Catalog Projects
total: 976
Catalog Projects
Year -
CERGE-EI, 16th Annual Regional Research Competition “Reshaping financial systems - identifying the role of ICT in diffusion of financial innovations. Recent evidence from European countries”
ProjectsProject realized in Gdańsk University of Technology according to CERGE_GDN agreement from 2016-01-01
MENA-SAFE Master Curriculum, Capacity Building and Network Development in Traffic Safety in Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering according to 2015-3172/001 - 001 agreement from 2015-12-22
TROPSENSE Development of a non-invassive breath test for early diagnosis of tropical diseases
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Metrology and Optoelectronics according to 645758 agreement from 2014-12-09
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Hydraulic Engineering according to WFOŚ/D/201/66/2015 agreement from 2015-04-27
Shear stress connected with the fluid flow as an important parameter influencing the adhesion, invasion and tissue tropism of the uropathogenic E. coli polyadhesins to the host cells.
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Microbiology according to UMO-2014/13/B/NZ6/00257 agreement from 2015-02-09
nie dotyczy
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering according to WFOŚ/D/201/298/2015 agreement from 2015-12-15
Pochodne akrydyny/akrydonu Synthesis and biological examination new functionalized of acridine/acridone derivatived as potential anticancer compounds with a special attention of melanoma and neuroblastoma
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Organic Chemistry according to UMO-2014/13/B/NZ7/02234 agreement from 2015-01-28
Szereg Mocy Przeciwutleniającej jako narzędzie pozwalajace na racjonalne projektowanie i ocenę wlaściwości prozdrowotnych żywnosci funkcjonalnej zawierającej przeciwutleniajace zwiazki fitochemiczne
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Analytical Chemistry according to UMO-2014/14/A/ST4/00640 agreement from 2015-05-27
Expedited design of compact microwave and RF structures
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Microelectronic Systems according to UMO-2014/15/B/ST7/04683 agreement from 2015-07-15
TEMKO nie dotyczy
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Materials Engineering and Bonding according to TANGO1/266396/NCBR/2015 agreement from 2015-05-14
Theoretical and spectroscopic investigation of the fotochemistry of supramolecular photocatalysts for hydrogen generation
ProjectsProject realized in Katedra Fizyki Teoretycznej i Informatyki Kwantowej according to UMO-2014/14/M/ST4/00083 agreement from 2015-10-01
MASTER BSR Transfer, Development and Implementation of a common vocational Training to Master in the Baltic Sea Region
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Management according to 2015-1-DE02-KA202-002372 agreement
OT3-3A/PG Devices for road safety
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Structural Mechanics according to DZP/RID-I-67/13/NCBR/2016 agreement from 2016-02-26
Flota++ Wielokryterialne algorytmy marszrutyzacji dla systemu wspomagającego zarządzanie flotą pojazdów
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Geoinformatics according to PBS3/B3/37/2015 agreement from 2015-05-29
UMW1 Wizyjny monitoring zakwitów sinicowych za pomocą drona
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Automatic Control according to MNiSW/2015/DIR/12/UMW agreement from 2015-01-09
Wpływ czasu i warunków eksploatacyjnych na trwałość i funkcjonalność elementów bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowego
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Transportation Engineering according to DZP/RID-I-64/12/NCBR/2016 agreement from 2016-02-26
RID 3D The impact of advertising on the level of road safety
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Transportation Engineering according to DZP/RID-I-33/4/NCBR/2016 agreement from 2016-02-26
RID 4D Wpływ stosowania usług Inteligentnych Systemów Transportowych na poziom bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowego
Projects -
- Effect of ionic liguid structure on the interactions with TiO2 particles in ionic liquids assisted hydrothermal synthesis.
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Chemistry according to UMO-2014/15/D/ST5/02747 agreement from 2015-10-12
SNOwMan Supporting Non-technological Innovation in Owner-managed Manufacturing SMEs through increased capacity of business intermediaries
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Management and Economics according to #R053 agreement from 2017-08-29
Zastosowanie technik mikroekstrakcyjnych w układzie ciecz-ciecz w celu oznaczania chlorofenoli w próbkach ciekłych.
