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Search results for: NIENASYCONE%20KWASY%20T%C5%81USZCZOWE
Fluorescence Imaging Using Methylene Blue Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Melanoma
PublicationIntroduction: Fluorescence imaging of sentinel node biopsy in melanoma is a novel method. Both indocyanine green (ICG) and methylene blue (MB) have fl uorescent properties. The aim of this study was to present, for the fi rst time in a clinical series of patients, the possible usage of MB as a fl uorescent dye for sentinel node biopsy during surgery for melanoma. Material and methods: Twenty patients with...
Próba uogólnionej oceny efektywności wybranych rynków pracy
PublicationCelem artykułu jest pilotażowa próba dokonania uzupełnienia oceny efektywności rynków pracy wynikami uprzednio przeprowadzonej analizy mobilności międzysektorowej płac oraz zatrudnienia. Ocena mobilności międzysektorowej przeprowadzona zostanie dwutorowo: z jednej strony za pomocą uzupełnienia jej o zobrazowanie reakcji rynków na międzysektorowe przesunięcia zatrudnienia, a z drugiej z użyciem ocen zagregowanej zmiany zróżnicowania...
Effect of transglutaminase and EDC on biodegradation of fish gelatin and gelatin-chitosan films
PublicationCelem pracy było zbadanie podatności usieciowanych folii opakowaniowych z naturalnych polimerów na enzymatyczną hydrolizę. Niemodyfikowane folie żelatynowe były całkowicie hydrolizowane przez pepsynę i proteinazę N oraz w 60% przez pepsynę. Sieciowania przy użyciu transglutaminazy lub EDC zmiejszyło podatność folii na hydrolizę tylko przez pepsynę. Obecność chitozanu w dwuskładnikowych foliach modyfkownych EDC zmniejszyła stopień...
Wpływ odpadowego granulatu gumowego na właściwości wulkanizatów
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań wulkanizatów napełnionych odpadowym materiałem gumowym, zawierającym nie odseparowane włókna sztuczne. Opracowano uproszczoną technologię pozyskiwania regeneratu gumowego o frakcji granulatu w wyniku mechanicznego rozdrobnienia tzw. strzępów pooponiarskich, poddanych wcześniej wymrożeniu w ciekłym azocie, oraz technologię otrzymywania mieszanki gumowej wg opracowanej receptury. Zaprezentowano porównawczą...
Comparison of efficiency of different sorbents used during clean-up of extracts for determination of polychlorinated biphenyls and pesticide residues in low-fat food
PublicationOkreślono przydatność i zakres zastosowania kolumienek sorpcyjnych zawierających złoża różnych sorbentów wykorzystywanych do oczyszczania ekstraktów z żywności o zawartości do 20 % tłuszczu z wykorzystaniem techniki ekstrakcji do fazy stałej (SPE). Udowodniono, że zastosowanie kolumienek sorpcyjnych zawierających złoże żelu krzemionkowego modyfikowanego fazą aminopropylową, tlenku glinu bądź krzemianu magnezu do oczyszczania ekstraktów...
Microwave-assisted preparation of potato starch silicated with silicic acid
PublicationApplication of microwave irradiation for the silication of granular potato starch with silicic acid, and the properties of silicated starch were investigated. Potato starch was esterified on 20 min microwave irradiation of starch with silicic acid, applying the power of 450 or 800Wand, for comparison, on 120 min convectional heating of the reagent blend at 100 ◦C. The degree of esterification and the reaction efficiency did not...
Water sorption and blistering of GFRP laminates with varying structures
PublicationThe microstructures, water absorption as well as blistering was studied for bi- and tri- axial glass fibre vinyl ester and polyester -matrix laminates coated with gel coat layer and uncoated. The effect of manufacturing technique on water sorption characteristics was considered. It was found that water sorption characteristics of GFRP depend on manufacturing methods. The least water intake was found for specimens having perfect...
Hydrogen assisted cracking of 2205 duplex stainless steel in synthetic sea water
PublicationThe cracking behavior of 2205 duplex stainless steels (DSSs) in synthetic sea water under cathodic polarization condition was investigated. (SSRT) method was employed in aim to evaluate the susceptibility to hydrogen assisted cracking. The results showed that the reduction in the uniform elongation (UEL) and the reduction of area (RA) varied with the applied cathodic current density. Significant reductions in ductility were found,...
