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Search results for: DETEKTORY TERMICZNE
Arithmetic Loophole in Bell's Theorem: Overlooked Threat to Entangled-State Quantum Cryptography
PublicationBell’s theorem is supposed to exclude all local hidden-variable models of quantum correlations. However,an explicit counterexample shows that a new class of local realistic models, based on generalized arith-metic and calculus, can exactly reconstruct rotationally symmetric quantum probabilities typical oftwo-electron singlet states. Observable probabilities are consistent with the usual arithmetic employedby macroscopic observers...
Smartphones as tools for equitable food quality assessment
PublicationBackground: The ubiquity of smartphones equipped with an array of sophisticated sensors, ample processing power, network connectivity and a convenient interface makes them a promising tool for non-invasive, portable food quality assessment. Combined with the recent developments in the areas of IoT, deep learning algorithms and cloud computing, they present an opportunity for advancing wide-spread, equitable and sustainable food...
The Thin-Layer Microchromatography (μTLC) and TLC–FID Technique as a New Methodology in the Study of Lubricating Oils
PublicationThis paper concerns the possibility of using TLC coupled with a flame ionization detector (FID) and micro-TLC (μTLC) as precursors for microfluidized devices of analytical techniques to identify and determine the presence and content of the petroleum/vegetable oil base in the lubricating oils applied in cutting devices (chainsaws). This research is related to the problem of ensuring, in compliance with the requirements of environmental...
Clothes Detection and Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks
PublicationIn this paper we describe development of a computer vision system for accurate detection and classification of clothes for e-commerce images. We present a set of experiments on well established architectures of convolutional neural networks, including Residual networks, SqueezeNet and Single Shot MultiBox Detector (SSD). The clothes detection network was trained and tested on DeepFashion dataset, which contains box annotations...
Technology of an adhesive silicone film as drug carrier in transdermal therapy I. Analytical methods used for characterization and design of the universal elastomer layers
PublicationSilicone polymers possess unique properties, which make them suitable for many different applications, for example in the pharmaceutical and medical industry. To create an adhesive silicone film, the appropriate silicone components have to be chosen first. From these components two layers were made: an adhesive elastomer applied on the skin, and a non-adhesive elastomer on the other side of the film. The aim of this study was...
Machine learning applied to acoustic-based road traffic monitoring
PublicationThe motivation behind this study lies in adapting acoustic noise monitoring systems for road traffic monitoring for driver’s safety. Such a system should recognize a vehicle type and weather-related pavement conditions based on the audio level measurement. The study presents the effectiveness of the selected machine learning algorithms in acoustic-based road traffic monitoring. Bases of the operation of the acoustic road traffic...
Contour Analysis of Bleeding Regions in Endoscopic Images
PublicationThis paper investigates the problem of detecting bleeding regions in images acquired from endoscopic examinations of gastrointestinal tract. The purpose is to identify the characteristic features of bleeding areas' contours in order to develop an accurate method for discriminating between true bleeding regions and missed detections, which could lead to a significant reduction of the false alarm rate of existing blood-detection...
Analysis of pesticide residue in fruits and vegetables using analytical analytical protocol based on application of QuEChERS technique and GC-ECD system
PublicationQuEChERS sample preparation method was used for the determination of 10 pesticides and their metabolites in fruits (apple, grape) and vegetables (tomato, paprika), coupled to gas chromatography with electron capture detector (GC-ECD). The experimental parameters including amount of the sample, types of solvents, extraction time and types of sorbent at the purification stage were optimized. The GC-ECD method was validated in terms...
Current trends in analytical strategies for the determination of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in samples with different matrix compositions – Part 2: New approaches to PBDEs determination
PublicationHerein, we review the latest technical solutions for polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) determination in samples with different matrix compositions, largely focusing on gas chromatography but also presenting some liquid chromatography–based solutions. Moreover, we discuss the use of diverse sample injection techniques while considering the advantages and disadvantages of each injection system in the context of PBDEs analysis....
Machine learning applied to acoustic-based road traffic monitoring
PublicationThe motivation behind this study lies in adapting acoustic noise monitoring systems for road traffic monitoring for driver’s safety. Such a system should recognize a vehicle type and weather-related pavement conditions based on the audio level measurement. The study presents the effectiveness of the selected machine learning algorithms in acoustic-based road traffic monitoring. Bases of the operation of the acoustic road traffic...
