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  • The Influence of Selected Parameters of Numerical Modelling on Strains and Stresses at Weld Toe Notch


    - Year 2015

    Latest development in the field of welding technology and prefabrication enabled massive production of thin-walled sandwich structures. Multi-layered sandwich structures are fabricated with the use of high-power CO2 lasers, friction welding, arc welding, hybrid welding, or other technique designed for the special purpose. Steel or aluminium alloy plates with thickness between 1 and 5 mm are connected by internal stiffeners. Strength...

  • Miniaturized solid phase extraction techniques for different kind of pollutants analysis: State of the art and future perspectives – PART 2



    Determination of pollutants present in environmental samples at a low concentration level very often requires the analytical protocol that includes analytes isolation and/or enrichment prior to the final quantification. Miniaturized SPE offers an interesting alternative to LLE. Nowadays, many types of sorbents are available and can be used as selective materials for extraction of varied analytes in different kinds of samples. The...

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    A methodology for measuring bandsaw tooth wear is presented in this paper. This type of measurement is proposed as an alternative way of determining tooth wear in industrial conditions. The method is based on determining the KE value, i.e., the distance of the radius of the rounded cutting edge of the tooth and the intersection of the surface of the back and the surface of the face of the cutting wedge of the bandsaw tooth....

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  • Dynamic charging of electric buses


    - Year 2018

    Despite the continuous development of electrochemical battery technology and the multitude of electric buses on offer, it is still not possible to exploit electric buses in urban transport on an all-day basis without the necessity of charging them. It is therefore necessary to build point-to-point contact charging stations or induction charging stations at the terminals. This results in substantial financial outlays connected with...

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  • Power Electronics Building Blocks for implementing Smart MV/LV Distribution Transformers for Smart Grid


    With an observed increase in the involvement of active consumers in activities aimed at improving energy efficiency and increasing interest in producing energy from renewable sources, there is a need for the development of new technologies enabling the distribution network operators to offer new services and functionalities. Smart MV/LV distribution transformers are characterized by a compact three-stage design, including an...

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  • Software-Defined NB-IoT Uplink Framework - The Design, Implementation and Use Cases

    In the radiocommunication area, we may observe a rapid growth of new technology, such as 5G. Moreover, all the newly introduced radio interfaces, e.g., narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT), are strongly dependent on the software. Hence, the radiocommunication software development and optimization, as well as the 3GPP technical specification, should be introduced at the academic level of education. In this paper, a software-defined...

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  • Relative Productivity, Country Size and Export Diversification

    This paper analyses the effects of productivity and country size on the extent of trade structure diversification. Using a testable version of the Ricardian model, we show that relative export variety is an outcome of two forces: a relative productivity change (technological progress) and a relative country size change (labour force growth). The model predictions are validated empirically using product-level trade data for a sample...

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  • The Latest Advances in Wireless Communication in Aviation, Wind Turbines and Bridges


    - Inventions - Year 2022

    Present-day technologies used in SHM (Structural Health Monitoring) systems in many implementations are based on wireless sensor networks (WSN). In the context of the continuous development of these systems, the costs of the elements that form the monitoring system are decreasing. In this situation, the challenge is to select the optimal number of sensors and the network architecture, depending on the wireless system’s other parameters...

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  • Otwarte innowacje w inicjatywach klastrowych



    Specyfika funkcjonowania inicjatyw klastrowych czyni z nich idealne podłoże do wcielania w życie idei open innovation – ułatwiają bowiem nawiązywanie kontaktów z innymi podmiotami, stawiają na otwartość swoich członków i budowę relacji opartych na zaufaniu, stanowią platformę wymiany zasobów (w tym przede wszystkim informacji i wiedzy) oraz wspólnego kreowania rozwiązań innowacyjnych. W artykule podjęto rozważania teoretyczne dotyczące...

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  • Wybrane wyniki badań potrzeb transportowych mieszkańców województwa pomorskiego

    Na potrzeby opracowania Planu Zrównoważonego Rozwoju Publicznego Transportu Zbiorowego Województwa Pomorskiego w czwartym kwartale 2013 roku konsorcjum Fundacji Rozwoju Inżynierii Lądowej oraz z Politechniki Gdańskiej wykonało badania potrzeb transportowych mieszkańców województwa pomorskiego oraz wielkości popytu na usługi przewozowe. Uzyskane wyniki były podstawą do budowy transportowego modelu symulacyjnego podróży realizowanych...