Polaron hopping conduction in manganese borosilicate glass
PublicationA study on a novel material - manganese borosilicate glass without alkali metals, was reported. It was found that the obtained samples containing high amount of manganese oxide (60MnO–xSiO2–(40 − x)B2O3, x = 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30 mol%) were amorphous and homogeneous. XPS measurements showed that most of manganese ions are at oxidation level of Mn2 + ions and the mean oxidation level slightly moves toward higher value, with increasing...
PublicationIn this study results of simultaneous measurements of dynamic viscosity, thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity and pH of two nanofluids, i.e. thermal oil/Al2O3 and thermal oil/TiO2 are presented. Thermal oil is selected as a base liquid because of possible application in ORC systems as an intermediate heating agent. Nanoparticles were tested at the concentration of 0.1%, 1% and 5% by weight within temperature range from...
The properties of reduced Bi-Ge-O glasses for thermoelectric devices
PublicationThe bismuth-germanate glasses have been investigated to examine their applicability for thermoelectric devices. In order to increase their electrical conductivity, the 25Bi2O3–75GeO2 glass samples have been reduced at 340-380°C for 10 hours in hydrogen. It has been shown that such heat treatment in H2 leads to the reduction of metal ions Bi3+ and Ge4+ into neutral atoms and the formation of metal grains both in an amorphous glass...
PublicationOpieka zdrowotna w Polsce przed 1999 r. była finansowana z budżetu państwa. Po wprowadzeniu w 1999 r. reformy ochrony zdrowia jest finansowana przez Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia, budżet państwa i jednostki samorządu terytorialnego. Udział wydatków na opiekę zdrowotną w wydatkach ogółem sektora finansów publicznych nie uległ zmianie – waha się w granicach 13%-15%. Badaniem struktury wydatków na opiekę zdrowotną objęto lata 1991-2012....
Ocena stanu technicznego głównego układu napędowego na jednostce "Kapitan Poinc" na podstawie pomiarów drgań
PublicationEkspertyza diagnostyczna dotycząca stanu technicznego lini transmisji mocy (linii wałów) opracowana na podstawie przeprowadzonych pomiarów drgań w 10 punktach pomiarowych, przy jednoczesnej pracy silników napędowych L i PB (wspólnej pracy linii wałów obu burt), w IV zakresach ustalonego obciążenia wyznaczanego skokiem śrub nastawnych tzn.: 20%, 40%,60% i 80%. Pomiary prędkości i przyspieszeń drgań generowanych przez węzły konstrukcyjne...
Synteza i właściwości poliuretanów otrzymanych z glikolizatówuzyskiwanych z odpadowej pianki polieterouretanowej
PublicationZbadano przebieg glikolizy glikolem 1,4-butylenowym (BDO) bądź glikolem polioksyetylenowym (PEG 300) odpadowej pianki polieterouretanowej w zależności od stosunku masowego pianka PUR : glikol oraz rodzaju środka glikolizującego. Prepolimer uretanowy otrzymany z 4,4-diizocyjanianu difenylometanu (MDI), oligodiolu (oligoadypinianu etylenowo-propylenowego (Poles 55/20) i przedłużano następnie za pomocą mieszaniny glikolizatu z BDO...
Data Domain Adaptation in Federated Learning in the Breast Mammography Image Classification Problem
PublicationWe are increasingly striving to introduce modern artificial intelligence techniques in medicine and elevate medical care, catering to both patients and specialists. An essential aspect that warrants concurrent development is the protection of personal data, especially with technology's advancement, along with addressing data disparities to ensure model efficacy. This study assesses various domain adaptation techniques and federated...
Supporting Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Diagnostics by Using Wavelet Analysis in Esophageal pH-Metry
PublicationThis paper presents a new approach to computer supported esophageal pH-metry measurement analysis performed in order to diagnose gastroesophageal reflux disease. In this approach wavelet analysis was used to analyse the esophageal pH-metry course. The research was performed on three groups of pH-metry courses: whole 24-hour pH-metry course, sleep only pH-metry course and 20 minutes after the end of a meal pH-metry course. After...
