamieszczono propozycję wykorzystania analizy FMEA (ang. Failure mode and effects analysis) - analizy rodzajów i skutków możliwych błędów występujących w instalacjach przemysłowych z silnikami spalinowymi. Obserwowany w ostatnich latach rozwój energetyki rozproszonej, opartej na tłokowych silnikach spalinowych jest wynikiem prowadzonej polityki rozwoju wykorzystania odnawialnych źródeł energii (OŹE) związanej z zagospodarowaniem...
Optical and chemical characterization of thin TiNx films deposited by DC-magnetron sputtering
PublicationThin titanium nitride (tinx) films were deposited on silicon substrates by means of a reactive dc-magnetron plasma. Layers were synthesized under various conditions of discharge power and nitrogen flows in two operation modes of the magnetron (the so-called "balanced" and "unbalanced" modes). The optical constants of the tinx films were investigated by spectroscopic ellipsometry (se). X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (xps) was...
Light-Powered Starter for Micro-Power Boost DC–DC Converter for CMOS Image Sensors
PublicationThe design of a starter for a low-voltage, micro-power boost DC–DC converter intended for powering CMOS image sensors is presented. A unique feature of the starter is extremely low current, below 1 nA, supplying its control circuit. Therefore, a high-voltage (1.3 V) configuration of series-connected photovoltaic diodes available in a standard CMOS process or a small external LED working in photovoltaic mode can be used as an auxiliary...
A Wideband Corrugated Ridged Horn Antenna with Enhanced Gain and Stable Phase Center for X- and Ku-Band Applications
PublicationIn this letter, a structure and design procedure of a novel double-flared conical horn antenna with an improved gain and a stable phase center is presented. The antenna incorporates a hybrid ridged and corrugated structure. A double-ridged section is responsible for ensuring a wideband operation, whereas the corrugated section supports the hybrid mode. The antenna impedance bandwidth (VSWR < 2) is 6 GHz to 20 GHz. Excellent performance...
Counting and tracking vehicles using acoustic vector sensors
PublicationA method is presented for counting vehicles and for determining their movement direction by means of acoustic vector sensor application. The assumptions of the method employing spatial distribution of sound intensity determined with the help of an integrated 3D intensity probe are discussed. The intensity probe developed by the authors was used for the experiments. The mode of operation of the algorithm is presented in conjunction...
Mechanizmy bezpieczeństwa w strefie C systemu netBaltic
PublicationW artykule zaprezentowano rozwiązania zaimplementowane do zabezpieczania komunikacji w warunkach sporadycznej i nieciągłej łączności (Delay Tolerant Networking – DTN) w systemie netBaltic - charakterystycznej dla strefy C tego systemu. Ze względu na dużą różnorodność rozważanych mechanizmów komunikacyjnych, architektura bezpieczeństwa całego systemu została podzielona na kilka elementów – infrastrukturę klucza publicznego (PKI),...
Innovative Web-Based Geographic Information System for Municipal Areas and Coastal Zone Security and Threat Monitoring Using EO Satellite Data
PublicationThe paper presents a novel design of a Web-based Safe City & Coastal Zone GIS (SCCZ-GIS). The system integrates data acquired from different remote sensing and geospatial data sources for the purpose monitoring the security of the coastal zone, its inhabitants and Critical Infrastructure. The system utilises several innovative technologies and solutions, and is capable of direct co-operation with different remote sensing data sources...
Nuclear Co-generation: The Analysis of Technical Capabilities and Cost Estimates
PublicationThis paper presents a concept of the parallel connection of a nuclear power plant fitted to provide heat for district heating application, with the CHP and heat plants existing in the supply region, in this case with the heating systems of Wejherowo and Gdynia. Presented variant proposes to add heat to a nuclear power plant’s total output by supplying heat exchangers with the steam from bleeders of low pressure (LP) turbine stage...