  • Compensation Topologies in IPT Systems: Standards, Requirements, Classification, Analysis, Comparison and Application


    - IEEE Access - Year 2019

    Wireless power transfer devices are becoming more relevant and widespread. Therefore, an article is devoted to a review, analysis and comparison of compensation topologies for an inductive power transfer. A new classification of topologies is developed. A lot of attention is paid to the problems of the physical fundamentals of compensation work, standards, safety, and five main topology requirements. It is determined, that topologies...

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  • Semantic Analysis and Text Summarization in Socio-Technical Systems


    - Year 2018

    In this chapter the authors present the results of the development the methodology for increasing the reliability of the functioning of the Socio-Technical System. The existed methods and algorithms for processing unstructured (textual) information were studied. Taking into account noted above strengths and weaknesses of Discriminant and Probabilistic approaches of Latent Semantic Relations analysis in of the summarization projection...

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  • Traffic Model of IMS/NGN Architecture with Transport Stratum Based on MPLS Technology

    Growing expectations for a fast access to information create strong demands for a universal telecommunication network architecture, which provides various services with strictly determined quality. Currently it is assumed that these requirements will be satisfied by Next Generation Network (NGN), which consists of two stratums and includes IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) elements. To guarantee Quality of Service (QoS) all NGN stratums...

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  • Seafloor Characterisation Using Underwater Acoustic Devices

    The problem of seafloor characterisation is important in the context of management as well as investigation and protection of the marine environment. In the first part of the paper, a review of underwater acoustic technology and methodology used in seafloor characterisation is presented. It consists of the techniques based on the use of singlebeam echosounders and seismic sources, along with those developed for the use of sidescan...

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  • Ultrasound assisted extraction


    The use of green and sustainable extraction techniques is very popular topic in the multidisciplinary area of chemistry, biology and technology. There is no doubt that extraction constitutes a very important step of analytical procedures of separation, detection, identification and determination of wide spectrum analytes from samples characterized by complex and very often nonhomogeneous composition of matrix. Traditional techniques...

  • Negative carbon dioxide gas power plant integrated with gasification of sewage sludge

    One of the primary objectives of the negative carbon dioxide gas power plant (nCO2PP) is to develop an innovative technology confirming the possibility of the use of sewage sludge to produce electricity while having a positive impact on the environment. In this paper, a mathematical model is presented to estimate thermodynamic parameters of the system in relation to the gasification process and changes in such parameters in the...

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  • Detection system for optical coherence tomography: Czerny-Turner spectrometer


    - Year 2017

    Research methods based on spectral analysis have powerful impact on development in many field of science. Signal spectrum can be a source of useful and important data. It enables to obtain information about physical and chemical properties of tested materials. This paper has been devoted to describe optical design for high resolution spectrometer, which is significant element of optical coherence tomography (OCT) systems. Designed...

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  • Analysis of The Behavior of Foundations of Historical Buildings

    The article is devoted to the analysis of the behavior of the foundations of historic buildings. Some basic aspects of foundation engineering are discussed, with an emphasis placed on its development, applied techniques, and materials. Several different approaches and methods for the analysis of foundations of historical buildings are presented. A particular analysis has been focused on an example of a typical stone foundation...

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  • Extending GQM by Argument Structures


    - Year 2008

    Effective methods for metrics definition are of particular importance, as measurement mechanisms are indispensable in virtually any engineering discipline. The paper describes how the well known Goal-Question-Metric (GQM) method of systematic metrics derivation from measurement goals can be extended by applying argument structures. The proposed approach is called Goal-Argument-Metric (GAM). The general ideas of GQM and GAM are...

  • The role of case studies and management experience in the education and personal developement of IT project managers


    The purpose of this article is to indicate the need for project management experience and knowledge in order to improve the competence of IT project managers. In the first part of the article there is shown the impact of experience on the development of project management skills. Also the need for having historical data about the projects - in order to make better project decisions - is shown in the article.In the following parts...

  • Extending GQM by argument structures


    - Year 2007

    Effective metrics definition methods are of particular importance, as measurement mechanisms are indispensable in virtually any engineering discipline. The paper describes how the well known Goal-Question-Metric (GQM) method of systematic metrics derivation from measurement goals can be extended by applying argument structures. The proposed approach is called Goal-Argument-Metric (GAM). We briefly introduce general ideas of GQM...