Electron attachment to hexafluoropropylene oxide (HFPO)
PublicationWe probe the electron attachment in hexafluoropropylene oxide (HFPO), C3F6O, a gas widely used in plasma technologies. We determine the absolute electron attachment cross section using two completely different experimental approaches: (i) a crossed-beam experiment at single collision conditions (local pressures of 5 × 10−4 mbar) and (ii) a pulsed Townsend experiment at pressures of 20–100 mbar. In the latter method, the cross sections...
Druga edycja Konferencji Inżynierii Oprogramowania beIT
PublicationW dniach 18–20 marca 2016 roku na Wydziale Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki odbyła się II Konferencja Inżynierii Oprogramowania beIT. Podobnie jak pierwszą edycję Konferencji beIT, tegoroczne spotkanie zorganizowało Koło Naukowe Zarządzanie IT przy wsparciu Katedry Inżynierii Oprogramowania, WETI oraz JM Rektora PG. Do przeprowadzenia 15 warsztatów, 4 sesji dyskusyjnych round tables oraz 5 wykładów organizatorzy zaprosili...
Novel structure and design of enhanced-bandwidth hybrid quadrature patch coupler
PublicationA novel structure and design optimization procedure of an enhanced-bandwidth hybrid quadrature patch coupler is proposed. Improved performance of the circuit has been obtained by parameterizing the coupler sections using splines, which introduces additional degrees of freedom. Due to computational complexity of the parameter adjustment problem, a sequential design procedure is applied. In each iteration, a selected number of spline...
Current commutation process in a ultra-fast fuse-IGBT hybrid circuit breaker.
PublicationUkład hybrydowy bezpiecznika topikowego i tranzystora IGBT umożliwia bardzo szybkie włączenie do obwodu zwarciowego impedancji ograniczającej wartość prądu. Po eksplozji krótkiego topika bezpiecznika wywołanej narastającym prądem zwarciowym wywołuje w czasie poniżej 2 ms wzrost napięcia na topiku do wartości ok.20 - 25V, po czym prąd jest komutowany do gałęzi z przyrządem półprzewodnikowym typu GTO lub IGBT. Ostateczne wyłączenie...
Dimensional accuracy and roughness of lamellas when sawing frozen wood
PublicationPrzedstawiono wpływ obniżania temperatury drewna sosnowego (-5°C i -20°C) i prędkości posuwu na dokładność wymiarową deszczułek oraz chropowatość powierzchni po przecinaniu. Badania prowadzono na pilarce ramowej wielopiłowej PRW15M z użyciem cienkich pił z ostrzami stellitowanymi. Otrzymywane wyniki odnoszono do wyników przecinania drewna o temperaturze +18°C. Profil grubości określano metodą kontaktową z pomiarem ciągłym na długości...
Topology improvements in scale-free networks when assuring security and survivability
PublicationW artykule zaproponowano heurystyczny algorytm iteracyjny (NEA) kontrolowanego rozrostu sieci, zmniejszający stopień jej bezskalowości. Pokazano, że odpowiednia kontrola rozrostu sieci, prowadzi do uzyskania sieci o topologii zbliżonej do regularnej, a więc w duzym stopniu odpornej na celowe działania niszczące - ataki. Właściwości algorytmu zostały przebadane przy pomocy dedykowanego symulatora dla reprezentatywnej próby inicjalnych...
Time-of-flight fiber optic sensors for strain and temperature measurement
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono światłowodowy sensor czasu przelotu do pomiaru odkształceń i temperatury mogący pracować zarówno w modzie transmisyjnym, jak i odbiciowym. W pomiarach czasu przelotu wykorzystano krótkie impulsy światłowodowe wprowadzane do jednodomowego światłowodu. Pod wpływem czynników zewnętrznych (temperatura, odkształcenie, siła rozciągająca) zmieniała się droga optyczna w światłowodzie, co powodowało zmiany czasu przelotu...
Neural network breast cancer relapse time prognosis
PublicationPrzedstawiono architekturę i wyniki testowania sztucznej sieci neuronowej w prognozowaniu czasu nawrotu choroby u kobiet chorych na raka piersi. Sieć neuronowa uczona była na danych zgromadzonych przez 20 lat. Dane opisują grupę 439 pacjentów za pomocą 40 parametrów. Spośród tych parametrów wybrano 6 najistotniejszych: liczbę przerzutowych węzłów chłonnych, wielkość guza, wiek, skalę według Blooma oraz stan receptorów estrogenowych...