Forced Degradation Studies of Ivabradine and In Silico Toxicology Predictions for Its New Designated Impurities
PublicationAll activities should aim to eliminate genotoxic impurities and/or protect the API against degradation. There is a necessity to monitor impurities from all classification groups, hence ivabradine forced degradation studies were performed. Ivabradine was proved to be quite durable active substance, but still new and with insufficient stability data. Increased temperature, acid, base, oxidation reagents and light were found to cause...
Nowoczesne metody termochemicznej konwersji biomasy w paliwa gazowe, ciekłe i stałe
PublicationWykorzystanie biomasy do produkcji ciepła w procesach bezpośredniego spalania lub współspalania z węglem, polegające na konwersji zawartej w niej energii chemicznej związków węgla, wodoru i tlenu w energię cieplną w kotłach, jest jednocześnie najtańszym, lecz - zdaniem wielu ekspertów - najmniej efektywnym i ekonomicznie najmniej opłacalnym rozwiązaniem. W przypadku łącznej produkcji energii cieplnej i elektrycznej w elektrociepłowniach...
Wykorzystanie bezrozpuszczalnikowych technik przygotowania próbek w procedurach oznaczania lotnych związków chlorowcoorganicznych w próbkach płynów biologicznych
PublicationDążność do oznaczania możliwie szerokiego spektrum analitów w próbkach charakteryzujących się złożonym, a często i zmiennym składem matrycy, stanowi siłę napędową do działań analityków w zakresie poszukiwania zarówno nowych rozwiązań metodycznych jak i aparaturowych. Szczególnie w przypadku ciekłych próbek środowiskowych i biologicznych konieczne są specjalne operacje i czynności (na etapie ich przygotowania) przed etapem oznaczeń...
Metoda opracowania uniwersalnej osnowy na bazie krzemionki do unieruchomienia cieczy jonowych jako materiałów sorpcyjnych w technice mikroekstrakcji do fazy stacjonarnej
PublicationRozprawa doktorska stanowi opis badań prowadzonych w trakcie czterech lat (2018-2022) studiów doktoranckich. Rezultaty prac badawczych zostały opublikowane w postaci pięciu oryginalnych artykułów, stanowiących podstawę tej rozprawy. Tematyka badań dotyczy wykorzystania cieczy jonowych w technice mikroekstrakcji do fazy stacjonarnej (ang. SPME). Głównym celem prowadzonych prac badawczych było: (a) otrzymanie nowej, porowatej sorpcyjnej...
Możliwości energetycznego wykorzystania osadów ściekowych jako paliwa
PublicationObecnie szeroko dyskutowana jest efektywność energetyczna oczyszczalni, stąd istotnym zagadnieniem staje się prawidłowe wykorzystanie potencjału energetycznego osadów ściekowych (CHP i ITPO). Realizacja termicznej przeróbki osadów ściekowych wymaga znajomości właściwości energetycznych (ciepło spalania, wartość opałowa, zawartość wody) oraz składu pierwiastkowego, wskazującego na zawartość substancji lotnych i mineralnych osadów...
Synteza, struktura chemiczna i właściwości termoplastycznych bio-poli(etero-uretanów) syntezowanych z surowców pochodzenia roślinnego.
PublicationPrzeprowadzone studia literaturowe, zaprezentowane w części teoretycznej dysertacji, umożliwiły wskazanie głównego kierunku badawczego w ramach studiów doktoranckich. Zaplanowane badania miały na celu opracowanie syntezy oraz zbadanie struktury chemicznej i właściwości nowych termoplastycznych bio-poli(etero-uretanów) (TPUs) otrzymywanych z zastosowaniem monomerów pochodzenia roślinnego. Zrealizowane badania zostały podzielone...
A Surrogate-Assisted Measurement Correction Method for Accurate and Low-Cost Monitoring of Particulate Matter Pollutants
PublicationAir pollution involves multiple health and economic challenges. Its accurate and low-cost monitoring is important for developing services dedicated to reduce the exposure of living beings to the pollution. Particulate matter (PM) measurement sensors belong to the key components that support operation of these systems. In this work, a modular, mobile Internet of Things sensor for PM measurements has been proposed. Due to a limited...