  • An Analysis of Airline GRI and SDG Reporting


    - Year 2024

    This study aims to increase our understanding of the Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI) topic-specific disclosures and the sustainable development goals (SDGs) addressed in the global passenger airline industry’s sustainability reporting (SR). Based on a quantitative content analysis of the industry’s sustainability reports from the financial year 2019 (FY19), this study reveals that airlines focused more on reporting environmental...

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  • Knowledge Risks in the Sharing Economy


    - Year 2018

    This chapter presents a theoretical analysis of potential risks connected with knowledge that organizations operating in the sharing economy might potentially face. Nowadays, it can be stated that an increasing amount of individuals and organizations participate in sharing and exchanging data, information, and knowledge, as well as physical goods and services (Botsman & Rogers, 2011). The development of the sharing economy has...

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  • Utilization of Gaseous Carbon Dioxide and Industrial Ca-rich Waste for Calcium Carbonate Precipitation: A Review


    Technologies for the management of various types of waste and the production of useful products from them are currently widely studied. Both carbon dioxide and calcium-rich waste from various production processes are problematic wastes that can be used to produce calcium carbonate. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to provide an overview about the state of the development of processes that use these two wastes...

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  • The potential of web awareness as a determinant of dually defined customer value



    In the conditions of increasing demand barrier, the enterprise’s basic capital is customers. From an enterprise point of view, this means the need to create a dual perceived and defined customer value which remains related to market value (income and development potential) and customer resource value (reference, information and cooperative potential). The progressing digitisation process transfers business processes, and thus relationships, into...

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  • Don't forget the dark side of green transformation


    - Year 2022

    Design/methodology/approach – The study is a continuation of the research by Durst and Zieba (2019) related to knowledge risks and their potential outcomes. This present study makes an update on the literature on knowledge risks and green transformation and describes knowledge risks that can be faced in this process. Originality/value – The paper offers new insights for researchers dealing with the topic of knowledge risks in...

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  • SDGs implementation, their synergies, and trade-offs in EU countries – Sensitivity analysis-based approach



    Sustainable development is one of the most urgent challenges facing humanity. Its basic principle is to improve people’s well-being and maintain it over time. In 2015, the United Nations approved 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) to ensure a better and sustainable future for all, balancing economic, social and environmental development. SDGs create an ‘indivisible whole’; thus, examining their interactions is crucial. Our...

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  • Wirówka geotechniczna - historia, modelowanie i współczynniki skali


    Rozwój modelowania zjawisk geotechnicznych w wirówce. Historia rozwoju urządzenia. Przyczyny wykorzystania wirówki geotechnicznej przez ośrodki naukowe i biura inżynieryjne. Obecny status urządzenia w edukacji i przemyśle. Podstawy teoretyczne badań modelowych w wirówce geotechnicznej. Lista wybranych zależności korelacyjnych. Przegląd i dyskusja wybranych współczynników skali.

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  • Przegląd nanododatków stosowanych w warstwach asfaltowych nawierzchni drogowych


    - Drogownictwo - Year 2019

    Jednym z kierunków rozwoju technologii materiałowych jest nanotechnologia rozumiana jako dziedzina zajmująca się zastosowaniem nanododatków do wytwarzania nowych materiałów oraz ich wpływem na parametry modyfikowanych materiałów. W ostatnich latach nanotechnologia wkracza do technologii modyfikacji asfaltów stosowanych w nawierzchniach drogowych. W artykule przedstawiono stosowane obecnie w budownictwie drogowym nanododatki oraz...

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  • Strategie miast powiatowych na obszarze peryferyjnym województwa pomorskiego.

    Artykuł nawiązuje do badań problemów rozwoju obszarów peryferyjnych (czyli poza obszarami metropolitalnymi) prowadzonych przez autora od 2009 r. Postawił on hipotezę, że rozwój miast powiatowych może zaktywizować gospodarczo ich otoczenie. W 2013 r. zbadał czynniki rozwojowe wskazane w planach strategicznych miast powiatowych na obszarze peryferyjnym województwa pomorskiego, obecnie - strategie tych miast w części dotyczącej rozwoju...

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  • Proces wytwarzania e-kursu. Studium przypadku.

    Artykuł definiuje proces wytwarzania e-kursu i e-lekcji oraz kolejne jego etapy, zaczynając od okre - ślania celu i odbiorcy, a kończąc na udostępnieniu treści. Na podstawie opisanego procesu przedstawiane jest stu - dium przypadku dla e-kursu prowadzonego na studiach zaocznych na Wydziale ETI Politechniki Gdańskiej na przedmiocie Strategie informatyzacji. Artykuł pokazuje też ewaluację studium przypadku, zarówno na poziomie oceny...