Ultra-rare ultra-care: The unique burden of ultra rare disease caregiving
PublicationBackground: We sought to assesses the impact of caring for children with ultra rare diseases (URDs) on familycarers and to analyse the way these experiences differ among the caregivers of children diagnosed throughprenatal or newborn screening, and those with symptom-based diagnosis.Methods: A total of 200 caregivers of 219 URDs children completed an on-line survey regarding the challengesand experiences...
Ilościowa i jakościowa charakterystyka materii organicznej w odpływach z oczyszczalni hydrofitowych
PublicationWłaściwie oczyszczone ścieki zarówno w obiektach konwencjonalnych jak i hydrofitowych zawierają przede wszystkim substancje odporne na transformację biochemiczną. Niewiele jednak wiadomo o właściwościach tych substancji. Autorzy stawiają tezę, iż substancje te charakteryzują się właściwościami typowymi dla kwasów humusowych. Celem pracy jest scharakteryzowanie zarówno jakości jak i ilości labilnej i stabilnej substancji organicznej...
Underdiagnosis of Major Depressive Episodes in Hemodialysis Patients: The Need for Screening and Patient Education.
PublicationThis article aims to identify the reasons why patients with major depressive episode (MDE) do not seek treatment for their mental disorder. 89 out of 208 persons screened were diagnosed with major depressive episode using the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview. 85 individuals with untreated depression filled out the following questionnaires: Beck Depression Inventory, List of Explanations of Well-Being (LEWB), Brief...
LC-MS/MS dtermination of isoprostanes in plasma samples collected from mice exposed to doxorubicin or tert-butyl hydroperoxide
PublicationIsoprostanes are stable products of arachidonic acid peroxidation and are regarded as the most reliable markers of oxidative stress in vivo. Here we describe the LC-MS/MS procedure enabling simultaneous determination of four regioisomers (8-iso prostaglandin F2α, 8-iso-15(R)-prostaglandin F2α, 11β-prostaglandin F2α, 15(R)-prostaglandin F2α) in plasma samples collected from mice. The four plasma isoprostanes are determined by LC–ESI-MS/MS...
Regeneracja zaworów silników okrętowych metodą napawania plazmowego
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono zastosowanie procesu napawania plazmowego (PTA) do regeneracji zużytych przylgni zaworów wylotowych okrętowych silników Diesla. Zużyte zawory, po odpowiedniej selekcji, poddano obróbce skrawaniem w celu nadania odpowiedniego kształtu powierzchni przylgni, a następnie poddano procesowi napawania plazmowego z wykorzystaniem trzech rodzajów proszków na bazie kobaltu. Wybrane proszki charakteryzowały się wysoką...
Preparation, morphology and properties of natural rubber composites filled with untreated short jute fibres
PublicationGreen composites were obtained by incorporation of short jute fibres in natural rubber matrix using a laboratory two-roll mill. The influence of untreated fibre content (1, 2.5, 5, 7.5 and 10 phr) on the mechanical properties, dynamic mechanical properties, swelling properties was examined. The behaviour of prepared green composites under cyclic compression was also investigated. Fibre dispersion in rubber matrix was studied by...
Pool boiling of nanofluids on rough and porous coated tubes: experimental and correlation
PublicationThe paper deals with pool boiling of water-Al2O3 and water- Cu nanofluids on rough and porous coated horizontal tubes. Commercially available stainless steel tubes having 10 mm outside diameter and 0.6 mm wall thickness were used to fabricate the test heater. The tube surface was roughed with emery paper 360 or polished with abrasive compound. Aluminium porous coatings of 0.15 mm thick with porosity of about 40% were produced by...
PublicationTyre/road noise is one of the most important environmental problems related to road traffic. Nowadays a few standard procedures of tyre/road noise measurements are in use. Unfortunately, measurement conditions specified within relevant standards are very different. For example, procedure described in ISO 11819-2 used for pavement investigations requires tyre load of 3200 N and capped inflation pressure of 200 kPa. At the same time...