Space vector modulation in multilevel inverters of the servo drives of the trajectory measurements telescopes
PublicationUsing the MatLab/Simulink mathematical model of a three-phase three-level voltage inverter, the influence of the space-vector modulation (SVM) algorithm on the pulsations of the current (torque) of an AC motor in the range of low rotation speeds is considered. It is shown that the SVM of the second kind does not provide a pulsations level comparable to the pulsations of a sinusoidal pulse-width modulation (SPWM), both in the static...
Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Beams Strengthened with Steel Plates Using Modal Analysis and Wavelet Transform
PublicationExternally bonded reinforcements are commonly and widely used in civil engineering objects made of concrete to increase the structure load capacity or to minimize the negative effects of long-term operation and possible defects. The quality of adhesive bonding between a strengthened structure and steel or composite elements is essential for effective reinforcement; therefore, there is a need for non-destructive diagnostics of adhesive...
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono metodykę i wyniki pomiarów stanów nieustalonych w zasilaczu bezprzerwowym (UPS) typu on - line. Do rejestracji zdarzeń po stronie zasilania i na wyjściu UPS wykorzystano dwa przyrządy do pomiaru jakości energii elektrycznej zsynchronizowane czasowo. Rejestratory kompresują uzyskane dane pomiarowe, co może wprowadzać dodatkowe błędy pomiaru wielkości mierzonych – napięć i prądów. Dodatkowe rejestracje oscyloskopem...
Microfluidically Frequency-Reconfigurable Compact Self-Quadruplexing Tunable Antenna with High Isolation Based on Substrate Integrated Waveguide
PublicationThis communication presents a novel concept of microfluidically frequency-reconfigurable self-quadruplexing tunable antenna for quad-band applications. At the initial design stage, a substrate-integrated square cavity is divided into four unequal quarter-mode cavity resonators by inserting an X-shaped slot on the top surface of the cavity. Applying four 50-ohm microstrip feed-lines to these four quarter-mode cavity resonators enables...
Drgania i hałaśliwość silników asynchronicznych - weryfikacja nowych hipotez
PublicationArtykuł zawiera nowe spojrzenie na postaci drgań kadłuba i tarcz silników asynchronicznych wymuszanych siłami elektromagnetycznymi. Omówiono badania postaci drgań własnych i eksploatacyjnych kadłuba i tarcz łożyskowych. Poddano analizie związki przyczynowo-skutkowe postaci drgań tarcz łożyskowych z łożyskami tocznymi i ślizgowymi. Wykazano, że wibracyjne eksploatacyjne odkształcenia tarcz silników klatkowych małej i średniej mocy,...
Stanowisko do diagnostyki i regulacji wyzwalaczy przekaźników w obwodach lokomotyw elektrycznych
PublicationFast circuit breaker and protective relays play an important role of protecting locomotive’s electrical circuits from damage caused by short circuit or overload. Undisturbed operation and proper circuit protection depends on the technical condition and fine calibration of the over-current trips. Therefore the relays should be subject to periodic inspection and adjustment due to locomotive maintenance schedule. A test stand for...
Struktury sieci transportu zbiorowego w miastach
PublicationPotrzeby przewozowe mieszkańców miast powinny być zaspokajane poprzez dopasowaną i sprawnie funkcjonującą sieć transportu zbiorowego. Planując sieć i decydując się jednocześnie na jej sposób funkcjonowania istotnym jest uwzględnienie podstawowych postulatów przewozowych mieszkańców. Ostateczny kształt tej sieci wynika jednak z dodatkowych czynników zarówno infrastrukturalnych, ekonomicznych, jak i wielu innych. Celem niniejszego...
Research of electric drive systems with real time software configurable control
PublicationПредмет исследования. Представлен учебно-лабораторный стенд для исследования систем управления элек- троприводами. Стенд используется для обучения студентов системам управления электроприводами и предна- значен для повышения эффективности усвоения материала. Метод. В основу предлагаемого решения положен метод взаимного нагружения электрических машин, питаемых от силовых преобразователей с общим звеном постоянного тока. Это позволяет...