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  • Model zaangażowania w relacji usługodawca-klient


    - Year 2020

    W niniejszej monografii przedstawiono rozwiązania pozwalające lepiej zrozumieć złożoność relacji występujących pomiędzy usługodawcami a klientami oraz metody, które pozwalają tę wiedzę wykorzystać w doskonaleniu procesów organizacji usługowych. Monografia podejmuje problem kształtowania zaangażowania na styku usługodawca–klient jako wstępnego i koniecznego warunku rozwijania relacji w usługach. Opierając się na klasycznej drabinie...

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  • Koncepcja platformy wymiany informacji o incydentach cyberbezpieczeństwa dla krajowego systemu elektroenergetycznego

    Artykuł opisuje wybrane zagadnienia związane z cyberbezpieczeństwem w sektorze elektroenergetyki. Jednym z elementów zapewniania bezpieczeństwa sieci elektro-energetycznej jest efektywna wymiana informacji o incydentach bezpieczeństwa. W jej ramach wszystkie zaangażowane podmioty systemu elektroenergetycznego, tj.: elektrownie, operatorzy systemów przesyłowych, operatorzy systemów dystrybucyjnych, dostawcy rozwiązań bezpieczeństwa,...

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  • A framework for Air Quality Management Zones - Useful GIS-based tool for urban planning: Case studies in Antwerp and Gdańsk



    There is a growing recognition of the importance of proper urban design in the improvement of air flow and pollution dispersion and in reducing human exposure to air pollution. However, a limited number of studies have been published so far focusing on the development of standard procedures which could be applied by urban planners to effectively evaluate urban conditions with respect to air quality. To fill this gap, a new approach...

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  • Deep learning techniques for biometric security: A systematic review of presentation attack detection systems



    Biometric technology, including finger vein, fingerprint, iris, and face recognition, is widely used to enhance security in various devices. In the past decade, significant progress has been made in improving biometric sys- tems, thanks to advancements in deep convolutional neural networks (DCNN) and computer vision (CV), along with large-scale training datasets. However, these systems have become targets of various attacks, with...

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  • Ontology-based text convolution neural network (TextCNN) for prediction of construction accidents

    • S. Donghui
    • L. Zhigang
    • J. Zurada
    • A. Manikas
    • J. Guan
    • P. Weichbroth


    The construction industry suffers from workplace accidents, including injuries and fatalities, which represent a significant economic and social burden for employers, workers, and society as a whole.The existing research on construction accidents heavily relies on expert evaluations,which often suffer from issues such as low efficiency, insufficient intelligence, and subjectivity.However, expert opinions provided in construction...

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  • Mobile virtual presence in civil engineering education and training


    - Year 2018

    Education technologies are on the cusp, emerging technologies connected with each other might reveal new added value in this field. In this paper, the author showed a framework for conducting civil engineering classes with a virtual presence on the construction site. The presented idea might be realized by use of the unnamed aerial vehicle equipped with 360 video camera. On-site activities are transmitted at a distance by GSM and...

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  • Multifrequency Wideband Sonar Array

    • A. Eliminowicz
    • W. Lis
    • L. Zajączkowski

    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Year 2012

    This paper describes of new approach to Multifrequency Wideband Arrays (MWA),applied piezocomposite technologies of the array elements. MWA operating in transmitting(Tx) and receiving (Rx) mode on two or three bands, requires state-of-the-art technology andefficient array designing than conventional array in which separate arrays for every band oreven separate Tx and Rx transducers/arrays are used. The new piezocomposite elements...

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  • Developing an Ontology from Set of Experience KnowledgeStructure


    - Year 2006

    When referring to knowledge forms,collecting for all decision eventsin a knowledge-explicit way becomes a significant ask for any company. Set of experience knowledge structure can assis in accomplishing this purpose.However,after collecting,distributing and sharing that knowledge as adecisional DNA is even a more important advance.Distributing and sharing companies' decisional DNA through an efficient development of Ontologies...

  • Sources of macroeconomic competitiveness in Central and East European Countries


    - Year 2007

    The aim of the paper is to assess empirially economic growth and productivity patterns in Central and East European Countries (CEECs), and to provide a thorough insight into the factors influencing macroeconomic competitiveness in the CEE region. The study goes back to early 1990s and describes macroeconomic developments in eight countries which joined the EU in 2004 (namely: the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania,...