Immunization with an anti-idiotypic antibody against the broadly lipopolysaccharide-reactive antibody WN1 222-5 induces Escherichia coli R3-core-type specific antibodies in rabbits
PublicationThe mouse monoclonal antibody (mAb) WN1 222-5 recognizes a carbohydrate epitope in the inner core region of LPS that is shared by all strains of Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica and is able to neutralize their endotoxic activity in vitro and in vivo. Immunization of mice with mAb WN1 222-5 yielded several anti-idiotypic mAbs one of which (mAb S81-19) competitively inhibited binding of mAb WN1 222-5 to E. coli and Salmonella...
The Assessment of the Influence of Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields Originated from the Power Infrastructure on Humans’ Health
PublicationThe objective of this study is to assess the impact of low-frequency electromagnetic fields (LF EMFs) generated by power infrastructure on the nearby environment. Measurements of electric (E) and magnetic (H) field intensities were conducted around high-voltage power lines, transformer stations and facilities related to them. Numerical simulations were also performed to model the distribution of the field values around real buildings...
Three modes of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements performed on vanadium redox flow battery
PublicationThis article presents an innovative approach to monitor working redox flow batteries using dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, diverging from the commonly sequential impedance methods carried out under potentiostatic or galvanostatic conditions close to the open circle voltage. The authors introduce a fresh variation of dynamic impedance measurement that leverages an amplitude-modulated multi-frequency alternating current...
Oxygen concentration regulated the efficient liquefaction of vulcanized natural rubber
PublicationOxidative liquefaction represents a promising avenue for the homogeneous and high-value utilization of waste tire rubber. Given that truck tires predominantly comprise natural rubber (NR), this study investigated the efficient liquefaction of vulcanized NR regulated by oxygen concentration. Remarkably, the liquefaction of vulcanized NR was realized with an oxygen concentration of 75 % at 200 °C within 3 min. FTIR spectroscopy showed...
Automated measurement method for assessing thermal-dependent electronic characteristics of thin boron-doped diamond-graphene nanowall structures
PublicationThis paper investigates the electrical properties of boron-doped diamond-graphene (B:DG) nanostructures, focusing on their semiconductor characteristics. These nanostructures are synthesized on fused silica glass and Si wafer substrates to compare their behaviour on different surfaces. A specialized measurement system, incorporating Python-automated code, was developed for an in-depth analysis of electronic properties under various...
Plant-based meat substitute analysis using microextraction with deep eutectic solvent followed by LC-MS/MS to determine acrylamide, 5-hydroxymethylfurfural and furaneol
PublicationFor the analysis of plant-based meat substitutes and the determination of Maillard reaction products such as acrylamide, 5-hydroxymethylfurfural and furaneol, a novel and effective procedure based on hydrophobic natural deep eutectic solvent and liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry was developed for the first time. The 49 compositions of the deep eutectic solvents were designed and screened to select the...
Dissimilar autogenous TIG joint of Alloy 617 and AISI 304H steel for AUSC application
PublicationTo reduce costs and improve high-temperature performance in Advanced Ultra Super Critical (AUSC) boilers, it is necessary to weld austenitic steel to Inconel alloy. In this study, the autogenous tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding process was used to join Alloy 617 and an austenitic AISI 304H steel plate of thickness 5 mm. Microstructural analysis showed that the microstructure formation was uneven along the weldments, with columnar...
Optimized photodegradation of palm oil agroindustry waste effluent using multivalent manganese–modified black titanium dioxide
PublicationThis article presents a methodological approach to use manganese (Mn3+Mn7+)-modified black titanium dioxide (Mn/BTiO2) as a photocatalyst to optimize and improve visible-light-driven photodegradation of treated agro-industrial effluent (TPOME). A modified wet chemical process was used to prepare BTiO2. The BTiO2 was then wet impregnated with Mn and calcined at 300 °C for 1 h to produce Mn/BTiO2. The activity of Mn/BTiO2 was investigated...
Potential Impact of Waterway Development on Cultural Landscape Values: The Case of the Lower Vistula
PublicationThe northern (“lower”) section of the Vistula is on the route of two international waterways—E70 and E40. However, the current condition of the riverbed prevents larger vessels from passing through. Plans for the waterway date back to the beginning of the 20th century. Following Poland’s ratification of the European Agreement on Main Inland Waterways of International Importance in 2017, the general concept has been transformed...