Nanocrystalline diamond sheets as protective coatings for fiber-optic measurement head
PublicationFiber-optic sensors find numerous applications in science and industry, but their full potential is limited because of the risk of damaging the measurement head, in particular, due to the vulnerability of unprotected tips of the fiber to mechanical damage and aggressive chemical agents. In this paper, we report the first use of a new nanocrystalline diamond structure in a fiber-optic measurement head as a protective coating of...
Pipeline System for Heat Transportation from Nuclear Power Plant – an Optimizing Approach
PublicationOver the last few years heat piping insulation technology and pump systems efficiency have been significantly improved. Reduced thermal losses encourage heat transportation over long distances. It provides an opportunity for increasing thermodynamic efficiency of Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) that are often located in rural areas because of safety issues. It can be achieved by Combined Heat and Power (CHP) generation, as heat produced...
Combined Long-Period Fiber Grating and Microcavity In-Line Mach–Zehnder Interferometer for Refractive Index Measurements with Limited Cross-Sensitivity
PublicationThis work discusses sensing properties of a long-period grating (LPG) and microcavity in-line Mach–Zehnder interferometer (µIMZI) when both are induced in the same single-mode optical fiber. LPGs were either etched or nanocoated with aluminum oxide (Al2O3) to increase its refractive index (RI) sensitivity up to ≈2000 and 9000 nm/RIU, respectively. The µIMZI was machined using a femtosecond laser as a cylindrical cavity (d = 60...
Critical Review on Robust Speed Control Techniques for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) Speed Regulation
PublicationThe permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) is a highly efficient energy saving machine. Due to its simple structural characteristics, good heat radiation capability, and high efficiency, PMSMs are gradually replacing AC induction motors in many industrial applications. The PMSM has a nonlinear system and lies on parameters that differ over time with complex high-class dynamics. To achieve the excessive performance operation...
PublicationOver the last years, the City of Gdańsk suffers twice from flash floods. Both events were caused by intense storms which produced significant surface runoff and caused inundation private and cities properties. The first case of July 2001 flood [3], [9] was the turning point for the city authorities, who decide to look close on the flood management in small urban catchments. The aim of research projects was to establish technical...
AFM investigation of electrode fabricated by 3D printing
Open Research Data3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, has enjoyed great interest in recent years due to the versatility of this method of producing various shapes and details. Due to the possibility of precise control of the shape and composition of the printed elements, the discussed technique can be widely used in electrochemistry, including electrochemical...
Dynamika bezzałogowego aparatu latającego w układzie czterowirnikowego pionowzlotu
PublicationDziałanie maszyn, w tym również pojazdów latających, jest nieodłącznie związane z przekazywaniem oddziaływań siłowych: statycznych i dynamicznych. Dynamika jest działem mechaniki zajmującym się makroskopowym ruchem ciał przy uwzględnieniu przyczyn wywołujących ten ruch. Pierwszym etapem analizy dynamiki konstrukcji są zwykle obliczenia wartości i postaci drgań własnych modelu konstrukcji. Drgania własne zwykle ulegają szybkiemu...
Modelling of Different Aeration Modes Influencing Processes in SBR Bioreactor
PublicationCurrently, computer modelling together with the simulation tools tailored for that purpose constitute a very important element in planning technological changes within wastewater treatment plant. From the point of view of the WWTP operator every modification should be introduced in order to improve the quality of treated sewage with the lowest financial outlays. These requirements can be met by using computer programmes to effectuate...
Filozofować z głębi człowieczeństwa. O fenomenologii Andrzeja Półtawskiego.