  • A Comprehensive Analysis of Impedance of the Electrochemical Cell

    A comprehensive impedance characteristics of two electrodes electrochemical cell has been pre sented. In this method a multisinusoidal current excitation signal is used. The change of potential of both the electrodes are all registered as a function of time. The proposed method gives the possibility of determining the impedance of both electrodes individually as well as the impedance of a twoelectrode system. Additional application...

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  • The impact of domestic and foreign competition on sectoral growth: a cross-country analysis

    This paper examines the impact of competition on the total factor productivity (TFP) of 21 manufacturing sectors in eighteen OECD countries over the period of time 1990–2006. We assume that the source of TFP growth can be either domestic or foreign innovation or technology transfer from the technological frontier. Trade openness, R&D, and human capital can have two effects: a direct effect on TFP (e.g., through innovation) and...

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  • The Influence of Modelling Material Zones on Strains and Stresses at Weld Toe Notch


    The latest development in the field of welding technology enabled prefabrication of thin-walled sandwich structures in an industrial scale. Sandwich structures fabricated of steel, or aluminium alloy plates and stiffeners are welded with the use of hi-power CO2 lasers. Strength analysis of such structures with the use of finite element method needs proper material modelling.In this paper the material model of steel sandwich panel...

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  • Identification of ship’s hull mathematical model with numerical methods


    - Year 2023

    The modern maritime industry is moving toward the development of technology that will allow for full or partial autonomy of ship operation. This innovation places high demands on ship performance prediction techniques at the design stage. The researchwork presented in the article is related to the design stage of the ship and concerns methods for prognosis and evaluation of the specific operational condition of the ship, namely...

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  • Cold plasma treatment of tannic acid as a green technology for the fabrication of advanced cross-linkers for bioactive collagen/gelatin hydrogels

    • B. Kaczmarek-Szczepańska
    • M. Wekwejt
    • A. Pałubicka
    • A. Michno
    • L. Zasada
    • A. M. Alsharabasy


    Tannic acid (TA) is a natural compound studied as the cross-linker for biopolymers due to its ability to form hydrogen bonds. There are different methods to improve its reactivity and effectiveness to be used as a modifier for biopolymeric materials. This work employed plasma to modify tannic acid TA, which was then used as a cross-linker for fabricating collagen/gelatin scaffolds. Plasma treatment did not cause any significant...

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  • The Production Possibility of the Antimicrobial Filaments by Co-Extrusion of the PLA Pellet with Chitosan Powder for FDM 3D Printing Technology


    - Polymers - Year 2019

    The last decades have witnessed a major advancement and development in three-dimensional (3D) printing technology. In the future, the trend’s utilization of 3D printing is expected to play an important role in the biomedical field. This work presents co-extrusion of the polylactic acid (PLA), its derivatives (sPLA), and chitosan with the aim of achieving filaments for printing 3D objects, such as biomedical tools or implants. The...

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  • Nanotubular oxide layers and hydroxyapatite coatings on porous titanium alloy Ti13Nb13Zr

    The surface condition of an implant has a significant impact on response occurring at the implant-biosystem border. The knowledge of physical-chemical and biological processes allows for targeted modification of biomaterials to induce a specified response of a tissue. The present research was aimed at development of technology composing of obtaining the nanotube oxide layers on a porous titanium alloy Ti13Nb13Zr, followed by the...

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  • Developing a methodology for model tests of floating platforms in a towing tank of low depth


    - Year 2014

    The paper presents two ways to mooring model of semi-submersible platform for research in the small depth towing pool. The tested model was made in the likeness of 1:100 Thunder Horse platform moored in the Gulf of Mexico at a depth of 1,920 m. Its mooring system consisted of 16 semi-taut mooring lines (chain-wire-chain) spaced Star-shape and attached at the bottom to the suction piles. The tests were performed in the towing pool...

  • City walk: a didactic innovative experiment in architectural education

    Walking is an activity that involves studying physical space and requires careful observation to be immersed in the surrounding reality. City walks are popular ways of encountering an urban space, spatial relation, its history, and recognising the problems and needs of space users, as well as future development of the city. City walks also may be educationally p owerful: the exploration of certain...

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  • Manufacturing Parameters, Materials, and Welds Properties of Butt Friction Stir Welded Joints–Overview


    The modern and eco-friendly friction stir welding (FSW) method allows the combination of even such materials that are considered to be non-weldable. The development of FSW technology in recent years has allowed a rapid increase in the understanding of the mechanism of this process and made it possible to perform the first welding trials of modern polymeric and composite materials, the joining of which was previously a challenge....

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