Właściwości elektryczne szkło-ceramiki zawierającej ferroelektryczną fazę BiV
PublicationKompozyty szklano - ceramiczne zawierające nanokryształy posiadają właściwości fizyczne, które nie są możliwe do uzyskania w innych materiałach. Dzięki możliwości wytworzenia szkło - ceramik posiadających kryształy o różnej wielkości (nano, mikro...) i różnorodnego typu, można w istotny sposób kontrolować właściwości elektryczne takich materiałów. Stała dielektryczna faz ferroelektrycznych jest bardzo wrażliwa na zmiany rozmiarów...
Development of Intelligent Road Signs with V2X Interface for Adaptive Traffic Controlling
PublicationThe objective of this paper is to present a practical project of intelligent road signs, under which a series of new products for the regulation of traffic is being created. The engineering part of the project, described in this paper, was preceded by a series of experimental studies, the results of which were described in another paper accepted for publication at the MTS-ITS conference 2019, entitled "Comparative study on the effectiveness...
Cost-Efficient Measurement Platform and Machine-Learning-Based Sensor Calibration for Precise NO2 Pollution Monitoring
PublicationAir quality significantly impacts human health, the environment, and the economy. Precise real-time monitoring of air pollution is crucial for managing associated risks and developing appropriate short- and long-term measures. Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) stands as a common pollutant, with elevated levels posing risks to the human respiratory tract, exacerbating respiratory infections and asthma, and potentially leading to chronic lung...
Real-time facial feature tracking in poor quality thermal imagery
PublicationRecently, facial feature tracking systems have become more and more popular because of many possible use cases. Especially in medical applications location of the face and facial features are very useful. Many researches have presented methods to detect and track facial features in visible light. However, facial feature analysis in thermography may also be very advantageous. Some examples of using infrared imagery in medicine include...
Wykorzystanie techniki chromatografii jonowej w analityce surfaktantów w próbkach wód powierzchniowych
PublicationSurfaktanty stanowią grupę związków charakteryzujących się specyficznymi właściwościami fizykochemicznymi i z tego względu są one wykorzystywane w wielu sferach działalności człowieka. Związki powierzchniowo-czynne ulegają różnorodnym przemianom fizykochemicznym, co umożliwia ich migrację między różnymi elementami środowiska i może prowadzić do jego zanieczyszczenia. Dlatego też istnieje konieczność określania losu środowiskowego...
Key-Marker Volatile Compounds in Aromatic Rice (Oryza sativa) Grains: An HS-SPME Extraction Method Combined with GC×GC-TOFMS
PublicationThe aroma of rice essentially contributes to the quality of rice grains. For some varieties, their aroma properties really drive consumer preferences. In this paper, using a dynamic headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) system coupled to a two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC×GC) using a time-of-flight mass spectrometric detector (TOFMS) and multivariate analysis, the volatile compounds of aromatic and non-aromatic...
Interrelationship between total volatile organic compounds emissions, structure and properties of natural rubber/polycaprolactone bio-blends cross-linked with peroxides
PublicationNatural rubber/polycaprolactone (NR/PCL) bio-based blends with different organic peroxides were prepared using an internal batch mixer and subsequently cross-linked at 170°C. Two types of commonly used organic peroxides, dicumyl peroxide and di(tert-butylperoxyisopropyl)benzene peroxide, were applied as free-radical initiator. Cross-linking efficiency of NR/PCL blends were investigated using oscillating disc rheometer measurements,...
Improvement of glass break acoustic signal detection via application of wavelet packet decomposition
PublicationThe main subject of the authors' research are non-contact methods of glass break detection based on analysis of the acoustic signal generated during the event. This problem has essential meaning for modern cost- effective alarm systems, particularly those installed into big buildings. The main difficulties of the matter are: transient character of the signal, great number of similar sounds (false signals, mainly accidental glass...