PublicationDokonując krytyki tradycji nowożytnego empiryzmu i kartezjańskiego dualizmu Półtawski tworzy realistyczną i dynamiczną interpretację bytu ludzkiego. Przeżywanie, odczuwanie zmysłowe nie jest poślednią odmianą poznania jak i operacją dostarczania jedynie elementów, budulca poznaniu, ale odrębnym sposobem bycia w świecie, jest symbiotycznym kontaktem z otoczeniem, formą życia. Zrywa on radykalnie z tradycją brentanowsko-husserlowską...
Analiza i ocena poprawności działania węzła tarcia w aspekcie II zasady termodynamiki
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono autorską metodę sprawdzania poprawności działania węzła tarcia traktowanego jako układ tribologiczny w aspekcie II zasady termo-dynamiki na podstawie analizy i oceny wyników badań laboratoryjnych wykonanych na stanowisku badawczym. Jako stanowisko wykorzystany został zmodyfikowany węzeł tarcia aparatu czterokulowego T-02. Zaprezentowano algorytm, według którego zostały wykonane badania empiryczne. Wykazano,...
Co-gasification of waste biomass-low grade coal mix using downdraft gasifier coupled with dual-fuel engine system: Multi-objective optimization with hybrid approach using RSM and Grey Wolf Optimizer
PublicationThe looming global crisis over increasing greenhouse gases and rapid depletion of fossil fuels are the motivation factors for researchers to search for alternative fuels. There is a need for more sustainable and less polluting fuels for internal combustion engines. Biomass offers significant potential as a feed material for gasification to produce gaseous fuel. It is carbon neutral, versatile, and abundant on earth. The present...
Comparison of classical and modern approach of determination of highly polar compounds by High Performance Liquid Chromatography coupled with Tandem Mass Spectrometry
PublicationAbstract: Sugars and sugar alcohols are known as highly polar compounds. Four analytes were taken into consideration for comparison of classical and modern approach of separation of highly polar substances. Mannitol was chosen as an example of simple sugar alcohol, sucrose and lactulose as examples of disaccharides and structural isomers, raffinose as an example of complex trisaccharide. Raffinose was also used as internal standard...
The miniaturised emission chamber system and home-made passive flux sampler studies of monoaromatic hydrocarbons emissions from selected commercially-available floor coverings
PublicationThe estimation of the emission rate of organic compounds released from various types of indoor materials can be performed using stationary environmental test chambers (ETC) classified as ex-situ methods or small-scale portable analytical devices based on the use of passive technique at the stage of analytes sampling from the gaseous phase (in-situ methods). The paper presents results of emissions of selected organic compounds from...
Analysis of the possibilities in railways shape assessing using GNSS mobile measurements
PublicationIn recent years, a dynamic development of satellite positioning techniques using both static and mobile GNSS coordinates register mode can be observed. In addition, still developing Real-time GNSS Networks, post-processing algorithms and another measurement signal analysis algorithms, make the satellite measurements increasingly used in railway industry sector. In the article the possibilities which follows from the mobile satellite...
Improved energy management technique in pipe-embedded wall heating/cooling system in residential buildings
PublicationEffective and environmentally responsive techniques of energy management in residential buildings are desirable for the resulting reduction of energy costs and consumption. In this paper, an improved and efficient technique of energy management in pipe-embedded wall heating/cooling systems, called the Thermal Barrier, is described. Specifically, the Thermal Barrier is a technique focused on the management and control of heat...
Improved energy management technique in pipe-embedded wall heating/cooling system in residential buildings
PublicationEffective and environmentally responsive techniques of energy management in residential buildings are desirable for the resulting reduction of energy costs and consumption. In this paper, an improved and efficient technique of energy management in pipe-embedded wall heating/cooling systems, called the Thermal Barrier, is described. Specifically, the Thermal Barrier is a technique focused on the management and control of heat supply...
Low temperature growth of diamond films on optical fibers using Linear Antenna CVD system
PublicationIt is not trivial to achieve a good quality diamond-coated fibre interface due to a large difference in the properties and composition of the diamond films (or use coating even) and the optical fibre material, i.e. fused silica. One of the biggest problems is the high temperature during the deposition which influences the optical fibre or optical fibre sensor structure (e.g. long-period gratings (LPG)). The greatest advantage of...