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Analytical Chemistry according to 0481/IP3/2015/73 agreement from 2015-04-01
MTNASKWG Application of chosen mechatronic solutions to cutting process surveillance of high-size workpieces on multi-axes production centres
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Mechanics and Mechatronics according to TANGO1/266350/NCBR/2015 agreement from 2015-06-23
CaviTreatment The use of cavitation to the pre-treatment of wastewater from the production of bitumen
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Chemistry according to 0040/IP2/2015/73 agreement from 2015-04-07
HYDRO Zintegrowany system akustyczno-optyczny służący inwentaryzacji obiektów hydrotechnicznych
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Geoinformatics according to PBS3/B9/31/2015 agreement from 2015-04-09
Quantum phenomena: Between the whole and the parts
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics according to ID # 56033 agreement from 2015-03-13
FLOW Furthering Less Congestion by creating Opportunities for more Walking and cycling
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Transportation Engineering according to 635998 agreement from 2015-04-14
Control, estimation and diagnostic algorithms for electrical drives with multiphase induction motors and voltage inverters output filters
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Electric Drives and Energy Conversion according to UMO-2013/09/B/ST7/01642 agreement from 2014-02-21
BitumSorbent Studies on the preparation and properties of sorbents produced from bitumen
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Process Engineering and Chemical Technology according to LIDER/036/573/L-5/NCBR/2014 agreement from 2014-11-03
Studying the chemism modifications of the Revelve River catchment waters (The Hornsund Fiord region, Spititzbergen) due to anthropogenic pollution under differentiated loading by the atmospheric waters
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Analytical Chemistry according to UMO-2013/09/N/ST10/04191 agreement from 2014-03-25
Research on scattering phenomena in new scattering materials and its application in microwave and millimeter wave technique
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Microwave and Antenna Engineering according to UMO-2013/11/B/ST7/04309 agreement from 2014-07-16
ARCHITEKTURA CATALHOYUK Catalhoyuk in the Late Neolith (6500 - 5900 BC): reconstruction of the settlement layout based on architectural and structural aspects of buildings.
ProjectsProject realized in Department of History of Architecture and Conservation of Monuments from 2014-07-01
Characterization of a new essential TPR protein LapB and a new non-coding RNA, which together regulate the assembly of endotoxin.
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Chemistry according to UMO-2013/11/B/NZ2/02641 agreement from 2014-07-09
DPCTM Data Processing Centre - Task Manager (DPCTM) product
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Geoinformatics
HydroDeg Hydrogen degradation of zirconium alloys
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Materials Engineering and Bonding from 2014-07-15
Doświadczalna i numeryczna analiza sprzężonego deterministyczno-statystycznego efektu skali w materiałach kruchych
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering according to UMO-2013/B/ST8/03598 agreement from 2014-02-20
PL-GRID NG „Dziedzinowe usługi nowej generacji w infrastrukturze PL-Grid dla Polskiej Nauki" PLGrid NG
ProjectsProject realized in TASK Informatics Center from 2014-03-05
Expedite EM-driven Mulit-objective Antenna Design Using Surrogate-Based Optimization
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Microelectronic Systems according to UMO-2013/11/B/ST7/04325 agreement from 2014-07-16
FUSILAN Funkcjonalizowane organoksysilany, organoksysilanotiole, organoksysilanole oraz ich połączenia z metalami przejściowymi
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Inorganic Chemistry according to UMO-2013/09/B/ST5/03479 agreement from 2014-02-17
Identyfikacja, oczyszczanie i badanie właściwości bakteriocyn o aktywności gronkowcobójczej
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biochemistry from 2014-09-08
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering according to DOB-1-1/1/PS/2014 agreement from 2014-12-30
ImBeing Towards Intelligent Micro-Bearings – Tribological Aspects
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Control and Power Engineering
Kinezyna w ruchu względem tubuliny - właściwości wody solwatacyjnej i oddziaływania pomiędzy białkami
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Physical Chemistry according to UMO-2013/09/D/NZ1/01087 agreement from 2014-02-10
KRICO Komponent rekomendacji dla inteligentnych chmur obliczeniowych
ProjectsProject realized in TASK Informatics Center from 2014-06-10
COMOVIWO Strategic partnerships
ProjectsProject realized in Language Center according to 2014-1-FI01-KA203-00851 agreement
EMPROP Electromagnetic method to estimate penetration of proppant in the fracturing process
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Chemistry from 2014-11-25
Advanced subregion cloning method for fast analysis of microwave and photonic structures by means of the finite element method and multilevel model order reduction
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Microwave and Antenna Engineering according to UMO-2013/09/N/ST7/02268 agreement from 2014-04-24
Labour market implications of international outsourcing and global production sharing
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Economic Sciences according to UMO-2013/11/B/HS4/02134 agreement from 2014-08-05
Molekularny mechanizm wpływu stresu oksydacyjnego na stabilność strukturalną i dynamikę kompleksów telomerowego DNA z białkami
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Physical Chemistry according to 0059/DIA/2014/43 agreement from 2014-09-18
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Multimedia Systems according to PBS3/B3/26/2015 agreement from 2015-04-20
DEWI Dependable Embedded Wireless Infrastructure
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Microwave and Antenna Engineering according to 621353 agreement from 2014-10-22