Forced degradation studies of ivabradine and in silico toxicology predictions for its new designated impurities
PublicationAll activities should aim to eliminate genotoxic impurities and/or protect the API againstdegradation. There is a necessity to monitor impurities from all classification groups,hence ivabradine forced degradation studies were performed. Ivabradine was provedto be quite durable active substance, but still new and with insufficient stability data.Increased temperature, acid, base, oxidation reagents and...
Automatic Cleaning of Time Series Data in Rural Internet of Things Ecosystems That Use Nomadic Gateways
PublicationA serious limitation to the deployment of IoT solutions in rural areas may be the lack of available telecommunications infrastructure enabling the continuous collection of measurement data. A nomadic computing system, using a UAV carrying an on-board gateway, can handle this; it leads, however, to a number of technical challenges. One is the intermittent collection of data from ground sensors governed by weather conditions for...
Understanding the early-stage release of volatile organic compounds from rapeseed oil during deep-frying of tubers by targeted and omics-inspired approaches using PTR-MS and gas chromatography
PublicationDuring deep-frying, a plethora of volatile products is emitted with the fumes. These compounds could act as oil quality indicators and change the indoor air composition leading to health risks for occupants. The presented experiments focus on deep-frying of different tubers in rapeseed oil at different frying temperatures. Here, two scenarios for real-time monitoring of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) using proton transfer reaction...
Kwasy nukleinowe w żywności występowanie i właściwości reologiczne
PublicationW naukach o żywieniu kwasy nukleinowe uznawane były dotychczas za mało istotny składnik żywności. Ich właściwości odżywcze nie są uwzględniane przy formułowaniu zaleceń żywieniowych, mimo że należą do podstawowych składników żywności, zwłaszcza surowej lub nisko przetworzonej. Są one obecne głównie w szybko rosnących komórkach tkanek oraz tych, które zachowały zdolność do wzrostu i regeneracji. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono...
A cold-adapted esterase from psychrotrophic Pseudoalteromonas sp. strain 643A
PublicationDzięki zastosowaniu lipaz możliwa jest biotechnologiczna produkcja biodegradowalnych biopolimerów, biopaliw (tzw. biodiesel), wielu terapeutyków, herbicydów, pestycydów, kosmetyków, substancji smakowych, serów i in. Szczególnie interesującą grupę stanowią enzymy lipolityczne, pochodzące z organizmów psychrofilnych i psychrotrofowych, ze względu na zdolność do wydajnego katalizowania reakcji w temperaturach rzędu 10-20 ºC....
Operation evaluation method for marine turbine combustion engines in terms of energetics
PublicationAn evaluation proposal (quantitative determination) of an y combustion turbine engine operation has been presented , wherein the impact energy occurs at a given time due to Energy conversion. The fact has been taken into account that in this type of internal combustion engines the energy conversion occurs first in the combustion chambers and in the spaces between the blade of the turbine engine. It was assumed that in the combustion...
Diagnostyka cienkościennych żelbetowych sklepień kolebkowych w budynku zabytkowym. Część II
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono opis oraz wyniki oceny stanu technicznego konstrukcji przekrycia Hali Głównej Dworca Kolejowego Gdańsk Główny. Ze względu na prowadzone prace związane z remontem kapitalnym Dworca Głównego PKP w Gdań- sku zaistniała konieczność przeprowadzenia rewitalizacji poddasza Hali Głównej, obejmująca między innymi jego termomodernizację (ocieplenie wysklepek) oraz zabezpieczenie elementów wiązarów dachowych przed...
PublicationIn this paper a new method for determining heat transfer coefficients using a gradient method has been developed. To verify accuracy of the proposed method vertical isothermal heating plate with natural convection mechanism has been examined. This configuration was deliberately chosen, because of the fact that such case is historically the earliest and most thoroughly studied and its rich scientific documentation - the most reliable....
A multi-analytical approach to the characterization of natural organic dyestuffs and inorganic substrates present in the 19th-century artistic oil paints manufactured by a French art materials supplier Richard Aines
PublicationThis paper presents a comprehensive analysis of artistic paints produced in the 19th century by a French art materials supplier Richard Ain`es. Improved mild extraction with hydrofluoric acid enabled the observation of intact organic dyes. Reversed-phase liquid chromatography with diode-array and mass spectrometry detection was utilised for the identification of 35 dyes present in yellow and red paint samples, and in selected plant...