Ogólnopolski Konkurs Prototypów Koncepcji Kreatorskich ‘NIE_MATERIA’ - laureatki 1. etapu
PublicationSpośród 200 uczestników wyłoniono 7 Zespołów Laureatów 1.etapu wskazanych do kontynuacji pracy projektowej nad prototypem NIE_MATERII. Wydarzenie kontynuowane w formie publicznej prezentacji projektu i wystawy jest elementem Festiwalu. Festival ART&DESIGN 2023 jest premierowym wydarzeniem podsumowującym roczny projekt „Design w procesie” - cykl wystaw, konferencji warsztatowych i naukowych oraz warsztatów edukacyjnych. Festival...
A natural deep eutectic solvent - protonated L-proline-xylitol - based stationary phase for gas chromatography
PublicationThe paper presents a new kind of stationary phase for gas chromatography based on deep eutectic solvents (DES) in the form of a mixture of L-proline (protonated with hydrochloric acid) as a hydrogen bond acceptor (HBA) and xylitol as a hydrogen bond donor (HBD) in a molar ratio of HBA:HBD 5:1. DES immobilized on a silanized chromatographic support was tested by gas chromatography (GC) in order to determine its resolving power for...
Reliability of nitrogen removal processes in multistage treatment wetlands receiving high-strength wastewater
Publicationreatment wetlands have been proved to be more effective than conventional treatment processes in case of high-strength wastewater containing high concentrations of ammonium nitrogen and recalcitrant organic matter. In this study nitrogen removal processes and reliability of nitrogen removal at two identical pilot-scale multistage treatment wetlands (MTWs) receiving real, non-synthetic wastewater were discussed. The wastewater discharged...
Reinforced concrete thin wall dome after eighty years of operation in maritime climate environment
PublicationThe paper presents a description of the construction elements of the Gdynia Seaport main hall dome. Firstly, it provides information about the technical condition of the dome’s structure. Secondly, it examines the strength analysis of the thin-walled reinforced concrete dome covering. Throughout the last 80 years the building has been exposed to an unfavourable marine climate. The analysis of the state of stress and deformations...
Electrochemical and photoelectrochemical properties of the interface between titania nanotubes covered by conducting polymer in aqueous by conducting polymer in aqueous electrolytes – The effect of various geometry and electrolytes concentration
PublicationIn the present work we show the impact of nanotubes (NTs) geometry of titania utilized as a substrate in organic-inorganic systems acting as a p-n junction on efficient conversion of radiation energy into electrochemical energy. The electrolytic bath composition and electrolysis conditions were controlled in order to obtain TiO2NTs of various geometry as a result of electrochemical oxidation of titanium foil. The electrode material...
Pathological and physiological high-frequency oscillations in focal human epilepsy
PublicationHigh-frequency oscillations (HFO; gamma: 40-100 Hz, ripples: 100-200 Hz, and fast ripples: 250-500 Hz) have been widely studied in health and disease. These phenomena may serve as biomarkers for epileptic brain; however, a means of differentiating between pathological and normal physiological HFO is essential. We categorized task-induced physiological HFO during periods of HFO induced by a visual or motor task by measuring frequency,...
Interdisciplinary research as a form of monument protection and preparation for the investment process on the example of the former Gdańsk Shipyard complex
PublicationThe multi-layered heritage of many industrial plants operating until the end of the 20th century creates a particular challenge for conservators, designers and investors. In the process of protecting its values, displaying qualities and managing the property, it is necessary to recognize a wider transformation of technology of the entire plant and the individual functions of its buildings, as well as the context of intangible...
Conductive printable electrodes tuned by boron-doped nanodiamond foil additives for nitroexplosive detection
PublicationAn efficient additive manufacturing-based composite material fabrication for electrochemical applications is reported. The composite is composed of commercially available graphene-doped polylactide acid (G-PLA) 3D printouts and surface- functionalized with nanocrystalline boron-doped diamond foil (NDF) additives. The NDFs were synthesized on a tantalum substrate and transferred to the 3D-printout surface at 200 °C. No other electrode...
Cathodic Protection System of the Spiral Classifier at the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Ore Concentration Plant—Case Study of Commissioning and Control of Operating Parameters
PublicationThe project involved designing, constructing and commissioning a cathodic protection system for a selected spiral classifier operating at the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Ore Concentration Plant (O/ZWR). The authors developed a concept and assumptions regarding the corrosion protection of a large industrial device using a cathodic protection system with an external power source. Pre-project studies included conducting a trial polarization...