Destruction of AFM probes during normal operation
Open Research DataThe quality of the images obtained with the use of an atomic force microscope is determined by the state of the blade interacting with the tested material. Image artifacts can be generated by various reasons, such as oxidation, contamination or an error in blade fabrication, but also appear as a result of the repeated scanning process and inevitable...
Kazimierz Darowicki prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleStudia wyższe ukończyłem w czerwcu 1981 roku po zdaniu egzaminu dyplomowego i obronie pracy magisterskiej. Opiekunem pracy magisterskiej był dr hab. inż. Tadeusz Szauer. W roku 1991, 27 listopada uzyskałem stopień naukowy broniąc pracę doktorską zatytułowaną „Symulacyjna i korelacyjna analiza widm immitancyjnych inhibitowanej reakcji elektrodowej”. Promotorem pracy był prof. dr hab. inż. Józef Kubicki (Wydział Chemiczny...
Surface treatment of C80U steel by long CO2 laser pulses
PublicationThe paper presents the results of laser-melted C80U steel. The processed steel was placed between two permanent magnets and laser beam whose scanning velocity was 10 mm/s. CO2 laser beam was working in pulse mode. Pulses were generated at 100% of the average preset power of 700W, with 45 ms irradiation, zero interval between pulses and beginning of pulse repetition upon the achievement of the average laser power. During the operation,...
Medium-Voltage Drives: Challenges and existing technology
PublicationThe article presents an overview of state-of-art solutions, advances, and design and research trends in medium-voltage (MV) drive technologies - and also discusses the challenges and requirements associated with the use of such drives. The choice and deployment of MV drives in industries are associated with numerous requirements related to the front-end converter (grid side) and inverter (machine side). The focus is on solutions...
Entrepreneurship Today: Selected Aspects
PublicationAt its very beginning, entrepreneurship was a purely economic notion. However, this growing interest in entrepreneurship-related problems prompted other sciences to participate in explaining the entrepreneurship phenomenon. Nowadays, entrepreneurship is analyzed through multiple theoretical lenses of economics, management, psychology, sociology – just to name a few. Therefore, it would be difficult to find a notion that could be...
Methods and Instruments | Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy
PublicationScanning electrochemical microscopy is based on the recording of electrolysis currents (Faradaic currents) at a microelectrode (ME) probe that is scanned over the sample. Different working modes are available to couple the electrolysis at the ME to reactions at the sample. The article explains their principles and provides examples of their application. The feedback mode, the sample-generation/tip collection mode, the redox-competition...
Magnetosonic Excitation of the Entropy Perturbations in a Plasma with Thermal Conduction Depending on Temperature
PublicationNonlinear excitation of the entropy perturbations by magnetosonic waves in a uniform and infinite plasma model is considered. The wave vector of slow or fast mode forms an arbitrary angle (0 B B ) with the equilibrium straight magnetic field, and all perturbations are functions of the time and longitudinal coordinate. Thermal conduction is the only factor which destroys isentropicity of wave perturbations and causes the nonlinear...
Ocena wpływu dawki DME na wybrane wskaźniki procesu spalania w dwupaliwowym silniku o zapłonie samoczynnym
PublicationPrzedmiotem rozprawy jest analiza wpływu różnej ilości odparowanego DME wprowadzonego do kolektora dolotowego na wybrane wskaźniki spalania DME/ON dla wielu punktów pracy, turbodoładowanego silnika o zapłonie samoczynnym. Jako punkty pracy silnika, wybrano punkty najbardziej reprezentujące cykl jazdy WLTP dla samochodu Volkswagen Golf IV. Analizę procesu współspalania przeprowadzono z wykorzystaniem danych pomiarowych, uzyskanych...