Rapid method for the determination of organochlorine pesticides and PCBs in fish muscle samples by microwave-assisted extraction and analysis of extracts by GC-ECD
PublicationA procedure for the multiresidue determination of organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls in fish muscle samples has been developed. The method is based on the microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) of food samples from an acetonitrile-water (95 + 5, v/v) mixture followed by SPE cleanup of the extracts and analysis by GC with an electron capture detector. MAE operational parameters, such as the extraction solvent,...
The estimation of total volatile organic compounds emissions generated from peroxide cured natural rubber/polycaprolactone blends
PublicationNatural rubber (NR)/polycaprolactone (PCL) blends at the ratio of 90/10% wt. (NR/PCL90/10) and 70/30% wt. (NR/PCL70/30), with a constant amount of dicumyl peroxide, were prepared by compounding in an internal mixer. Obtained NR/PCL bio-based blends were cured at three different temperatures (150 °C, 160 °C and 170 °C). The total content of volatile organic compounds (TVOC) as a function of the NR/PCL blends ratio, and their curing...
Deep learning-based waste detection in natural and urban environments
PublicationWaste pollution is one of the most significant environmental issues in the modern world. The importance of recycling is well known, both for economic and ecological reasons, and the industry demands high efficiency. Current studies towards automatic waste detection are hardly comparable due to the lack of benchmarks and widely accepted standards regarding the used metrics and data. Those problems are addressed in this article by...
Method of reconstructing two-dimensional velocity fields on the basis of temperature field values measured with a thermal imaging camera
PublicationThis paper describes a novel numerical reconstruction procedure (NRP) of the velocity field during natural convective heat transfer from a two-sided, isothermal, heated vertical plate based only on the known temperature field obtained, e.g. with a thermal imaging camera. It has been demonstrated that with a knowledge of temperature distributions, the NRP enables the reconstruction of velocity fields by solving the Navier-Stokes...
A hierarchical porous composite magnetic sorbent of reduced graphene oxide embedded in polyvinyl alcohol cryogel for solvent‐assisted‐solid phase extraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
PublicationA hierarchical porouscomposite magnetic sorbent was fabricated and applied tothe dispersive solvent-assisted solid-phase extraction of five polycyclic aromatichydrocarbons. A sorbent was first prepared by incorporating graphene oxide,calcium carbonate, and magnetite nanoparticles into a polyvinyl alcohol cryo-gel. The graphene oxide was converted to reduced graphene oxide using ascorbicacid and a hierarchical porous structure was...
Head-Space SPME for the Analysis of Organophosphorus Insecticides by Novel Silica IL-Based Fibers in Real Samples
PublicationThis work demonstrates the suitability of a newly developed ionic liquid (IL)-based silica SPME fiber for the determination of seven organophosphorus insecticides in cucumber and grapefruit samples by headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) with a gas chromatography–flame ionization detector (FID). The sol-gel method released four different sorbent coatings, which were obtained based on a silica matrix containing ILs immobilized...
Procedura przygotowania próbki do oznaczania wielopierścieniowych węglowodorów aromatycznych w produktach technicznych
PublicationW pracy opisano nową metodę przygotowania próbki w celu oznaczania śladowych zawartości wielopierścieniowych węglowodorów aromatycznych (WWA) w wysokowrzących produktach naftowych. Wartości granicy oznaczalności dla badanych WWA w materiałach tego typu mieściły się w przedziale od kilkudziesięciu ng/kg do poniżej dwudziestu ug/kg. Badania wykazały, że w celu oddzielenia większości zanieczyszczeń od analitów, bez ich znaczących...
Estry kwasów tłuszczowych i monochloropropanodioli w tłuszczach spożywczych oraz produktach spożywczych bogatych w tłuszcze - problemy i wyzwania
PublicationMonochloropropanodiole (3-monochloropropanodiol, 3-MCPD; 2-monochloropropanodiol, 2-MCPD) są zaliczane do zanieczyszczeń żywności powstających w wyniku procesów termicznego jej przetwarzania. Obecność tych ksenobiotyków w żywności została stwierdzona już w 1978 r. w sosach sojowych i produktach pokrewnych. Wzmożone zainteresowanie tymi związkami, które ma miejsce od 2004 r. jest związane ze stwierdzeniem znacznych ilości 3-MCPD...
PublicationW celu ochrony przed niebezpiecznym zjawiskiem zatoru lodowego opracowano szereg metod, które można podzielić na metody czynne i bierne. Pierwsza grupa obejmuje działania techniczne prowadzące do mechanicznego lub termicznego usuwania lodu i neutralizacji zatorów. Wykorzystuje się w tym calu głównie lodołamacze lub innego typu jednostki pływające. Do metod biernych zalicza się przede wszystkim przegrody lodowe budowane w celu stabilizacji...
Fast GC as a useful tool for authenticity assessment of kiwifruit
PublicationKiwifruit is one of the healthiest fruits due to its high content of biologically active substances and nutrients. The most popular species of Actinidia (kiwifruit) are the Actinidia deliciosa fruits called kiwi and Actinidia chinensis commonly called golden kiwi, while the lesser known species is Actinidia arguta known as mini kiwi. Bioactivities and nutrients of Actinidia are influenced by species and cultivars. It is very important...
Integrated approach -the effective tool for pollution level control of sediments from lake turawskie = Kompleksowa ocena stopnia zanieczyszczenia osadów dennych jeziora turawskiego
PublicationTurawski zbiornik retencyjny wytypowany został do projektu pilotażowego spośród 14 obiektów zlewni Odry w ramach programu: "Stan ekologiczny jezior zaporowych w dorzeczu Odry i działania na rzecz jego poprawy". Celem projektu jest ocena stanu ekologicznego Jeziora Turawskiego dla uzyskania niezbędnych informacji mających służyć do zaprojektowania i wyboru metody jego remediacji. Jezioro Turawskie jest nizinnym zbiornikiem retencyjnym...
Application of Electronic Nose Based on Fast GC for Authenticity Assessment of Polish Homemade Liqueurs Called Nalewka
PublicationThe possibility of application of electronic nose based on fast GC for differentiation of three types of cherry liqueurs, namely Polish homemade liqueurs called nalewka, commercially available liqueurs labeled as nalewka, and commercial liqueurs, was investigated. This device was equipped with two parallel connected columns with different stationary phases coupled to two ultrasensitive flame ionization detectors (μ-FIDs). Four...
Połączenie chromatografu cieczowego ze spektrometrem mas - stare i nowe rozwiązania
PublicationChromatografia cieczowa sprzężona ze spektrometrią mas w ostatnich latach stała się główną techniką wykorzystywaną do oznaczania szerokiej gamy indywiduów chemicznych. Jednakże połączenie chromatografii cieczowej i spektrometrii mas napotkało wiele problemów, takich jak ogromna różnica ciśnień panująca w obu tych aparatach oraz zmiana stanu skupienia fazy ruchomej z ciekłej na gazową (a więc zmiana objętości). Ogromnym wyzwaniem...
Towards High-Value Datasets Determination for Data-Driven Development: A Systematic Literature Review
PublicationOpen government data (OGD) is seen as a political and socio-economic phenomenon that promises to promote civic engagement and stimulate public sector innovations in various areas of public life. To bring the expected benefits, data must be reused and transformed into value-added products or services. This, in turn, sets another precondition for data that are expected to not only be available and comply with open data principles,...
Quantitative study of free convective heat losses from thermodynamic partitions using Thermal Imaging
PublicationThe following paper presents a simple method of determining the presence, distribution and values of heat losses from external building walls as thermodynamic partitions using a Thermal Imaging Camera (TIC). According to Fourier's equation, the value of heat loss is proportional to the temperature gradient ∂t/∂y|y=0 in air in the y direction perpendicular to the heated surface. Unfortunately, air temperature cannot be measured...
Waste tire rubber with low and high devulcanization level prepared in the planetary extruder
PublicationWaste tires management is serious and global environmental problem. Therefore, searching for new andindustrially applicable solutions to convert waste tire rubber into high-value added products is gaining more andmore attention. Rubber devulcanization is step forward for further developing rubber recycling and upcyclingtechnologies. Thermo-mechanical treatment of ground tire rubber (GTR) performed in twin screw extruders iscurrently...